

Professore di II fascia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Letteratura inglese
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  • Curriculum Vitae
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  • Third mission

I graduated in Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Bologna in 1993 and obtained a Ph. D in Scottish Literature at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, in 1997. After completing my Ph.D, I held temporary teaching positions at the Faculty of Languages of the University of Bologna. From 1999 to 2001 I carried out a post-doc research and from 2002 to 2005 I received a grant for research collaboration, in both cases at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Bologna. From 2005 to 2007 I was "adjunct Professor" on a temporary contact at the Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy of the University of Parma. From 2007 until my appointment as Associate Professor, I was a lecturer and senior lecturer at the University of Parma.

Since 1 March 2015 I have been Associate Professor of English Literature at the University of Parma, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Enterprises. I teach English Literature in the BA degree course in Modern Foreign Languages and Civilizations, and Anglophone Literatures in Languages, Cultures, Communication, an inter-university MA degree course with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

My academic output has followed various research directions, often correlated or interacting, which concern in particular three areas: 1) English Romanticism; 2) Scottish literature; 3) “translation”, reception and transculturality. These areas range from eighteenth-nineteenth century literature (poetry and theatre in particular) to twentieth-century and contemporary literature (Scottish fiction and theatre), the latter with some links to Shakespearean theatre, when the study focuses on the discourses of reception, remediation and rewriting . Alongside these discourses, in my research I have progressively made use of other tools of Literary Studies, depending on the specificity of the texts examined, in particular: gender studies, feminist criticism and theory, postcolonial criticism and theory, translation studies (especially studies on transculturality), and, more recently, ecocriticism and geocriticism.

On 5 May 2020 I obtained the national scientific qualification for the functions of full professor in the subject area 10/L1 - English and Anglo-American languages, literatures and cultures.

On 3 August 2022 I was nominated "Honorary Fellow" of the Association for Scottish Literature (ASL).

I am the contact person for Parma of the Interuniversity Center for the Study of Romanticism (CISR).

From December 2013 to October 2017 I was the Rector's Delegate for Students’ International Mobility. Until December 2023 I was the President of the Committee for International Mobility of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Enterprises.

Since 1 January 2024 I have been President of the Course of Foreign Civilizations and Languages.

I am director of the book series "L’eredità di Babele" (Monte Università Parma). I am a member of the Scientific Committee of the journal La Torre di Babele, of the editorial board of the journal La Questione Romantica (Liguori), of the Experts Committee for the book series S.T.R.E.G.A. (Aracne), of the International Advisory Board of the International Journal of Scottish Theater and Screen (IJOSTS) and of the Scientific Committee of the book series Darcy and “Palcoscenici” (Rogas Edizioni, Rome). From 2015 to 2019 I was a member of the Board of the Italian Association of English Studies and Vice-President of the same for another two-year period. In the same years I was a member of the Editorial Board of Textus, the journal of the Italian Association of English Studies. I am a member of the following Centres, Laboratories and Working Groups of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Enterprises of the University of Parma: the Working Group "Officina 900"; the laboratory of "Environmental Social Humanities"; and the "Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Neurosciences and Humanities". I am also a member of the Interuniversity Research Center “LinE – Language in Education” and of the research group Recherches sur les arts dramatiques anglophones contemporains (RADAC).

In addition, I am a member of the following associations: The James Hogg Society; Association for Scottish Literary Studies (ASLS); Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society (ECSSS); The European Society for the Study of English (ESSE); Italian Association of English Studies (AIA); International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE); North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR); Italian Association of Cultural and Literary Studies in English (AISCLI); Society for Scottish Studies in Europe; British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS); Newstead Abbey Byron Society; and International Association for the Study of Scottish Literatures (IASSL).

I am a member of the Academic Board of the Ph.D interdisciplinary course For a critical interdisciplinary lexicon.

I have been awarded prestigious fellowships: in 2004 (“Visiting Research Fellowship”) and in 2022 (“Nominated Fellowship”) by “The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities” (IASH), University of Edinburgh, Scotland; and in 2005 (“Michael J. Connell Foundation and Mayers Fellowship”) by the Huntington Library, San Marino, California.




1.1 Education and training

From 1 March 2015: Associate Professor of English Literature, University of Parma, Italy – first at the Department of Classics, Languages, Education and Philosophy; later, at the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries.

5 May 2020: Italian scientific qualification for the functions of full professor in the subject area 10/L1-English and Anglo-American languages, literatures and cultures.

From 2007 to 2015: Lecturer of English Literature, University of Parma, Italy – first at the Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy; later at the Department of Classics, Languages, Education and Philosophy.

2004–2007: adjunct Professor of English Language and Translation for the MA degree course European and Euroamerican Civilizations and Languages, University of Parma, Italy, Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

2002–2005: grant for research collaboration, University of Bologna, Italy, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

1999–2001: post-doctorate in “Humanities”, University of Bologna, Italy, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

1997–1999: adjunct Professor of English Language and Literature and adjunct Language Assistant, University of Bologna, Italy, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

1996-1997: part-time lecturer of Italian Literature, University of Glasgow, Scotland, Department of Adult and Continuing Education, and tutor of Scottish literature, University of Glasgow, Scotland, Department of Scottish Literature.

1993-1997: Ph.D. in “Scottish Literature” obtained on 9 July 1998, University of Glasgow.

1989-1993: degree in “Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures”, University of Bologna, Italy, obtained on 15 July 1993 (110/110, with distinction).


1.2 International fellowships, scholarships and awards [selection]

3 August 2022: “Honorary Fellow” of the Association for Scottish Literature (ASL).

10 May-30 June 2022: “Nominated Fellowship” by “The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities” (IASH), University of Edinburgh, Scotland.  

18 June-17 September 2005: “Michael J. Connell Foundation and Mayers Fellowship” by the Huntington Library, San Marino, California, US.

19 January-23 March 2004: “Visiting Research Fellowship” by “The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities” (IASH), University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

1 October-30 November 2002: “OIP (Office of International Programs) Fellowship” by the Brown University, Providence, RI, US.


2. Research activity

2.1 Research areas

1) Scottish literature: Romantic theatre (closet drama, female dramaturgy; drama/theater and national identity); contemporary Scottish Theatre; literature of migration and exile in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; Romantic and contemporary Gothic novel; Victorian poetry; Scottish literature and (post)colonialism.

2) English Romanticism: Lord Byron; Gender and Romanticism (Women’s poetry and drama/theatre; Romantic Friendship; slave narratives); Orientalist drama/theatre; forms and genres of popular theatre (illegitimate); eco-romanticism.

3) Ambito della “traduzione”, ricezione e transculturalità: traduzione poetica; relazioni culturali e letterarie tra oriente e occidente; relazioni culturali e letterarie anglo-italiane fra Sette e Ottocento; ricezione del Romanticismo nel Vittorianesimo e nella contemporaneità; letteratura dell’esilio.

3) “Translation”, reception and transculturality: poetry translation; cultural and literary relations between East and West; Anglo-Italian cultural and literary relations in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; reception of Romanticism in the Victorian age and today; literature of exile.


2.2 Publications [selection]

Authored books

Eccentric Scotland: Three Victorian Poets. James Thomson (“B. V.”), John Davidson and James Young Geddes (Bologna: CLUEB, 2004).

Lord Byron and Discourses of Otherness: Scotland, Italy, and Femininity (The Roan, Kilkerran, Scotland: Zeticula-Humming Earth, 2012) Series ed. by Andrew Hook: Perspectives: Scottish Studies of the long Eighteenth Century Series.

Nation, Community, Self: Female Voices in Scottish Theatre from the Seventies to the Present (Milano: Edizioni Mimesis; collana Mimesis International, 2018).

Migration and Transculturality in Scottish Literature 1770-1830. Thomas Pringle, John Leyden, Mungo Park, Anne Barnard, Janet Schaw, Frances Wright and Anne Grant. In progress.

Edited books

“Esotismo/Orientalismo”, Issues 12/13 Primavera/Autunno 2002 of the journal La questione Romantica (Napoli: Liguori, 2004).

Emancipation, Liberation, and Freedom: Romantic Drama and Theatre in Britain (1760-1830) (Parma: Monte Università Parma, 2010).

Joan Ure, Come una ragazzina e Riprenditi la tua costola! Italian edition, with introduction, of Joan Ure’s plays, I See Myself as This Young Girl (transl. Gioia Angeletti) and Take Your Old Rib Back, Then (transl. Valentina Poggi). (Rimini: Panozzo Editore, 2010).

[with Lilla Maria Crisafulli], East/West Encounters in Literature and Culture. Vol. 10, n. 1-2 (January-December 2018) of the journal La Questione Romantica (Napoli: Liguori, 2019). ISSN 1125-0364.

Book chapters and journal articles [selection from 2012 to today]

“Orientalism in Drama”, in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Romanticism (Drama), ed. by Frederick Burwick (Malden, USA; Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012), pp. 946-956.

“Laughing Bravely in illegitimate theatres: the Comic Spirit in Romantic-era Slavery Plays”, in Slavery: History, Fictions, Memory (1760-2007), ed. by Franca Dellarosa (Napoli: Liguori, 2012), pp. 95-126.

‘The plantation owner is never wearing a kilt’: Historical Memory and True Tales in Jackie Kay’s The Lamplighter”, in Within and Without Empire: Scotland Across the (Post)colonial Borderline, ed. by Carla Sassi and Theo Van Heijnsbergen (Newscastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013), pp. 214-228.

“Postmodern Psychothrillers: Emma Tennant Rewrites James Hogg’s The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner”, in Crimelights Scottish Crime Writing – Then and Now, ed. by Frauke Reitemeier and Kirsten Sandrock (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2015), pp. 221-239.

[with Ian Brown] “Cultural Crossings and Dilemmas in Archibald Maclaren’s Playwriting”, in Gael and Lowlander in Scottish Literature. Cross-Currents in Scottish Writing in the Nineteenth Century, ed. by Christopher MacLachlan and Ronald W. Renton (Glasgow: Scottish Literature International, 2015), pp. 41-55.

“From ‘the heightening of the beau ideal’ to ‘palpable things’: Byron, Clough and the Poetry of Experience”, La questione Romantica, vol. 5, n. 1-2: Victorian Romantics (2015), pp. 101-117.

“Performing Cross-Cultural Relations, Identity and Conflict in Contemporary Scottish Theatre: Expatriate Italian Communities in Marcella Evaristi’s Commedia and Ann Marie di Mambro’s Tally’s Blood”, IJOSTS (International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen), vol. 8 (2) (2015), pp.26–47,

“Embodied Otherness and Hybridity: David Greig’s The Bacchae and the Reprise of Ancient Greek Tragedy”, Textus, vol. XXX, n. 2 (2017), pp. 121-139.

“The Language of Resistance and the Power of the Female Voice in Sue Glover’s Bondagers (1991)”, International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen (IJOSTS), 10 (2017), 40–56,

‘Byron’s Ethnographic Eye: the Poet among the Italians, in Byron and Italy, ed. by Diego Saglia and Alan Rawes (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2017), pp.44-60.

““It is neither within my province, nor in my power, to explain”: Mungo Park's Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa and the Unsolved Ambiguities of Scotland's Colonial Discourse”, La Torre di Babele, n. 13 (2017), pp. 23-44.

“All those ancient stories that had their dark souls located in woods": Rural Gothic, Scottish Folklore and Postmodern Conundrums in James Robertson’s The Testament of Gideon Mack, in Regional Gothic, ed. by R. Heholt and W. Hughes (The University of Wales Press, 2018), pp. 81-98.

“Outside the Love of Men: The Ladies of Llangollen, Anna Seward and Female Friendship”, in Romantic Dialectics: Culture, Gender, Theater, ed. by Serena Baiesi and Stuart Curran (Bern: Peter Lang, 2018), pp. 117-134.

“A Scottish Migrant in India: John Leyden, Between Enlightenment and Orientalism”, La questione Romantica, vol. 10, n. 1-2 (gennaio-dicembre 2018): “East/West Encounters in Literature and Culture” (2019), pp. 37-52.

““Closeted” discourses in private theatricals: the mystification of genre and audience in Christian Carstairs’ The Hubble-Shue”, in Closet Drama: History, Theory, and Genre, ed. by Catherine Burroughs (London and New York: Routledge, 2019), pp. 141-152.

“Resistance and Experimentation: The Ladies of Llangollen and Enlightenment Ideas of Progress and Improvement”, Textus, vol. XXXII, n. 3 (2019), pp. 173-193.

“Tradition and Revolution in Scottish Drama and Theatre: An Open Debate?”, Skenè. Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies, vol. 5, n. 2 (2019), pp. 183-192.

“Haunted Scottish Texts: the Legacy of James Hogg in James Robertson’s Intertextual Novels”, in Gothic Metamorphoses across the Centuries, ed. by Maurizio Ascari, Serena Baiesi and David Palatinus (Bern: Peter Lang, 2020), pp. 148-164.

“Risonanze wordsworthiane in Highland River di Neil Miller Gunn”, in La questione Romantica, vol. 12, n. 1-2 (gennaio-dicembre 2020): “L’arte del ricordo: Romanticismo e cultural memory” (2020), pp. 163-182.

“Deconstructing Englishness, Relocating Britishness: Arthur Hugh Clough’s The Bothie of Tober-na-Vuolich”, Prospero. Rivista di Letterature e Culture Straniere, vol. XV (2020), pp. 61-89.

“Byron e i suoi traduttori romantici: Michele Leoni e Andrea Maffei”, in Byron in Italia, a cura di Diego Saglia e Gregory Dowling (Bologna: Minerva Edizioni, 2020), pp. 115-137.

“Antichità romane in Scozia tra Sette e Ottocento: The Antiquary di Walter Scott”, in Nerone e dintorni: Arrigo Boito e il culto dell’antichità romana tra XIX e XX secolo, a cura di Marco Capra (Parma: Monte Università Parma, 2021), pp. 65-89.

“Voicing Reticence, Resistance and Resilience in The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave Related by Herself (1831)”, Le Simplegadi, Vol. XX, No. 22, November 2022, DOI: 10.17456/SIMPLE-193, pp. 48-64.

“Elizabeth MacLennan (1938 –2015). The Moon Belongs to Everyone: Making Theatre with 7:84”, in Women’s Theatre Theory and Dramatic Criticism, ed. by Catherine Burroughs and J. Ellen Gainor (London and New York: Routledge). In print.

[with Diego Saglia] “Italy and British Romanticism: Human-Nonhuman Conversations”, Studies in Romanticism, Vol. 62, no. 1, Spring 2023. In print.

“Border Aesthetics, Resistance and Europeanness in David Greig’s ‘Anti-Brexit’ Theatre”, Anglistik, Vol. 34, no. 3 (2023). In print.


2.3 Research projects [selection of funded projects]

1999-2001: participation in the national project Italy in British imagination and culture from the Renaissance to Romanticism (national coordinator: Prof. Valentina Poggi, University of Bologna) with a research on Byron and Italy.

2002-2004: participation in the national project English romantic theater (1760/1830): texts, theories and scenic practices (national coordinator: Prof.ssa Lilla Maria Crisafulli, University of Bologna) with a research on The 'stage' of women: drama and women's writing in English Romanticism.

18 June-17 September 2005: fellowship/research project on The Larpent Collection of Plays and Women's Contribution to the Theater and Drama of the Romantic Period, carried out at the Huntington Library, San Marino, California.   

2007-2009: participation in the national project An Italian in London. Repertoire of Italian authors, actors and theatrical characters on the English scene from the early Renaissance to late Romanticism: migrations, typologies and evolutions (coordinator: Prof. Elam Keir, University of Bologna) with a research on Feminine Italianness in Gothic dramaturgy: typologies, scenic and ideological functions.

2010-2012: participation in the national project British Risorgimento: British representations and interactions in the Italian national unification process (national coordinator: Prof.ssa Lilla Maria Crisafulli, University of Bologna) with a research on Literary culture and operatic production between Italy and England (1770-1870).

2014-2017: participation in the three-year international project Second Cities in the Circuits of Empire: Calcutta, Glasgow, and the Nineteenth-Century Legacy of the Scottish Enlightenment, funded by the British Academy and coordinated by Prof. Mary Ellis Gibson (University of Glasgow).

January 2022-January 2024: Principal Investigator (PI) and tutor tutor of a two-year research grant at the University of Parma entitled Reprising Romanticism: Romantic Re-Creations in Contemporary British Theatre (1980-2020).


2.4 Conference papers and talks [selection of only of international events from 2012]

01-06-2012: “Rewriting a Nineteenth-Century Classic: The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner and the Contemporary Intertextual Novel”. Conference paper: Second Conference of the Society for Scottish Studies in Europe, Crime Scotland – Then & Now, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 31 May – 3 June.

08-06-2012: [Invited] “The Highland Drover: the plays of Archibald Maclaren” [con Ian Brown]. Conference paper: Association for Scottish Literary Studies (ASLS) Annual Conference, Crossing the Highland Line in the 19th Century: Cross-currents in Scottish Writing, Sabhal Mór Ostaig, Isle of Skye, Scotland, 8-10 June.

26-07-2013: “Between Enlightenment and Orientalism: Scottish Migrants and Imperial negotiations in India. The Case of John Leyden”. Conference paper: British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) International Biennial Conference, Romantic Imports and Exports, University of Southampton, 25-28 July 2013.

5-07-2014: [Invited] “Italianness, Identity and Conflict in the theatre of Marcella Evaristi and Anne di Mambro”. Conference paper: World Congress of Scottish Literatures, Glasgow, Scotland, 2-5 July 2014.

4-12-2014: [Invited] “Byron’s ‘ethnographic eye’: the poet and ‘gli italiani’”. Conference paper: Byron and Italy, University of Manchester, 4-5 December 2014.

16-05-2015: “‘Proto-global’ Literature from the Scottish Border to the Indian Subcontinent: John Leyden’s Enlightenment, Orientalism and Poetry from a Transcultural Perspective”. Conference paper: Second Cities of Empire: Glasgow / Calcutta and the Legacy of the Scottish Enlightenment, University of Glasgow, 15-16 May 2015.

17-07-2015: “‘We will call it «I Carbonari»’: The Liberal, Italy and Byron’s Emancipatory Poetics”. Conference paper: British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) International Biennial Conference, Romantic Imprints, University of Cardiff, 16-19 July 2015.

28-07-2016: “National Borders and Transcultural Negotiations: Mungo Park, John Leyden and the unsolved ambiguities of Scotland’s colonial discourse”. Conference paper: International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE), University of London, 25-29 July 2016

22-08-2016: “The Language of Resistance and the Power of the Female Voice in Sue Glover’s Bondagers (1991)”. Conference paper: Thirteenth Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), Galway, Irlanda, 22-26 August 2016.

29-04-2017: “From the Scottish Borders to the Imperial Periphery: Colonial Discourse and Transcultural Negotiations in the Poetry of John Leyden and Thomas Pringle”. Conference paper: Romanticism Takes to the Hills, Edge Hill University, UK.

1-09-2018: “Writing Back to Shakespeare through metatheatricality: Joan Ure’s Revisionist Plays”. Conference paper: 14th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), Brno (Czech Republic), 29 August – 2 September 2018.

20-06-2019: [Invited] “Byron and the Sea: Mobility, Infinity and Identity”. Master class: International Summer School “Romanticism on the Coast”, Lerici, 17-21 June 2019.

15-04-2021: “Introduction: British Romantics in Italy and Geo & Eco-Criticism”. Comunicazione-webinar/roundtable: Geo & Eco-Criticism: Returning to Romantic Italy, BARS (British Association of Romantic Studies) Digital Events (Series 2020-21)

06-05-2021: [with Maria Elena Capitani] “Europeanness, Border Aesthetics and Resistance in David Greig’s anti-Brexit Plays”. Conference paper: Border Narratives: Brexit, Europe, and the UK, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 5-7 May 2021.

25-11-2021: “«Nature never disappoints»: Non/Human Dialectics in Lady Morgan’s Italy (1821)”. Webinar paper: Eco-Romanticism: Human-Nonhuman Conversations.

22-06-2022: [Invited] “Empire and Gender in Scottish Migration Literature: Lady Anne Barnard’s ‘Cape Writings’”. Lecture, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH), University of Edinburgh, UK.

23-06-2022: “Subversive Reticence and Gender Negotiations in the Colonial Contact Zone: Lady Anne Barnard’s ‘Cape Writings’”. Conference paper (online): IASSL (International Association for the Study of Scottish Literatures) Third World Congress of Scottish Literatures, Praga 22-26 June 2022.

2.5 Organization of / collaboration in conferences, workshops and seminars [selection of only of international events from 2012]

06/09/2012 (co-convener with Ian Brown): Seminar Dramatic Expressions of Social Identities since 1945, Eleventh Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), 4-8 Settembre, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turchia.

25/07/2013 (convener): Panels East/West Romantic Transits and Transferences I and II, British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) International Biennial Conference, Romantic Imports and Exports, University of Southampton, 25-28 luglio 2013.

2-4/07/2014 (convener): Seminar Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Scottish Drama and Theatre, First World Congress of Scottish Literatures, University of Glasgow, Scozia.

4/07/2014 (chair and convener): session su “Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Scottish Drama and Theatre”. Convegno: World Congress of Scottish Literatures, Glasgow, Scozia, 2-5 luglio 2014

22/08/2016 (co-convener with Bashabi Fraser): Seminar Regional and World Literatures: National Roots and Transnational Routes in Scottish Literature and Culture from the Eighteenth Century to Our Age, Thirteenth Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), 22-26 agosto, Galway, Irlanda.

4-9/06/2018 (co-organizer and coordinator): AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica) Summer School: British Romanticism Then and Now: Poetics, Language(s), Translation and Culture, Viareggio, Villa Paolina.

2-7/07/2018 (co-organizer with Shobhana Bhattacharja, Gregory Dowling, Olivier Feignier, Alan Rawes, and Diego Saglia): Italian Byron Society. 44th International Byron Conference: Improvisation and Mobility, Ravenna.

31/08/2018 (co-convener with Michael Bradshaw and Andrew McInnes): Seminar The Poetics and Politics of (Dis)location, Migration and Transculturality in the Long Romantic Period (ca. 1750-1850), 14th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), 29 agosto – 2 settembre 2018, Brno (Czech Republic).

1/09/2018 (co-convener with Ian Brown and Ksenja Horvat): Seminar Self, Nation, History and Performativity in Scottish Drama by Women from the Eighteenth Century to Today, 14th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), 29 agosto – 2 settembre 2018, Brno (Czech Republic).

3-7/06/2019 (co-organizer and coordinator): AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica) Summer School: Translated Wor(l)ds: Perspectives, Domains and Directions, Viareggio, Villa Paolina.

15/04/2021 (chair and co-organizer): Webinar/roundtable: Geo & Eco-Criticism: Returning to Romantic Italy, BARS (British Association of Romantic Studies) Digital Events (Series 2020-21). Speakers: Gioia Angeletti (Chair), Serena Baiesi; Paolo Bugliani; Lilla Maria Crisafulli; Diego Saglia; Elena Spandri.

25/11/2021 (co-organizer with Diego Saglia): webinar: Eco-Romanticism: Human-Nonhuman Conversations.


2.6 Editorial duties for book series and scientific boards    

2021-today: member of the Scientific Board of "Palcoscenici" book series (Rogas Edizioni, Rome), directed by Alessandro Gebbia and Fiorella Gabizon.

2021-today: director of the book series "L’eredità di Babele" (Monte University Parma).

2019-today: member of the Scientific Board of "Darcy" book series (Rogas Edizioni, Rome), directed by Alessandro Gebbia and Fiorella Gabizon.

2017-today: member of the Scientific Board of the journal La Torre di Babele.

2016-today: member of the International Advisory Board of the International Journal of Scottish Theater and Screen (IJOSTS).

2010-today: member of the Scientific Board and of the Experts Committee for the book series S.T.R.E.G.A. (Aracne) (Studies, Testimonies, Research, Education, Gender, Anthropology & Arts), (director: Prof. Margherita Musello, UNISOB, Naples).

2000-today: member of the editorial board of the journal La Questione Romantica, Liguori Editore (director: Lilla Maria Crisafulli, University of Bologna).

2017-2019: member of the editorial board of the journal Textus.


2.7 Membership of study centres, research laboratories and groups, and scientific associations

2022-today: member of the Interuniversity Research Center "LinE - Language in Education".

2022-today: member of the "Officina 900" Research Group of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries of the University of Parma.

2021-today: member of the "Environmental Social Humanities" Laboratory of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries of the University of Parma. 

2019-today: member of the research group Recherches sur les arts dramatiques anglophones contemporains (RADAC).

2019-today: member of the "Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Neurosciences and Humanities" of the University of Parma.

2011-today: member and contact person for Parma of the Interuniversity Centre for the Study of Romanticism (CISR) (director: Diego Saglia, University of Parma).


3. Teaching activity [from A.Y. 2015-2016, as Associate Professor, University of Parma, Italy]

A.Y. 2015-2016:

  • BA course: Questioni di gender nella letteratura inglese dall'età elisabettiana alla contemporaneità (English Literature, I year).
  • MA course: From the World to the Region: Discourses of Literature Within and Without the UK from the Nineteenth Century to the Present (English Literature)

A.Y. 2016-2017:

  • BA course: Questioni di gender nella letteratura inglese dall'età elisabettiana alla contemporaneità (English Literature, I year).
  • BA course: Representations of Otherness from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century (English Literature, II year).
  • MA course: Representing Conflict and Empathy in the 'Contact Zones': The Challenges of Interculturalism from Shakespeare to Now (Modern and contemporary English Literature).

A.Y. 2017-2018:

  • BA course: Questioni di gender nella letteratura inglese dall'età elisabettiana alla contemporaneità (English Literature, I year).
  • BA course: Representations of Otherness from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century (English Literature, II year).
  • MA course: Romanticism Then and Now: Travelling Tales and Intertextual Dialogues (English Literature, II year).

A.Y. 2018-2019:

  • BA course: Questioni di gender nella letteratura inglese dall'età elisabettiana alla contemporaneità (English Literature, I year).
  • BA course: Representations of Otherness from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century (English Literature, II year).
  • MA course: Strangers, Exiles, Migrants: the Other ‘across the line’ in Anglophone Literatures from the Romantics to the Present (Anglophone Literatures).

A.Y. 2019-2020:

  • 2 BA courses: Questioni di gender nella letteratura inglese dall'età elisabettiana al tardo Novecento (English Literature, I year).
  • BA course: Representations of Otherness from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century (English Literature, II year).
  • MA course: On, Across and Beyond Borders: Hybridity and Migration in Anglophone Literatures from the Romantics to the Present (Anglophone Literatures).

A.Y. 2020-2021:

  • 2 BA courses: Questioni di gender nella letteratura inglese dall'età elisabettiana al tardo Novecento (English Literature, I year).
  • BA course: Representations of Otherness from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century (English Literature, II year).
  • MA course: On, Across and Beyond Borders: Hybridity and Migration in Anglophone Literatures from the Romantics to the Present (Anglophone Literatures).

A.Y. 2021-2022:

  • 2 BA courses: Questioni di gender nella letteratura inglese dall'età elisabettiana al tardo Novecento (English Literature, I year).
  • BA course: Representations of Otherness from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century (English Literature, II year).
  • MA course: Representing the Environment: Anglophone Literatures and Ecocriticism (Anglophone Literatures).

A.Y. 2022-2023:

  • 2 BA courses: Questioni di gender nella letteratura inglese dall'età elisabettiana al tardo Novecento (English Literature, I year).
  • BA course: Representations of Otherness from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century (English Literature, II year).
  • MA course: Representing the Environment: Anglophone Literatures and Ecocriticism (Anglophone Literatures).


3.4. Phd Teaching and supervision


19/05/2017: “Confine”. Lecture, PhD in “Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Artistic Studies”, University of Parma, Italy.

11/05/2018: “Linguaggi del corpo: écriture féminine nella contemporaneità”. Lecture, PhD in “Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Artistic Studies”, University of Parma, Italy.

3 e 12/06/2020: “Translation of academic texts from English into Italian”. Seminar/workshop for PhD students in “Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Artistic Studies”, University of Parma, Italy.

21/04/2021: “Feminism, écriture féminine and corporeal textuality”. Seminar/workshop for PhD students in “Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Artistic Studies”, University of Parma, Italy.

12/04/2022: Reading British experimental literature from Modernism to the present. Seminar/workshop for PhD students in “Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Artistic Studies”, University of Parma, Italy.

Supervision (PhD in “Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Artistic Studies”, University di Parma, Italy)

2016/2017 - 2018/2019: Maria Chiara Alessandrini. Thesis title: Risonanze antiche nel pensiero e nella poesia di un Romantico: S. T. Coleridge e il neoplatonismo, discussed on 19/03/2019.

2019/2020 - 2021/2022: Daniele Corradi. Thesis title: “Writing as though it mattered”: persistenze del romanzo sperimentale nella fiction britannica degli anni Sessanta e Settanta: B. S. Johnson, Ann Quin e Eva Figes.


4. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES [selection for the University of Parma, italy]

2022-today: contact person (for the Internationalization area), for the Department, of the European Universities Network for Sustainable Growth, Inclusive Education and Environment (EU-Green).

2021-today: University of Parma ambassador of GALA (Global Academy of Liberal Arts) International network coordinated by Bath Spa University (UK).

2020-present: Vice-President of the Course in Modern Foreign Languages and Civilizations, and Representative for Parma of the Inter-University MA Course (Parma and Modena-Reggio Emilia) in Languages, Cultures, Communication.

2017-today: President of the Committee for International Mobility.

2013-today: member of the Doctoral School Council of the PhD course in "Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Artistic Sciences".

From 10 December 2013 to 31 October 2017: Delegate of the Rector for International Students’ Mobility.


5. Service outside the University of Parma [selection]

2012-today: member of the ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System) Register of Auditors for the Evaluation of Research Quality for the subject area English Literature), as well as for the SH5_2 sectors (Literary theory and comparative literature, literary styles ) and SH5_3 (History of literature) according to the taxonomy of the European Research Council (ERC).

2012-today: member of REPRISE (Register of evaluators of the Italian Ministry of University and Research).

September 2017-September 2019: Vice-President of the Italian Association of English Studies.

September 2015-September 2017: member of the Board of the Italian Association of English Studies.


Last update: January 2023


In-person office hours are scheduled every Thursday at 3:30 pm.

Due to an institutional meeting on Thursday, the 5th of December, the week from 2 to 6 December I will be available in presence or remotely on Teams only by appointment.

To avoid crowding in front of the studio, students are encouraged to contact me via email to schedule an appointment. In case of obstacles due to health or work reasons, I am also available to schedule online meetings, always by appointment.

Course materials are available on Elly Unipr (BA degree) and Moodle Unimore (MA degree). Students who did not attend classes are invited to fix an appointment with me in order to discuss the programme.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015


Other appointments


For the University:

Since 2021: Ambassador for the University of Parma in the international GALA network (Global Academy of Liberal Arts) coordinated by Bath Spa University (UK).
Since 29/03/2018: Member of the Scientific Committee for Area 10.
2017: Coordinator of the international mobility project for students and faculty of the University of Parma with China (University of Ningbo-Nottingham) (as part of the University Programme "Overworld").

For the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cultural Industries

Since 1 January 2024: Coordinator of the Course in Modern Foreign Civilizations and Literatures.

Since 2022: Contact person (for the Internationalization area) for the Department, for the international network European Universities Network for Sustainable Growth, Inclusive Education and Environment (EU-Green).
Since 2020: Reference Professor for the Master's Degree (LM-37) in Languages, Cultures, Communication.
Since 2020: Vice Coordinator of the Course in Modern Foreign Civilizations and Literatures, and member of the Review and Quality Management Group for the same course.
Since 2020: Contact person for Parma of the Inter-University Master's Degree Program (Parma-Modena) in Languages, Cultures, Communication.
Since 2019: Responsible Professor, along with Rita Messori, for the interdisciplinary course "For an Interdisciplinary Critical Lexicon," organized as part of the doctoral program in "Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical, and Artistic Studies."
Since 2018: Member of the Coordination and Review Group for the Inter-University Master's Degree Program (Parma-Modena) in Languages, Cultures, Communication.
Since 2017: President of the Commission for International Mobility (CMI).
Since the Academic Year 2013: Member of the Teaching Staff of the Doctoral Program in "Philological-Literary, Historical-Philosophical and Artistic Studies" .
Since 2012: U-GOV and IRIS Delegate (for supporting faculty in research product cataloging).


As regards Public Engagement activities, from 2007 to today, I collaborated with the association LEND (Languages and New Didactics) by offering teacher training seminars. I have organized or coordinated several cycles of conferences on English literature aimed at high-school teachers’ training and at school pupils’ orientation and tutoring activities. In addition, I regularly write reviews for the journal L’Indice dei libri del mese.


Phone number
Office location
Plesso San Michele
Viale San Michele, 9
43121 PARMA