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Camilla Lazzi was born in Grosseto on December 20th, 1975. EDUCATION PhD in Food Science and Technology XIX cycle (University of Parma, 2004-2006). Master degree in Food Science and Technology (University of Parma, April 2000). ACADEMIC CAREER Associate Professor in Food Microbiology (SDS-AGR/16), Department of Food and Drug- University of Parma since 2014. Assistant Professor in Food Microbiology (SDS-AGR/16) from 2005 to 2013 at the University of Parma. Fellowship at INRA -Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique- Unité Biochimie et Structure (2004-2005) des Protéines Domaine de Vilvert 78352 JOUY-EN-JOSAS Cedex. TEACHING ACTIVITIES Lecturer of “General Microbiology”, “Microbiological techniques”, “Probiotic bacteria” for the Academic Degree in Food Science and Technology and Food Gastronomy, University of Parma. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Main research topics: i) molecular identification and genotyping of lactic acid bacteria ii) growth dynamics of lactic acid bacteria in food ecosystem iii) aromatic potential of lactic acid bacteria useful for starter selection iv) transcriptional study in vitro and in situ of genes of interest v) toxin antitoxin system in lactic acid bacteria vi) lactic acid fermentation of fruit and vegetables vii) lactic acid fermentation of waste and by products. The research activity is up to date documented by 77 scientific publications of which 72 in international scientific journal with impact factor. Total numbers of citations 2203, H index: 23, according to Scopus (07/03/2022). RESEARCH PROJECTS Coordination responsibility and activity in international and national projects: -Member of the University of Parma unit to PRIN 2006 "Variabilità genetica e analisi funzionale di ceppi di Streptococcus thermophilus di interesse industriale"(2006-2008) -Scientific partecipation in the project "Costruzione di una collezione di microrganismi probiotici di interesse per l'industria alimentare" financed by Fondazione CARIPARMA (2007-2009) -Scientific partecipation in the project financed by Ministero dell'istruzione, dell'università e della ricerca (Integrated Actions Italy-Spain) "Analisi molecolare della risposta da stress nel genere Bifidobacterium per la selezione di nuovi batteri probiotici di interesse industriale" (2008-2009) -Member of the University of Parma unit to European project PROspare (PROgress in Saving Proteins And Recovering Energy; FP7 grant agreement 212696) (2008-2011). -Scientific partecipation in the project "Produzione di latti fermentati con specifici aspetti funzionali salutistici" financed by Fondazione CARIPARMA (2010-2012) -Scientific partecipation in the project "Valorizzazione della produzione del Grana Padano DOP tramite il controllo di filiera e l'ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi FILIGRANA" financed by Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali (2012-2014) -Member of the University of Parma unit to PRIN 2010 "Microrganismi negli alimenti e nell'uomo: studio del microbiota e del relativo metaboloma in funzione della dieta omnivora, vegetariana o vegana" (2013-2015) -Member of the University of Parma unit to the project “PARENT - Dalla filiera del Parmigiano Reggiano nuovi prodotti per nuovi target di consumo. Bando POR FESR Emilia-Romagna (Programma operativo regionale – Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale), Progetti di ricerca industriale strategica (2016-2018) -Member of the University of Parma unit to the project Regional microbial collections: exploitation of biodiversity to improve the agri-food industry (MICROEMIRO). Bando POR FESR Emilia-Romagna (Programma operativo regionale – Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (2016-2018) -Project leader of CARIPARMA Project (2017) “Antimicrobial from vegetable wastes” -Member of the University of Parma unit to the project of “particular relevance” for the years 2017-2019 entitled “toxin antitoxin system in lactic acid bacteria” financed by MAECI within the Program of Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technology between Italy and Japan (2017-2019) -Project leader of research project (PID 2294) “toxin antitoxin system in LAB” selected and funded by Corbel (European project funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654248) (2018). - Project leader of CARIPARMA Project (2018) “Aromatic compounds production from plant byproducts”. -Member of the University of Parma unit to PRIMA project Section 2- Multi-topic 2018: Valorisation of saffron and its floral by-products as sustainable innovative sources for the development of high added-value food products (SAFFROMFOOD) (2019-2021).-Project leader “Development of novel fruit- and vegetable- based products by lactic-acid fermentation (C’e FERMENTO)” funded by EDF 2014-2020 (grant agreement n° D94I19003230008). (2020) - Project leader “Development of novel antimicrobials: recovery of plant waste/ by-products and insect (GAIA)” funded by EDF 2014-2020 Regional Committee Resolution n. 255, 30 March 2020. -Project leader “Antimicrobials from vegetable wastes” into “PARMA-POC: Patent and research results valorization and management through POC project. Ministry of Economic Development, 2021.
-Scientific participation and coordination of many partnerships between the University of Parma and private companies and Consortia.
INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSABILITIES/OTHER Member of the Interdepartmental Dairy Center - MILC, Parma, Italy. Member of the Interdepartmental Center - SITEIA, Parma, Italy. Member of the Food Science teaching commission. Member of the Food Science PhD board. PhD tutor and supervisor of Food Science PhD University of Parma. Member of E-Learning Center of University of Parma. Member of the scientific society SIMTREA. Referee for different scientific journals.
PATENT: Italian Patent n. 102019000006815, 14 May2019 “Antimicrobials from vegetable waste”.

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