Dr. Michele Miragoli is Associate Professor at the Department of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Parma Research Associate at the Humanitas Research Center in Milan. Currently, he holds the position of honorary research associate at the Institute of Genetic and Biomedical Research at the National Research Council (CNR).
He graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Parma, Italy, and completed a PhD program in Pathophysiology at the Institute of General Physiology, Parma. After his PhD, he spent five years at the Institute of Physiology, University of Bern, Switzerland, learning the technique of optical recording of impulse propagation with a focus on the cellular bases of cardiac arrhythmias and the role of fibroblasts in their pathogenesis. In March 2008 he joined the group of Prof. Julia Gorelik at Imperial College London with the aim to combine a new promising technique, hopping probe scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM), with the optical recording of impulse propagation (OMIP), in order to study functional and structural cellular remodelling. This unique non-invasive system was operative at the beginning of 2009 and permits to investigated cardiac excitability at the nanoscale, opening a new avenue for the cardiac nanomedicine. In 2011, Dr. Miragoli achieved the young research grant from the Ministry of Health, which has permitted to re-entry in Italy at CERT, Center of Excellence for Toxicological Research, University of Parma and establishing his research group. In the meantime, he was appointed as junior group leader at Humanitas Research Center in Milan.
PUBLICATIONS AND PATENTS: one patent, three Chapter books, and > 50 peer-reviewed articles including Science, Science Translational Medicine, PNAS, Nature Communications, Cell Reports, Circulation, Circulation Research, Hepatology, Nanoletters, Particle and Fibers Tox., Nanomedicine, Royal Society of Interface, etc.
H index: 32 (Google Scholar)
Citations: > 4600
Average I.F.: 7.52
2009: Winner of the Italian Young Investigator Research Prize, from the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Research
2008: Winner of the Swiss Cardiovascular Biology Prize, young investigation award, of the Swiss Society of Cardiology
2007: 1st place for Best Poster Competition, Tissue Level, Gordon Research Conference, Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms, Ventura, California (USA).
2004: Winner of Asher-Hess Prize, young investigator award, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physiological Society, Fribourg, Switzerland.
INVITED SEMINAR AND SESSIONS CHAIRED: I was invited to give more than 30 talks and chaired international meetings. I participated in several international meeting throughout the world (American Heart Association, Biophysical Society, European Society of Cardiology, Gordon Research Conference, etc.).
1) British Heart Foundation Center of Research Excellence, UK.
2) Swiss Physiological Society.
3) Italian Society of Cardiovascular Research.
4) European Society of Cardiology, WG in Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology.
5) European Society of Cardiology, WG in Myocardial Function.
6) Italian Society of Experimental Biology.
2017-present: ERC Consolidator Grant. Remote Referee
2014-present: Review board at the ETH Grant Reviewers Committee – Zurich, CH.
2014: Guest editor activity: Biomed Research International Journal
2013-present: Editorial board in Frontiers of Cardiovascular Physiology Journals
2011-present: Reviewer for Nano Letters, Cell Death and Disease (NPG), Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials, PLoS One, Journal of Chronobiology International, Cardiovascular Research (ESC), Circulation Research, American Journal of Physiology, Scientific Reports
GRANTS: Horizon 2020, ERAPER-MED, FP7, Ministero della Salute, Wellcome Trusts, British Heart Foundation, PRIN, Flagship Projects CNR Nanomax, EuroAID, PNRR ECOSISTER, PON MUR 2021-2027