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Name: Alessio Malcevschi

Date of birth: 7/9/1960

Address: Via Torreggiani 25 43046 Ozzano Taro(PR)
Telefono: 0521-809216
Università: Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Università degli Studi di Parma Telefono: 0521-905049
e-mail: aliosha@unipr.it

Titoli: 1979: Secondary School Diploma (60/60).1985: Graduated in Chemistry (110/110) at University of Parma, thesys title: ”Synthesis and X-ray structure of metallocalixarenes” 1990: Ph D in Molecular Biology at University of Parma,.thesis title: ”New metodologies for identification of class III promoters in plant single and multiple copy gDNA and analysis of their regulatory effects on the expression of proximal genes”. 1991-1994 Post Doc fellowship at Cambridge Laboratory (John Innes Institute, Norwich (UK)): 1995-1996 Fellowship at Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Parma. Since 1997 appointed lecturer in the Department of Environmental Sciences at the Faculty of Science, University of Parma. Since the academic year 1999-2000 teaching of “Animali Transgenic Animals” and “Bioremediation” courses, Since 2000-2001 up to date (2009) teaching of “Plant Genetics” course in the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Main research activities: 1986: Determination of D vs L aminoacids ratio in bovine lens (Institute of Organic Chemistry University of di Parma).1987-1989: Identification of new class III transcription factors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.ed (Institute of Biochemistry, University of Parma).1989-1990:”in vitro”transcription analysis of tandem repeats of tobacco and rice by RNA polimerasi III of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Institute of Biochemistry, Università of Parma e Institute of Genetics, University of Pavia).1991: “in vitro” synthesis of proteins from mRNA purified from cows. (Institute of Biologia Molecular Biology, Facolty of Veterinary, University of Parma).1991-1994: Cloning di of tobacco mitochondrial genes and transformation of plant motochondira by means of “particle gun”.(Cambridge Laboratory, John Innes Centre for Plant Science Research, Norwich, UK).1995-1996: RFLP analysis of useful genetic variability in barley (Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Parma).1996-1998: Transcription analysis of barley genes in drought condition. (Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Parma (Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Parma 1998-2009: involved in national and european projects aimed to the development of analytical methodologies for traceability of residues from transgenic plants in food products and food chains: by means of genomic and proteomics approaches including RT-PCR analysis and mass spectrometry (MALDI).2010-2018: Chemical-physical analysis of biochar produced through pyrolysis plants and gasifiers and made from residues of organic biomass of agro-industry. Use of biochar in field and agronomic evaluations. 2015-2017 Rector’s delegate for sustainability.

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