
AMERINI Fabrizio

Professore di II fascia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Storia della filosofia medievale
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My academic education includes: Degree ('Laurea') in Philosophy (History of Logic) at the University of Florence (1996). Research fellowship at the University of Copenhagen (2001-2002). Stages of research at the University of Québec à Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada, 2002) and at the Université du Québec à Montréal (Montréal, Québec: 2007). Ph.D. in History of Medieval Philosophy at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (2003). Post-doc fellowships in History of Medieval Philosophy (2003-2004) and History of Logic (2004-2006) at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. Teaching Professor of History of Medieval Philosophy at the University of Parma (2004-2006). Researcher in History of Medieval Philosophy at the University of Parma (2006-2014). Associate Professor of History of Medieval Philosophy at the University of Parma (2014-). National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for Full Professor of History of Medieval Philosophy (2017-2023).

Since 2004 I am member of S.I.E.P.M. and S.I.S.P.M. (member of the Directive Board from 2008 up to 2014), since 2009 member of S.F.I. (Società Filosofica Italiana), since 2013 member of the "Société Thomiste". I am member of the Editorial Board of "Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale" (2007) and of the Scientific Board of "Memorie Domenicane" (2008), "Noctua" (2014) and "PhiloHumanistica. Sulle orme degli antichi" (2018).

I have given a talk at many national and international conferences, and organized some international conferences of medieval philosophy.

I am author of more than one hundred printed publications (articles, monographs, and critical editions). Main publications (volumes):

— "I trattati De universalibus di Francesco da Prato e Stefano da Rieti (Secolo XIV)", CISAM, Spoleto 2003.

— "La logica di Francesco da Prato", Sismel, Firenze 2005.

— "Tommaso d'Aquino. Origine e fine della vita umana", ETS, Pisa 2009 (revised English translation by M.G. Henninger, HUP, Harvard 2013).

— "Tommaso d'Aquino e l'intenzionalità", ETS, Pisa 2013.

— (editor), "A Companion to the Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Metaphysics", Brill, Leiden 2014.

— (editor), "Universals in the Fourteenth Century", Edizioni della Normale, Pisa 2017.

— (editor), "Mereology in Medieval Logic and Metaphysics", Edizioni della Normale, Pisa 2019.


Fabrizio Amerimi, born in Prato (Italy), 16.01.1971.
Academic Position: Associate Professor of History of Medieval Philosophy (National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor of Hisotry of Medieval Philosophy - 28/03/2017 - 28/03/2023).
Address: University of Parma - Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries (D.U.S.I.C.) - Unit of Philosophy, Via M. d’Azeglio 85 – I-43100 – Parma (Italy).
Phone: +39.0521.902339.
E-mail address:
Principal Areas of Interest: History of Medieval Philosophy; Ancient and Medieval Logic and Metaphysics; Italian Philosophy; Medieval and Modern Theories of Intentionality; Ancient and Medieval Philosophical Anthropology.


• 2018-present — Member of the Scientific Board of "PhiloHumanistica. Sulle orme degli antichi”.

• 2017, 27 March — National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for Full Professor (SSD: M-FIL/08; 11/C5 - History of Philosophy).

• 2017, 5 December — Award Anvur 2017 - Finanziamento delle attività base di ricerca.

• 2013 — Membership of the Scientific Board of the review "Noctua".

• 2013 — Membership of the "Société Thomiste".

• 2012, 21 September-present — Membership of the Scientific Board of the Ph.D. in "Scienze filologico-letterarie, storico-filosofiche e artistiche" of the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2011, September - 2014, September — Membership of Directive Board of S.I.S.P.M. (Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale).

• 2010-2011 — Membership of PRIN 2010 Project "Il mind/body problem alla luce della riflessione etica contemporanea". National Coordinator: Prof. Franco Biasiutti; Parma Unity Research Coordinator: Prof. Beatrice Centi.

• 2011 — Membership of the Scientific Committee of the International Symposium "Metaphysics in Later Middle Ages (XIVth-XVth Centuries): Decline or Revival?" held in Nijmegen (The Netherlands), 2-3 September 2011.

• 2009-present — Membership of S.F.I. (Società Filosofica Italiana).

• 2008-2012 — Membership of the Scientific Board of the Ph.D. in "Filosofia scienze e cultura, dell’età tardo-antica, medievale e umanistica" (FiTMU), of the University of Salerno (Italy).

• 2008-2010 — Membership of PRIN 2008 Project "Storia, fenomenologia e teoria dei valori". National Coordinator: Prof. Fulvio Tessitore; Parma Unity Research Coordinator: Prof. Beatrice Centi. Title: "Fenomenologia e psicologia: dall’analisi dell’esperienza alla costruzione della persona e della validità".

• 2008-2011 — Membership of the Scientific Board of the Ph.D. in "Filosofia e Antropologia" of the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2008, September - 2011, September — Membership of Directive Board of S.I.S.P.M. (Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale).

• 2006-2008 — Membership of PRIN 2006 Project "Etica e ontologia". National Coordinator: Prof. Gianna Gigliotti; Parma Unity Research Coordinator: Prof. Beatrice Centi. Title: "Normatività e realismo: significati e limiti del formalismo etico".

• 2007-present — Membership of the Editorial Board of "Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale".

• 2007-present — Membership of the Scientific Board of "Memorie Domenicane".

• 2007, April-May — Research Stage at the University of Québec à Montreal.

• 2006, March – Researcher in History of Medieval Philosophy at the University of Parma (Italy), Department of Philosophy.

• 2004-2006 — Teacher of Medieval Philosophy at the University of Parma (Italy), Department of Philosophy.

• 2004-present — Membership of S.I.E.P.M. (Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médiévale), S.I.S.P.M. (Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero medievale), and S.E.T.A.M. (Società per l'Edizione dei Testi Antichi e Medievali).

• 2003-2004 — Post-doctoral scholarship granted by the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Italy) for researches on the Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle’s Logic and Metaphysics.

• 2003, 10 September — Ph.D. Dissertation in History of Medieval Philosophy, at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Italy). Advisor: prof. Francesco del Punta. Title of the dissertation: “The Question of the Essence in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Metaphysics”. Committee: prof. Claude Panaccio, Gianfranco Fioravanti, Massimo Mugnai, Alessandro D. Conti, Andrea Tabarroni, Francesco del Punta, Mauro Mariani.

• 2002, April — Research Stage at the University of Québec à Trois-Rivières.

• 2001–2002 — Fellowship granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark for researches at the Institute for Greek and Latin of the University of Copenhagen. Supervisor: prof. Sten Ebbesen.

• 2001 — Collaboration with the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa for researches connected to the Aristotelian Commentaries in the Middle Ages.

• 1996, 29 October — Degree (‘Laurea’) in Philosophy (History of Logic), at the Department of Philosophy, University of Florence. Title of the dissertation: “The Logical Ontology of Franciscus de Prato (1300 ca. – 1348 ca.)”. Advisor: prof. Massimo Mugnai.





• 2000, 6-10 June — Speaker at the XIII Symposium Européen de Logique et Sémantique Médiévale “La Tradition médiévale des Catégories (XIIe-XVe siècles)”, held in Avignone (France). Title of the paper: "Catégories et langage mentale. Une critique de François de Prato à Guillaume d’Ockham".

• 2001, 3-9 September — Speaker at the International Symposium “John Buridan and Beyond. The Language Sciences 1300-1700”, held in Copenhagen (Denmark). Title of the paper: "Le débat sur le statut ontologique des intentions au XIV siècle".

• 2002, 22 March — Speaker at the IVe Colloque Interuniversitaire de Philosophie Médiévale du Québec, held at the University of Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada). Title of the paper: "La connaissance des relatifs chez Guillaume d’Ockham".

• 2002, 11-15 June — Speaker at the XIV European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics “Medieval Theories on Assertive and Non-assertive Language”, held at the University 'La Sapienza' of Rome (Italy). Title of the paper: "Le statut de la proposition chez Hervé de Nédellec".

• 2004, 14-17 April — Speaker at the Internationaler Kongress “Philosophical Debates at the University of Paris in the first Quarter of the Fourteenth Century”, held at the University of Bonn (Germany). Title of the paper: "Realism and Intentionality: Hervaeus Natalis, Peter Aureoli, and William Ockham in Discussion".

• 2004, 9-12 June — Speaker at the XIV Symposium of the S.I.S.P.M. (Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale) “Metaphysica – sapientia – scientia divina: soggetto e statuto della filosofia prima nel Medioevo”, held at the niversity of Bari (Italy). Title of the paper: "Alessandro di Alessandria su natura e soggetto della metafisica".

• 2004, 1-4 July — Speaker at the XV European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics “The Ancient Traditions of Logic in the Middle Ages”, held at the Trinity College (Cambridge, U.K.). Title of the paper: "William Ockham and Walter Burley on The Definition by Addition".

• 2006, 2-9 July — Invited speaker at the Workshop on Universals, held at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Italy). Title of the paper: "De natura generis. William Ockham and Some Italian Dominicans".

• 2006, 5-9 September — Speaker at the XVI European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics “The Theory of Fallacies and Its Use form Boethius to Paul of Venice”, held at the University of Udine (Italy). Title of the paper: "William Ockham and Synonymy. The Case of Nugation".

• 2007, 26 April — Invited speaker at the VIIIe Colloque Interuniversitaire Québécois de Philosophie Médiévale, held at the University of Montréal (Canada). Title of the paper: "Thomas d'Aquin et la signification des termes d'espèce naturelle".

• 2007, 4-5 May — Invited speaker at the II Montreal Workshop on Nominalism “Ockham's Immediate Background: Mind and Knowledge, 1300-1325”, held at the University of Québec à Montreal (Canada). Title of the paper: "Hervaeus Natalis on Concepts".

• 2007, 18-19 May — Speaker at the International Conference of History of Medieval Philosophy “Dal convento alla città. Filosofia e teologia in Francesco da Prato O.P. (XIV secolo)”, held in Prato (Italy). Title of the paper: "La figura e la filosofia di Francesco da Prato".

• 2007, 28-30 June — Invited speaker (with Massimo Mugnai) at the 1st GPMR Workshop on Logic & Semantics “Medieval Logic and Modern Applied Logic”, held at the University of Bonn (Germany). Title of the paper: "Franciscus de Prato on Reduplication".

• 2007, 15 September — Speaker at the IV International Congress on Francis of Appignano, held in Appignano del Tronto (Italy). Title of the paper: "La dottrina della sostanza nel Commento alla Metafisica di Francesco d'Appignano".

• 2007, 17-22 September — Speaker at the XII International Congress of Medieval Philosophy “Universality of Reason – Plurality of Philosophies in the Middle Ages”, held at the University of Palermo (Italy). Title of the paper: "Alessandro di Alessandria come fonte di Paolo Veneto. Il caso dell’anima umana".

• 2008, 26-28 March — Speaker at the International Congress of History of Medieval Philosophy “Lo scotismo nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia”, held in Bitonto (Italy). Title of the paper: "La nozione di essere nel Commento alle Sentenze di Pietro d'Aquila".

• 2008, 2-6 June — Speaker at the XVII European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics “The Rise and Development of Supposition Theory”, held at the University of Leiden (The Netherlands). Title of the paper: "Later Medieval Supposition Theory".

• 2008, 12 June — Invited speaker at the International Round Table “La connaissance des substances matérielles: un problème médiéval” organized by the GDR 2522 du CNRS, held in Tours (France). Title of the paper: "Le problème de la connaissance de la substance dans la tradition des Commentaires sur la Métaphysique".

• 2008, 25-27 September — Speaker at the XVII SISPM Congress “Immaginario e immaginazione nel Medioevo”, held at the University of Milan (Italy). Title of the paper: "Immaginario e immaginazione in Tommaso d'Aquino".

• 2008, 8-10 October — Speaker at the XV Colloquium of the S.I.E.P.M. “Philosophy and Theology in the Studia of the Religious Orders and at the Papal Court”, held at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA). Title of the paper: "The Reception of Thomas Aquinas's Philosophy in the Dominican Studia of the Roman Province in the Fourteenth Century".

• 2008, 13-15 October — Invited speaker at the International Symposium “Categories & Transmission of Knowledge”, held at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (Copenhagen, Denmark). Title of the paper: "Some Aspects of the Fourteenth Century Debates on the Categories".

• 2008, 12-13 December — Invited speaker at the Symposium "Contingency and Freedom. Franciscan Theories in the Early 14th Century”, held at the University of Macerata (Italy). Title of the paper: "Volontà e libero arbitrio in Pietro d'Aquila".

• 2009, 17-18 December — Speaker at the Workshop "La Politica di Aristotele. Forme e momenti della sua ricezione", held at the University of Parma (Italy). Title of the paper: "Introduzione. La ricezione medievale della 'Politica' di Aristotele".

• 2010, 18-20 February — Invited speaker at the Symposium "Varieties of Cognitive Theory in the Later Middle Ages. Towards A Status Quaestionis”, held at the Institute of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). Title of the paper: "Confused vs. Determinate Cognition".

• 2010, 17 September — Invited speaker at the International Workshop "The Reception of Aristotle's Metaphysics in the Middle Ages", held at the University of Stockholm (Sweden). Title of the paper: "Later Medieval Approaches to Aristotle's Metaphysics".

• 2010, 1-2 October — Speaker at the V International Congress on Francis of Appignano, held in Appignano del Tronto (Italy). Title of the paper: " 'Utrum eadem animalia specie sint generabilia per propagationem et putrefactionem'. Francesco di Appignano sulla generazione degli animali".

• 2010, 4 December — Invited speaker at the Journée Thomas d’Aquin 2010 "Thomisme et antithomisme au moyen âge", held at the Bibliothèque du Saulchoir (Paris, France). Title of the paper: "Le thomisme en Italie au XIVe siècle: d’Hervé de Nédellec à François de Prato".

• 2011, 9-10 April — Invited speaker at the 14th E.A. Moody Conference in Medieval Philosophy "Medieval Conceptions of Truth", held at UCLA (Los Angeles, USA). Title of the paper: "Aquinas and Truth".

• 2011, 6-7 May — Invited speaker at the Workshop on Fourteenth-Century Philosophy, held at the Institute of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). Title of the paper: "Stephen of Rieti’s Criticism of Ockham’s View of Universals".

• 2011, 22-24 June — Invited speaker at the International Workshop "Logic and Language in the Middle Ages. A Symposium in Honour of Sten Ebbesen", held at the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters (Copenhagen, Denmark). Title of the paper: "Logic and Metaphysics in the Late Middle Ages".

• 2011, 2-3 September — Invited Speaker at the International Conference "Metaphysics in the Later Middle Ages (XIVth and XVth Centuries): Decline or Revival?", held at Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). Title of the paper: "Metaphysics and the 'Metaphysics'. Some Remarks on Their Relationship".

• 2011, 30 November - 1 December — Invited Speakers at the Conference "Religione e Politica", held at the University of Parma. Title of the paper: "Politica, Religione e Dialogo interreligioso: Pier Damiani e Pietro Abelardo".

• 2012, 3-4 May — Invited Speakers at the International Montreal Workshop on Nominalism "Le problème des universaux au XIIIème siècle", held at the Université du Québec à Montréal (Montreal, Canada). Title of the paper: "Two Epistemological Approaches to the Problem of Universals".

• 2012, 3-5 September — Speaker at the International Conference "Theories of Universals in the XIV Century", held at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Pisa, Italy). Title of the paper: "Some Epistemological Approaches to the Problem of Universals".

• 2013, 21-23 May — Invited Speaker at the 2nd Rio Colloquium on Logic and Metaphysics in the Later Middle Ages "Hylomorphism in 13th and 14th Centuries", held in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Title of the paper: "Thomas Aquinas, Hylomorphism, and Transtemporal Identity".

• 2013, 4-5 October — Invited Speaker at the International Conference "Il desiderio nel Medioevo", held in Trento (Italy). Title of the paper: "La logica del desiderio: alcune riflessioni sul rapporto tra desiderio e logica nel tardo medioevo".

• 2013, 7-8 November — Invited Speaker at the International Conference “Les savoirs dans les ordres mendiants en Italie (XIIIe-XVe siècles). 1. Bilans and perspectives de recherche”, held at the Ecole Française de Rome. Title of the paper: "Les Dominicains Italiens et le Thomisme au XIVe siècle. Quelques réflexions".

• 2014, 30-31 January — Invited Speaker at the Journées d'études scientifiques "Au prisme du genre: Corps, Filiation, Christianisme", held at the Université Catholique de Lyon (Lyon, France). Title of the paper: "Corps et identité de genre dans l'anthropologie thomasienne".

• 2014, 17 November — Invited Speaker at the Meeting in memory of Francesco del Punta, held at the SISMEL, Florence (Italy). Title of the paper: "Thomas Aquinas' Anthropology. A Reconsideration (in the Light of a Recent Debate)".

• 2014, 10 December — Invited speaker at the Conference "Il problema della conoscibilità di Dio e la riflessione gnoseologica medievale", held at the University of Florence (Italy). Title of the paper: "Confused Cognition, Distinct Cognition: from Thomas Aquinas to William of Ockham".

• 2014, 16 December — Invited Speaker at the Workshop "Metaphysics & Theology in the Fourteenth Century", held at Radboud University (Nijmegen, The Netherlands). Title of the paper: "Scotus, Ockham and Buridan on Confused Cognition".

• 2015, 12-13 June — Invited Speaker at the Workshop "The Metaphysics of the Mind in Medieval Philosophy", held at Universität Würzburg, Institut für Philosophie (Germania). Title of the paper: "Aquinas on the Mental: A Reappraisal".

• 2015, 19 October — Invited speaker at the International Conference "Anima e corpo nella filosofia medievale", held at the University of Catania (Italy). Title of the paper: "Tommaso d'Aquino e il 'Mind/body problem'".

• 2016, 10-12 November — Invited speaker at the International Conference “Doctor fundatissimus. Giles of Rome, His Thought and Influence”, held at the University of Bari (Italy). Title of the paper: “Essence and Substance in Giles of Rome’s Questiones methaphisicales”.

• 2016, 18 November — Invited speaker at the workshop “Nella biblioteca di Dante con CODEX: manoscritti in Toscana tra Duecento e Trecento”, held at Sismel-Edizioni del Galluzzo, Florence (Italy). Title of the paper: “Philosophy in Tuscany in the age of Dante”.

• 2016, 2 December — Invited speaker at the Conference “Mente, natura e bellezza nella filosofia medievale”, held at the University of Florence (Italy). Title of the paper: “Mente, realtà e limiti della conoscenza in Tommaso d'Aquino”.

• 2017, 16-18 February — Invited Speaker at the International Conference "Freedom of Teaching and Educational Policy. Censures, Condemnations, Corrections in the Late Medieval Schools", held at the University of Cologne (Germany). Title of the paper: "William of Peter of Godin on Matter and Form".

• 2017, 10 March — Invited Speaker at the International Workshop "The Reception of Plato's "Unwritten Doctrines" in the Middle Ages", held at the University of Lucerne (Switzerland).

• 2017, 24–27 May – Invited Speaker at the International Congress "Representations of Nature in the Middle Ages", held at the University of Padue (Italy). Title of the paper: "Limits and significate of nature: Thomas Aquinas reader of Aristotle".

• 2017, 02-03 June – Speaker at the International Conference "Walter Chatton and His Intellectual Milieu", held at the University of Leuven (Belgium). Title of the paper: "Chatton and Ockham on Intuitive Cognition".

• 2017, 18-22 June – Invited speaker at the International Conference of European Academy of Religion 2017 – Ex Nihilo Zero Conference, Hosted by Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII. Title of the paper: “Translatio” and “alia littera” in the Writings of Thomas Aquinas.

• 2018, 25-29 June – Invited speaker at the XXII European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics "Language, Thought, and Reality: The Continental and British Traditions of Medieval Logic Revisited", held at the University of Dusseldorf. Title of the paper: “The Fourteentch-century Italian Dominican Tradition of Logic. Some Notes".

• 2019, 13-16 March – Invited Speaker at the International Conference "Contemporary and Medieval Social Ontologies", held at the University of Bonn. Title of the paper: “The Ontological Status of Political Community in Aquinas".

• 2019, 11-13 September – Invited Speaker at the International Workshop on "Double Intentionality. Historical and Contemporary Perspectives ", held at Würzburg University. Title of the paper: “Some Remarks on First and Second Intentionality in the Later Middle Ages".

• 2019, 12-15 December – Invited Speaker at the International Conference "Rationality in Perception", held at the University of Helsinki. Title of the paper: “Thomas Aquinas on Rationality and Perception".



• 2007, 18-19 May — International Conference of History of Medieval Philosophy “Dal convento alla città. Filosofia e teologia in Francesco da Prato O.P. (XIV secolo)”, held in Prato (Italy).

• 2009, 10-12 June — International Conference of History of Medieval Philosophy "Later Medieval Perspectives on Intentionality", held at the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2009, 17-18 December — Workshop on "La Politica di Aristotele. Forme e momenti della sua ricezione", held at the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2011, 2-3 May — (with Rita Messori) International Conference "Sulle Origini del Linguaggio. Immaginazione, Espressione, Simbolo", held at the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2011, 15-16 December — International Conference of History of Medieval Philosophy "In principio erat Verbum... Filosofia e teologia nei commenti al Vangelo di Giovanni (III-XIV secolo)", held at the monastery library of S. Giovanni Evangelista in Parma (Italy).

• 2014, 9-12 September — Scientific co-organizer (with prof. Armando Bisogno and prof. Concetto Martello) of the special session "Epistemologia e frontiere dei saperi" at the XXIth Conference of the Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale "Filosofia e scienza nel Medioevo", Campus di Fisciano (Salerno, Italy).

• 2015, 6 May — Scientific co-organizer (with prof. Beatrice Centi) of the Conference "Vicario di Cristo e Vescovo di Roma. Dibattiti sulla titolatura e autorità papale nell'XI secolo", held at the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2015, 30 September - 1 October — Scientific co-organizer of the XXIIth Congress of the Società per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale (S.I.S.P.M.) "Nutrire il corpo, nutrire l'anima nel Medioevo", held at the University of Milan and at the Università Cattolica of Milan (Italy).

• 2015, 22 October — Organizer of the Conference "Agostino e l'agostinismo medievale", held at the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2015, 26-27 November — Organizer of the International Conference "Later Medieval Logic and Metaphysics", held at the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2016, 30 June-5 July — Co-organizer (with prof. Massimo Mugnai and prof. Riccardo Strobino) of the 21th European Symposium of Medieval Logic and Semantics “Medieval Mereology”, held at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Italy).

• 2016, 26-29 September — Organizer of three lectures by prof. Michael J. Loux (University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA) on "Second Thoughts on Aristotle's Metaphysics", "Being is Said in Many Ways" and "Metaphysics in the Analytic Tradition", at the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2018, 5-6 December - Co-organizer (with prof. Roberto Pinzani and dott. Irene Binini) of the "2nd Parma Workshop on Medieval Logic and Metaphysics", held at the University of Parma.



• 2002, 14 and 16 March — Two lectures at the University of Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada) on "La théorie des intentions chez Hervé de Nédellec".

• 2004, January — Four lectures at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Italy) on "William of Ockham’s Theory of Universals".

• 2007, 3 April — Lecture at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Italy) on "Paul of Venice’s Commentary on the Metaphysics, book Z: Editorial and Doctrinal Problems".

• 2007, 28-29 May — Two lectures at the University of L'Aquila (Italy) on "Philosophy and Theology in William of Ockham" (I) and "Ockham and the Demonstration for God’s Existence" (II).

• 2007, 16 June — Lecture at the University of Freiburg i. M. (Germany) on "Thomas Aquinas on Signification".

• 2008, 19 March — Lecture at the University of Pavia (Italy) on "Thomas Aquinas on the Beginning and Ending of Human Life".

• 2009, 30 January — Lecture at the University of Calabria on "Medieval Interpretations of the Aristotelian Doctrine of Substance".

• 2010, 26 March — Lecture at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Italy) on "Il Commento alla Metafisica di Alessandro Bonini di Alessandria".

• 2010, 18 November — Lecture at the University of Trento (Italy) on "Thomas Aquinas and the Problem of the Beginning and Ending of Human Life".

• 2010, 23-24 November — Three lectures at the University of Salerno (Italy) on "The Problem of Intentionality on the Middle Ages" and "Later Medieval Interpretations of Aristotle's Metaphysics".

• 2011, 7 December — Lecture at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) on "Intérprétations médiévales de la doctrine aristotelicienne de la substance".

• 2012, 29 November — Lecture at the University 'L'Orientale' of Naples (Italy) on "Thomas Aquinas on Mental Language".

• 2013, 14 March — Lecture at the Pontifical University "San Tommaso d'Aquino"-Angelicum (Italy) on "Hervaeus Natalis and the Problem of Universals".

• 2013, 24 April — Lecture at the Department of Philosophy, University 'La Sapienza' of Rome (Italy) on "Thomas Aquinas on Mental Language".

• 2013, 25-26 November — Two lectures at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) on "Thomas d’Aquin, l’hylémorphisme et l’identité des objets à travers le temps".

• 2013, 16-18 December — Three lectures at the University of Salerno (Italy) on "Thomas Aquinas on Identity Over Time", "Thomas Aquinas on the Origin of Human Soul" and "Siger of Brabant on the Relationship between Body and Soul".

• 2014, 8 May — Seminar at the University of Ferrara on "Thomas Aquinas and Siger of Brabant on Soul as the Form of the Body".

• 2014, 15 May — Lecture at the University of Parma (Italy) on "The Philosophical Roots of the Europe: History and Historiography".

• 2015, 7 January — Seminar at the University of Roma "La Sapienza" on "Abelard and Alberic of Paris on the Semantics of Non-Categorial Sentences".

• 2015, 30 April — Lecture at the University of Ferrara on "Human soul, hellfire and pain: the position of Siger of Brabant".

• 2016, 29 February — Public lecture at the Cinema Astra (Parma, Italy) on "Christian Fraternity", within the project "Pensare la vita" organized by prof. Ferruccio Andolfi.

• 2016, 16 and 17 May — Two lectures at the University of Salento (Lecce, Italy) on "Thomas Aquinas and the Mind/Body Problem" and "Realism and Limits of Natural Knowledge in Thomas Aquinas".

• 2016, 26 May — Lecture at the University of Pavia (Italy) on "The Mind/Body Problem in Thomas Aquinas".

• 2017, 22 February — Lecture at the University of Pavia (Italy) on "Realism and Limits of Natural Knowledge in Thomas Aquinas".

• 2017, 07 March — "Lectio Thomae" at the Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Meridionale, Sezione San Tommaso d'Aquino, Napoli (Italy), on "Realism and Limits of Natural Knowledge in Thomas Aquinas".

• 2017, 04 April - Presentation of the volume "Ipsum verum non videbis nisi in philosophiam totus intraveris. Studi in onore di Franco de Capitani", edited by Fabrizio Amerini and Stefano Caroti, Etheca On Line Open Access Edizioni, 2016, at the Catholic University of Milan (Italy).

• 2017, 31 October - Lecture at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan on "Impossible dialogue: the case of Peter Damian and Gilbert Crispin".

• 2017, 30 November - Lecture at the University Center of Bioethics, University of Parma, on "Identity, Continuity, Definition. Thomas Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life".

• 2018, 06 April - Lecture at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Venezia on "William of Ockham and the Nature of the Mind".

• 2018, 23 November - Lecture at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Ferrara on "Thomas Aquinas and the Mind/Body Problem".

• 2019, 26 February - Meeting moderated by prof. F. Zanin, with prof. G. P. Soliani, at the Department of Philosophy ofthe University of Venice on "Divine omnipotence in Duns Scotus and Ockham".

• 2019, 13-15 September - Lecture on "The Summa theologiae of Thomas Aquinas" in the session "The Lesson of the Classics" at the Modena Festival of Philosophy 2019.

• 2019, 23 October - Lecture on "Aquinas on Process" held at the University of Gothenburg.



• 2004-2005 (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Words, Concepts, and Things. Theories of Cognition in the XIII and XIV Centuries. Graduate Course: Being and Essence in Medieval Philosophy.

• 2005-2006: First Semester (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Thomas Aquinas and the Nature of Human Soul. Advanced Course: St. Bonaventure’s "Itinerarium mentis in Deum". Second Semester (History of Medieval Political Thought). Graduate Course: The Medieval Reception of Aristotle’s Politics.

• 2006-2007 (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Medieval Debates on the Nature of the Intellect. Graduate Course: Thomas Aquinas’s "De unitate intellectus".

• 2007-2008 (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Medieval Bioethics. Graduate Course: Anselm of Aosta’s "Proslogion".

• 2008-2009 (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Medieval Debates on Intentionality. Graduate Course: Medieval Theories of Intentionality: the Historiographic Debate.

• 2009-2010 (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Thomas Aquinas's "De ente et essentia". Graduate Course: The Medieval Reception of Aristotle's "Metaphysics".

• 2010-2011 (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Philosophy and Theology in the Middle Ages. Graduate Course: Being, True, One, and Good. The Medieval Doctrine of Transcendentals.

• 2011-2012 (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Introduction to the Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Graduate Course: Ockham and Mental Language.

• 2012-2013 (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Introduction to the Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Graduate Course: Representationalism and Realism in Thomas Aquinas.

• 2013-2014 (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Introduction to the Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Graduate Course: Siger of Brabant and the Mind/Body Problem.

• 2014-2015 (History of Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Introduction to Medieval Philosophy. Graduate Course: The Question of Universals in the Middle Ages.

• 2015-2016 (History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Aristotle and Medieval Aristotelianism(s). Graduate Course (History of Christian Medieval Philosophy): Thomas Aquinas' "De ente et essentia".

• 2016-2017 (History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Plato and Medieval Platonism. Graduate Course (History of Christian Medieval Philosophy): William of Ockham's "Summa logicae".

• 2018-2019 (History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy). Undergraduate Course: Intoduction to Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Graduate Course(History of Christian Medieval Philosophy): The "De primo principio" of John Duns Scotus.



• 2012 — Member of the Committee for the TFA, I cycle.

• 2013 — Member of the Committee for the students' guide for the redaction of the ‘laurea’ thesis.

• 2013-2014 — Member of the Committee for the evaluation of the first-year students' test of entrance to the course of "Studi Filosofici".

• 2014-2015 — Member of the Committee for the evaluation of the first-year students' test of entrance to the course of "Studi Filosofici".

• 2014 — Member of the Organizing Committee of the university second-level Master in "Formazione continua per l’insegnamento delle discipline filosofiche nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado" (Coordinator: prof. Salvatore Vasta, University of Catania, Italy).

• 2014 — Member of the committee for the TFA, II cycle, at the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2014, 17 December — Member of the Ph.D. Committee. Candidate: Dr. Femke J. Kok. Title of the thesis: "A Faithful Philosopher. Philosophy and Theology in John Buridan’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics".

• 2014 — Member of the committee for the compilation of SUA-RD of the Department A.L.E.F. of the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2014, 17 December — Membership of the Doctoral Committee. Candidate: Dr. Femke J. Kok. Title of the thesis: "A Faithful Philosopher. Philosophy and Theology in John Buridan’s Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics".

• 2015, 20 February — President of the "Consiglio di tirocinio" for the TFA, II cycle, at the University of Parma (Italy).

• 2015, 16 June — Member of the Ph.D. Committee in "Filosofia, Scienze e Cultura dell’Età Tardo-antica, Medievale e Umanistica" (FiTMU), University of Salerno (Italy). Candidates: Dr. Giovanni Alberti, Dr. Martina Autuori, Dr. Sara Anna Ianniello, Dr. Francesca Merlo, Dr. Vincenzo Panico.

• 2016, 04 April — Member of the Ph.D. Committee in "Filosofia e Antropologia", XXVII cycle, University of Parma (Italy). Candidates: Dr. Sandra Manzi-Manzi, Tommaso de Robertis.

• 2017, 23 March — Member of the Ph.D. Committee in "Scienze filologico-letterarie, storico-filosofiche e artistiche", XXIX cycle, University of Parma (Italy). Candidate: Dr. Sara Salati.

• 2017, 27 March — Idoneity (ASN 2016) for Full Professor (SSD: M-FIL/08; 11-C5 - History of Philosophy).

• 2017 — Member of the "Commissione Paritetica Docenti-Studenti" of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries.

• 2017 — Award "Finanziamento attività base di ricerca ANVUR 2017".

• 2019 - Principal Investigator del Grant Horizon 2020 Framework Programme Call for proposals: H2020-MSCA-IF-2018 (H2020-MSCA-IF-2018) Proposal: 845061 — CALCULATORES. Imaginable Impossibilities and Thought Experiments. The Tradition of the Oxford Calculators and its Influence on Early-Modern Logic and Natural Philosophy, submitted by Dr. Irene Binini.



• 2006-present — Advisor of graduate ‘laurea’ theses of Dr. Gian Pietro Soliani; Gioacchino Curiello; Armanda Simonazzi; Maria Luisa Pandini; Anna Maria Pagliarini; Martina Giovannacci; Alessia Domenica Terrana; Gregorio Ventura; Filippa Giuseppina Lo Presti; Adele Galli; Federica Bocchi; Matteo Corradi.

— Co-advisor of the laurea thesis by Linda Oliva "Paracelso, il Paragrano nel contesto dell’alchimia rinascimentale" (Advisor: prof. Franco de Capitani); Elisa Oliviero "Libertà dell'arbitrio e prescienza di Dio nel De fato di Pomponazzi' (Advisor: prof. Stefano Caroti).

— Advisor of the Ph.D dissertation of Dr. Gioacchino Curiello (University of Salerno, Italy, June 2016).

— Co-advisor of the Ph.D. dissertation of Dr. Francesco di Giacomo (University of L’Aquila, Italy, June 2014).

— Advisor of the Ph.D. dissertation of Dr. Salvatore Cirami "La 'relatio transcendens' nel pensiero di Duns Scoto" (University of Salerno, Italy, July 2019).







1) "La questione dell’essenza nel Commento alla Metafisica di Tommaso d’Aquino", Ph.D. Dissertation, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa 2003.

2) "I trattati De universalibus di Francesco da Prato e Stefano da Rieti (Secolo XIV)", Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, Spoleto 2003. ISBN: 88-7988-385-2.

3) (editor, with Mario Bertagna) "Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale" XV (2004). ISSN: 1122-5750.

4) "La logica di Francesco da Prato. Con l’edizione critica della Loyca e del Tractatus de voce univoca", Sismel-Edizioni del Galluzzo, Firenze 2005. ISBN: 88-8450-137-7.

5) (editor) "Dal convento alla città. Filosofia e teologia in Francesco da Prato O.P. (XIV secolo). Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, Prato, 18-19 maggio 2007", Carlo Zella Editore, Firenze 2008. ISBN: 888843320-1.

6) "Tommaso d'Aquino su origine e fine della vita umana", ETS, Pisa 2009. ISBN: 978-884672311-6.

7) (editor) «Quaestio» 10 (2010). "Later Medieval Perspectives on Intentionality". ISBN: 978-2-503-53634-t; ISSN: 1379-2547.

8) (editor, with Rita Messori) "Sulle origini del linguaggio. Immaginazione, Espressione, Simbolo", ETS, Pisa 2012. ISBN: 9788846733603.

9) "Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life", English Translation by Mark G. Henninger, Harvard University Press, Harvard 2013. ISBN 9780674072473.

10) "Tommaso d'Aquino e l'intenzionalità", ETS, Pisa 2013. ISBN: 978-884673683-3.

11) (editor, with Gabriele Galluzzo) "A Companion to the Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Metaphysics", Brill, Leiden-Boston 2014 (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 43). ISBN: 978-90-04-26128-0; ISSN: 1871-6377.

12) (editor) "In principio erat Verbum. Philosophy and Theology in the Commentaries on the Gospel of John (II-XIV centuries)", Aschendorff, Münster 2013 (Archa Verbi. Subsidia, 10). ISBN: 978–3–402–10226–8; ISSN: 1865–2964.

13) (editor, with Mario Bertagna) "Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale" XXV (2014). ISSN: 1122-5750.

14) (editor, with Stefano Caroti) "Ipsum verum non videbis nisi in philosophiam totus intraveris. Studi in onore di Franco de Capitani", Etheca On Line Open Access Edizioni, 2016.

15) (edited by, with Laurent Cesalli) "Universals in the Fourteenth Century", Edizioni della Normale, Pisa 2017.

16) (edited by, with Riccardo Saccenti) “Vicarius Petri, Vicarius Christi. La titolatura del Papa nell’XI secolo. Dibattiti e prospettive", ETS, Pisa 2017. ISBN: 978-884670000-0.

17) "Conoscenza "positiva" e conoscenza "negativa" di Dio. La posizione di Tommaso d'Aquino nella ricerca razionale sull'Assoluto divino", Verbum Ferens, Napoli 2018 (Lectio Thomae . ISBN: 8897232302.

18) (a cura di, con Irene Binini e Massimo Mugnai) "Mereology in Medieval Logic and Metaphysics", Edizioni della Normale, Pisa 2019.



1) "La quaestio 'Utrum subiectum in logica sit ens rationis' e la sua attribuzione a Francesco da Prato. Note sulla vita e gli scritti del domenicano Francesco da Prato (XIV secolo)", «Memorie Domenicane», n.s. 30 (1999), pp. 147-217. ISSN: 1121-9343.

2) "Il trattato De suppositionibus terminorum di Francesco da Prato O. P. Una rilettura della dottrina ockhamista del linguaggio", «Medioevo», XXV (1999/2000), pp. 441-550. ISSN: 0391-2566.

3) "La dottrina della significatio di Francesco da Prato O. P. (XIV secolo). Una critica tomista a Guglielmo di Ockham", «Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale», XI (2000), pp. 375-408. ISSN: 1122-5750.

4) "Il problema dell’essenza delle sostanze e degli accidenti nel Commento alla Metafisica di Tommaso d’Aquino", «Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale», XII (2001), pp. 367-425. ISSN: 1122-5750.

5) "Il problema dell’identità tra una cosa e la sua essenza. Alcune note sull’esegesi medievale di Metafisica Zeta 6", «Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale», XIII (2002), pp. 435-506. ISSN: 1122-5750.

6) "Aristotle, Averroes, and Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Essence", «Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale», XIV (2003), pp. 79-122. ISSN: 1122-5750.

7) "Thomas Aquinas, Alexander of Alexandria, and Paul of Venice on the Nature of Essence", «Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale», XV (2004), pp. 541-589. ISSN: 1122-5750.

8) "What is Real. A Reply to Ockham’s Ontological Program", «Vivarium», 43/1 (2005), pp. 187-212. ISSN: 0042-7543.

9) "Alessandro di Alessandria sulla natura degli accidenti", «Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale», XVI (2005), pp. 179-235. ISSN: 1122-5750.

10) " 'Utrum inherentia sit de essentia accidentis'. Francis of Marchia and the Debate on the Nature of Accidents", «Vivarium», 44/1 (2006), pp. 96-150. ISSN: 0042-7543. ISI: 000241004400005.

11) " 'De natura generis'. William Ockham and Some Italian Dominicans, in «Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale», XVIII (2007), pp. 453-482. ISSN: 1122-5750.

12) "Comunità e individuo in Tommaso d'Aquino", «La Società degli Individui» 30/3 (2007), pp. 39-51. ISSN: 1590-7031.

13) "Un Convegno internazionale su Francesco da Prato", «Bollettino Roncioniano» VII (2007), pp. 93-96.

14) "Guglielmo di Ockham e la dimostrazione dell’esistenza di Dio", «Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia», n.s. 13 (2007), pp. 5-31. ISSN: 0394-5073.

15) "The Semantics of Substantial Names. The Tradition of the Commentaries on Aristotle’s Metaphysics", «Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales», 75.2 (2008), pp. 395-440. ISSN: 1370-7493. ISI: 000262750600005. c

16) "Francesco di Appignano come fonte di Paolo Veneto. Il caso degli accidenti eucaristici", «Picenum Seraphicum» 25 (2008-2009), pp. 19-67. ISSN: 0392-168.

17) (con Ch. Rode) "Franciscus de Prato's Tractatus de ente rationis. A Critical Edition with a Historico-Philosophical Introduction", «Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Ages» 76 (2009), pp. 261-312. ISSN: 0373-5478.

18) "William Ockham and Mental Synonymy. The Case of Nugation", «Franciscan Studies» 67 (2009), pp. 375-403. ISSN: 0080-5459.

19) "Tommaso d'Aquino, la verità e il Medioevo", «Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia» n.s. 15 (2009), pp. 35-63. ISSN: 0394-5073.

20) "Report of the International Conference 'Later Medieval Perspectives on Intentionality', held in Parma (Italy), 10-12 June 2009, in «Bullettin de Philosophie Médiévale» 51 (2009), pp. 280-293. ISSN: 0068-4023.

21) "Later Medieval Perspectives on Intentionality. An Introduction", in «Quaestio» 10 (2010), pp. 3-23. ISBN: 978-2-503-53634-t; ISSN: 1379-2547.

22) "La presenza di Graziadio d’Ascoli nello Scriptum super artem veterem di Stefano da Rieti, «Memorie domenicane», n. s., XLII (2011), pp. 343-382. ISSN: 1121-9343.

23) "Pragmatics and Semantics in Thomas Aquinas", «Vivarium» 49 (2011), pp. 95-126. ISSN: 0042-7543. ISI: 000304587000006. SCOPUS: DOI 10.1163/156853411X590453.

24) "Thomas Aquinas and Some Italian Dominicans (Francis of Prato, Georgius Rovegnatinus, and Girolamo Savonarola) on Signification and Supposition", «Vivarium» 51 (2013), pp. 327-351. ISSN: 0042-7543. SCOPUS DOI: 10.1163/15685349-12341252. ISI: 000326960900015.

25) "Thomas Aquinas on Mental Language", «Medioevo» XXXVIII (2013), pp. 77-110. ISSN: 0391-2566. ISBN: 978-88-7115-840-2.

26) "Peter Auriol on Categories", «Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale», XXV (2014), pp. 453-482. ISSN: 1122-5750.

27) "Aquinas's Philosophy of Language in His Commentary on De Interpretatione", «Divus Thomas» 118,1 (2015), pp. 80-113.SCOPUS DOI: 10.1163/15685349-12341252.

28) "Remoto rationali, remanet vivum. Tommaso d’Aquino, il Liber de causis e la fine della vita umana", «Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale» XXVI (2015), pp. 185-210. ISSN: 1122-5750.

29) "Le Thomisme en Italie au XIVe siècle: d’Hervé de Nédellec à François de Prato", «Memorie domenicane» 46 (2015), pp. 499-512.ISSN: 1121-9343.

30) "Thomas Aquinas, Hylomorphism, and Identity Over Time", «Noctua» III/1 (2016), pp. 29-73.ISSN: 2284-1180.

31) "Codex e la filosofia medievale in Toscana: dal tempo di Dante alla fine del Trecento", «Codex Studies» 2 (2018), pp. 3-32. ISBN: 978-88-8450-869-0.

32) "Rappresentazione naturale e simbolica in Tommaso d'Aquino. Alcune note", «Aisthesis» 11/1 (2018), pp. 31-44. ISSN: 2035-8466. ISI:000440637100004. SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85047981230.



1) "Introduzione", in "Dal convento alla città. Filosofia e teologia in Francesco da Prato O.P. (XIV secolo). Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, Prato, 18-19 maggio 2007", a cura di F. Amerini, Carlo Zella Editore, Firenze 2008, pp. 7-12. ISBN: 888843320-1.

2) "La figura e la filosofia di Francesco da Prato", in "Dal convento alla città. Filosofia e teologia in Francesco da Prato O.P. (XIV secolo). Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Storia della Filosofia Medievale, Prato, 18-19 maggio 2007", a cura di F. Amerini, Carlo Zella Editore, Firenze 2008, pp. 15-113. ISBN: 888843320-1.

3) "Realism and Intentionality: Hervaeus Natalis, Peter Aureoli, and William Ockham in Discussion", in "Philosophical Debates at Paris in the Early Fourteenth Century", ed. by S.F. Brown-Th. Dewender-T. Kobusch, Brill, Leiden-Boston 2009 (Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters), pp. 239-260. ISBN: 9789004175662; ISSN: 0169-8028.

4) "La dottrina dell'univocità dell'essere nel Commento alle Sentenze di Pietro d'Aquila", in "Lo scotismo nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia", a cura di F. Fiorentino, Fidem, Porto 2010, pp. 303-327. ISBN: 978-2-503-53448-0.

5) "Il rasoio di Chatton. La disputa tra Chatton e Ockham sul principio di parsimonia", in "Cristianesimo teologia filosofia. Studi in onore di Alberto Siclari", a cura di F. Rossi, Franco Angeli, Milano 2010, pp. 25-40. ISBN: 9788856825657.

6) "The Reception of Thomas Aquinas’ Philosophy in the Dominican studia of the Roman Province in the Fourteenth Century", in "Philosophy and Theology in the Studia of the Religious Orders and at Papal and Royal Courts", edited by Kent Emery, Jr., William J. Courtenay and Stephen M. Metzger, Brepols, Turnhout 2012 (Rencontres de philosophie médiévale 15), pp. 139-164. ISBN: 978-2-503-54326-0.

7) "Tommaso d'Aquino e le origini del linguaggio", in "Sulle origini del linguaggio. Espressione, Immaginazione, Simbolo", a cura di F. Amerini e R. Messori, ETS, Pisa 2102, pp. 109-132. ISBN: 9788846733603.

8) "Explanation and Definition in Thomas Aquinas' Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics", in "Logic and Language in the Middle Ages. A Volume in Honour of Sten Ebbesen", edited by Jacob Leth Fink, Heine Hansen and Ana-Maria Mora-Marquez, Brill, Leiden-Boston 2013, pp. 239-255. ISBN: 978-90-04-23592-2. ISI: 000321205900015.

9) "XIVth-Century Reactions to Burley", in "A Companion to Walter Burley. Late Medieval Logician and Metaphysician", edited by Alessandro D. Conti, Brill, Leiden-Boston 2013, pp. 377-409. ISBN: 978-90-04-24461. ISI: 000324043700014.

10) "Fourteenth-Century Debates about the Nature of the 'Categories'", in "Aristotle's 'Categories' in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin Traditions", edited by Sten Ebbesen, John Marenbon and Paul Thom, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab-The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen 2013 (Scientia Danica-Series H-Humanistica, 8, vol. 5), pp. 217-244. ISBN: 978-87-7304-372-1.

11) "Politica, religione e dialogo interreligioso in Pier Damiani. Alcune note", in "Religione e politica. Da Dante alle prospettive teoriche contemporanee", a cura di Beatrice Centi e Alberto Siclari, prefazione di Gino Ferretti, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma 2013 (Temi e Testi, 121), pp. 27-40. ISBN: 978-88-6372-534-6.

12) (with G. Galluzzo) "Introduction", in F. Amerini-G. Galluzzo (eds.), "A Companion to the Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Metaphysics", Brill, Leiden-Boston 2014, pp. 1-18 (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 43). ISBN: 978-90-04-26128-0; ISSN: 1871-6377.

13) "Alexander of Alessandria's Commentary on the Metaphysics", in F. Amerini-G. Galluzzo (eds.), "A Companion to the Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Metaphysics", Brill, Leiden-Boston 2014, pp. 315-358 (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 43). ISBN: 978-90-04-26128-0; ISSN: 1871-6377. ISI: 000329204700009.

14) "Preface", in F. Amerini (ed.), "In principio erat Verbum. Philosophy and Theology in the Commentaries on the Gospel of John (II-XIV centuries)", Aschendorff, Münster 2013, pp. VII-XII (Archa Verbi. Subsidia, 10). ISBN: 978–3–402–10226–8; ISSN: 1865–2964.

15) "L'impossibile dialogo. Il caso di Pier Damiani e Gilberto Crispino", in M. Coppola-G. Fernicola-L. Pappalardo (a cura di), "Dialogus. Il dialogo filosofico fra le religioni nel pensiero tardo-antico, medievale e umanistico", Città Nuova, Roma 2014 (Institutiones, 4), pp. 153-182. ISBN: 978-88-311-1753-1.

16) "Peter of Auvergne on Substance", in Ch. Flueler-L. Lanza-M. Toste (eds.), "Peter of Auvergne. University Master of the 13th Century", De Gruyter, Berlin-Munchen-Boston 2015 (Scrinium Friburgense, 26), pp. 207-254. ISBN: 978-3-11-022848-9.

17) "La cristologia di Pier Damiani. Alcune note", in S. Caroti-A. Siclari (raccolti da), "Filosofia e religione. Studi in onore di Fabio Rossi", E-theca on line open access edizioni, 2014 (Quaderni di Noctua, 2:, pp. 28-58. DOI: 10.14640.

18) "Tommaso d'Aquino, il 'desiderium' e la logica. Alcune note sul rapporto tra logica e desiderio nel Medioevo", in A. Palazzo (a cura di), "Il desiderio nel Medioevo", Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma 2014, pp. 207-222. ISBN: 978-88-6372-709-8.

19) "Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life: A Rejoinder to Patrick Toner", in R. Pasnau (ed.), "Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy", vol. 3, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2015, pp. 189-195. ISBN: 978-0-19-874380-4.

20) "Stephan of Rieti's Criticism of Ockham's Interpretation of Aristotle and Porphiry", in C. Rode (ed.), "A Companion to Responses to Ockham", Brill, Leuven-Boston 2016 (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 65), pp. 303-333. ISBN: 978-90-04-26128-0; ISSN: 1871-6377. ISI: 000329204700009.

21) "Y a-t-il une identité de genre chez Thomas d'Aquin?", in Y. Raison du Cleziou (ed.), "Penser avec le genre : Sociétés, corps, christianisme", Lethielleux, Paris 2016, pp. 243-266. ISBN: 9782249623806.

22) "Tommaso d'Aquino su conoscenza confusa e conoscenza distinta", in A. Rodolfi (ed.), " "Scientia humana" e "scientia divina". Conoscenza del mondo e conoscenza di Dio", Edizioni ETS, Pisa 2016 (Philosophica, 159), pp. 63-79. ISBN: 978-8846744579.

23) "Aquinas on Human Soul and the Beginning of Life", in A. Paravicini Bagliani - A. Bertolacci (eds.), "La Filosofia Medievale tra Antichità ed Età Moderna. Saggi in memoria di Francesco Del Punta (1941-2013)", Sismel-Edizioni del Galluzzo, Firenze 2016, pp. 301-323. ISBN: 978-88-8450-451-7.

24) "Non enim corpus sentit, sed anima per corpus. Tommaso d’Aquino lettore di Agostino", in F. Amerini - S. Caroti (raccolti da), "Ipsum verum non videbis nisi in philosophiam totus intraveris. Studi in onore di Franco de Capitani", E-Theca On Line Open Access Edizioni, Parma 2016, pp. 25-76. ISSN: 2284-1180. DOI 10.14640/QuadernidiNoctua3.

25) "Averroes and Aquinas on the Primary Substantiality of Form", in "The Aristotelian Tradition. Aristotle's Works on Logic and Metaphysics and Their Reception in the Middle Ages", ed. by Börje Bydén and Christina Thomsen Thörnqvist, PIMS, Toronto 2017, pp. 49-80. ISBN: 978-0-88844-828-6.

26) (with Laurent Cesalli) "Introduction", in "Universals in the Fourteenth Century", ed. by F. Amerini and L. Cesalli, Edizioni della Normale, Pisa 2017, pp. 1-4. ISBN: 978-88-7642-621-6.

27) "Hervaeus Natalis on Universals", in "Universals in the Fourteenth Century", ed. by F. Amerini and L. Cesalli, Edizioni della Normale, Pisa 2017, pp. 109-137. ISBN: 978-88-7642-621-6.

28) (with R. Saccenti), "Introduction", in “Vicarius Petri, Vicarius Christi. La titolatura del Papa nell’XI secolo. Dibattiti e prospettive", ed. by F. Amerini and R. Saccenti, ETS, Pisa 2017, pp. 5-8. ISBN: 978-884670000-0.

29) "Ockham on Mental Syncategoremata", in "The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy. Essays in Honor of Claude Panaccio", ed. by J. Pelletier - M. Roques, Springer, Dordrecht 2017, pp. 149-166 (Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action, 5). ISBN: 978-3-319-66633-4.

30) (con Massimo Mugnai) "Franciscus de Prato on Reduplication", in Ch. Kann - B. Loewe - Ch. Rode - S.L. Uckelman (eds.), "Modern Views of Medieval Logic", Peeters, Leuven 2018, pp. 1-14. ISBN:978-90-429-3663-8.



1) "Catégories et langage mental. Une critique de François de Prato à Guillaume d’Occam", in "La Tradition médiévale des Catégories (XIIe-XVe siècles), Actes du XIIIe Symposium européen de logique et de sémantique médiévales (Avignon, 6-10 juin 2000)", éd. par J. Biard et I. Rosier-Catach, Éditions de l’Institut Supérieur de Philosophie-Éditions Peeters, Louvain-la-Neuve-Louvain-Paris-Dudley (Ma) 2003, pp. 173-186. ISBN: 90-429-1335-5; 2-87723-733-8.

2) "Le statut de la proposition chez Hervé de Nédellec", in "Medieval Theories on Assertive and Non-Assertive Language. Acts of the 14th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantic (Rome, June 11th-15th, 2002)", ed. by A. Maierù and L. Valente, Olschki, Firenze 2004 (Lessico Intellettuale Europeo, 97), pp. 333-354. ISBN: 88-222-5377-9: ISSN: 0075-8825; cod. ISI: 000249808700016.

3) "Rappresentazione pittorica e rappresentazione poetica in Tommaso d'Aquino", in "Dire l'esperienza estetica", ed. by R. Messori, Centro Internazionale di Studi di Estetica, Palermo 2007 (Aesthetica Preprint), pp. 27-38.

4) "Alessandro di Alessandria su natura e soggetto della metafisica", in "Metaphysica – sapientia – scientia divina: soggetto e statuto della filosofia prima nel Medioevo, Atti del XIV Convegno della Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale (Bari, 9-12 giugno 2004)", ed. by P. Porro, in «Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica», 5 (2005), pp. 477-494. ISBN: 978-2-503-53634-t; ISSN: 1379-2547.

5) "La natura della sostanza nel Commento alla Metafisica di Francesco d’Appignano", negli "Atti del IV Convegno Internazionale su Francesco d’Appignano, Appignano del Tronto, 15 settembre 2007", ed. by D. Priori, Appignano del Tronto 2008, pp. 45-71.

6) "Immaginario e immaginazione in Tommaso d'Aquino. Alcune note", in "Immaginario e immaginazione nel Medioevo", ed. by M. Bettetini and F. Paparella, with the collaboration of R. Furlan, Fidem, Louvain-la-Neuve 2009 (Textes et études du Moyen Age, 51), pp. 219-236. ISBN: 978-2-503-52150-2.

7) "Utrum eadem animalia specie sint generabilia per propagationem et putrefactionem. Francesco di Appignano sulla generazione degli animali", in "Atti del V Convegno Internazionale su Francesco di Appignano", ed. by D. Priori, Edizioni Terra dei Fioretti, Jesi 2011, pp. 113-144. ISBN: 9788896783016.

8) "Contingenza, volontà e libertà in Pietro d'Aquila", in "Contingenza e libertà. Teorie francescane del primo Trecento", ed. by G. Alliney, M. Fedeli and A. Pertosa, EUM, Macerata 2012, pp. 239-268. ISBN: 978-88-6056-323-1.

9) "Paul of Venice on the Nature of the Possible Intellect", in "Universalità della ragione. Pluralità delle filosofie nel Medioevo", 3 voll., ed. by Alessandro Musco and C. Compagno, S.D’Agostino, G. Musotto, Indexes by G. Musotto, Officina di Studi Medievali, Palermo 2012, vol. II.2, pp. 713-720. ISBN: 978-88-6485-025-2.

10) "Tommaso d’Aquino e il mind/body problem", in "Anima e corpo nella filosofia medievale", Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Catania, 19 ottobre 2015, a cura di C. Martello e A. Vella, A&G Cuecm, Catania 2017, pp. 65-96. ISBN: 978-88-99775-19-3.



1) "La logica di Ockham", in "Enciclopedia Treccani", 2010;

2) "Intention, Primary and Secondary", in "Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy between 500 and 1500", ed. by H. Lagerlund, Springer, Dordrecht-Heidelberg-New York 2011, part 9, pp. 555-558. ISSN:978-1-4020- 9728-7.

3) "Intentionality", in "Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy between 500 and 1500", ed. by H. Lagerlund, Springer, Dordrecht-Heidelberg-New York 2011, part 9, pp. 558-564. ISSN:978-1-4020- 9728-7.

4) "Paul of Venice", in "Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy between 500 and 1500", ed. by H. Lagerlund, Springer, Dordrecht-Heidelberg-New York 2011, part 16, pp. 925-931. ISSN:978-1-4020- 9728-7.

5) Review of "M. Damiata, I problemi di Guglielmo di Ockham. I: la conoscenza, Edizioni "Studi Francescani", Firenze 1996", in «Studi medievali» 39/1 (1998), pp. 254-258. ISSN: 0039-0437; ISI: 000078126300012.

6) Review of "A. de Libera, La querelle des universaux. De Platon à la fin du Moyen Age, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1996", in «Studi medievali» 40/1 (1998), pp. 169-173. ISSN: 0039-0437; ISI: 000083383500005.

7) Review of "M. M. Mulchahey, 'First the Bow is Bent in Study...'. Dominican Education before 1350, Toronto, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1998 (Studies and Texts, 132)", in «Studi medievali» 41/1 (2000), pp. 490-493. ISSN: 0039-0437; ISI: 000165653500054.

8) Review of "Aux origines du lexique philosophique européen. L'influence de la latinitas. Actes du Colloque international organisé à Rome par la F.I.D.E.M. en collaboration avec l'Università degli Studi di Roma (Dipartimento di ricerche storiche, filosofiche e pedagogiche), le Lessico Intellettuale Europeo (C.N.R.), l'Université catholique de Louvain à Louvain-La-Neuve (Institut Supérieur de Philosophie) et patronnée par la Présidence Italienne de la C.E.E. 1996 (Academia Belgica, 23-25 mai 1996), édités par J. Hamesse, Louvain-La-Neuve, 1997, pp. XIV-298 (Textes et études du Moyen Age, 8)", in «Studi medievali» 42/2 (2001), pp. 972-975. ISSN: 0391-8467; ISI: 000173936100071.

9) Review of "E. Grant, Science and Religion, 400 B.C. to A.D. 1550. From Aristotle to Copernicus, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore 2004", in «Mediaevistik» 21 (2008), pp. 191-194.

10) Review of “R. Fedriga, La sesta prosa. Discussioni medievali su prescienza, libertà e contingenza”, in «I castelli di Yale» IV/1 (2016), pp. 191-197.

11) Review of "C. Tarlazzi, Individui e universali. Il realismo di Gualtiero di Mortagne nel XII secolo", in «I castelli di Yale» VI/2 (2018), pp. 172-175.



• "Mental Representation and Semantics. Two Essays in Medieval Philosophy", Leuven University Press, Leuven 2019.

• "Confuse vs. Determinate Cognition", in "A Companion to Cognitive Theory in Later Middle Ages", eds. by M. Pickavé and R. L. Friedman, Brill, Leiden-Boston 2017.

• (with M. Mugnai) "Il trattato sulla reduplicazione di Francesco da Prato", introduzione ed edizione critica, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.

• "Guglielmo di Ockham e la filosofia come insegnamento del vero", in "La ricerca del vero. Insegnare la filosofia nel Medioevo. Miscellanea in ricordo di arco Arosio", a cura di A. Bisogno e I. Zavattero, Brepols, Turnhout 2015.

• "Alexandri de Alexandria In Duodecim Aristotelis Metaphysicae Libros Expositio", introduction and critical edition of books VII-VIII. Edition is based on the following manuscripts: Cordoba, Biblioteca del Cabildo 129 Est. 3; Erfurt, Stadtbibliotek, Ampl. F. 325; Krakòw, Biblioteka Jagiellonska 650; Munchen, Stadtsbibliothek, Clm. 11591; Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale, VIII. E. 2; Napoli, Biblioteca Nazionale, VIII. E. 37; Padova, Biblioteca Antoniana, Scaff. XVIII 386.

• "Gratiadei de Ausculo Logica", introduction and critical edition. Edition is based on the following manuscripts: Pisa, Biblioteca Cateriniana del Seminario, 115; Padova, Biblioteca Universitaria, 2184.

• "Stephani de Reate Scriptum super Artem Veterem", introduction and critical edition. Edition is based on the following manuscript: Wroclaw, Biblioteka Uniwersyteczna, IV. Q. 4. 

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Lines of research

My researches have been developed in four areas: (1) the medieval reception of Aristotelian logic and metaphysics, with a particular focus on medieval semantics and formal ontology; (2) the philosophy of mind and intentionality in the Middle Ages, and their relations with modern and contemporary theories; (3) the late-medieval anthropological doctrines, with particular attention to the Mind / Body Problem and to bioethical issues concerning the beginning and end of human life; (4) the history of the Italian medieval philosophy and of that of the Dominican Order in particular.



My ORCID ID is Fabrizio Amerini


Lecture "Thomas Aquinas and the Summa theologiae" within the series of lectures 'Lezione dei classici' at the Festival della filosofia di Modena, Carpi, Sassuolo, 13-15 September 2019.


Phone number
Office location

University of Parma

Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cultural Industries (D.U.S.I.C.)

Unit of Philosophy

Via M. d'Azeglio 85 - I-43100 Parma (Italy)

Tel. +39.0521.902339