

Ricercatore a tempo determinato
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi
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Luca Giliberti is Senior Assistant Professor (RTD-B) in Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the University of Parma since 16 February 2023. He teaches Sociology of Education in the Bachelor of Science in Education and Training Processes (L-19), and Sociology of Educational Processes in the Master of Science in Design and Coordination of Educational Services (LM-50). His main research strands revolve around the study of transnational migrations, borders and educational and training processes. He has carried out research activities, particularly of a qualitative and ethnographic nature, within various scientific networks in Spain, the Dominican Republic, France and Italy. He is committed to the practice of a sociology that tries to be public and to dialogue also with social spheres other than the academic one, through the use of documentary and other narrative styles, for example through the use of documentary and other narrative styles in the construction and restitution of research.

In recent years he has been research fellow at the University of Genoa and member of the Visual Sociology Laboratory (Department of Education Sciences) (2020-2023). Previously he carried out research activities in several international universities (University of Lleida, Spain; Grup Hebe-Igia, Barcelona, Spain; University Côte d'Azur, Nice, France) (from 2008) and he was visiting researcher at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) (2011). He has been member of numerous funded research projects in Italy and abroad and scientific head of the Observatoire des Territoires Frontaliers project (2019-2021), funded by the Institut Convergences Migrations. He is currently collaborating with the PRIN 2020 MUR “MOBS” – Mobilità, solidarietà e immaginari lungo le frontiere” and he is coordinator of SCERE (Scientific Committee for Ethnographic Research and Ethics) in ERC Adg project SOLROUTES (Solidarity and migrants routes across Europe at large). Luca Giliberti is also chercheur associé of the Unité de Recherche Migrations et Société (URMIS) of the Université Côte d'Azur de Nice, and research fellow at the Institut Convergences Migrations in Paris (Policy Departement). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Mondi Migranti (ISSN 1972-4888, Class A journal).

He has been Adjunct Professor on several courses related to the Sociology of Cultural Processes, methodology in the social sciences and the study of migration, both in Italy and abroad (University of Genoa; Sciences Po, Menton, France; Côte d'Azur University of Nice, France) and invited lecturer in numerous PhD and Master's courses in Italian and foreign universities. He is the author of two single-signed books (Negros de Barcelona. Genoa: GUP, 2018; Abitare la frontiera. Verona: Ombre Corte, 2020), as well as numerous essays and articles in leading scientific journals in the field (Ethnic and Racial Studies, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Mondi Migranti, Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, etc.) and in national and international collective books.

By appointment via e.mail ( in his office at Borgo Carissimi 10 (Piano Ammezzato), or online on the Teams platform, as well as before and after classes.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Lines of research

Transnational migration; processes of racialisation and the colour line; educational and training processes; school and social reproduction; youth identities and generations; gangs and stigmatisation processes; undocumented migration routes and borders; solidarity networks with migrants in transit; new social, political and cultural movements; neo-rurality and new lifestyles.



Participation in the production of the research exhibition "Eufemia. I Sommersi e i Salvati" (Milotta-Donchev et al., Visual Sociology Laboratory, University of Genoa), and editorial coordination of the exhibition catalogue:

Participation in the production of two research documentaries:

- Transiti. La valle solidale. A film by Massimo Cannarella, based on research by Luca Giliberti. A production of the Visual Sociology Laboratory of the University of Genoa. Free access to the link:

- Main-land. A film by José González Morandi, based on research by Luca Giliberti, Luca Queirolo Palmas, Enrico Fravega and Juan Pablo Aris Escarcena. A production of the Visual Sociology Laboratory of the University of Genoa. Free access to the link:

Participation in the production of a on-going research Graphic Novel ("The Jacket"). Illustrations by Stefano Grego; Scipt by Simone Spensieri and Gianluca Seimandi; Introduction by Roberto Beneduce, Piero Gorza, Luca Giliberti and Luca Queirolo Palmas.



Office location
Plesso Carissimi
Borgo Carissimi, 10 e 12
43125 PARMA