- Curriculum Vitae
- Teaching
- Appointments
- Research
2007-present: senior researcher at the University of Perugia (SSD Geo06)
2001-2006: Post-doc fellowships University of Perugia, Dept. of Earth Sciences.
1998-2000: Post-doc fellowships in Mineralogy and crystal-chemistry, University of Padova. Tutor G. Molin
1994-1998: PhD in Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Florence, Tutor P.F. Zanazzi
1994: Degree in Geological Sciences (cum laude), University of Perugia.
2017: qualification to associate professor SSD Geo06
H-INDEX (WoS): 14
SICK LEAVE: from 08/05/2011 to 18/06/2011
- 2001 fellowship of the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology, spent at the Institute of Geological Sciences, Mineralogy and Petrology Group (University of Leoben, Austria), Advisor L. W. Diamond.
- 2004 winner of the IMA (International Mineralogical Association) logo contest
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Italian, English, Français
2017: MIUR funding for the basic research activity
2015: Dept. of Physics and Geology Uni-Perugia Internal funding project "INSIDE PLANETS INTERIOR AT DIFFERENT SCALE: THE EARTH AND VESTA" P.I.
2020: EU-SYNTHESYS+ Project SE-TAF-6408 visiting researcher at the Naturiska Riksmuseet, Stockholm (Sweden)
2008: EU-SYNTHESYS Project SE-TAF-3346 visiting researcher at the Naturiska Riksmuseet, Stockholm (Sweden) 15/4 – 7/5 2008
2006: EU-SYNTHESYS project SE-TAF-879 visiting researcher at the Naturiska Riksmuseet, Stockholm (Sweden) 24-04/20-05-2006
2018 : ELETTRA SINCROTONE (Trieste) proposal 20185321 ”Influence of REE in the compressibility of accessory minerals” (beamline XPRESS) 9 shifts (3 days)
Proposal ES-660 "Lattice dynamics of MgSiO3 perovskite at high pressure: Theoretical and experiment" (beamline ID28) 18 shifts (6 days)
Proposal ES-658 "Effect of water substitution on the HP-HT behaviour of Mg-pure brigdmanite single crystals" (beamline ID28) 12 shifts (4 days)
Proposal ES-403 "Lattice dynamics of MgSiO3 perovskite at high pressure: Theoretical and experiment" (beamline ID28) 18 shifts (6 days)
Proposal HS-4807 "Lattice dynamics of MgSiO3 perovskite at high pressure: Theoretical and experiment" (beamline ID28) 18 shifts (6 days)
2011: INSTITUTE LAUE- LANGEVIN (ILL), Neutron Facility (Grenoble) Proposal 5-24-439 “High-pressure study of kieserite MgSO4 H2O“ (beamline D20) 2 days
ELETTRA SINCROTONE (Trieste) proposal 20110119 "Volatiles budget in magmas from Italian active volcano as inferred by combined microanalitycal study of melts inclusions and host minerals" (beamline SISSI) 12 shifts (4 days)
SOLEIL (Parigi) proposal 20110349 "CO2 and H2O magmas budget of Italian active volcanoes as recordered by melt inclusions and host minerals" (beamline SMIS) 15 shifts (5 days)
2010: INSTITUTE LAUE- LANGEVIN (ILL), Neutron Facility (Grenoble) Proposal 5-24-410 "High-pressure study of gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) from the water molecules evolution" (beamline D20) 3 days
Proposal HS-4056 "High pressure–high temperature behaviour of Fe-bearing phase-X" (beamline ID27) 9 shifts (3 days)
9-27/7/2007: EU RITA program, visiting researcher at BGI (Bayreuth, Germania)
30/6 – 2/7 2008: EU RITA program, visiting researcher at BGI (Bayreuth, Germania)
13. “Pyroxene as proxy for water content and thermal history of asteroid 4-Vesta” Naturiska Riksmuseet di Stockholm (SE) 29/01/2020
12. “Pyroxene from Aeolian Volcanoes: volcanological implications” School of Geography, Geology and Environment, University of Keele (UK) 13/05/2019
11. “Pyroxene from Aeolian Volcanoes: volcanological implications” Department of Geosciences – IVAR University of-Azores (P) 15/06/2019
10. “The paradox of moissanite: a new finding in syenitic rocks” IMPMC, Paris Sorbonne University (F). 3/12/2018
9. “REE and trace elements enrichment in Agua de Pau syenites (Sao Miguel, Azores Island, Portugal)“ at Workshop “Rocks around the world” Montan Universitat Leoben (Austria). 01/06/2018
8. “I fenomeni ottici che rendono I minerali spettacolari: fluorescenza, opalescenza, colore” Centro Musei delle Scienze Naturali e Fisiche Università di Napoli, Museum of Physics 10/12/2015
7. “Le Ofioliti dei Monti Rognosi” Presentazione del Centro Visita e Convegno. LA FABBRICA DELLA NATURA Il Centro Visita della Riserva Naturale dei Monti Rognosi: vivere la natura, la storia e la cultura del territorio Anghiari (Arezzo).17/10/2015
6. “Petrological implications of the crystal chemistry of clinopyroxenes: example from volcanic rocks” Workshop in honour of Giorgio Garuti, Montan Universitat, Leoben (Austria). 2/10/2015
5. “I fenomeni ottici che rendono I minerali spettacolari: fluorescenza, opalescenza, colore” Giornata GNM “I minerali e la luce", Università di Perugia. 13/6/2015
4. “Is ethical gold possible? The example from fluvial gold placer in Lepaguare mining district (Honduras, Central America) Dipartimento di Matematica e Geologia, Università di Trieste 22/4/2013
3. “High pressure behavior of gypsum” 70th birthday Celebration of Prof. Milan Rieder, Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association. Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praga. 18/5/2010
2. “Clinopyroxenes: a memory tool of volcanological and petrological processes: an example from active Italian volcanoes” Centro de Vulcanologia e Avaliação de Riscos Geológicos, University of-Azores (P) 3/8/2009
1. “Clinopyroxenes: a memory tool of volcanological and petrological processes” Department of Mineralogy, Naturiska Riksmuseet di Stoccolma (Svezia) 1/4/2008
Seminar for the PhD program in Earth Sciences, University of Perugia:
6/6/2007 "L'acqua nei minerali nominalmente anidri: l'esempio dei minerali vulcanici"
Marzo 2010 "Sincrotrone e geologia:Se una notte d'inverno uno sperimentatore...."
23/3/2012 “Diffrazione di raggi-X da cristallo singolo”
9/6-22/6 2019 Università delle Azzorre (Sao Miguel, Portugal)
15/5 – 28/5 2015 Università delle Azzorre (Sao Miguel, Portugal)
16/3 -22/3 2014 Dept. of Geosciences Montan Universitat of Leoben (Austria)
3/3-9/3 2013 Dept. of Geosciences Montan Universitat of Leoben (Austria)
30/01- 5/02 2012 Dept. of Geosciences Montan Universitat di Leoben (Austria)
12/1-8/2/2020 Dept. of Geoscience, Swedish Natural History Museum, Stockholm, Sweden
6/5-15/5 2019 School of Geography, Geology and Environment, University of Keele (UK)
27/2-30/3 2018 Dept. of Geoscience, Swedish Natural History Museum, Stockholm, Sweden
6/3-19/3 2015 IMPMC ParisVI Universités Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
Teacher of the courses:
AA 2020/2021
Ore Deposits and sustainable mining 6 CFU Master LM14-Geology (in English)
Gemmology 6 CFU Master LM14-Geology (in English)
Museologia Scientifica e didattica museologica (Scientific Museology and Didactics of museology) 6 CFU Master LM60- Natural Sciences
AA 2019/2020
Georisorse Minerarie (Ore Deposits) 6 CFU Master LM14- Geology
Museologia Scientifica e didattica museologica 6 CFU LM60- Natural Sciences
AA 2014/2015, AA 2015/2016, AA 2016/2017, AA 2017/2018, AA 2018/2019
Georisorse Minerarie 6 CFU Master LM14- Geology
AA 2013/2014
Georisorse Minerarie 6 CFU Master LM14- Geology
Mineralogia applicata e museologica 6 CFU LS48- Natural Sciences
Georisorse Minerarie 6 CFU Master LM14- Geology
Mineralogia applicata e museologica 6 CFU Master LS48-Scienze della natura e dell'ambiente
Laboratorio di Mineralogia applicata 6 CFU L065–Geologia
Georisorse Minerarie 6 CFU Master LS14-Geology Resource and Geological Risks
Mineralogia applicata e museologica 6 CFU Master LS48-Natural Sciences
Georisorse Minerarie 6 CFU Master LS14-Geology Resource and Geological Risks
Mineralogia applicata e museologica 6 CFU Master LS48-Natural Sciences
Georisorse Minerarie 6 CFU Master LS14-Geology Resource and Geological Risks
Mineralogia applicata e museologica 6 CFU Master LS48-Natural Sciences
AA 2008/2009
Georisorse Minerarie 6 CFU Master LS14-Geology Resource and Geological Risks
Mineralogia II 4 CFU Master LS48-Natural Sciences
AA 2007/2008
Georisorse Minerarie 6 CFU Master LS14-Geology Resource and Geological Risks
Mineralogia II (Mineralogy II) 4 CFU Master LS48-Natural Sciences
Mineralogia (Mineralogy ) 6 CFU T064-Natural Sciences
- 01-01-2007 present : Tutor of 19 theses undergraduate and master level in Geology and Natural Sciences
-Teacher leading of interdisciplinary field trips for undergraduate and master students in Geology.
2020- present: member “giunta” board of the Department of Physics and Geology
2019- present: Erasmus Delegate at the Department of Physics and Geology
2013 -present: Member of the Erasmus Commission at the Department of Physics and Geology
2014-2020: Responsible of the Distinguished Lectures SGI-SIMP program
2015, 2016, 2017: Responsible for the Laboratory “La caccia all'oro (Gold rush)” at Sharper European Researchers Night University of Perugia
2007-2013: Member of the PhD boarding in Geological Sciences and Technologies
11-06-2008 to 01-03-2014: responsible of the internship programm for the undergraduate students in Geology
2020: Reviewer for the National Research Agency (ANR) Francia
2018: Reviewer of PhD thesis in Nanosciences and advanced technologies for the Univerity of Verona
2014: Reviewer of a research project for the Universitày of Trieste
Member of scientific commetee of conferences or short courses:
2021 XLIX Annual Meeting AIC, Parma September 2021
2018 3rd Joint AIC-SILS Conference, Roma 25-28 June
2010 Short course on gemmology – Dept Earth Sciences, Uni-Perugia. Perugia 09-11 September 2010
Member of the organising commetee in the meetings:
2021 3rd International Conference on Tourmaline TUR2021 September 2021
2017 46o Congress of the Italian Association of Crystallography Perugia 26-29/6/2017
2015 8th European Conference on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy Roma 09-11/9/2015
2014 SIMP-SGI Meeting Milano 10-12/9/2014
Co-organizer of the exhibition “Vedere l'invisibile: 30 anni a scuola di cristallografia a Perugia” to celebrate the International Year of Crystallography 2014 at the Dept. Physics and Geology, Uni-Perugia.
Convenor of scientific session at:
2019: sessione S7 New frontiers in metamorphism and deformation-metamorphism relationships through cutting-edge analytical, experimental, numerical, and theoretical techniques. Congresso SIMP-SGI-SOGEI Parma 16-19 Settembre 2019
2018: Sessione MS3 - Crystal-chemical behaviour in Mineralogy and Materials Science - 3rd Joint AIC-SILS conference Roma 25-28/6/2018
2015: Sessione S11 – Mineralogy, meeting "Il pianeta dinamico: sviluppi e prospettive a 100 anni da Wegener" SIMP-SGI-AIV-SOGeI 02-04/9/2015
Referee for ISI journals: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, European Journal of Mineralogy, American Mineralogist, Lithos, Periodico di Mineralogia, Geologica Acta, Journal of Volcanological and Geothermal Research
1997 - present: member of the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP)
2006-2008: member of the American Geophysical Union
2006-present: member of the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA)
2011-present: member of the Italian Neutronic Spectroscopy Society (SISN)
2013-present : member of the Society Geology Applied to Mineral Deposit
2014-present: member of the Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia (AIC)
2019-present: member of the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG)
Professional membership:
1997-Member of Gruppo Nazionale di Mineralogia
1997 - present: member of Società Italiana di Mineralogia e Petrologia
2006-2008: member of American Geophysical Union
2006-present: member of Mineralogical Society of America
2011-present: member of Società Italiana di Spettroscopia Neutronica
2013-present: member of Society Geology Applied to Mineral Deposit
2014-present: member of Associazione Italiana di Cristallografia
2010-1013: Counsellor of Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology (SIMP)
2014-2017: Treasurer of Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology
2018-2021: Secretary of Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology
2019-present: member of the Committee on Museums of Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology
2020-present: member of the Communication Committee of Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology
Research activity
My main field of interest is in the experimental study of minerals both in natural and synthetic systems. In particular I am interested on how such minerals record variations of the intensive parameters, like P, T and fO2, and the influence of the trace elements content ((H2O, B, Sc etc) to obtain information on petrological, geochemical and geophysical processes. These studies were carried out combining several techniques: X-ray diffraction ( using conventional and synchrotron sources) on single crystal and powder, X-ray inelastic scattering (IXS) electron microscopies (SEM, EPMA, TEM), SIMS, microRaman, FTIR and Moessbauer spectroscopies. Besides diamond anvil cell ( Merrill- Bassett type, membrane-type etc) and microfurnaces are used to study the behaviour of minerals under high pressure and temperature.
I studied the crystal chemistry of natural minerals from different geodynamic settings as petrogenetic tool: volcanic clinopyroxenes (from the Aeolian arc, Etna, Vesuvio, Azores, Hannuoba-Cina), metasomatic hydrous minerals such as amphiboles and micas (Ulten Zone peridotite, eastern Alps; Northern Victoria Land, Antartica), synthetic phases (Ti-bearing diopside, Sc-bearing diopside, Cl-bearing mica). I studied the structural stability of minerals, both natural and synthetic, from different geodymanic settings like subduction, continental rift, hot spot/mantle plume, focussing on the transport of fluids/trace elements into the crust and mantle (bridgmanite, clinochlore, 10 Å phase, amphiboles, clinopyroxenes, Ti-bearing diopside, Sc-bearing diopside, Cl-bearing mica). Recently I began to study mineral of Rare Earth Elements (like pyroclore, euxenite, chevkinite etc.) to understand the processes of how REE enters in solid phases and the possibility to extract REE from e-waste. Several of these topics were made in collaborations with Italian and European research centers and Universities where I spent several visiting periods supported by the EU fundings BGI, Germany; Naturistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden; IVAR, Uni- Azores, Portugal; Scuola di Scienze e Tecnologie, Uni-Camerino; IMPMC, UMR-CNRS, Uni-Sorbonne Paris, France; INGV Pisa; Dept. Earth Sceinces, Uni-Firenze; Institute of Experimental Mineralogy, Chernogolovka, Moscow, Russia; Dept. of Petrology, Geological Faculty, Moscow State University; BGI Bayreuth, Germania;Dept Quantum Matter Physics, Uni-Geneva/Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland; ESRF Grenoble, France; Dept. Geosciences Uni-Padova, Dept. Earth Sciences Uni-Milano, Dept Earth Sciences and Environment Uni-Pavia, School of Geography, Geology and Environment, University of Keele UK.
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - FUNCTIONAL AND SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS - A.Y.: 2024/2025
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - EARTH SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2024/2025
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - EARTH SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2024/2025
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES APPLIED TO ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY - A.Y.: 2023/2024
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - NATURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2022/2023
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - EARTH SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2023/2024
- Second cycle degree FUNCTIONAL AND SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS A.Y. 2024/2025
Year: 2024Author/s: Nazzareni Sabrina, Mantovani Luciana, Pizzati Mattia, Bersani Danilo, Boschetti Tiziano, Palmucci Ambra, Cirillo Daniele, Brozzetti Francesco
Year: 2024Author/s: Bellucci Luca, Cassetta Michele, Skogby Henrik, Nazzareni Sabrina
Year: 2024Author/s: Zaccarini Federica, Garuti Giorgio, Moser Reinhard, Mavrogonatos Constantinos, Voudouris Panagiotis, Pimentel Adriano, Nazzareni Sabrina
Year: 2023Author/s: Nazzareni Sabrina, Alunno Simona, Zaccarini Federica, Mattioli Michele, Murroni Alessandro, Di Michele Alessandro, Renzulli Alberto
Year: 2023Author/s: Melelli Laura, Palombo Massimo, Nazzareni Sabrina