

Ricercatore a tempo determinato
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Glottologia e linguistica
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I was born and raised in Sicily, surrounded by the ancient Greek ruins. After earning a BA and a MA in Classics and Linguistics, I started travelling to further my studies through frequent stays at Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (the Netherlands), then I earned a joint PhD in Comparative Indo-European Linguistics at the University of Macerata (Italy) and the University of Cologne (Germany).

Before joining the University of Parma as Assistant Professor (RTDa) in General and Historical Linguistics, I collaborated with IULM University in Milan (Italy) and I has been appointed as Reserch Fellow at Harvard University's Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC (USA) for one year and an extra semester of extension.

Furthermore, I am a ballet dancer, I practice Bharatanāṭyam (Indian classical dance) and I am a dance journalist and writer, registered at the Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti.

High school diploma at Liceo classico statale G.B. Impallomeni in Milazzo, 2007.

Bachelor of Arts in the Classics at the Catholic University in Milan, 2010. Thesis in Greek language and literature.

Master of Arts in the Classics at the Catholic University in Milan, 2012. Thesis in Greek language and literature.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Comparative Indo-European Linguistics at the University of Macerata (Italy) and the University of Cologne (Germany), joint title, 2017. Dissertation on divine names in the Cyclades.

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Greek Meter and Linguistics at Harvard University's Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC, in 2019–20 with a 6-month appointment extension. 

Journalist since 2016. Dancer in ballet and Indian classical dance (bharatanāṭyam).

Visiting Professor in Applied Linguistics, module in Phonetics and Phonology, at Bona Sforza University – Institute of Advanced Studies in Language Mediation in Bari, for the academic year 2023–2024.

Member of the Inter-univeristy Research naMec (Asian Nomadic Cultures, Mobility and Environment Studies Center – Mongolian Culture Center), of the Department of History, Archaeology, Geography, Fine and Performing Arts (Sagas) at the University of Florence and of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries (Dusic) at the University of Parma.



2011. Un occhio vedico sulla BayadèreStratagemmi. Prospettive Teatrali 20:37–62. [link]

2013. Shakespeare sulle punte: drammaturgia del Sogno di una notte di mezza estate di George Balanchine. Stratagemmi. Prospettive Teatrali 27:11–40. [link]

2017. Theran hικεϲιοϲ (6th c. BC) and Homeric ἱκετήσιος: Evidence for a Zeus ‘of the Foreigners’ in Archaic Greece. In: Felicia Logozzo and Paolo Poccetti (eds.). Ancient Greek Linguistics. New Approaches, Insights, Perspectives. 775–790. Berlin: De Gruyter. [link]

2020. The Circle of Fame: Apollo, the Corps de Ballet, and the Song of the Muses at Delphi. Classical Inquiries (June 11). [link]

2020. The Rhythm of Greek Oral Poetry: Prosody, Accentual Groups and Metrical Anomalies. CHS Research Bulletin 8. [link]

2020. Zeus Δέκτερος ‘Benevolent, Welcoming’ from Thera and Proto-Indo-European ‘Right’. In: David Goldstein, Stephanie W. Jamison and Brent Vine (eds.). Proceedings of the 31st Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference (Los Angeles, November 8th–9th, 2019). 229–245. Hamburg: Buske. [link]

2021. (with Giovanna Rocca). La lamina aurea Schøyen MS 5236. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 217:1–16. [link]

2021. La volontà infallibile di Delfi. Un occhio linguistico sugli oracoli di fondazione coloniale. Parma: Athenaeum. [link]

2022. (with Davide Astori). Quindici lezioni di linguistica. Parma: Athenaeum. [link]

2022. The Good and the Evil: An Avestan Central Theme in a Peripheral Romani Folk-tale through Language and Myth. Poli-Femo 23:87–106. [link]

2023. Mourning Friends and Sacred Marriages: The Lamentations of Gilgameš and Akhilleus between Poetry, Religion and Linguistics. Pasiphae 17:221–232. [link]

2023. Singin’ in the Night: German Nachtigall with Its Cognates and Delocatival Compounding with “Night” in Proto-Germanic and Proto-Indo-European. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 83.1:26–44. [link]

2023. Miceneo ma-ka (Knossos) e l’epiteto cretese Welkhanos: qualche riflessione di linguistica, poetica e onomastica indoeuropea. Paideia 78:703–708. [link]

2023. Noam Chomsky, William Stokoe and Their Linguistic Theories from the 1950s to the 1970s: The Parallel Revolution?. In: Davide Astori, Domenico Giuseppe Muscianisi and Rachele Sprugnoli (eds.). Tra(ns-)durre Stokoe in Italia. Storia, stato dell’arte ed eredità di un progetto. 55–72. Parma: UniNova. [link]

Consultation hours for students, my office: Mondays, 2pm to 4pm. Otherwise in online mode via Teams. An appointment via email must be reserved.

Students have to use their institional University accounts (, because those email accounts certify students' identities and do not risk to be censured as spam by the email system.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021


Lines of research

HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS: Indo-European languages (Greek and Mycenaean, Sanskrit and Old Indo-Aryan, Latin, Germanic); comparative Indo-European phonology and morphology; metre, poetry and prosody; onomastics. GENERAL LINGUISTICS: accent and tone; intonational phonology; generative syntax. ANTHROPOLOGY and the CLASSICS: oral poetry and traditions; Aegean studies; religion and myth. THEATRE and DANCE: classical and neoclassical ballet, contemporary dance and Tanztheater, Indian theatre and Bharatanāṭyam.



Storie di Kāma, storie d’amore. L’India e il dio dalle frecce fiorite [Tales of Kāma and love stories. India and the God with blossomed arrows] (June 13, 2023) - lecture–performance of "visible poetry" (dr̥śya-kāvya) with Prof. Giuliano Boccali (formerly Università degli studi di Milano) and Lucrezia Maniscotti (MA, Bharatanāṭyam performer, Chennai and Milan) on the occasion of the book launch for Prof. Boccali's Il dio dalle frecce fiorite (Bologna: Il Mulino 2022).


Cimbro e mòcheno oggi: isole germaniche linguistico-identitarie nell’oceano romanzo (28.03.2023) – lecture of Francesco Zuin (Università degli studi di Udine) on the sociolinguistic aspect of identity.


Lingua? Lingue! [Languages? Languages!] (February 20, 2023) - lecture of Prof. Giovanni Gobber (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano) on the occasion of the World Native Languague Day (February 21).