

Professore di II fascia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Didattica delle lingue moderne
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Office hour
  • Teaching
  • Appointments
  • Research
  • Third mission

Michele Daloiso got his Master’s Degree in Linguistics and his PhD in Linguistics and Modern Philology (specialization in Educational Linguistics) at the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice. In the following years, he continued his collaboration with the University of Venice as post-doc research fellow, collaborator of the Language Teaching Research Centre and scientific coordinator of the courses of Italian as a second language for international students. He is now associate professor of Educational Linguistics at the University of Parma.

Scientific consulting
Michele Daloiso has also worked as scientific consultant in his areas of expertise, particularly early sensitization to foreign languages and language education of learners with communication, language and learning disorders. Among the institutions he has been working as consultant, a special mention goes to the Italian Dyslexia Association, Oxford University Press, Erickson, the Knowledge Department of the Autonomous Province of Trento.

Scientific production
Michele Daloiso is the director of the series “Specific Language Needs – Theories and models for language teaching” (Erickson Editions) and referee for many scientific journals, such as Educazione Linguistica – Language Education, Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, Dislessia. Giornale Italiano di ricerca clinica e applicativa. He is also the author of 90 scientific publications. Among his latest monographs:
(2017) Supporting Learners with Dyslexia in the ELT Classroom, Oxford University Press (winner of the Ben Warren Trust Prize e finalist at the ELTons Innovation Awards of the British Council).
(2015) L’educazione linguistica dell’allievo con bisogni specifici. Italiano, lingue straniere e classiche, UTET Università.
(2015) Scienze del linguaggio e educazione linguistica, Bonacci/Loescher.
(2014) Lingue straniere e disturbi specifici dell’apprendimento. Un quadro di riferimento per la progettazione di materiali glottodidattici accessibili, Loescher.

Affiliation with scientific societies
Società Italiana di Didattica delle Lingue (DILLE)
Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (AItLA)
International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA)

Students can write an email to Professor Daloiso to book an in-presence or online appointment in the following days:

Wednesdays, from 10:30 to 12:00 am (from September 13th to October 15th).


Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

  • Coordinatore (Centro Multidisciplinare per la Formazione degli Insegnanti e l’Innovazione Didattica CEFID)) from 11/03/2023 to 02/02/2222

Teacher tutor

Lines of research

Michele Daloiso's main research interests are: 1) epistemological issues of Educational Linguistics; 2) relationships among mind, language and culture. 3) applied Cognitive and Cultural Linguistics; 4) language education of learners with communication, language and learning disorders; 5) early multilingual education; 6) psycholinguistic models of language learning.


Michele Daloiso has a long experience in planning and organizing initial and in-service teacher training in the field of Educational Linguistics. From 2006 to 2014, he coordinated the training courses for teachers of Italian as a foreign language at the University of Venice, where he also created the first training courses in Italy in the field of inclusive language education, which took place from 2011 to 2018. Since 2013, he has been collaborating with the Department of Knowledge of the Province of Trento for the initial training of caretakers and nursery school teachers who are willing to sensitize young learners to foreign languages.

Michele Daloiso has also developed specific skills in the planning and organization of Summer Schools and language immersion programs in Italy, thanks to his collaborationg with Columbia University Study Abroad, Harvard Summer School and Ca’ Foscari School for International Education.

Since 2019 he is in charge of the specialization course “Teaching languages to learners with language and learning disorders” at the University of Parma, and the research partnership between his Department and Centro Studi Erickson in the field of inclusive language education.


Phone number
Office location

Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries

University of Parma - Via Massimo D'Azeglio 85, 43125 Parma