I got both my bachelor’s and master’s degree in Humanities Computing at the University of Pisa thus my academic background gave me the possibility to acquire interdisciplinary skills. In April 2018 I obtained a PhD in Information Technologies at the ICT doctoral school of the University of Trento, with a thesis on event detection and classification for the Digital Humanities.
After an internship in Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) dedicated to the digitization of Renaissance books and another internship at Philips (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) working as linguistics consultant, in 2005 I moved to Trento becoming involved in Human Language Technologies projects and researches at CELCT. In that context, I have had the opportunity to deepen my understanding of corpus creation and annotation, semantic annotation of texts, evaluation of NLP tools and use of crowdsourcing techniques.
From 2013 and 2018, I worked in the group dedicated to Digital Humanities at Fondazione Bruno Kessler: my research focused on how computational methods and technologies can be applied to the treatment of cultural content, in particular of historical texts. From 2019 and 2021, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, working in the ERC project “LiLa: Linking Latin”.
I'm part of the board of AIUCD (the Italian association for the Digital Humanities) and social media manager of AILC (the Italian association of computational linguistics).
- Computational Linguistics
- Digital Humanities
- Analysis of historical texts
- Sentiment Analysis
- Temporal Information Processing
- Computational linguistics + data visualization (2016)
- Natural Language Processing per la Storia (2017)
- Tools for text analysis and visualization (2018)
- Natural Language Processing (2018)
- Spatial Humanities ed uso delle tecnologie del linguaggio per lo studio di luoghi e spostamenti (2018)
- Introduzione al TAL (2020)
- La pipeline Tint e il task di Named Entity Recognition (2020)
- Introduzione al Topic Modeling (2020)
- Introduzione alla Sentiment Analysis (2020)
- DaDoEval @ EVALITA 2020 Same-Genre and Cross-Genre Dating of Historical Documents (2020)
- Sentiment Analysis for Latin: A Journey from Seneca to Thomas Aquinas (2021)
- UDante. L’opera latina di Dante nella LiLa Knowledge Base (insieme a Francesco Mambrini, 2021)
- EvaLatin 1.0: un Corpus per la Valutazione delle Tecnologie del Linguaggio Applicate al Latino (2021)
- Analisi dei corpora testuali con Voyant Tools (2022)
- Sentiment Analysis per il latino: un viaggio da Seneca a Dante Alighieri (2023)