

Ricercatore a tempo determinato
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Sociologia generale
  • Presentation
  • Office hour
  • Teaching
  • Appointments
  • Research

Michela Semprebon is Researcher and Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Parma, in the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies, since November 1st 2021, and in the Department of Medicine starting with fall 2023. She is currently the PI for the University of Parma Research Unit in the PRIN Project "VolACRoss: Volunteering across Crises: a comparative and longitudinal analysis of social innovation potential", co-managed with Paola Bonizzoni, PI of the Project and of the Università Statale di Milano Research Unit. Previously Michela was Research Fellow at the Unesco SSIIM Chair of University Iuav in Venice (2017-2021), the University of Bologna (2015-2017) and the University of Milano-Bicocca (2006-2015) and Lecturer at the Politecnico in Milan (2015-2016), the University of Bologna (2016-2018) and the University of Bergamo ( 2018-2020). She was Visiting Researcher at the Haute Ecole des Sciences Sociales in Paris (2019) and at the Center for Migration, Policy and Society in Oxford (2015). She holds a PhD in Urban and Local European Studies (Urbeur) awarded by the University of Milano-Bicocca, with a thesis on urban conflicts and the political participation of migrants. At the same university, she collaborated in projects on urban security policies, with the FarsiCura research group and in lecturing activities within the module “Intercultural Relations”. She was part of the Erasmus+ PusH project (Precarious Housing in Europe) (2020-2022) and of the EU INSigHT project (Building Capacity to Deal with Human Trafficking and Transit Routes in Italy, Nigeria and Sweden) (2019-2021), within which she was Coordinator of the Research Team. She also collaborated as Researcher in the projects: FAMI "CapaCityMetro" (Networks of (form) active action for the active inclusion of migrants in the metropolitan city of Venice) (2017-2018) /, FARB "Intergenerational relations and obligations between first and second generations of migrants" (2015-2017), PRIN "Small municipalities and social cohesion: urban policies and practices for the social and spatial inclusion of immigrants" (2011-2015) http : //, COST IS1102 SOS COHESION (2012-2015) Her research interests concern: local policies for the inclusion of migrants and reception systems, urban security policies, housing policies, human trafficking (in particular from Nigeria) and severe exploitation, movements and autonomy of migrants, legal protection and paths of unaccompanied foreign minors.

For the academic year 2022\2023 and 2023-2024 the lecturer will meet students on Tuesdays, from 1:30 to 4:30 pm, unless otherwise indicated. The lecturer will meet the students in her office (4 floor, Palazzo Centrale, area "Filosofia del Diritto", next to area "Servizio Sociale") or via the Teams platform. Students are kindly required to write an e-mail to ask for an appointment to meet the lecturer either in her office or online. Students who work or have specific needs are kindly asked to write an e-email to ask for an appointment outside the days/time indicated above. The lecturer will do her best to accommodate their requests. 

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022


Other appointments

Rector’s Delegate for the Refugee Roundtable (since Dec. 2023; Member of the Table since Dec. 2021)

Referent of the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies of the Centro Accoglienza e Inclusione of the Università di Parma (who provides support to students with disabilities and learning difficulties) since 2023

Referent of the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies for the Erasmus+ Programme (SMT - internships) for the undergraduate courses on Social Work

Member of the Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Sociale (CIRS) of the Università di Parma

Member of the Programme “Food for future” in the context of the recognition of the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies, by the Ministry of Education, as Department of Excellence 2023-2027

Member of the Commission "Quality of the Third Mission" of the Università di Parma

Member of the Roundtable TAGSO (Social Justice) of the Università di Parma


Office location
Sede Centrale
Via Università, 12
43121 PARMA