Corrado Confalonieri is currently Junior Assistant Professor (RtdA) at the University of Parma. He holds two doctoral degrees, a PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures (Harvard University, 2019) and a dottorato in Italian Literature and History of Italian Language (University of Padua, 2014). He taught at Wesleyan University as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian (2019-2020) and was the Lauro de Bosis Fellow in Italian Studies at Harvard in 2020-2021 with a research project entitled "The Incarnation in Theology, Painting, and Poetry in Medieval and Renaissance Italy (1300-1600)". His publications include three books (most recently Torquato Tasso e il desiderio di unità. La "Gerusalemme liberata" e una nuova teoria dell'epica, Rome, Carocci, 2022, and "Queste spaziose loggie". Architettura e poetica nella tragedia italiana del Cinquecento, Naples, Loffredo, 2022) and a number of articles on topics spanning from the Renaissance to 20th century Italian literature. He has edited an anthology of Boiardo’s works (Boiardo, Unicopli, 2018, with J. A. Cavallo), a multidisciplinary book on teaching (Il mestiere d'insegnante, Unicopli, 2013, with A. Musetti), and, together with Nicola Catelli, he is the Co-Editor-in-chief of «Parole rubate. Rivista internazionale di studi sulla citazione/Purloined Letters. An international journal of quotation studies».