Research interest: manuscript tradition and textual criticism of Attic drama (especially Euripides), archaic lyric poets, Callimachus, Theocritus, greek popular poetry, Alexandrian and Byzantine scholarship.
Financed projects: MIUR-DAAD Joint Mobility Program 2018; Digitizing literary and paraliterary papyri: textual encoding and linguistic annotation (with Holger Essler, Institut für klassische Philologie-Würzburg Universität); digitization of the Greek manuscripts of the 'De Rossi' fund of the Palatine Library of Parma, in collaboration with DUSIC Department; Erasmus+ Call 2020 KA2 Strategic Partnership: Bridging the <gap> in Ancient Writing Cultures: ENhance COmpetences in the Digital Era (ENCODE). Coordinatore: Alice Bencivenni (Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna). Partners: Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (Alice Bencivenni), Università di Parma (Massimo Magnani), Universität Würzburg (Holger Essler), Universität Hamburg (Pietro Liuzzo), Universitetet i Oslo (Federico Aurora), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Mark Depauw); with M. Centenari and G. Raboni, P.I. of the project "Integrating Digital Archives (IDA). Towards an integrated web platform for the collection, data analysis, dematerialisation and open access dissemination of documentary materials from libraries, archives and collections" (PON R&I 2014-2020 - D.M. 1062/2021); winner of one of the research grants to support the presentation of projects under the first pillar of the framework programme "Horizon Europe" (Call for "Excellent Science" grants - DM 737/2021 - DR 1127/2022 of 05.07.2022). Collaboration with Brill's New Jacoby. Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker (FGrHist) IV B, hrsgg. von L. Bossina and S. Schorn (Brill). For the Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in papyris reperta (CLGP), fasc. I.2.5.2. Hypotheseis in Euripidis fabulas, Berlin-Boston (De Gruyter), in preparation.
Head of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries (2024-2027).