

Professore di I fascia
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Teaching
  • Appointments
  • Research


Prof. PAOLO VESCOVI was born in Parma on 2 September 1963.

He obtained his Scientific High School Diploma in 1982.

Enrolled in the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Italy) in the academic year 1982-1983, he graduated on 11 November 1987 with a score of 110/110 Cum Laude, discussing with Prof. R. Brusati, holder of the Chair of Maxillofacial Surgery, the thesis "The use of hydroxyapatite-collagen blocks in severe mandibular atrophies”

He took the State Exams for the qualification to practice dentistry at the University of Modena (Italy) in the second session relating to the year 1987, with a favorable outcome and has been registered since 24 December 1987 with the Order of Surgeons and Dentists (Register of Dentists) of the province of Parma

As a student he attended the Maxillofacial Surgery department directed by Prof. R. Brusati, in the academic years 1985-86 and 1986-87.

Since 1 February 1988 he has been a Resident doctor at the Institute of Dental Clinic of the University of Parma (USL N.4 Dentistry Service) directed by Prof. P.U. Gennari.

In December 1995 he took and passed the entrance exam for the academic year. 1995-96 at the Speciality in Oral Surgery of the University of Turin (Italy) directed by Prof. V. Vercellino. He obtained the title of Specialist in Odontostomatological Surgery on November 11, 1998 discussing the thesis "The cancerization of oral lichen planus", reporting the maximum marks (70/70 cum laude) with Dignity of the Press.

In 1996, 1997 and 1998 he attended the Unit of Odontostomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences of the San Luigi Gonzaga Hospital of Orbassano Turin (Italy) directed by Prof V Vercellino, collaborating in the protocol diagnostic and therapeutic of pathologies of the oral cavity with particular reference to oral pre-cancers and carcinomas.

In November 1998 he took and passed the competition for admission to the Post Graduate Course in Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology, obtaining the Diploma in 1999, at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Turin (Italy).

From1996 to 1999 he attended the Oral Pathology and Oncology Department, directed by Prof. S. Gandolfo, of the U.O.A.D.U. Maxillofacial Surgery of the San Giovanni Battista Hospital of Turin (Italy).

In October 1999 he supported and won the public competition by qualifications and exams for a position of University Researcher in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector MED/28 "Odontostomatological Diseases", with reference from 1 November 1999 at the Institute of Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Dir Prof. P.U. Gennari) and since 1 January 2001 at the Department of Otolaryngology-Odonto-Ophthalmological and Head and Neck Sciences (Dir. Prof Maraini) section of Odontostomatology (Coord. Prof M. Bonanini ).

In March 2003 he supported and won the public competition by qualifications and exams for the position of Associate Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector MED/28 "Odontostomatologic Diseases", with reference from 30 December 2004 at the Department of Otolain-Odonto-Ophthalmological and Cervical Sciences Facials (Dir. Prof Sesenna) section of Odontostomatology (Coord. Prof M. Bonanini), an office he still holds today.

In the academic year 2005 - 2006 he accessed the European University Master EMDOLA (European Master Degree on Oral Laser Applications) which he attended at the Université Sophia Antipolis de Nice (France) (Director: Prof. Jean-Paul Rocca). He obtained the title of Master of Science in Oral Laser Applications in October 2008.

In the academic year 2006 - 2007 he accesses the PhD : Doctorat en Sciences Dentaires at the Faculté de Medécine de l' Université de Liège (Belgique) (Promoter : Prof. Samir Nammour - Prof. Rompen ) where he undertakes a research program on "Ostéonécroses des mâchoires chez les patients treated aux bisphosphonates : approche thérapeutique à l'aide de différents Lasers (Er:YAG, Nd:YAG et Diode). He obtained the title of Docteur en Sciences Dentaires in September 2018.

In January 2014 he passed the National Qualification Competition for the Position of Full Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector MED/28"Odontostomatological Diseases”

In the 2004-2005 academic year he was Director of the Post Graduate in “Oral Pathology and Medicine and Principles of Laser Application in Odontostomatology”, in the 2005-2006 academic year of the Post Graduate in “Medical, Surgical Therapy and Use of Laser in Odontostomatology” and in the 2006-2007 academic year of the Post Graduate in “Oral Pathology and Medicine and Laser Applications in Odontostomatology” at the University of Parma (Italy).

In the years 2005-2008 he is Promoter of the PhD Project of Thesis "Oral pigmentations and Oral melanoma: diagnosis and management" at the Free University Medical Center Amsterdam (Nederland) - Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Oral Pathology (Prof. Isaac van der Waal)

In the academic years 2008-2009 / 20010-2011 / 2012-2014 / 2014-2016 / 2016-2018 / 2018-2020 / 2020-2022 / 2023-2024 he was respectively Director of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth cycle Second Level European Master Degree in Laser Odontostomatology in Partnership with the EMDOLA program (European Master Degree on Oral Laser Applications) at the University of Parma.

In 2010 he was Director of University Post Graduate in "Oral Medicine", and in "Laser in Odontostomatology" at the University of Parma.

In 2012 he was Director of University Post Graduate in "Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine , Oral Pathology”, and in "Laser in Dentistry" at the University of Parma.

In the academic years 2013-2015 and 2015-2017 he was Director of the Second Level Master's Degree in "Oral Surgery and Oral Medicine" at the University of Parma.

From the academic year 2010-2011 to date, he is Professor at the School of Specialization in Maxillofacial Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Dir. Prof E. Sesenna)

From the academic year 2010-2011 to 2016-2017 he was Professor at the School of Specialization in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Dir. Prof S. Bacciu)

From the academic year 2012-2013 to 2016-2017 he was Professor at the School of Specialization in Odontostomatological Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Turin (Italy) (Dir. Prof S. Gandolfo)

In the 2014 academic year he was Director of the Postgraduate Course in "Laser in Odontostomatology" at the University of Parma.

In the academic year 2015-2016 he was Director of Postgraduate Course in “Good Clinical Practice and dental professional activity management" at the University of Parma.

From the 2013 academic year to date he is a Member of the Board Professor of the PhD in Molecular Medicine of the University of Parma

In the academic year 2013-2014 to the academic year 2015-2016 he was Promoter of the PhD Project of Thesis "Effect of different Laser wavelengths and dyes on Candida albicans" at the PhD in Molecular Medicine of the University of Parma

From 2018-2019 to 2020-2021 he was Promoter of the PhD Project of Thesis "Photobiomodulation in tissue repair " at the PhD in Molecular Medicine of the University of Parma

In the 2022 academic year he is President of the International Commission of the Doctorate in Medicine and Translational Research. Departament d ́Odontoestomatologia. Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut. University of Barcelona (Spain).
"Mechanical resistance to fracture of narrow platform dental implants with hexagonal external connection submitted to implantoplasty with different bone levels and crown/implant ratios. An in vitro study".

From 2023 he was Promoter of the PhD Project of Thesis “Laser, Hemocomponents and Biomaterial in soft and bone tissue regeneration” at the PhD in Molecular Medicine of the University of Parma


From 1991-1992 to 1999 he was Adjunct Professor of Special Odontostomatological Pathology at the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Italy).

From 1999-2000 to 2003-2004 he holds the chair of Special Odontostomatological Pathology at the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Italy).

From a.y. 1999-2000 to date he holds the chair of Odontostomatological Clinic at the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Italy).

From a.y. 2013-2014 to a.y. 2017-2018 he holds the Chair of Clinical Propedeutics. at the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Italy).

In the a.y. 2013-2014 he held the chair of Special Odontostomatological Pathology at the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Italy).

From a.y. 2014-2015 is Responsible of the Integrated Therapy Course in Odontostomatology at the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Italy).

From 1997-1998 until 2016-2017 he has been Professor in the field of Oral Medicine in the Integrated Course of Otorhinolaryngological, Dental and Visual Apparatus Diseases in the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Italy).

In the academic year 2003-2004 he was appointed as Lecturer in the University Master's Degree in Pediatric Gastroenterology at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma where he held a cycle of lessons on Diseases of the oral mucosa in children. (Director Prof. De Angelis).

In 2004, as part of the Program for the Continuing Education of Healthcare Professionals, he held the "Early Diagnosis of Oral Carcinoma" course in Parma for the Head and Neck University-Hospital Department, which is accredited by the National Commission for Continuing Education of the Ministry of Health with 6 E.C.M.

In the academic years 2004-2006 he was appointed as Lecturer in the University Master's Degree in Interceptive Orthodontics at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Italy) where he held a cycle of lessons in Oral Surgery applied to Orthodontics. (Dir. Prof. M. Gandolfini).

In the academic year 2007 he held a cycle of lessons in Oral Medicine at the EMDOLA (European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications) at the University of Nice (France) (Dir. Prof. JP. Rocca) and University of Liège (Belgium) (Dir. Prof. S. Namour).

In the academic year 2006-2007 he carried out teaching activities at the University Master's Degree in Medical Nephrology at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma (Italy) where he held a cycle of lessons on odontostomatological pathology in nephropathic patients. (Dir. Prof. C. Buzio).

In the academic year 2007-2008 he held a cycle of lessons at the Postgraduate Course in Oral Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Florence (Italy) (Dir. Prof G. Ficarra) with the program: Diagnosis and therapy of bone necrosis jaws.

In the academic year 2007-2008 he held a cycle of lessons at the Postgraduate Course in Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bari (Italy) (Dir. Prof G. Favia) with the program: Use of laser in management of jaw bone lesions.

In the academic year 2007-2008 he held a cycle of lessons in the Postgraduate Course in Laser and Oral Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Foggia (Italy) (Dir. Prof L. Lo Muzio) with the program: Use of laser in treatment of mucous and bone pathologies of the oral cavity.

In the academic year 2008-2009 he held a cycle of lessons at the Master in Oral Surgical Pathology and Therapy at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) (Dir. Prof S. Baldoni) with the program: The patient suffering from systemic diseases: bisphosphonates and osteonecrosis.

From the academic year 2008-2010 to date he carried out teaching activities at the European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy) (Dir. Prof U. Romeo) with the program: Management of the patient in therapy with Bisphosphonates and laser-assisted therapy of osteonecrosis of the jaw.

From the academic year 2008-2010 to date he carried out teaching activities at the European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications at the Faculté de Médécine de l'Université de Liège (Belgium) (Dir. Prof S. Nammour) with the program: Oral pathology, diagnosis and therapies. Ostéonécorses des Machoires et laser thérapie.

In the academic year 2009-2010 he carried out a cycle of lessons at the Master in Pedodontics at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Brescia (Dir. Prof .ssa A. Majorana ) with the program: Bone and mucosal surgery of the oral cavity laser assisted in the pediatric age. Use of the molecular quantum resonance scalpel in pediatric oral surgery.

In the academic year 2009-2010 he held a cycle of lessons at the Master's in Oral Surgical Pathology and Therapy at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) (Dir. Prof S. Baldoni) with the program: Drugs and oarle cable : dental and surgical approach to the patient on bisphosphonate therapy and management of jaw osteonecrosis.

In the 2009-2010 academic year he carried out a cycle of lessons at the Master's in diagnosis and therapy of odontostomatological and maxillofacial pathologies, at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Modena (Italy) (Dir. Prof. U. Consolo) with the program : Dental approach to the patient receiving bisphosphonate therapy – surgical treatment of jaw osteonecrosis

In the academic year 2009-2010 he carried out a cycle of lessons at the Master in Oral Surgery and rehabilitation techniques at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Bari (Italy) (Dir. Prof. GF Favia) with the program: surgical and implantological therapies in the patient on bisphosphonate therapy – treatment of jaw osteonecrosis

In January 2010 he was called to the Universitad de Pernambuco (Brazil) - Recife 11-23 January 2010 - as a lecturer where he held a series of seminars on the use of lasers in pathology, surgery and oral oncology in the Specialization, Improvement and Master of the University of Recife (Dir. Prof Jair Carneiro Leao). Course on Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Laser applications

In the academic year 2011-2012 he carried out a cycle of lessons at the Master's Degree in Pediatric Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Brescia (Italy) (Dir. Prof .ssa A. Majorana ) with the programme: Bone and mucosal surgery of the oral cavity laser assisted in the pediatric age. Use of the molecular quantum resonance scalpel in pediatric oral surgery.

In the academic year 2011-2012 he held a seminar at the Masters in Oral Medicine and Treatment of the Patient at Risk at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Turin (Italy) (Dir. Prof S. Gandolfo) with the program: Diagnosis and therapy of bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis of the jaw and laser-assisted bone and mucosal surgery of the oral cavity.

In the academic year 2011 and 2023 he carried out teaching activities at the Master course in Laser dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Genoa (Italy) (Dir. Prof. S. Benedicenti) with the program: Patient management in therapy with bisphosphonates and laser therapy of osteonecrosis of the jaw.

In the academic year 2012 he held a cycle of lessons at the Master's in Pediatric Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Ferrara (Italy)(Dir. Prof .ssa N. Zermann ) with the program: Use of laser and quantum resonance scalpel Molecular Bone and mucosal surgery of the oral cavity in the pediatric age. in pediatric oral surgery.

In 2013 he held two seminars at the School of Specialization in Oral Surgery of the University of Milan (Italy) (Dir. Prof Carlo Maiorana) with the program: Diagnosis and surgical therapy of bisphosphonate-induced jaw osteonecrosis.

He has been a Member of the Exam Commission in Special Odontostomatological Pathology of the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis since the academic year. 1990-1991 to the academic year 1998-1999, in the Odontostomatological Clinic in the academic year. 1997-1998, Periodontology in the academic year 1997-1998 and 1999-2000 and Dental Prosthetics in the academic year. 2000-2001, of Pedodontics and Conservative Dentistry from the a.y. 1999-2000 to date and from the a.y. 2002-2003 to date of the Integrated Course of Oral Medicine and Dermatology.

From a.y. 1999-2000 to 2012 he was President of the Exam Commission in Special Odontostomatological Pathology of the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma.

From a.y. 1999-2000 to date he is President of the Exam Commission in Odontostomatological Clinic of the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma.

From a.y. From 1999 to 2017 he was a Member of the Commission for the exams of the Integrated Course of Otorhinolaryngological, Odontostomatological and Visual Apparatus Diseases in the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma.

From a.y. 2000-2001 to date Member of the Commission for the competition for admission to the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma.

From 2000 to date he has been a Member of the State Examination Commission for the professional qualification of dentists. In 2022 and 2023 was President of the State Examination Commission for the professional qualification of dentists.

He has been a Member of the Board of the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma since the academic year. 1990-91 to the academic year 1998-1999, pursuant to art. 94 of the Presidential Decree 382/80. and from the a.y. 1999-2000 to 2004 as holder of the Chair of Special Odontostomatological Pathology and from the academic year. 1999-2000 to date of Odontostomatological Clinic. .

From a.y. 1998-1999 to date he is Member of the Commission for the Degree Exams of the Degree Course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis and Medicine and Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Parma.

From a.y. 2009-2010 to date he is a Member of the Commission for the diploma exams of the European Master Degree on Oral Laser Applications at the Universities of Nice (France), Liège (Belgium), Barcelona (Spain), Timisoara (Rumanian) Wroclaw (Polland) and Rome (Italy).

From a.y. 2009-2010 to date he is a President of the Commission for the diploma exams of the European Master Degree on Oral Laser Applications at the University of Parma (Italy).

In the 2014-2015 academic year he was Professor at the Postgraduate Course in Surgery and Implantology at the University of Chieti (Italy) (Dir. Prof M. Piattelli)

In the 2014-2015 academic year he was Professor at the Postgraduate Course in Laser and New Technologies at the University of Palermo (Italy) (Dir. Prof.ssa G. Campisi)

In the academic year 2014-2015, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 he is Professor at the Postgraduate Course in Laser in Odontostomatology at the University of Foggia (Italy) (Dir. Prof L. Lo Muzio)

From 2011 to 2020 he is Professor at the Master in Forensic Odontology at the University of Florence (Italy) (Dir. Prof G.A.Norelli)

In 2020, 2021 and 2022 he was Lecturer at the II level Master's Degree in Oral Medicine and Special Needs Patients. At the Catholic University of Rome (Italy)(Dir. Prof. Carlo Layolo)

In the years 2019 and 2022 he is Professor at the "Certificat de competence clinique en chirurgie dentaire laser assistée" at the Université de Paris (France) / Milano Bicocca (Italy) (Dir. Prof Gérard Ray - Prof Gianluigi Caccianiga)

In the years 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 he is Professor at the Post Graduate Laser at the San Raffaele University of Milan (Italy) (Dir. Prof Gherlone)

From 2020 to date he is Member of Board Council and Professor at the Speciality Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Parma (Italy)

In 2022 he is Professor at the II level International Master on laser in Dentistry at the Catholic University of Rome (Italy)

In 2022 he is Professor at the Master in Medicine and Oral Pathology at the University of Siena (Italy) (Dir Prof Guido Lorenzini)

In 2022 and 2023 he is Professor at the II level Master Postgraduate Program for Proficiency in Periodontology (4P) at the University of Ferrara (Italy) (Dir. Prof. Leonardo Trombelli)SCIENTIFIC AND CLINICAL ACTIVITY

The scientific and clinical activeity of Prof. Paolo Vescovi is mainly carried out in the field of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery and Odontostomatological Clinic and in the use of New Technologies in Dentistry.

This activity was carried out at the Odontostomatology Section of the Department of Otolaryngology, Odonto-Ophthalmological and Head and Neck Sciences (currently UOC Odontostomatology of the Surgical Department), both in collaboration with other Institutes of the University of Parma or at Italian or university hospitals and foreign.

Since December 1999 he has been Dirigente Medico in service at the UOADU Odontostomatologia and since January 2001 he has held the position of Case Manager pursuant to art. 15, paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree 502/1992 and since January 2005 of Expert Case Manager.
In particular, he follows in the diagnostic and therapeutic framework the oral complications of patients suffering from systemic diseases (nephropathies, heart diseases, liver diseases, endocrinopathies, neoplasms, etc.) or subjected to particular therapies (dialysis treatment, polypharmacological therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy). He deals with the surgical treatment of benign and malignant pathologies of the oral mucosa and jaw bones with particular reference to the use of new technologies.

Since 2015, with the creation of the University Center of Dentistry of the University of Parma, he has been Head of the Unit of Oral Medicine Oral Surgery and Laser Therapy.

In the years 1999-2000 he was a Member of the Italian National Organizing Committee and Scientific Coordinator for the Emilia Romagna Region of the PREDICA Project (Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Oral Cancer) coordinated by the Department of Special Odontostomatological Pathology and the Operative Unit of Oral Pathology and Medicine of the University of Studies in Milan, still currently collaborates on this issue with the Italian Society of Pathology and Oral Medicine (SIPMO) and the National Confederation of Odontostomatological Cenacles.

From 2005 to 2008 he was a member of an International Study Group on the topic " Pigmented lesions of the oral mucosa and perioral tissues" in collaboration with the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Pathology of the Vrije Universiteit University Medical Center/ACTA, Amsterdam (Nederland).

From 2011 to date he is Member of the Italian Study Group of the scientific societies SIPMO (Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine) and SICMF (Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery) for the drafting of Italian guidelines relating to the clinical management of Jaws Osteonecrosis and Bisphosphonates.

In 2011 he was a Member of the Study Group of the PROOF (Forensic Dentistry Project) regarding the medico-legal aspects of the dental approach to the patient receiving bisphosphonate therapy for the drafting of the National Recommendations.

In 2013, he was the Organizer of a Multicenter study on "Quantic molecular resonance scalpel vs traditional scalpel in the treatment of labial mucocele" with the University of Turin (Italy).
In 2014 - 2016 member of a Italian Multicenter Study on "The association between burning mouth syndrome and sleep disturbance" in collaboration with the Universities of Naples, Milan, Trieste, Turin, Bologna, Palermo, Rome, Foggia.
Since 2016 he is Promoter of a Study on the application of Autofluorescence as a diagnostic aid in dysplastic or frankly tumoral changes in the oral mucous membranes and facial skin and as an indicator of the surgical resection margins of drug-induced maxillary osteonecrosis in collaboration with the University of Modena (Italy).
Since 2017 Member of the "Parma Photonics" Interdepartmental Group of the University of Parma in collaboration with the Institute of Chemistry (Prof. A. Painelli) and of Engineering (Prof. AM. Cucinotta, Prof. Selleri) on potential medical applications of autofluorescence.
In 2017 he is Promoter and PI (Principal Investigator) of the National Project SILO (Italian Society of Lasers in Odontostomatology) "Biostott": Randomized Multicenter Study on the role of Laser Biostimulation in the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. In collaboration with the hospital centers or universities of Milan, Piacenza, Turin, Trieste and Rome.

Since 2012 he has been Coordinator of the PDTA (Hospithal Diagnostic-Therapeutic Pathway) of the University Hospital of Parma "Prevention and Therapy of Jaw Osteonecrosis related to the use of Bisphosphonates"

Since 2020 he has been the Responsible for UOAC (Odontostomatologia) of the PDTA (Hospithal Diagnostic-Therapeutic Pathway) of the University Hospital of Parma "Interactional Diagnostic Pathway for the treatment of Head-Neck Neoplasms”

In 2019-2023 he was responsible for some research projects at the Odontostomatology Unit of the Parma University Hospital authorized by the Ethics Committee of the North Emilia Vast Area
Clinico-epidemiological characteristics of oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD): a descriptive retrospective observational study
Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of "Burning Mouth Syndrome- BMS": a descriptive retrospective observational study
Clinico-epidemiological characteristics of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC): a descriptive retrospective observational study
Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of Lichen Planus (OLP) and oral Lichenoid Lesions (OLL): a descriptive retrospective observational study
Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of drug-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ): a descriptive retrospective observational study
Spetrophotometric analysis of fluorescence in the osteonecrosis jaw bone

He actively collaborates in the drafting of research projects and in the didactic field with other Italian Universities (Milan, Turin, Monza, Brescia, Pavia, Bologna, Modena Florence, Siena, Ferrara, Rome, Naples, Bari, Foggia, Palermo) and with International Universities (Nice, Liège , Aachen, Barcelona, ​​Timisoara, Wroclaw, Amsterdam, London, Geneva, Valencia, San Francisco, Recife, Paris)Responsibility for studies and scientific research entrusted by qualified public or private institutions

From 1992 to 1993 he was a member of a multicenter study in collaboration with the Bayer company (Leverkusen - Germany) on the anesthetic action of ARTICAINE ® in simple dental extractions.

From 2005 to 2009 he was responsible for a biophysical, histological and clinical study on the action of the BLADION ® Molecular Quantum Resonance Scalpel in collaboration with the companies Tecno-gaz (Sala Baganza - Parma) and Telea (Sandrigo - Vicenza).

In 2011-2012 he was responsible for a randomized/controlled study on the efficacy of AMINOGAM ® on the healing of surgical wounds following the removal of benign neoplasms of the oral cavity, excised by Nd:YAG laser in collaboration with the Errekappa Euroterapici firm - Milan (Italy).

In 2016 he is Promoter of a study in collaboration with the Mectron company - Carasco - Genoa (Italy) on the potential developments of Autofluorescence aimed at technological improvement and the creation of sensitive equipment in the screening of oral cancer.

Since 2021 he has been part of the Hyaluronic Acid Expert Group, an international research group on the effects of HYADENT BG® (Cross Linked Hyaluronic Acid) on bone and mucosa regeneration in the oro-maxillofacial district, in Collaboration with the Regedent Company - Zurich (Switzerland).

In 2022 he is Promoter of a study in collaboration with the Mectron company - Carasco - Genoa (Italy) on the potential developments of Autofluorescence aimed at technological improvement and the creation of sensitive equipment in the screening of necrotic or pathological bone.ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES AND AFFILIATION TO SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES

He is a member of the following Scientific Societies with which he actively collaborates:
- ANDI (National Association of Italian Dentists)
- ANTHEC (Academy of Non Transfusional Hemo-Components)
- EAOM (European Academy of Oral Medicine)
- SIdCO (Italian Society of Odontostomatological Surgery)
- SILO (Italian Society of Lasers in Odontostomatology)
- SIPMO (Italian Society of Pathology and Oral Medicine)
- WFLD (World Federation of Lasers in Dentistry)
He was a Member of the Provincial Council of A.M.D.I. (Association of Italian Dentists) of Parma (later AND: National Association of Italian Dentists) for three consecutive mandates, where he held the position of Auditor for the three-year period 1989-1991 and Director from 1992 to 1995 . He is still elected to the Provincial Council of Parma as Auditor for the three-year period 2010-2013 renewed for 2014-2017.

He was a Member for the three-year period 1991-1993 of the Council of the Order of Surgeons and Dentists of the Province of Parma in the Commission for the Register of Dentists.

In 1998-1999 he was a Member of the National Promoting and Organizing Committee of the PREDICA Project (Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Oral Cancer).
He was Scientific Coordinator for the Emilia Romagna Region and Northern Italy Organizer of the PREDICA Project (Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Oral Cancer), for the entire duration of the Project, in the years 1999-2000.

He was the Researchers' Representative at the Council of the Institute of Dental Clinic in the years 1999 -2000.

He is an active member and member of the National Council of SIPMO (Italian Society of Pathology and Oral Medicine) from 2003 to 2011 and from 2019 to date
Since 2004 he has been the Area Representative and Regional Representative of Emilia Romagna and from 2005 to 2011 he held the position of National Vice President of the aforementioned Scientific Society.

Since August 2008 he has been the Country Rep (Representative for Italy) in the General Council of the World Federation for Laser in Dentistry (WFLD). From 2019 to 2023 He holds the position of Vice-President of the European Division of World Federation for Laser in Dentistry (WFLD-ED). Since 2020 he has been General Tresaurer and in 2023 he is President Elect of the World Federation for Laser in Dentistry (WFLD).

Since 2008 he has been the contact person for oro-maxillofacial pathology for SILO (Italian Society of Lasers in Odontostomatology) and since 2009 to date he has been a Member of the National Council and from 2015 to 2018 he has been the National President of the said society.

Since 2012 he has been an Active Member of SIdCO (Italian Society of Odontostomatological Surgery)

Since 2011 he has been a Member of the scientific commission of SIPMO (Italian Society of Pathology and Oral Medicine) and of SICMF (Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery) for the drafting of guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of BRONJ (Bisphosphonates-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws ).

Since 2012 he has been appointed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and included in the MIUR Register of Experts (shared by ANVUR), for the evaluation of scientific projects in the field of pathology, surgery and oral oncology.

From 2015 to 2019 he was a Member of the National Executive Council of ANTHEC (Academy of Non Transfusional Hemo-Components) and from 2019 he was Responsible for the Emilia Romagna Region and from 2021 he was President Elect of the aforementioned Scientific Society.ORGANIZATION OF COURSES AND CONGRESSES
(2005 – 2023)

He was President of VIII National Congress of SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) - Parma 6,7,8 October 2005 -

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress “Parmalaser. Discorsi coerenti sulla luce coerente- Brainstorming su odontoiatria laser ed altri temi”- Parma 29-30 September 2006

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of Congress “Osteonecrosi Mascellari in Pazienti trattati con Bisfosfonati: Diagnosi Prevenzione e Terapia”. – Parma 20 January 2007

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of International meeting “Laser Day: Different Wavelenghts in dentistry: where, when and why. –Rome 17 April 2007

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of Workshop “Patologie benigne e maligne delle ossa mascellari: quadri clinici e terapia” – Parma 14 September 2007

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of IX National Congress of SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) – Capri 4-6 October 2007

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of International Congress of Dental Laser Academy: Les rendez-vous internationaux du laser déntaire – Paris (FRANCE) 14 March 2008

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress “Il ruolo del laser nella moderna Odontostomatologia protagonista o comparsa?”-  Azienda Ospedaliera di Piacenza:- Piacenza 22 November 2008

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of IV National Congress of SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) – Salerno 5 June 2009

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of X National Congress of SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) – Trieste 8-9-10 October 2009

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of Course Council of Surgeon and Dentists “Le BRONJ Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw” - Parma 2 December 2009

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress “ I bisfosfonati e la necrosi delle ossa mascellari: un problema multi specialistico” Azienda Ospedaliera di Piacenza (UO Odontostomatologia e Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale) - Piacenza 30 January 2010

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of International Workshop di Patologia e Chirurgia Orale laser-assistita “Gli Odontoiatri e il Carcinoma Orale” - Parma 6 June 2010

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of 3dt Congress of European Division of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry) Rome 9-11 giugno 2011

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of XI National and International Congress SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) –15-18 June 2011 Pugnochiuso (FG)

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress PROOF (Progetto Odontoiatria Forense) Florence 24-25 novembre 2011

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of 13th World Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry) Barcellona (SPAIN) 26-28 aprile 2012

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of National Congress LILT (Lega Italiana Lotta ai Tumori) – Il carcinoma Orale: Strategie di Prevenzione e Terapia- Parma 5 May 2012

He was President of National Congress SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) - Parma 14,15,16 giugno 2012

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of Course of Academic Hospital of Parma di presentazione del PDT “Prevenzione e Trattamento dell’ Osteonecrosi Mascellare correlato all’uso di Bisfosfonati”- Parma 2 April 2013

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress of European Division of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry) Bruxelles (BELGIUM) 11-12 July 2013

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of XII National Congress of SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) Rome, 10-12 October 2013

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress Regione Piemonte of SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) Torino, 26 October 2013

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress Regione Emilia Romagna of SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) Piacenza, 7 June 2014

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of International World Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry) Paris (FRANCE) 2-3 luglio 2014

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress PROOF (Progetto Odontologia Forense) Parma 6-7 marzo 2015

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of European meeting EMDOLA (European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications) Barcellona (SPAIN)19-21 March 2015

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress of European Division Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry) Bucarest (RUMANIA)7-9 May 2015

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of VIII National Congress of SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) - Rome 12-13 June 2015

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of XIII National Congress XIII of SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) Bologna, 8-10 October 2015

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress Regione Piemonte of SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) 5 March 2016

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Congress IDEA (Igienisti Dentali) : Il ruolo dell’igienista dentale nella diagnosi precoce delle patologie rischio del cavo orale- Parma 9 April 2016

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of National Symposium SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) – SidCO (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Odontostomatologica) “ Laser e nuove tecnologie in chirurgia Orale” – Rome 16 April 2016

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of International World Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry) Nagoja (JAPAN) 15-19 July 2016

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of International Congress of EAOM (European Academy of Oral Medicine) Torino 15 - 17 September 2016

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of Symposium SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia)- ANTHEC (Academy of Non Transfusional Hemo-Components) - Laser ed emocomponenti nelle malattie sistemiche- Milano 11 March 2017

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of European meeting EMDOLA (European Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications) Parma 5-6 maggio 2017

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of Seventh Edition of the International Conference on Lasers in Medicine - Timisoara (ROMANIA) 13-14 July 2017

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of VI Congress of European Division of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry) - Thessaloniki (GREECE) 22-23 September 2017

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of Symposium SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) "IL laser in Odontoiatria Pediatrica"- Collegio Docenti - Rome 13 April 2018

He was Organizer and Scientific Coordinator of Symposium SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) - AIOLA (Accademia Internazionale Odontoiatria Laser Assistita) "Impiego del Laser in Odontostomatologia.- Expo Dental Rimini 18 May 2018

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of World Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry)- 1-3 October 2018 - Aachen- (GERMANY)

He was President of VIII National and II International Congress of SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia)- Trieste 5-6 Ottobre 2018

He was President of VII International Congress of WFLD-ED (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry - European Division) - Parma 20-22 Giugno 2019

He was Member of International Organizing Comittee World Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry)- 4-6 February 2020 - Dubai- (Emirate)

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of International Congress WFLD-ED (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry) - 28-30 October 2021 Montpellier (FRANCE)

He was Member of the Organizing Scientific Committee of X National Congress SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) - Riccione 7,8 October 2022

He was President of Scientific Committee of International Symposium of SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) e EAOM (European Academy of Oral Medicine) - Parma 25-26 November 2022

He was Member of International Organizing Comittee World Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry)- 14-16 April 2023 - Wrochlaw (POLAND)

(2005 - 2023)

Workshop Tecnogaz – Bergamo 20 January 2005 – Il Bisturi a risonanza molecolare quantica in Chirurgia Odontstomatologica.

Workshop Tecnogaz – Torino 31 January 2005 – Il Bisturi a risonanza molecolare quantica: impiego in chirurgia Orale.

Workshop Nordental: Nuove tecniche per l’Odontoiatria – Brescia 10 February 2005 – Bladion: Bisturi a risonanza molecolare quantica.

XI Congresso Nazionale del Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria - Roma 16-19 April 2005- La Sindrome di Sjögren –

4 ème Congrès National de la SFSBI (Société Française des Biomatériaux et Systèmes Implantables) “Nouvelles Technologies – Approche mecanique des systèmes implantables”-:
– Paris (FRANCE) 21-22 October 2005 – Le bistouri à Résonance Quantique Moléculaire en Chirurgie Buccale.

International Workshop of New Technologies - Colonia (GERMANY) 27 October 2005 - The Quantic Molecular Resonance Lancet in Oral Surgery.

Congresso Invernale dell’ ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) – Cortina (BL) 6-12 March 2006– L’impiego del Bisturi a Risonanza Quantica Molecolare in Chirurgia Orale.

Corso Monotematico dell’ ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) Parma -17 June 2006 –Osteonecrosi Mascellari e Bisfosfonati: Prevenzione odontoiatrica e gestione terapeutica.

IX Congresso Nazionale della SIES (Società Italiana di Ematologia Sperimentale) – Napoli 22 September 2006 – L’Osteonecrosi della Mandibola nel Mieloma Multiplo: Quadro clinico, diagnosi e terapia chirurgica.

Congresso Nazionale del CLOD (Centri Laser in Odontoiatria e Dermatologia) – Parma 29-30 September 2006 – Il Bisturi a Risonanza Quantica Molecolare in Chirurgia Odontostomatologica.

Congresso AIO (Associazione Italiana Odontoiatri) Odontoiatria del 3° millennio: le basi della conoscenza – Firenze 11 November 2006 – L’impiego del Bisturi a RQM in Chirurgia Odontostomatologica.

Workshop GDSO - Osteonecrosi dei Mascellari (ONJ) e Bisfosfonati (BF) : Diagnosi, Prevenzione e Terapia. – Parma 20 January 2007 – Introduzione al problema e revisione della letteratura.

Congresso Invernale dell’ ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) – Cortina (BL) 4-11 March 2007– Diagnosi precoce delle lesioni precancerose e del carcinoma orale

Workshop Fotona – Ljubljana (SLOVENJA) 12 March 2007 – Osteonecrosis of the jaws: Er:YAG and Nd:Yag treatment.

Université de Liège - EMDOLA (European Master on Oral Laser Applications) – Liège (BELGIUM) 19 April 2007- La pathologie de la muqueuse buccale.

WFLD (World Federation for Laser Dentistry) – First Meeting of European Division – Nice (FRANCE) 27-28 aprile 2007: Er:Yag and Nd:Yag laser applications in Bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaws. Our experience on 47 patients.

Corsi di formazione permanente COI-AIOG – Lecce 26 May 2007 – Diagnosi differenziale in patologia orale: Lesioni Precancerose e Carcinoma Orale – Terapia chirurgica delle lesioni precancerose e dei tumori benigni del cavo orale.

Istituto di Ematologia e Oncologia Medica Università di Bologna: Corso di aggiornamento monotematico - Mieloma multiplo: attualità e controversie – Bologna 18 June 2007 – Osteonecrosi della mandibola: quadri clinici e trattamento.

IV Congresso Nazionale della SICMF (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale) – Bologna 20-23 June 2007 – Corso Monotematico sull’Osteonecrosi da Bisfosfonati.-

Congresso Regionale Emilia Romagna ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) - Cervia (Ce) 14-15 Srptember 2007 – Diagnosi precoce del cancro orale.

IX Congresso Nazionale della SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) – Capri 4-6 October 2007 – Le glossiti infiammatorie e le alterazioni disembriogenetiche della lingua.

Congresso Nazionale SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) – AIOLA (Accademia Internazionale Odontostomatologia Laser Assistita) – Firenze 19-20 October 2007-12-28- Impiego del laser Nd:YAG e Er:YAG nelle osteonecrosi mascellari (ONJ).

Mediterranean School of Oncology CINBO (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Bio-Oncologia- Corso Multidisciplinare di patologia orale e del massiccio facciale. Lesioni e condizioni potenzialmente maligne della mucosa orale: attualità e prospettive diagnostiche e terapeutiche. – Roma 25-26-27 October 2007 – L’ impiego del laser e delle nuove tecnologie nella terapia chirurgica delle lesioni potenzialmente maligne.

Meeting di Oncologia: Il management del paziente oncologico – Piacenza 9 November 2007 – Diagnosi, prevenzione e terapia dell’osteonecrosi mascellare nei pazienti trattati con bisfosfonati.

17th ISLSM (International Society Laser Surgery and Medicine) & 22th IALMS (International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery) Congress - Laser Florence (International Meeting on Laser in Medicine and Biology) – Firenze 10 November 2007 – Osteonecrosis of the jaws bisphosphonate-related: Nd:Yag and Er:Yag treatment.

Congresso Invernale dell’ ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) – Cortina (BL) 4-9 March 2008– Il paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati: management odontoiatrico e problemi medico-legali.

International Congress of Dental Laser Academy: Les rendez-vous internationaux du laser déntaire – Paris (FRANCE) 14 March 2008 – Ostéonécroses et bisphosphonates : le traitement laser.

Congresso Nazionale AIO (Associazione Italiana Odontoiatri ) Memorial Nisio – Bari 4-5 April 2008 – Attuali orientamenti nel management del paziente in trattamento per neoplasie e/o metastasi con bisfosfonati.

Corso di aggiornamento ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani)  - Perugia 10 May 2008- Approccio terapeutico in odontoiatria su pazienti con malattie sistemiche: la gestione del paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati.

Corso di aggiornamento ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani)  - Sassari 14 June 2008- La gestione del paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati.

Corso di aggiornamento Società Italiana di Osteo-Oncologia- Gubbio 20 September 2008- Diagnosi e terapia delle osteonecrosi mascellari.

Expodental Forum: Il laser in odontostomatologia – Milano 11 October 2008 –
Il laser nella patologia orale a rischio.

Mediterranean School of Oncology CINBO (Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Bio-Oncologia- Corso Multidisciplinare di patologia orale e del massiccio facciale. Le patologie delle ossa mascellari:attualità e prospettive– Roma 16-17-18 October 2008 – Laser, piezosurgery e nuove tecnologie chirurgiche.

Università degli studi di Milano - Istituti Clinici di Perfezionamento- Corsi di aggiornamento in Patologia e Medicina Orale anno 2008- Milano 21 October 2008- Terapie laser dei tessuti ossei e delle mucose orali.

Congresso Nazionale SIOI (Società Italiana Odontoiatria Infantile) – Brescia 7-8 November 2008- Impiego del laser e delle nuove tecnologie in chirurgia orale pediatrica.

Congresso Nazionale SIE (Società Italiana di Endodonzia) – Torino 15 November 2008- Osteonecrosi Mascellari e gestione odontoiatrica del paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati

Corso di aggiornamento Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri  - Ravenna 29 November 2008- Uso dei bisfosfonati e osteonecrosi mascellari

Congresso Azienda Ospedaliera di Piacenza: Il ruolo del laser nella moderna Odontostomatologia protagonista o comparsa?-  - Piacenza 22 November 2008- Laser e patologia orale.

Congresso Nazionale SOCI (Società Italiana di Odontoiatria di Comunità) – La salute orale nella ricerca dell’eccellenza - Modena 21 February 2009 - Osteonecrosi mascellari : dalla prevenzione alla terapia.

V° Convegno Master in Medicina Orale II° Convegno Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Odontostomatologica “Patologia Medica e Chirurgica delle Ghiandole Salivari”- Turin 27-28 Febnruary 2009- Il laser nella terapia del mucocele.

Corso di aggiornamento ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani)  - Pescara 4 April 2009- Patologia benigna e maligna e da bisfosfonati: tecniche diagnostiche e terapia.

II International Congress European Division of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry) – Istambul (Türkiye) 14-15-16-17 May 2009 - LLLT associated with surgical or non surgical treatment of bisphosphonate-related jaws osteonecrosis.

VI Congresso Nazionale SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) - Salerno 5- 6-7 June 2009 - Effetti della biostimolazione con laser a diodi 915-nm su osteoblasti e fibroblasti in vitro

Università degli Studi di Milano: Congresso Il laser odontoiatrico nella pratica quotidiana- Milano 13 June 2009- Diagnosi e terapie laser assistite delle lesioni pre-neoplastiche del cavo orale

International Congress “Journées Dentaires de Nice”- Nice (FRANCE) 18-19-20 June 2009- Qu’ est ce qu’il y a sous mon miroir ?

Congresso : Osteonecrosi mascellari (ONJ): diagnosi prevenzione e trattamento. Update 2009 -Alessandria 23 June 2009 – La terapia laser delle osteonecrosi mascellari

Corso di aggiornamento ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani)  – Sassari 30 June 2009- Percorsi diagnostici in patologia orale e gestione odontoiatrica del paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati.

European Meeting on Oral Diseases - Diagnosis and management - 27 - 28 August, 2009, Amsterdam (HOLLAND) – BRONJ (Bisphosphonate-Related-Osteonecrosis of the Jaw)

European Meeting on Oral Diseases - Diagnosis and management - 27 - 28 August, 2009, Amsterdam (HOLLAND) - BMS (Burning Mouth Syndrome): the experience of Parma University

Cogresso SIE (Società Italiana di Ematologia) : Mieloma multiplo: una nuova era - Pescara 21-22 September 2009– L’osteonecrosi della mandibola

Corso di aggiornamento ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani)  - Viterbo 26 September 2009- Patologia preneoplastica del cavo orale. Diagnosi precoce del cancro orale.

X Congresso Nazionale della SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) – Trieste 8-9-10 October 2009 – Le nuove tecnologie nella biopsia delle mucose orali –

X Congresso Nazionale della SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) – Trieste 8-9-10 October 2009 – Il bisturi a risonanza quantica molecolare in chirurgia orale.

Corso Residenziale -Tecniche Nuove- Milano 31 October 2009 -Osteonecrosi mascellari e bisfosfonati: prevenzione odontoiatrica e terapia.

Congresso Internazionale di Implantologia -Camlog Foundation – Verona 23-24 November 2009 – Chirurgia implantare nei pazienti in trattamento con bisfosfonati:quale rischio

Congresso Azienda Ospedaliera di Ancona (UO Odontostomatologia e Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale): Ancona 14 November 2009– Terapia chirurgica laser-assistita delle osteonecrosi mascellari.

Congress of EMDOLA (European Master Degree on Oral Laser Applications) Diploma Cerimony – Aachen (GERMANY) 26 November 2009 - Nd:YAG laser, Quantic Molecular Resonance (QMR) scalpel, and traditional lancet: a clinical and histomorphometric analysis of surgical treatment of oral benign fibromatous lesions.

Congresso AIO (Associazione Italiana Odontoiatri) –Bracciano (Roma) 12 December 2009– Il trattamento laser delle patologie ossee dei mascellari

Universitad de Pernambuco – Course on Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Laser applications- Recife (BRAZIL) 11-23 January 2010 - Laser beam and oral tissue interactions- Laser-assisted surgical treatment of oral benign neoplasm – Laser-assisted surgical treatment of PMOL (Potentially Malignant Oral Lesions)- Histopathological evaluation of oral biopsies performed with different types of lasers - Low Level Laser therapy (LLLT) and oral medicine - Low Level Laser therapy (LLLT) and laser surgery of jaw bone - BRONJ (Bisphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw): Pathogenesis and clinical findings - BRONJ (Bisphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw): Diagnosis and laser management – Laser surgery in paediatric dentistry

Congresso Azienda Ospedaliera di Piacenza “ I bisfosfonati e la necrosi delle ossa mascellari: un problema multispecialistico”(UO Odontostomatologia e Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale): Piacenza 30 January 2010– Lo stato dell’arte sulle osteonecrosi mascellari da bisfosfonati.

X Congresso SELO (Societad Espanola de Laser Odontoestomatologico) – Santiago de Compostela (SPAIN) 12-13 February 2010 – Terapia laser de las BRONJ (Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw)

III Congresso di Patologia e Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale “Diagnosi e Terapia delle Malattie delle Ossa Mascellari” – Trieste 26-27 February 2010 – Terapie a confronto delle osteonecrosi mascellari-

International Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry) – Dubai (EMIRATE) 9-11 March 2010 – Comparative histomorphometric analysis of human oral mucosa biopsies performed through Nd:YAG , Er:YAG laser and traditional scalpel.

Congresso Nazionale COI-AIOG (Cenacolo Odontoiatrico Italiano) - Chirurgia Orale come base essenziale di una odontoiatria di qualità –– Bologna 18-19-20 March 2010 – Impiego del laser e della risonanza Quantica in Patologia e Chirurgia Orale-

III Convegno Nazionale SOCI (Società Italiana di Odontoiatria di Comunità – “La salute orale nella ricerca dell’eccellenza”- Catanzaro 15 May 2010 - Osteonecrosi mascellari e bisfosfonati: diagnosi , prevenzione e terapia.

Workshop CAO (Commissione Albo Odontoiatri Provinciale di Parma e di Piacenza) / SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) “Gli odontoiatri ed il carcinoma orale” – Parma

Workshop Oncologia Medica Azienda Ospedaliera di Guastalla – Guastalla (RE) 5 July 2010 Workshop sulle BRONJ Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw)

I Convegno SISCOO (Società Italiana Specialisti in Chirurgia Odontostomatologica e Orale)- Milano 24 September 2010 – Attualità nelle terapie delle BRONJ (Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw)

Workshop CAO (Commissione Albo Odontoiatri di Reggio Emilia) / SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) “Gli odontoiatri ed il carcinoma orale” - Reggio Emilia 13 November 2010- epidemiologia del carcinoma orale- protocollo clinico/diagnostico della leucoplachia e della eritroplachia- aspetti clinici e diagnostici del carcinoma orale

Convegno di chirurgia orale e maxillofacciale: Giornata di incontro pluritematico dell’odontoiatria marchigiana. Case report. – Ancona 20 November 2010 - Un caso di osteonecrosi dei mascellari associato ai bisfosfonati trattato con il laser.

Congrès Internationsl du CENALOS – Nantes (FRANCE) 20-21 January 2011- Laser et bisphosphonates.

Diploma Ceremony of the European Master Degree of Oral Laser Application (EMDOLA) - Château Colonster - Liège (BELGIUM) 17 March 2011 – International guidelines for editing the European Master Thesis

Convegno LILT (Lega Italiana per la lotta contro i tumori) « La prevenzione dei tumori orali a Parma » - Parma 9 April 2011 : Epidemiologia dei tumori orali

Workshop Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi ed Odontoiatri / ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) « Gli Odontoiatri ed il Carcinoma Orale » : Piacenza 9 May 2011 : Aspetti clinici del carcinoma orale

European Meeting on Oral Diseases - 11 / 12 May 2011, Amsterdam (HOLLAND) – BRONJ (Bisphosphonate-Related-Osteonecrosis of the Jaw) an update.

European Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser Dentistry) – 9-11 June Roma- Bone treatment with laser / Aminogam®Gel in oral Surgery.

XI Congresso Nazionale e I Internazionale SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) –15-18 June Pugnochiuso (FG) - L’elettrobisturi a Risonanza Quantica / Cosa si può e non si può fare nel trattamento odontoiatrico del paziente che assume/ha assunto bisfosfonati

XIX Congreso Brasilero de Estomatologia – Recife (BRAZIL) 27- 29 July 2011 –Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ).

Congresso Regione Abruzzo ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) – La chirurgia orale e le nuove tecnologie. Montesilvano (Pescara) - 30 September 2011..

Congresso PROOF (Progetto Odontoiatria Forense)- - Gestione del rischio di ONJ : indicazioni al trattamento e protocolli diagnosticio-terapeutici. Firenze 24-25 November 2011

Convegno ORTOMED- Bisfosfonati e Osteonecrosi: una questione aperta. Firenze - 17 December 2011

BALDM Laser International Congress and winter semester - Laser Management of Potentially Malignant Oral Lesions (PMOL) - Bansko (BULGARIA) 26-28 January 2012
Congresso di Chirurgia orale in Pedodonzia Università di Brescia “Il taglio Chirurgico dell'Odontoiatria Pediatrica: una scelta ragionata" Brescia 4 February 2012 – Nuove tecniche di chirurgia mucosa e ossea-
V Congresso di Patologia e Medicina Oro-Maxillo-Facciale Università di Trieste – Il carcinoma del Cavo Orale: approccio multidisciplinare e miglioramento della qualità di vita - La terapia laser della leucoplachia- Trieste 9-10 March 2012
19° Congresso Nazionale del Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria – Il laser nella gestione delle lesioni potenzialmente maligne- Torino 12-14 April 2012

XIII World Congresso WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry) – Lasers in Jaw Bone Surgery- Barcellona (SPAIN) 26-28 April 2012

Congresso Nazionale LILT (Lega Italiana Lotta ai Tumori) – Il carcinoma Orale: Strategie di Prevenzione e Terapia- Aspetti clinici del carcinoma orale- Parma 5 May 2012

Corso ASL Reggio Emilia “Lesioni Cancerose e Precancerose del Cavo Orale"- Le lesioni cancerose del cavo orale- Reggio Emilia 5 June 2012

Congresso Nazionale SIdCO (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Odontostomatologica) “Simposio Nazionale di Video-Chirurgia – Il laser nella chirurgia delle ossa mascellari – Taormina 12-14 July 2012

11 Biennial Congress of EAOM (European Association of Oral Medicine) - Atene (GREECE) 13-15 September 2012 - Implant loss and discomfort in the posterior mandible.

IV Congresso Nazionale della SOCI (Società Odontoiatrica di Comunità Italiana) - San Patrignano (RN) 28-29 September 2012 - Osteonecrosi nei pazienti in terapia con bisfosfonati. Dalla prevenzione ai risultati clinici della terapia laser erbio.

Corso di aggiornamento ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani)  - Terni 6 October 2012- Aggiornamenti in tema di carcinoma orale.

Corso di aggiornamento AIO (Associazione Italiana Odontoiatri)  - Taranto 13 October 2012- Prevenzione e terapia chirurgica delle lesioni precancerose.

Congresso Riabilitazione Protesica Oro- Maxillo-Facciale del paziente oncologico - Brescia 23 November 2012 - Tavola rotonda: le linee guida della riabilitazione nel paziente oncologico

Corso di aggiornamento COI-AIOG (Cenacoli Odontostomatologici Italiani- Associazione di Odontoiatria Generale) - Reggio Calabria 24 November 2012- Prevenzione del carcinoma orale. Il ruolo del laser nella terapia delle lesioni precancerose.

Congresso ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) Regione Puglia – Taranto 23 Febraury 2013 - Il paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati: approccio odontoiatrico e gestione delle osteonecrosi

Corso di aggiornamento Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi ed Odontoiatri - Reggio Emilia, 6 April 2013- Manifestazioni Orali delle Malattie Sistemiche.

Collegio degli Odontoiatri di Madrid - Madrid (SPAIN) , 11 April 2013 - (BRONJ) Bisphosphonate - Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: The role of the laser in surgical and non-surgical approach.

Università di Madrid – Madrid (SPAIN), 12 April 2013 : Diagnosis and treatment of Bisphosphonate - Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws

Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma “Prevenzione e Trattamento dell’ Osteonecrosi Mascellare correlato all’uso di Bisfosfonati”- Parma 13 April 2013 - Introduzione e Cenni Storici

Congress of European Division of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry) - Bruxelles (BELGIUM) 11-12 July 2013 – Dental management of patients under bisphosphonate therapy: the usefulness of the laser.

Congresso Regione Abruzzo ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) – Presidenza sessione scientifica. Montesilvano (Pescara) - 30 September 2013. –

Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Nuoro - Nuoro, 14 September 2013 – Gestione odontoiatrica del paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati e terapia delle osteonecrosi mascellari.

XII Congresso Nazionale della SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) - Roma, 10-12 October 2013- Biopsie orali e nuove tecnologie: il bisturi a risonanza quantica molecolare e il laser - Osteomyelitis of the jaw bone: the laser management.

Congresso Regione Piemonte della SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) - Torino, 26 October 2013 -Bisfosfonati e il trattamento laser

Congresso nazionale SIdCO (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Orale) – Torino 15-16 May 2014 – Presidenza sessione scientifica -

Congresso Regione Emilia Romagna della SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia) Piacenza, 7 June 2014 – Laser e osteomieliti del distretto maxillo-facciale
VII Congresso di Patologia e Medicina Oro-Maxillo-Facciale Università di Trieste – Il laser nella gestione delle patologie infettive dell’osso- Un caso di osteonecrosi mascellare da bisfosfonati orali - Trieste 19-20 June 2014
International Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry) – Paris (France) 3-5 July 2014 – Implant surgery in patients under bisphosphonate therapy. The role of the laser.

International Congress of EAOM (European Academy of Oral Medicine) Antalya (Turchia) 10-12 September 2014 – Secondary Syphilis : a case report

Congresso OELLE (Odontoiatria Legale) – Bologna 7-8 October 2014 – Le evidenze in patologia orale.

X Congresso Nazionale della SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) – Torino 17-18 October 2014 – Presidenza sessione scientifica

Convegno ANDI – AIO – Matera 301 January 2015 – Le lesioni precancerose ed il carcinoma iniziale- Le osteonecrosi dei mascellari associate a farmaci:

Congresso Proof (Progetto Odontologia Forense) Parma 6-7 March 2015 – Terapie odontoiatriche chirurgiche e non chirurgiche nel paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati

22° Congresso Nazionale del Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria – La gestione chirurgica odontoiatrica del paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati e altri farmaci- Milano 9-11 April 2015

V Congress of European Division of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry) – Bucarest (Romania) 7-9 May 2015– Third molar extractions and the role of the laser.

Azienda Ospedaliera Reggio Emilia : Reggio Emilia 26 May 2015 - Laser e nuove tecnologie in odontoiatria
VIII Congresso di Patologia e Medicina Oro-Maxillo-Facciale Università di Trieste – La terapia delle osteonecrosi mascellari da farmaci- Trieste 19-20 June 2015
VIth International Congress of IPTA (International Photo Therapy Association) . Nice (Francia) 10-11 July 2015 – Laser applications in jaw bone surgery.
Congresso Regione Emilia-Romagna ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) Cervia 18 September 2015 – Fisiopatologia della mucosa orale e della lingua – Fattori di rischio nel carcinoma orale

XIII Congresso Nazionale della SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) - Bologna, 8-10 October 2015 – Laser e dintorni – Denosumab, implantologia e rischio di osteonecrosi

Congresso Nazionale ANTHEC (Academy of Non Transfusional Hemo-Components) – Cremona 16-17 October 2015 – Presidenza seduta scientifica

Azienda Ospedaliera di Guastalla (RE) – Suzzara (RE) 10 November 2015 Corso di aggiornamento sulle lesioni precancerose e il carcinoma orale-

Congresso Regione Lombardia ANDI – Como 20-21 November 2015 – Un caso di carcinoma osseo della mandibola. Aspetti diagnostici e medico legali

Congresso Regionale SILO Piemonte - Torino 5 March 2016 – Implantologia nei pazienti in terapia con bisfosfonati: il ruolo del laser.

Congresso Regionale SILO-ANDI Emilia Romagna – Parma 2 April 2016 – La chirurgia ossa dei mascellari.

Simposio SILO-SIdCO Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria– Roma 16 Aperil 2016 – La chirurgia laser delle ONJ

Convegno Azienda Ospedaliera di Fano (An) Update su tumori di testa e collo – 22-23 April 2016 - Le osteonecrosi dei mascellari farmaco-indotte

Congresso OELLE (Odontoiatria Legale) - Bologna 6 May 2016 – Errori da evitare nell’utilizzo del laser

IX Congresso di patologia e chirurgia oro-maxillo-facciale – Trieste 27,28 May 2016 - Principi dell’impiego del laser in Odontostomatologia

Closed meeting SIE (Società Italiana di Endodonzia) - Terme di Galzignano (Padova) 25,26 June 2016 – Gestione odontoiatrica del paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati e altri farmaci antiriassorbitivi/antiangiogenetici

International Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry) – Nagoya (Japan) 17-19 July 2016 – Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw : a new approach with laser.

Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma- Il carcinoma orale- 30 September 2016 - Tavola rotonda

Congresso Regionale SILO Campania – Salerno 11-12 November 2016 – Il laser nella chirurgia delle ossa mascellari

Meeting Perio Group – Università di Ferrara 17 November 2016 – Fisiopatologia delle necrosi ossee farmacoindotte- diagnosi delle osteonecrosi – gestione odontoiatrica del paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati e altri faramaci antiriassorbitivi/antiangiogenetici – terapia delle osteonecrosi

Congresso Laser Day – Istituto Stomatologico Italiano – Milano 18 November 2016 – Stato dell’arte sul laser in odontostomatologia

Congresso Nazionale SISCOO (Società Italiana degli Specialisti in Chirurgia Orale e Odontostomatologica) – Milano 19 novembre 2016 – Terapia delle MRONJ

Primo Incontro Regionale SILO Friuli Venezia-Giulia --Trieste 13 May 2017 –
Usefulness of Auto-Fluorescence for highlighting surgical margins and Er:YAG laser for bone evaporation in MRONJ treatment.

Congresso Nazionale SICMF (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale) - Napoli 14-17 June 2017 - Gestione delle Lesioni Potenzialmente Maligne del Cavo Orale

Congress of Romanian Society for Lasers in Denstistry/Seventh Edition of the International Conference on Lasers in Medicine - Timisoara (ROMANIA) 14 luglio 2017 - Autoflourescence Guided Laser Surgical Approach in oral cancer and leukoplakia

VI Congress of European Division of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry) - Thessaloniki (GREECE) 23 September 2017 - The use of Laser in Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Oral Cancer and Precancerous Lesions”.

Corso di aggiornamento Ordine dei Medici della Provincia di Mantova "Il Cavo Orale quanti problemi"- Mantova 7 October 2017- La Bocca Urente-

Université de Liège : Service Hospitalier de Parodontologie – Chirurgie Bucco-Dentaire - Liège (BELGIUM) 23 Octobre 2017 -- Ostéonécroses, Bisphosphonates et Laser

XIV Congresso Nazionale della SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) - Roma 26-28 October - Infezioni da Herpes Viridae : management diagnostico-terapeutico ai tempi della EBM.

XV Congreso de la SECIB (Societad Espanola de Cirugia Bucal) - Valencia (SPAIN) 17 Novembre 2017 - Laser Aplicado en las osteonecrosis por medicamentos (MRONJ)

Corso di Aggiornamento SIOCMF (Società Italiana di Odontostomatologia e Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale) - Roma 15 December 2017 - Casi Complessi in Patologia e Medicina Orale

Corso di aggiornamento ECM Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Cremona - 9 May 2018 - Prevenzione della osteonecrosi mascellare farmaco-relata (MRONJ) e gestione del paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati ed altri farmaci antiriassorbitivi / antiangiogenetici

VIII Congresso Nazionale e II Internazionale della SILO (Società Italiana di Laser in Odontostomatologia)- Trieste 5-6 October 2018 - Didattica e formazione all’impiego del laser. Biostott: studio multicentrico SILO

XIII Congresso Nazionale AIOLA (Accademia Internazionale Odontoiatria Laser Assistita) - Torino 19-20 October 2018- Impiego della LLLT nella prevenzione e gestione delle osteonecrosi dei mascellari.

11° Meeting Laser Day - Milano 15-16 November 2018 - Effetti del laser 645 nm su proliferazione e differenzazione su cellule staminali e fattori di crescita .

VI Congresso Istituto Stomatologico Toscano - Viareggio 25-26 January 2019 - Manifestazioni orali della malattia diabetica.

Corso di aggiornamento ECM ANDI (Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) Regione Lombardia - Milano 18 March 2019 - Le scelte di trattamento nei pazienti che assumono farmaci che agiscono sul metabolismo osseo

26° Congresso Nazionale del Collegio Docenti Discipline Odontostomatologiche - Napoli 11-13 April 2019 -Simposio SIPMO - Terapia chirurgica dell’osteonecrosi dei mascellari farmacoindotta.

28° Congresso Nazionale AIO (Associazione Nazionale Odontoiatri) - Riva del Garda 25-26 September 2019 - Lesioni a rischio e carcinoma iniziale del cavo orale. Diagnosi precoce e management.

Congresso ANTHEC (Academy of Non Transfusional Hemo Components) - SIOCMF (Società Italiana di Odontostomatologia e Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale) - Orta San Giulio (NO) 18-19 October 2019 - Approccio Clinico alle lesioni a rischio della mucosa orale - Il paziente in terapia con bisfosfonati ed altri farmaci antiriassorbitivi ossei. Protocolli operativi odontoiatrici.

XVII Congress of SECIB (Societad Espanola de Cirugia Bucal) - Sevilla (SPAIN) 24-26 October 2019 - New technologies in diagnosis and treatment of early oral cancer.

Corso ECM - Unità OSTEONET (Osteoporosi, Nutrizione, Endocrinologia e Terapie Innovative) CMG (Centro Medico Galliera) - San Venanzio di Galliera (BO) 18 January 2020- Problemi odontostomatologici della terapia farmacologica per l’osteoporosi.

16 th International World Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry)- Dubai (EMIRATES) 4-6 February 2020 - The use of autofluorescence in management of oral cancer and oral potentially malignant disorders - Surgical laser treatment of osteonecrosis of the jaws.

CONGRESSO INVERNALE ANDI (Associazione Italiana Dentisti Italiani) - Cortina D’Ampezzo (Be) 1 - 8 March 2020 - Lesioni a rischio della mucosa orale: diagnosi e management.

MC4 Live Webinar Odontoiatria: Tecnologia Laser- 20 May 2020- Ruolo del laser nella gestione odontoiatrica del paziente in terapia con bissosfonati ed altri farmacii- Prevenzione delle osteonecrosi mascellari.

International Webinar EMDOLA (Euroepan Master Degree in Oral Laser Applications) - 23 May 2020 - Laser and Osteomyelitis of the Jaws.

Congresso Nazionale SIdCO (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Orale) - Riccione 2-3 October 2020 - Nuove prospettive nella terapia chirurgica delle lesioni precancerose e del carcinoma iniziale del cavo orale.

Congresso Rete Oncologica Piemonte -Valle D’Aosta / SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) - Alessandria 8-9 May 2021 - Il trattamento della ONJ

Webinar ANTHEC (Academy of Non Transfusional Hemo Components) -Nuove frontiere dei bio materiali e degli emocomponenti- 20 May 2021- Laser ed emocomponenti; quale sinergia per il futuro della rigenerazione tissutale ?

Webinar Post-graduation on Laser Aplications in Dental Medicine CESPU - University of Oporto (PORTUGAL)- 29 May 2021- The Laser in the Jaw Bone Surgery

International Congress of APD-WFLD (Asian Pacific Division of World Federationn for Laser in Dentirstry) / CSLD (Chinese Society for Laser Dentistry) - Xiamen (CHINA) 16-17 July 2021 - Laser Surgical and non surgical management of MRONJ.

15th Biennial Congress of EAOM (European Academy od Oral Medicine) - Oporto (PORTUGAL) 24-25 September 2021- Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw

8th International Congress WFLD-ED (World Federation for Laser in Dentisrtry) Montpellier (FRANCE) 28-30 October 2021 - New technologies in diagnosis and treatment of early oral cancer"

Congresso Pianeta Osteoporosi : temi di attualità - Parma 4 December 2021- Osteonecrosi della mandibola

Webinar Certificat de Compétence Clinique Européenne de Chirurgie Dentaire Laser Assistée de l’Université 7 Paris Garancière - Paris (FRANCE) le 6 Mai 2022 - Traitement Laser Assistée des Ostéonécroses à l’Université de Parme.

TAOBUK Festival - Taormina 16-20 June 2022 - Valutazione dei margini di resezione chirurgica mediante rilevazione dell’autofluorescenza tissutale nelle osteonecrosi dei mascellari farmaco-relate - Valutazione del microbioma in pazienti in terapia steroidea per Oral Lichen Planus - Identificazione di miRNA salivari in donne ad elevato rischio eredo-familiare di sviluppare carcinoma al seno e alle ovaie: studio pilota - Effetti della fotobiomodulazione laser sulla riduzione della terapia antibiotica nei pazienti oncologici affetti da MRONJ (Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw) - Combinazione di fotobiomodulazione laser diodi 645 nm e Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) nella rigenerazione tessutale.

Hyaluronic Acid Expert Group Meeting Zürich (SWISS) 25.June.2022- Hyaluronic Acid in jaw bone and oral mucosa regeneration.

Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Pescara - Corso ECM- Pescara 17 September 2022 - Diagnosi e prevenzione delle osteonecrosi mascellari farmacoindotte

Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Massa-Carrara - Corso ECM - Carrara 24 September 2022 - Tumori della bocca e osteonecrosi da farmaci: odontoiatri e medici chirurghi insieme per la prevenzione.

Università di Ferrara : Master 4 P - Ferrara 30 September 2022- I laser in chirurgia della mucosa orale e delle ossa mascellari.

International Congress SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) e EAOM (European Academy of Oral Medicine) - Parma 25-26 November 2022 - Chirurgia ambulatoriale delle ghiandole salivari.

International Laser Master Program Università Cattolica Roma - Roma 2 December 2022 - Laser in Oral Medicine and ONJ management

Corso di aggiornamento ANDI (Asociazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani) Regione Friuli Venezia-Giulia - Pordenone 17 March 2023 Applicazioni del Laser on Odontoiatria.

17th World Congress of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry)- 14-16 April 2023 - Wrochlaw- (POLAND)
Dental Implants, Bisphosphonates or other antiresorptive agents and LASER

International Simposium LA -HL Academy - 26-27 May 2023 - Portoroz (SLOVENJA)
Advantages of QSP Mode in Bone Surgery

Taobuk Contest 2023 : Clinical Research and Innovation- Taormina (CT) 16-19 June 2023.
- New technologies in diagnosis and treatment of early oral cancer”
Autofluorescence in diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer and pre cancerous lesions
Use of Cross-linked Yaluornic Acid (xHyA) and perched memorane in surgical management of early oral cancer.

International Congress of SIDCO (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Odontostomatologica) - 26-28 Ottobre 2023 Napoli
- Nuove tecnologie nella chirurgia orale personalizzata


Le ipertrofie gengivali da ciclosporina nei pazienti trapiantati renali.
(Vescovi P., P. Caccioli, F. Brenna, S. Frigeri)
Atti del XXII congresso nazionale della S.I.O.C.M.F. Roma 6-9 dicembre 1989 Vol. III pag. 39-44.

Manifestazioni orali dell' eritema multiforme: aspetti etiopatogenetici, clinici ed istopatologici.
(S. Frigeri, Vescovi P, F. Brenna, C.M. Bergonzi)
Atti del XXII congresso nazionale della S.I.O.C.M.F. Roma 6-9 dicembre 1989 Vol. III pag. 471-477

Le alterazioni della sensibilità gustativa.
(P. Caccioli, Vescovi P)
Atti del XXII congresso nazionale della S.I.O.C.M.F. Roma 6-9 dicembre 1989 Vol. III pag. 859-864

Terapia di un secondo molare mascellare con cinque canali radicolari .
(F.Brenna, M.Bonanini, Vescovi P, S.Frigeri,)
Attualità Dentale , 1990, anno VI; n° 15; pag. 16-20

Manifestazioni orali dell' eritema multiforme. Aspetti clinici ed etiopatogenetici.
(Vescovi P, A. Zucchi, S. Frigeri, L. Fiamminghi, F. Allegra)
R.I.S. Rivista Italiana di Stomatologia 1990, n° 9, pag. 58-63

Eritema multiforme: presentazione di due casi clinici.
(Vescovi P, A. Zucchi, S.Frigeri, L. Fiamminghi, F. Allegra)
R.I.S. Rivista Italiana di Stomatologia 1990, n° 10, pag. 5O-54

Aspetti istopatologici dell' Eritema Multiforme.
(A.Zucchi, Vescovi P, S.Frigeri, L.Fiamminghi, F.Allegra)
R.I.S. Rivista Italiana di Stomatologia 1990, n° 11/12 pag. 42-45

Alterazioni di sviluppo nei pazienti sottoposti a radio e chemioterapia.
(G.M.Macaluso, A.Oppici, M.Bonanini, S.Pizzi, Vescovi P, P.U.Gennari)
Atti del VI Seminario di Odontoiatria Infantile ed Handicap - Codogno 13 ottobre 1990

Manifestazioni orali in pazienti affetti da insufficienza renale cronica.
(Vescovi P, G.M.Macaluso, A.Oppici, M.Bonanini, S.Pizzi, P.U.Gennari)
Atti del VI Seminario di Odontoiatria Infantile ed Handicap - Codogno 13 ottobre 1990

Lesioni delle parti molli in pazienti con alterazioni neuropsichiche.
(Vescovi P, G.M.Macaluso, A.Oppici, M.Bonanini, S.Pizzi, P.U.Gennari)
Atti del VI Seminario di Odontoiatria Infantile ed Handicap - Codogno 13 ottobre 1990

Riabilitazione protesica in paziente parzialmente collaborante.
(S.Pizzi, G.M.Macaluso, A.Oppici, M.Bonanini, Vescovi P, P.U.Gennari)
Atti del VI Seminario di Odontoiatria Infantile ed Handicap - Codogno 13 ottobre 1990

Il paziente nefropatico nella pratica clinica stomatologica .
(Vescovi P, A.Oppici, M.Bonanini, G.M.Macaluso, S.Pizzi, P.U.Gennari)
"Odontoiatria ed Handicap" atti del convegno Parma 27-28 ottobre 1990. Casa Editrice Mattioli, Fidenza (PR) pag. 128-135

Manifestazioni orali in pazienti affetti da microangiopatia diabetica.
(Vescovi P, A.Oppici, G.M. Macaluso, M. Bonanini S.Pizzi, P.U.Gennari)
"Odontoiatria ed Handicap" atti del convegno Parma 27-28 ottobre 1990. Casa Editrice Mattioli, Fidenza (PR) pag. 136-140

Approccio clinico in pazienti sottoposti ad irradiazione cervico-facciale.
(A.Oppici, Vescovi P, G.M. Macaluso, M.Bonanini, S.Pizzi, P.U.Gennari)
"Odontoiatria ed Handicap" atti del convegno Parma 27-28 ottobre 1990. Casa Editrice Mattioli, Fidenza (PR) pag. 87-94

Patologie sistemiche e deficit anatomo-funzionale quali causa di handicap nel distretto oro-maxillo-facciale.
(M. Bonanini, Vescovi P, S.Pizzi, G.M. Macaluso, A.Oppici, P.U.Gennari)
"Odontoiatria ed Handicap" atti del convegno Parma 27-28 ottobre 1990. Casa Editrice Mattioli, Fidenza (PR) pag. 8-10

Situazione di handicap in odontoiatria.
(S.Pizzi, Vescovi P, G.M. Macaluso, M.Bonanini, P.U.Gennari)
Prevenzione e Assistenza Dentale n°5 ; 1990; pag. 13-18

Cefalee e algie cranio-facciali di interesse stomatologico nella classificazione della International Headache Society (1988).
(G.M.Macaluso, M.Bonanini, P.Bizzi, S.Pizzi, Vescovi P, G.G.Manzoni, P.U.Gennari)
Minerva Stomatologica Vol 39; 1990; pag. 1-11

Perni moncone individuali fusi per impianti singoli anteriori.
(M.Bonanini, G.M.Macaluso, Vescovi P, S.Pizzi, P.U.Gennari)
Dental Cadmos n°18; 199O; pag. 38-48

Alterazioni parodontali nell' osteodistrofia renale: indagine clinica su 7O pazienti.
(Vescovi P, A. Oppici, G.M.Macaluso, S.Pizzi, P.U.Gennari)
Atti del VI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Parodontologia. "Evolouzione della Parodontologia: il contributo della ricerca e della clinica." Sorrento 7-8-9 febbraio 1991

Le gengivopatie ipertrofico-iperplastiche da ciclosporina: correlazione con livelli ematici del farmaco, igiene orale, durata della terapia.
(Vescovi P, M.Bonanini, G.M.Macaluso,A. Oppici, S.Pizzi, P.U.Gennari)
Atti del VI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Parodontologia. "Evolouzione della Parodontologia: il contributo della ricerca e della clinica." Sorrento 7-8-9 febbraio 1991

Soluzioni implantologiche nell'anziano.
(Bonanini M., Macaluso G.M., Pizzi S., Vescovi P, Gennari P.U.)
Atti del III Convegno Aquilano di Odontostomatologia. L'Aquila 12-13/aprile/1991 LCL Stampe Litografiche Avezzano.

Il paziente anziano in insufficienza renale cronica: patologia orale e aspetti terapeutici.
(Vescovi P, G.M.Macaluso, A.Oppici, M.Bonanini, P.U.Gennari)
Atti del III Convegno Aquilano di Odontostomatologia. L'Aquila 12-13/aprile/1991 LCL Stampe Litografiche Avezzano.

Fisiopatologia del controllo neuromuscolare nell'anziano emiplegico
(G.M.Macaluso, M.Gandolfini,M.Bonanini, Vescovi P, P.U.Gennari)
Atti del III Convegno Aquilano di Odontostomatologia. L'Aquila 12-13/aprile/1991 LCL Stampe Litografiche Avezzano.

Manifestazioni orali della neurofibromatosi tipo 1
(S. Pizzi, Vescovi P, A.Oppici, G.M.Macaluso, M.Bonanini)
Atti del 79th Annual World Dental Congres of FDI - MILANO 7 -13 ottobre 1991
VOL VI pag.235-24O

Le placche siliconiche personalizzate per fluoroprofilassi in pazienti irradiati.
(A.Oppici, Vescovi P, S. Pizzi, F.Tamborrino,G.M.Macaluso, M.Bonanini)
Atti del 79th Annual World Dental Congres of FDI - MILANO 7 -13 ottobre 1991
VOL VI pag 41-46

La sindrome del nevo basocellulare : l'importanza dell'odontostomatologo nella fase diagnostica e clinica.
(A.Oppici, Vescovi P, S. Pizzi, G.M.Macaluso, M.Bonanini, A.Zucchi)
Atti del 79th Annual World Dental Congres of FDI - MILANO 7 -13 ottobre 1991

Significato diagnostico delle IgA (secretorie) adese a miceti lievitiformi nel corso delle infezioni orali in pazienti a rischio.
(Vescovi P, A.Oppici, M.Gerloni, S.Conti, L.Polonelli)
Atti del 79th Annual World Dental Congres of FDI - MILANO 7 -13 ottobre 1991

Protocollo clinico-terapeutico nel lichen muco-cutaneo.
(Vescovi P, A.Zucchi, G.M.Macaluso, A.Oppici, M.Bonanini)
Atti del 79th Annual World Dental Congres of FDI - MILANO 7 -13 ottobre 1991

Coxackie B virus stomatitis followed by acute neuropathy of the autonomic system.
(G.M.Macaluso, Vescovi P, S. Pizzi, , M.Bonanini, )
Atti del 79th Annual World Dental Congres of FDI - MILANO 7 -13 ottobre 1991

L'odontostomatologo e il paziente irradiato.
(A.Oppici, Vescovi P, F.Tamborrino, G.M.Macaluso, M.Bonanini)
Atti del 79th Annual World Dental Congres of FDI - MILANO 7 -13 ottobre 1991

Considerazioni occlusali nella riabilitazione protesica di pazienti sottoposti a mandibulectomia parziale.
(M.Bonanini, S. Pizzi, G.M.Macaluso, Vescovi P, M. Gandolfini )
Atti del 79th Annual World Dental Congres of FDI - MILANO 7 -13 ottobre 1991

Misure di retrazione di materiali da impronta a base di siliconi.
(S. Pizzi, Vescovi P, V. Fano, I. Ortalli, M.Bonanini, )
Atti del 79th Annual World Dental Congres of FDI - MILANO 7 -13 ottobre 1991

Ipertrofia gengivale da ciclosporina: aspetti clinici e terapeutici.
(Vescovi P, G.M.Macaluso, A.Oppici, S.Pizzi, M.Bonanini, P.U.Gennari)
Stomatologia Lombardo-Veneta Anno IV n° 3, 1990, 265-270

Le disgeusie nella pratica clinica. Parte I: fisiologia.
(Vescovi P, S. Frigeri, P. Caccioli, G.M. Macaluso, A. Oppici)
Dental Cadmos 5, 1991, 74-77

Le disgeusie nella pratica clinica. Parte II: patologia.
(Vescovi P , S.Frigeri, P.Caccioli, G.M.Macaluso, A.Oppici)
Dental Cadmos 7,1991,68-75

Malattia di Cowden: Sindrome degli amartomi multipli.
(A.Zucchi, R.Devoto, Vescovi P, G.De Panfilis, F.Allegra)
Giornale italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia1990, pag.471-473, n125

Gengivopatie ipertrofico-iperplastiche in corso di terapie farmacologiche.
(Vescovi P, G.M.Macaluso, A.Oppici, S.Pizzi, M.Bonanini, P.U.Gennari)
Pratica Odontoiatrica 1991, n7, 28-35.

Manifestazioni orali in patologie gastrointestinali in pazienti in età pediatrica.
(S.Pizzi, Vescovi P, M.Bonanini, M.Gandolfini)
Atti del convegno " Il futuro della pediatria e delle specialità pediatriche" Bologna 15 -18 ottobre 1991 pag 295

Aspetti odontostomatologici delle nefropatie.
(Vescovi P, G.M.Macaluso, L.Bignardi, A.Oppici, S.Pizzi, M.Bonanini, V.Cambi, P.U.Gennari)
Pratica Odontoiatrica 9, 42-55; 1991

Modificazioni dento-parodontali nella microangiopatia diabetica
(Vescovi P, G.M.Macaluso, M.Bonanini, M.Gandolfini, S.Pizzi)
RIS Rivista Italiana di Stomatologia 1, 4-11, 1992

La neurofibromatosi di tipo 1: aspetti clinico-diagnostici odontostomatologici.
(S.Pizzi, A.Oppici, Vescovi P, M.Bonanini)
RIS rivista Italiana di Stomatologia 1,29-35,1992

Le candidosi oro-faringee nei soggetti immunocompromessi: un' indagine clinico-microbiologica in pazienti uremici cronici e in pazienti diabetici.
(Vescovi P, M. Bonanini)
Atti delle IV giornate mediterranee di Odontoiatria. Napoli 28-29 febbraio 1 marzo 1992 Vol. 1 , P 185-192

Lichen planus orale: aspetti diagnostici e terapeutici
(Vescovi P, Tamborrino F, Bonanini M., Macaluso G.M.)
Atti del 4° Convegno di Discipline Odontostomatologiche; Montesilvano 1-2 maggio 1992 , 1131-1135.

Adesione di IgA (secretorie) a cellule lievitiformi nelle candidosi orali in pazienti diabetici e trapiantati renali.
(Vescovi P, S. Pizzi, Bonanini M., Macaluso G.M.)
Atti del 4° Convegno di Discipline Odontostomatologiche; Montesilvano 1-2 maggio 1992 , 1131-1135.

Stimolazione magnetica di aree cerebrali motorie con apparecchi della seconda generazione.
(Macaluso G.M., M. Gandolfini, Vescovi P, Bonanini M.,)
Atti del 4° Convegno di Discipline Odontostomatologiche; Montesilvano 1-2 maggio 1992 , 1131-1135.

L’ elettromiografia nelle disfunzioni craniomndibolari. Validità e limiti.
(Bonanini M., Macaluso G.M., Vescovi P, Gandolfini M.)
Atti del 4° Convegno di Discipline Odontostomatologiche; Montesilvano 1-2 maggio 1992 , 133-137.

Ripercussioni sull' apparato stomatognatico delle patologie enteriche in età pediatrica.
(S. Pizzi, Bonanini M., Vescovi P, Macaluso G.M.)
Atti del 4° Convegno di Discipline Odontostomatologiche; Montesilvano 1-2 maggio 1992 , 1131-1135.

Proposta terapeutica per il lichen planus orale.
(Vescovi P, Bonanini M., Macaluso G.M., Gandolfini M.)
Atti delle I giornate odontoiatriche dell' Università di Sassari 7-10 maggio1992 C. Delfino Ed. Sassari 1992

Lo splinting in traumatologia dentale
(Pizzi S., Caccioli P., Vescovi P)
Atti del VIII Congresso SIOI (Società Italiana di Odontoiatria Infantile) ; Cernobbio (Co) 16-17-18 ottobre1992

Importanza della diagnosi precoce e del trattamento chirurgico nei casi di iperdonzia.
(Pizzi S., Caccioli P., Vescovi P)
Atti del VIII Congresso SIOI (Società Italiana di Odontoiatria Infantile) ; Cernobbio (Co) 16-17-18 ottobre1992

La sindrome di Gorlin-Goltz: approccio clinico e chirurgico.
(Vescovi P, Caccioli P., Frigeri S., Bergonzi G., Pelosi C.)
I congresso SIdCO (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Odontostomatologica) Firenze 24-25-26-27 novembre 1992

Problematiche chirurgiche nella germectomia degli ottavi inferiori
(Caccioli P., Vescovi P, Frigeri S., Bergonzi G..)
I congresso SIdCO (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Odontostomatologica) Firenze 24-25-26-27 novembre 1992

La chirurgia dei fibropapillomi da protesi.
(Caccioli P., Vescovi P, Frigeri S., Bergonzi G..)
I congresso SIdCO (Società Italiana di Chirurgia Odontostomatologica) Firenze 24-25-26-27 novembre 1992

Manifestazioni orali della neurofibromatosi di tipo 1.
(Pizzi S., Vescovi P, Cingi A., ,Bonanini M., Balestrazzi P.)
La Neurofibromatosi 2° Workshop Regionale ;Bologna 13 novembre 1992; 63-66.

Trattamento precoce nei bambini affetti da displasia ectodermica anidrotica.
(Pizzi S., Vescovi P, Balestrazzi P., Gandolfini M., Cingi A.)
Atti del XXIII congresso nazionale SIOCMF; Bologna 3O /11-3/12, 1992 Vol IV 915-919

Follow-up di due anni in trenta pazienti affetti da Lichen Planus cutaneo/ mucoso.
(Vescovi P, Zucchi A., Pizzi S., Gandolfini M.)
Atti del XXIII congresso nazionale SIOCMF; Bologna 3O /11-3/12, 1992 Vol III 359-362

Attività del "Centro per la cura degli handicappati e per la riabilitazione protesica oro-maxillo-facciale"
( PizziS., Nizzia P, Vescovi P, Gennari P.U.)
Atti delle V Giornate Mediterranee di Odontoiatria Napoli 26-27-28/ 2/ 1993 ,121-128

Trattamento precoce nei casi di iperdonzia.
(Pizzi S., Vescovi P, Gandolfini M., Caccioli P., Cingi A.)
Atti del V Convegno di Discipline Odontostomatologiche Regione Abruzzo.
"Attualità in odontostomatologia preventiva" L'Aquila 29-30 aprile 1 maggio 1993

L'impiego di una particolare variante del Quad-Helix nell' intercettamento del morso incrociato monolaterale posteriore isolato.
(Gandolfini M., Vescovi P, Cingi A.)
Atti del V Convegno di Discipline Odontostomatologiche Regione Abruzzo. "Attualità in odontostomatologia preventiva" L'Aquila 29-30 aprile 1 maggio 1993 P361-361

Oral lichen planus (OLP): results at two years of bethametason and vitamin A therapy.
(Vescovi P, Zucchi A., Macaluso G.M., Oppici A., Pizzi S.)
International Conferences on Oral Pathology Chieti 10-11-14-15/ 5/ 1993 Abstracts 28

Prevenzione e cura degli effetti indotti dalla terapia radiante
(Vescovi P, Gandolfini M., Macaluso G.M., Oppici A.)
International Conferences on Oral Pathology Chieti 10-11-14-15/ 5/ 1993 Abstracts 29

11 casi clinici di eritema multiforme (E.M.)
(Vescovi P, Zucchi A., Macaluso G.M., Oppici A., Bonanini M.)
International Conferences on Oral Pathology Chieti 10-11-14-15/ 5/ 1993 Abstracts 3O

Valutazione clinica di lesioni parodontali e cariose in bambini ed adolescenti con I.D.D.M.
(S. Pizzi, A. De Fanti, Vescovi P, G.M. Macaluso, L. Furia, P.U. Gennari, M. Vanelli)
Atti del Congresso Nazionale di Pediatria. Bari 21 settembre 1993

Alterazioni ossee e dentarie nei pazienti anziani affetti da osteodistrofia renale
(Vescovi P, Bonanini M., Macaluso G.M., Gandolfini M.)
Atti del III Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Odontoiatria geriatrica Padova 3-4 dicembre 1993 Ed CPA ,47-52.

Valutazione clinica della patologia orale in un gruppo di giovani pazienti affetti da IDDM e in un gruppo di giovani sani.
(Pizzi S., Camorali C., Vescovi P, Vanelli M.)
Atti del I congresso nazionale dei docenti di Odontoiatria- Roma 24-27/3/1994; 1283-1290

Undici casi di eritema multiforme: correlazioni etiologiche e terapia.
(Vescovi P, Zucchi A., Bonanini M., Pizzi S., Gennari P.U..)
Min Stomatol. 1994; 43, 301-7

Clinical evaluation of periodontal and caries lesions in youth affected by diabetes (IDDM)
(S. Pizzi , Vescovi P, M. Vanelli)
Abstracts of 2nd Congress of theEuropean Academy of Paediatrics Dentistry Athens-Greece 18-21/6/1994 ; 116

Incidenti domestici e lesioni orali nei bambini.
(S. Pizzi, C. Camorali,M. Fazzi, Vescovi P)
Atti del VII Convegno di Discipline Odontostomatologiche Regione Abruzzo "Il bambino e il dentista: problematiche cliniche e psicologiche e di prevenzione" L' Aquila 28-29-30/4/ 1995; 87-92

Epidemiological study on dental traumas.
( S. Pizzi, C. Camorali, M. Fazzi, Vescovi P)
Abstracts of 15 th Congress International Association of Paediatric Dentistry 8-11/ 6/ 1995 Goteborg Sweden 178, 1995

La sindrome di Gorlin Goltz: sei casi clinici.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, G.M. Macaluso, A. Oppici)
International Conferences on Oral Pathology Chieti 5-6/ 5/ 1995 Abstracts 11

Gengivopatie ipertofico-iperplastiche da ciclosporina: correlazione con igiene orale, contemporanea assunzione di nifedipina, distribuzione indice DMF, durata della terapia e livelli ematici del farmaco.
(P. Vescovi, A. Savi, G.M. Macaluso, A. Oppici)
International Conferences on Oral Pathology Chieti 5-6/ 5/ 1995 Abstracts 10

La prevenzione nel portatore di handicap.
(S.Pizzi, A. Oppici, Vescovi P, S. Lupi)
Prevenzione e assistenza dentale 6/ Nov-dic. 1995; 12-21

Lateral luxation of two lower incisor. A case report.
(Savi A., Camorali C., Fazzi M., Vescovi P, Pizzi S.)
VII World Congress on Dental Trauma Firenze 9-11 maggio 1996

Digital imagin in dental traumatology: an aid in diagnosis and follow-up.
(Savi A., Camorali C., Fazzi M., Vescovi P, Pizzi S.)
VII World Congress on Dental Trauma - Firenze 9-11 maggio 1996

Crown fractures and reattachment of the original fragment.
(Savi A., Camorali C., Fazzi M., Vescovi P, Pizzi S.)
VII World Congress on Dental Trauma - Firenze 9-11 maggio 1996

Sarcoma di Kaposi in paziente in terapia immunosoppressiva con ciclosporina per trapianto renale. Caso clinico.
(P. Vescovi, A. Savi, A. Oppici)
Atti del III Congresso Nazionale dei Docenti di Odontoiatria- Roma 27-28-29-30/3/1996; 1283-1290

Patologia orale da medicamenti
(P.U. Gennari, P. Vescovi)
Attualità Dentale 1996; 23-24/8-13

Ipertrofie gengivali da ciclosporina: revisione della letteratura.
(P. Vescovi, A. Savi, A. Oppici, P.U.Gennari)
Minerva Stomatologica 45: 523-532; 1996

Lichen planus orale (OLP): orientamenti terapeutici ed esperienza clinica in 71 pazienti.
(Vescovi P, P.U. Gennari)
Minerva Stomatologica 45: 501-515; 1996

Ipertrofia gengivale da ciclosporina: indagine clinico-statistica in 82 pazienti.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, G.M. Macaluso, P.U. Gennari)
Minerva Somatologica 46(6): 155-164;1997

Gli effetti dei farmaci sul cavo orale. Dossier -Parte I -
(P.U. Gennari, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 14: 9-51;1997

Gli effetti dei farmaci sul cavo orale. Dossier -Parte II -
(P.U. Gennari, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 16: 9-35; 1997

Gli effetti dei farmaci sul cavo orale. Dossier -Parte III -
(P.U. Gennari, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 18: 9-37; 1997

La sindrome di Crouzon: aspetti clinici oro-maxillo-facciali. Presentazione di un caso clinico.
(Vescovi P, C. Mortellaro, C. Perrone, W. di Nardo)
Atti del Convegno Nazionale delle Scuole di Specializzazione in Ortodontia - Giornata Europea sulla Prevenzione e Terapia dei Dismorfismi Cranio-Maxillo-Facciali: aspetti sociali e clinici. Torino 29-30-31 maggio 1997 Selene ED 1998; 182-4

Metodica di IFI su salt-split skin per la diagnosi delle affezioni bollose del cavo orale.
(Vescovi P, E. Pretto)
Atti del II Congresso SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) Diagnosi e terapia di problemi complessi in patologia e medicina orale. Torino 6-7 giugno 1997- Min Stomatol 1998; 47 (3); 122

Lichen planus orale (OLP) correlato a malattie sistemiche. Indagine clinica in 107 pazienti.
(Vescovi P, P. Zulian, E. Pretto, A. Oppici, A. Savi, E. Gabba)
Atti del II Congresso SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) Diagnosi e terapia di problemi complessi in patologia e medicina orale. Torino 6-7 giugno 1997- Min Stomatol 1998; 47 (3); 123

Comparazione immunoistochimica di alcuni marcatori in lichen planus ed altre lesioni del cavo orale.
(Vescovi P, P. Zulian, E. Bollito, E. Leonardo, G. Valente, L. Corcione, V. Vercellino)
Atti del II Congresso SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) Diagnosi e terapia di problemi complessi in patologia e medicina orale. Torino 6-7 giugno 1997- Min Stomatol 1998; 47 (3); 124

Sindrome di Melkerssohn-Rosenthal: presentazione di due casi clinici.
(Vescovi P, E. Pretto, A. Oppici, A. Savi, E. Gabba)
Atti del II Congresso SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) Diagnosi e terapia di problemi complessi in patologia e medicina orale. Torino 6-7 giugno 1997- Min Stomatol 1998; 47 (3); 124

Interazione tra mannoproteine da stress di candida albicans ed IgAs nelle infezioni orali di pazienti HIV positivi.
(M. Manfredi, A. Savi, L. Polonelli, Vescovi P)
Atti del V Collegio Nazionale dei Docenti di Odontoiatria- Roma 22-25 aprile 1998

Lichen planus della cute e delle mucose. Etiopatogenesi e clinica.
(Vescovi P, A. Zucchi, P.U. Gennari)
Dental Cadmos 1998; 12, 9-38

Effetti dei farmaci sulla mucosa orale.
(Vescovi P, P.U.Gennari e M. Fazzi)
Atti del Convegno SIOCMF Varese 23-24 ottobre 1998; 31-44

Metastasi gengivale da carcinoma polmonare. Presentazione di due casi clinici.
(Vescovi P, S.Frigeri)
Attualità Dentale 1998; 5, 30-34

Lesioni linguali multiple in una paziente anziana. Caso da diagnosticare.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, M. Fazzi)
Dental Cadmos 1999; 4, 11-12

Lesioni bianche della mucosa geniena. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, M. Fazzi.)
Dental Cadmos 1999; 6:11-12

Gengivite refrattaria alle terapie. Caso da diagnosticare.
(Vescovi P, M.Manfredi ,A. Savi, M. Fazzi.)
Dental Cadmos 1999; 8:11-12

Ascesso ricorrente diffuso all’ emimandibola sinistra. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, M. Fazzi.)
Dental Cadmos 1999; 10-11-12

Ipertrofia gengivale localizzata a rapida insorgenza. Caso da diagnosticare.
(Vescovi P, M.Manfredi ,A. Savi, M. Fazzi.)
Dental Cadmos 1999; 13: 11-12

Ipertrofia gengivale generalizzata a rapida insorgenza. Caso da diagnosticare.
(Vescovi P, M.Manfredi ,A. Savi, M. Fazzi.)
Dental Cadmos 1999; 15: 11-12

Neoformazione bianca del ventre linguale. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, M.Manfredi ,A. Savi, M. Fazzi.)
Dental Cadmos 1999; 17: 13-14

Effetti delle droghe sul cavo orale.
(M. Fazzi, Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, , Peracchia M.)
Minerva Stomatologica 1999; 48: 485-92

Una bocca sotto controllo. Il Progetto PREDICA.
(Vescovi P)
Prevenzione Tumori 1999; II 8-14

Neoplastic transformation of oral lichen planus I: a review of the literature.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, M. Bonanini)
Min Stomatol 2000; 49 249-55

Neoplastic transformation of oral lichen planus II: association with risk co-factors
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M. Manfredi, M. Bonanini)
Min Stomatol 2000; 49 257-66

Burning Mouth Syndrome: clinical experience on 75 patients.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, M. Fazzi, Bonanini M.)
Min Stomatol 2000; 49 168-77

Le candidosi del cavo oraleAspetti clinici e diagnostici.
(M.Manfredi , Vescovi P, A. Savi, M. Fazzi.)
Dental Cadmos 2000; 2:43-58

Stomatite diffusa con erosioni a rapida insorgenza
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, A. Savi, M. Bonanini)
Dental Cadmos 2000; 10, 13-14

Paziente con dolore ed ipomobilità della lingua. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, M. Bonanini)
Dental Cadmos 2000; 13:13-14

Grave stomatomucosite con ulcerazioni orali diffuse. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, M. Bonanini)
Dental Cadmos 2000; 15:13-14

Diffuse erosioni orali in una paziente anziana. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, M. Bonanini)
Dental Cadmos 2000; 17:13-14

Lesioni del cavo orale nel sarcoma di Kaposi.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi,M. Fazzi, M.Manfredi, M. Bonanini)
Dental Cadmos 2000; 13:81-90

Il trattamento odontoiatrico dei pazienti diabetici.
(Vescovi P, M.Manfredi, A. Savi , M. Bonanini)
Oris 2000; 2:16-21

I marcatori tumorali come ausilio diagnostico: lesioni precancerose e carcinoma orale.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, M. Bonanini)
Dental Cadmos 2001; 9:53-64

La sindrome di Gorlin-Goltz. Sette casi clinici.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, P. D’Aleo, Bonanini M.)
Min Stomatol 2001; 50: 391-96

Lesioni pigmentarie diffuse del palato . Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, P. D’Aleo, Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2001; 2: 13-14

Stomatite acuta in giovane paziente. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, P. D’Aleo, Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2001; 4: 17-18

Lesione bianca asintomatica del margine linguale. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, P. D’Aleo, Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2001; 6: 13-14

Lesione mandibolare radiopaca multiloculare. Caso da diagnosticare
(P. Vescovi, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, P. D’Aleo, Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2001; 8: 13-14

Lesione radiotrasparente uniloculare della mandibola. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, P. D’Aleo, Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2001; 13: 13-14

Lesione crostosa recidivante del labbro. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, P. D’Aleo, Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2001; 18: 13-14

Oral lichen planus infiltrating T-cells: a Pathogenetic role for HCV-specific T cell responses?
(M. Pilli, Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, A. Penna, Cerioni S., Zerbini A., T.Giuberti, C. Ferrari, G. Missale)
Atti dell’ VIII International Symposium on Hepatitis C Virus ε Related Viruses - Paris 2-5 september 2001; 34

Absorbing peripheral lymphatic vessels in human gingiva after kidney transplant and treatment with cyclosporin A
(M.L. Arcari, Vescovi P, M. Bonanini, G. Azzali)
Atti del I.S.L. XVIII International Congress Of Lymphatology
Genoa 3-7 september 2001

Molecular and virulence attributes analysis of Candida spp. isolates from the oral cavity of two different geographic groups of diabetic patients.
(M. Manfredi, Vescovi P, M.J. Mc Cullough, Z. Al-Zaraawi, M. Bonanini and S.R. Porter)
Atti del XXXVII Annual Meeting of the Continental European Division of the International Association for Dental Research - Roma 5-8 settembre 2001

Neoformazione globulare del pavimento orale. Caso da diagnosticare
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, P. D’Aleo, Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2002; 2. 13-14

Noonan-like/ giant cell granuloma syndrome: case report.
(P. D’ Aleo, Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, A. Savi, M. Bonanini )
Atti del IX Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria” - Roma 10-11-12-13 aprile 2002; 88

La gengivite desquamativa: indagine clinica in 17 pazienti.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, A. Savi, P. D’ Aleo, M. Bonanini)
Atti del IX Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria” - Roma 10-11-12-13 aprile 2002; 88

Manifestazioni orali in paziente trapiantata renale. Quesito diagnostico.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, P. D’Aleo, Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2002; 4: 13-14

Lesione mediana atrofica del dorso linguale. Quesito diagnostico.
(P. Vescovi, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, P. D’Aleo, Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2002; 6: 13-14

Lesione mediana ipertrofica del dorso linguale. Quesito diagnostico.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2002; 10: 13-14

Lesioni multiple anulari del cavo orale. Quesito diagnostico.
(Vescovi P, A. Savi, M.Manfredi, M. Meleti , Bonanini M.)
Dental Cadmos 2002; 12: 13-14

Oral lichen planus pathogenesis. A role for the HCV-specific T-cell response.
(M. Pilli, , A. Penna, Cerioni S., Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, Zerbini A., M. Carrozzo, T.Giuberti, C. Ferrari, G. Missale)
Hepathology, Dec 2002; 36, 6;1446-1452

Tumefazione sottomandibolare.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, P. D’Aleo)
Dental Cadmos 2003;2:13-14.

Aumenti di volume gengivale da ciclosporina.
(Vescovi P, M. Meleti, M. Manfredi, A. Savi, M. Bonanini)
Dental Cadmos 2003;3:67-77.

Lesioni multiple erosive del cavo orale.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, M. Meleti)
Dental Cadmos 2003; 3:13-14.

Lesioni bianche orali e genitali.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, E. Merigo, S. Cimarosti)
Dental Cadmos 2003;4:13-14.

Patogenesis of cyclosporine induced gingival overgrowth
(Vescovi P, M. Meleti, , M. Manfredi, A. Savi, M. Bonanini)
Min Stomatol 2003;52:219-229

Stomatite ulcerativa allergica da contatto da amalgama dentale
(Vescovi V, Zendri E, Vescovi P , Torresani C)
Atti del 78° Congresso SIDEV (Società Italiana di Dermatologia e Venereologia) Roma 25-28 giugno 2003; 273

Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome: a review of the literature.
(M. Manfredi, Vescovi P, M. Bonanini, SR. Porter)
Int J Oral MaxilloFac Surg 2004;33:117-124

Sjögren syndrome: clinical and therapeutic features. A review of the literature.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, S. Cimarosti)
Minerva Stomatol. 2004;53(1-2):1-19.

Update on diabetes mellitus and related oral diseases.
(M. Manfredi, MJ. McCullough, Z. Al-Kaarawi, Vescovi P, SR. Porter)
Oral Dis 2004;10:187-200

Lesioni bianche del margine linguale.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, M. Meleti, S. Cimarosti, E. Merigo, MG. Guastalla)
Dental Cadmos 2004;1:19-20.

Oral Lichen Planus e HCV: correlazione o associazione casuale? Analisi epidemiologica
(Merigo E, Manfredi M, Bonaini M, Meleti M, Vescovi P)
Atti dell’ XI Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria (Suppl Doctor OS) Roma 21-22-23-24 apr 2004; 160

Valutazione immunoistochimica dell’ espressione di p53 e ki67 in OLP, carcinoma insorto su OLP e carcinoma VADS.
(Meleti M, Manfredi M, Cimarosti S, Bonanini M, Vescovi P)
Atti dell’ XI Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria (Suppl Doctor OS) Roma 21-22-23-24 apr 2004; 161

Cancerizzazione di OLP/OLL e infezione da HCV
(Cimarosti S, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Bonanini M, Vescovi P)
Atti dell’ XI Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria (Suppl Doctor OS) Roma 21-22-23-24 apr 2004; 163

Lesioni leuco-eritroplasiche multifocali.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, S. Cimarosti, M. Meleti, E. Merigo)
Dental Cadmos 2004;4:17-18.

Lesione bianca della mucosa geniena.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, M. Meleti, S. Cimarosti, E. Merigo, MG. Guastalla)
Dental Cadmos 2004;5:13-14.

Impiego del bisturi a risonanza quantica molecolare in patologia orale.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, E. Merigo, M. Meleti, M. Bonanini)
Dental Cadmos 2004;10:19- 27.

Ipertrofia gengivale in sede papillare.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, E. Merigo, M. Meleti, S. Cimarosti)
Dental Cadmos 2004;10:9-10.

Riassorbimenti radicolari nei reimpianti dentari.
(Savi A., Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, M. Tamani, S. Pizzi)
Dental Cadmos 2004; 2:73-79

Langerhans-cell histiocytosis: a clinical case without bone involvement.
(M. Manfredi, D. Corradi and Vescovi P)
J Periodontol. 2005;76(1):143-7.

In vitro activity of a monoclonal killer anti-idiotypic antibody and synthetic killer peptide against oral isolates of Candida spp. differently susceptible to conventional antifungals.
(M. Manfredi, MJ. McCullough, ZM. Al-Karaawi, L. Polonelli S. Conti, Vescovi P, SR. Porter)
Oral Microbiol Immunol. 2005;20(4):226-32.

Bone necrosis of the jaw and biphosphonates (pamidronate and zoledronate): 4 cases report
(E. Merigo, M. Manfredi, D. Corradi, M. Meleti Vescovi P.)
J Oral Pathol Med 2005; 34:613-617

Cyclosporine-induced gingival overgrowth: a clinical-epidemiological evaluation in 121 Italian renal transplant recipients
(Vescovi P, M. Meleti, M. Manfredi, E. Merigo, G. Pedrazzi)
J Periodontol 2005;76:1259-1264.

The use of Quantic Molecular Resonance Scalpel in aesthetic oral surgery.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, E. Merigo, M. Meleti, M. Bonanini)
Quintessence Iternational 2005;1:43-5

Aumento di volume gengivale localizzato sul versante linguale.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, E. Merigo, M. Meleti, D. Corradi)
Dental Cadmos 2005;1:9-10.

Prevalenza di infezione da HCV e HBV in 268 pazienti affetti da OLP/OLL 8 OLP/OLL con displasia e 13 OSCC in OLP/OLL
(Merigo E, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Bonanini M, Vescovi P)
Atti dell’ XII Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria (Suppl Doctor OS) Roma 16-17-18-19 marzo 2005; 157

Il Carcinoma Orale analisi clinico-patologica in 60 giovani pazienti.
(Meleti M, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Sesenna E, Vescovi P)
Atti dell’ XII Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria (Suppl Doctor OS) Roma 16-17-18-19 marzo 2005; 158

Azione di un mimotopo killer su cellule di C. albicans adese a dischi di resina acrilica.
(Manfredi M, Merigo E, Conti S, Polonelli L, Vescovi P)
Atti dell’ XII Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria (Suppl Doctor OS) Roma 16-17-18-19 marzo 2005; 159

La Patologia e Medicina Orale
(Vescovi P., Manfredi M., Merigo E., Meleti M)
Oral 2005;(3)

Protocollo diagnostico in Patologia e Medicina Orale
(Vescovi P., Manfredi M., Merigo E., Meleti M)
Oral 2005;(3) Aug: 1-5

Tumefazione mandibolare intra ed extra orale.
(P. Vescovi, M. Manfredi, M. Meleti, E. Merigo, S. Cimarosti)
Dental Cadmos 2005;3:13-14.

Neoformazione gengivale in cresta edentula.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, M. Meleti, E. Merigo, S. Cimarosti)
Dental Cadmos 2005;5:17-18.

Lesioni cutanee e tumefazione sottomentoniera.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, E. Merigo, M. Meleti)
Dental Cadmos 2005;7:15-16.

Oral care nell'Unità Geriatrica per acuti: risultati di un programma sul campo.
(Lunardelli ML., Pizzi S., Fazzi M., Frigeri S., Giordano A., Manfredi M., Modugno M., Nardelli A., Vescovi P)
Giornale di Gerontologia 2005;2:199-204

In vitro antifungal susceptibility of 229 Candida isolates from patients with diabetes mellitus.
(M. Manfredi, MJ. McCullough, L. Polonelli, S. Conti, ZM. Al-Karaawi, P. Vescovi, SR. Porter)
Oral Microbiology Immunology 2005

In vitro evaluation of virulence attributes of Candida spp. isolated from the oral cavity of patients affected by diabetes mellitus.
(M. Manfredi, MJ. McCullough, ZM. Al-Karaawi, P. Vescovi and SR. Porter)
Oral Microbiol Immunol 2005

Impiego del bisturi a Risonanza Quantica Molecolare (RQM) in Patologia e Medicina Orale
(Merigo E, Meleti M, Fornaini C; Rossi R, Manfredi M, Vescovi P)
Atti dell’ VIII Congresso Nazionale della SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) Parma 6-7-8 ottobre 2005 ; 132-135

Degenerazione neoplastica del Lichen Planus Orale (OLP), Lesioni Lichenoidi Orali (OLL) e infezione da HCV: discussione di 15 casi clinici.
(Meleti M, Merigo E, Fornaini C; Rossi R, Manfredi M, Vescovi P)
Atti dell’ VIII Congresso Nazionale della SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale) Parma 6-7-8 ottobre 2005 ; 132-135

Paziente con tumefazione mandibolare ed ipomobilità articolare.
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Merigo E, Corradi D)
Dentl Cadmos 2005;9:13-14

Unusual presentation of primary squamous cell carcinoma involving the interdental papilla in a young woman.
(Meleti M, Corcione L, Sesenna E, Vescovi P)
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2006 (2)

Lesione ulcerata in sede palatale.
(Vescovi P, M. Manfredi, G. Torri, A. Savi, E. Merigo, M. Meleti)
Dental Cadmos 2006;1:11-12.

Osteonecrosi dei mascellari e bisfosfonati: report di 21 casi
(Merigo E, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Bonanini M, Vescovi P)
Atti dell’ XII Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria (Suppl Doctor OS) Roma 5-6-7-8 aprile 2006; 136

Valutazione degli aspetti psicoemozionali in pazienti affetti da Burning Mouth Sindrome.
(Merigo E, Manfredi M, Amore M, Meleti M, Vescovi P)
Atti dell’ XII Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio dei Docenti di Odontoiatria (Suppl Doctor OS) Roma 5-6-7-8 aprile 2006; 75

L’Osteonecrosi della Mandibola nel Mieloma Multiplo: Quadro clinico, diagnosi e terapia chirurgica.
(Vescovi P.)
Atti IX Congresso Nazionale della SIES (Società Italiana di Ematologia Sperimentale) – Napoli 22 settembre 2006 – 7-9

Applicazioni del Bisturi a Risonanza Quantica Molecolare (RQM) in chirurgia Odontostomatologica
(Vescovi P., Manfredi M, Merigo E., Meleti M, Torri G., Fornaini C., Bonanini M)
Oral 2006 (2):1-8

The use of Molecular Resonance surgery in clinical dentistry.
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Bonanini M)
Italian Oral Surgery 2006

Osteonecrosi dei mascellari associata ai bifosfonati.
(Merigo E., Manfredi M, Meleti M, Bonanini M, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 2006 ;3:71-78

Il paziente a rischio di carcinoma orale (dossier)
(Vescovi P, G. Torri, E. Merigo, M. Meleti, M. Manfredi)
Dental Cadmos 2006;5:II-XXV.

L’Osteonecrosi dei mascellari associata a terapia con Bisfosfonati
(Vescovi P., Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Bonanini M)
Parma Medica (rivista dell’ Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri della Provincia di Parma) 2006;2:28-29

Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis (BON) of the jaws: a possibile treatment?
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M)
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2006; 64: 1460-146

Bone necrosis of the jaws associated with the use of bisphosphonates (pamidronate and zoledronate): a report of 29 cases.
(Merigo E., Manfredi M, Meleti M., Guidotti R, Ripasarti A, Zanzucchi E, Daleo P., Corradi D, Corcione L, Sesenna E, Ferrari S, Poli T, Bonanini M, Vescovi P)
Acta Biomed Parmens 2006;77,109-117

Gestione dell’ osteonecrosi dei mascellari da bisfosfonati: uso della biostimolazione laser.
(Vescovi P., Manfredi M, Merigo E., Fornaini C., Meleti M, Daleo P, Bonanini M)
Dental Cadmos 2006;7

Terapia medica e soft laser nelle osteonecrosi da bifosfonati.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Nammour S, Seeberger G, Bonanini M)
Dental Tribune 2006 Nov;10:6-7

Analysis of the strain relatedness of oral Candida albicans in patients with diabetes mellitus using polymerase chain reaction-fingerprinting.
(Manfredi M, McCullough MJ, Al-Karaawi ZM, Vescovi P, Porter SR.)
Oral Microbiol Immunol. 2006 Dec;21(6):353-9. 

Oral malignant melanoma: a review of the literature.
(Meleti M, Rene Leemans C, Mooi WJ, Vescovi P, van der Waal I.)
Oral Oncol. 2007 Feb;43(2):116-21

Inferior alveolar nerve injury related to surgery for an erupted third molar.
(Savi A, Manfredi M, Pizzi S, Vescovi P, Ferrari S).
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2007 Feb;103(2):e7-9.

Oral erosive lichen planus regression after thymoma resection.
(Bobbio A, Vescovi P, Ampollini L, Rusca M.)

Il Bisturi a Risonanza Quantica Molecolare nella pratica clinica odontostomatologica.
(Ripasarti A, Manfredi M, Guidotti R, Meleti M, Vescovi P)
Atti del14° Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria”. (Suppl a Doctor OS) Roma 18-21 aprile 2007- 57

BMS: aspetti psicoemozionali e terapia cognitivo-comportamentale
(Guidotti R, Manfredi M, Ripasarti A, Bonanini M, Vescovi P)
Atti del14° Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria”. (Suppl a Doctor OS) Roma 18-21 aprile 2007- 57

Lesioni vescicolo erosive del volto e del cavo orale.  
(Vescovi, P. Manfredi, M. Merigo, E. Meleti, M)  
Dental Cadmos  2007  VOL 75; NUMB 7,  page(s) 15-18 

Biostimolazione laser o Low Level Laser Therapy applicata al tessuto osseo.
(Merigo E, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Vescovi P)
Atti del14° Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria”. (Suppl a Doctor OS) Roma 18-21 aprile 2007- 199

La biostimolazione laser come opzione terapeutica nell’osteonecrosi mascellari da bisfosfonati.
(Manfredi M, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Vescovi P)
Atti del14° Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria”. (Suppl a Doctor OS) Roma 18-21 aprile 2007- 200

Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser applications in Bisphosphonate-Related Jaws Osteonecrosis: our experience in 47 patients.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Rocca JP)
Atti del “First Meeting of European Division of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry)pp 42-43 Nice (France) April 27-28 2007

Low Level Laser Therapy and Bone Healing.
(Merigo E, Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Bertrand MF, Rocca JP)
Atti del “First Meeting of European Division of WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry)pp 44 Nice (France) April 27-28 2007

Lichenoid dysplasia and malignant transformation of Oral Lichen Planus and Oral Lichenoid Lesions: a clinical evaluation of 20 patients.
(Vescovi P, Meleti M, Merigo E , Guidotti R, Ripasarti A, Manfredi M)
Oral Oncology supplement Abstracts of the First World Congress of the International Accademy of Oral Oncology (IAOO) Vol II issue I May 2007,201

Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser applications in Bisphosphonate-Related Jaws Osteonecrosis: our experience in 60 patients.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Nammour S)
Laser in Medical Sciences supplement Abstracts of the 17 th ISLSM (International Society Laser Surgery and Medicine) Congress – Laser Florence 2007- Firenze 8-10 novembre 2007;43

Nd:YAG and Diode laser utilisation in the soft tissues oral surgery correlated to orthodontic treatment.
(Fornaini C, Nammour S, Vescovi P, Rocca JP)
Laser in Medical Sciences supplement Abstracts of the 17 th ISLSM (International Dociety Laser Surgery and Medicine) Congress – Laser Florence 2007- Firenze 8-10 Novembre 2007;44

Low Level Laser Therapy and Bone Healing.
(Merigo E, Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Bertrand MF, Pedrazzi G, Nammour S, Rocca JP)
Laser in Medical Sciences supplement Abstracts of the 17 th ISLSM (International Dociety Laser Surgery and Medicine) Congress – Laser Florence 2007- Firenze 8-10 novembre 2007;46

Nd:YAG laser biostimulation of bisphosphonate-associated necrosis of the jawbone with or without surgical treatment.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Meleti M, Fornaini C, Namour S, Manfredi M)
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007 Dec;45(8);628-32

Nd:YAG and Diode laser in the surgical management of soft tissues related to orthodontic treatment.
(Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Bertrand MF, Merigo E, Nammour S, Vescovi P)
Photomed and Laser Surg 2007,25(5);381-392

Impiego del bisturi a risonanza quantica molecolare (RQM) nelle aree estetiche del cavo orale.
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Ripasarti A, Guidotti R, Fornaini C, Bonanini M)
Dental Tribune anno III(12) Nov Dic 2007;6-9

Pigmented lesions of the oral mucosa and perioral tissues: a flow-chart for the diagnosis and some recommendations for the management.
(Meleti M, Vescovi P, Mooi WJ, van der Waal I.)
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2008 May;105(5):606-16. Epub 2008 Feb 21.

Quantic Molecular Resonance Scalpel technique and its potential uses in oral surgery.
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Namour S, Bonanini M)
Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008 Jul;46(5):355-7. Epub 2008 May 20.

Nd:YAG laser biostimulation in the treatment of Bisphosphonate-associated ostenecrosis of the jaws (BON): experience in 26 cases.
(Vescovi P., Merigo E, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Fornaini C, Bonanini M, Rocca JP, Nammour S)
Photomed Laser Surg 2008 Feb;26(1):37-46

Lo stato dell’arte su osteonecrosi da bisfosfonati: osteonecrosi e laser.
(Vescovi P)
GdO Giornale dell’Odontoiatra. Anno XXV, Aprile 2008 (6) 1-5

Melanoma delle mucose della testa e del collo. Revisione della letteratura e analisi clinico-epidemiologica di 4 casi.
(Meleti M, Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Bonanini M, Ferrari S, Ferri T, Sesenna E)
Atti del 15° Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria”. (Suppl a Doctor OS) Roma 16-19 aprile 2008- 51

Osteonecrosi mascellari associate a bisfiosfonati:studio clinico di 83 casi.
(Guidotti R, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Ripasarti A, Meleti M, Vescovi P)
Atti del 15° Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria”. (Suppl a Doctor OS) Roma 16-19 aprile 2008- 62

207. Lesione nodulare in sede linguale.  
(Vescovi, P. Ripasarti, A. Zanzucchi, E. Guidotti, R. Merigo, E. Meleti, M. D Aleo, P. Manfredi, M.) 
Dental Cadmos  2007  VOL 75; NUMB 10,  page(s) 11-12

208. Burning mouth syndrome and personality profiles.
(Merigo E, Manfredi M, Zanetti MR, Miazza D, Pedrazzi G, Vescovi P)
Minerva Stomatol. 2007 Apr;56(4):159-67

209. Tongue lesions and isolated hypoglossal nerve palsy: a case report.
(Manfredi M, Merigo E, Pavesi G, Macaluso GM, Vescovi P)
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2007 Aug;104(2):e18-20. Epub 2007 Jun 7

210. In vitro candidacidal activity of a synthetic killer decapeptide (KP) against Candida albicans cells adhered to resin acrylic discs.
(Manfredi M, Merigo E, Salati A, Conti S, Savi A, Polonelli L, BonaniniM, Vescovi P.)
J Oral Pathol Med. 2007 Sep;36(8):468-71

211. Analisi istologica dei margini di taglio del bisturi a risonanza quantica molecolare vs il laser Nd:YAG e chirurgia tradizionale.
(Ripasarti A, Vescovi P, Guidotti R, Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M)
Atti del 15° Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria”. (Suppl a Doctor OS) Roma 16-19 aprile 2008-196

212 Impiego del laser Er:YAG e Nd:YAG nelle osteonecrosi mascellari associate a bisfosfonati (BON)
(Merigo E, Manfredi M, Guidotti R, Ripasarti A, Meleti M, Fornaini C, Rossi R, Bonanini M, Rocca JP, Nammour S, Vescovi P)
Atti del 15° Congresso Nazionale del “Collegio Docenti di Odontoiatria”. (Suppl a Doctor OS) Roma 16-19 aprile 2008- 196

213. Early surgical approach preferable to medical therapy for bisphosphonates related osteonecrosis of the jaw.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M)
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008, 66:931-933

214. Neoformazione sferica del frenulo linguale.
(Vescovi P, Ripasarti A, Zanzucchi E, Guidotti R, Merigo E, Meleti M, Daleo P, Manfredi M)
GDO Giornale dell’Odontoiatra Sett 2008 12;10-11

215. Impiego dell’ Er:YAG laser nella terapia chirurgica delle osteonecrosi da bisfosfonati.
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Meleti M, Guidotti R, Ripasarti A, Rocca JP, Bonanini M, Nammour S)
Dental Cadmos 2008 (Sept):59-71

216. Lesioni bollose in paziente in chemioterapiapia
(Vescovi P, Ripasarti A, Zanzucchi E, Guidotti R, Merigo E, Meleti M, Daleo P, Manfredi M)
GDO Giornale dell’Odontoiatra Ott. 2008 14;14-26

217. Lesioni erosive postoperatorie del palato  
(Vescovi, P. Manfredi, M. Meleti, M. Merigo, E. D Aleo, P. Bonanini, M.)
Dental Cadmos  2008  VOL 76; NUMB 1,  page(s) 13-16

218. Histomorphometric evaluation of specimens obtained with different approaches in oral surgery
(Guidotti R., Ripasarti A., Meleti M., Merigo M., Manfredi M.,Corcione L.,Vescovi P.)
Suppl Lasers in Medical Science Abstracts Laser FlorenceFirenze- 31 October-1 Novembre 2008- Vol 23 Suppl 1;S35

219. Evaluation of postoperative pain in oral surgery patients treated with Nd:YAG laser, Quantic Molecolar Resonance (QMR) scalpel and cold blade
(Ripasarti A, Guidotti R, Meleti M, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Bonanini M, Vescovi P)
Suppl Lasers in Medical Science Abstracts Laser FlorenceFirenze- 31 October-1 Novembre 2008- Vol 23 Suppl 1;S34

220. Low Level Laser Therapy and bone healing: a proposal for a systematic review.
(Merigo E, Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Bertrand MF, Pedrazzi G, Nammour S, Rocca J-P)
Suppl Lasers in Medical Science Abstracts Laser FlorenceFirenze- 31 October-1 Novembre 2008- Vol 23 Suppl 1;S31

221. Use of KTP laser in dentistry.
(Rocca J-P, Fornaini C, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Nammour S)
Suppl Lasers in Medical Science Abstracts Laser FlorenceFirenze- 31 October-1 Novembre 2008- Vol 23 Suppl 1;S25

222. Diagnosi e gestione clinica delle pigmentazioni orali e periorali
(Meleti M, Bonanini M, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 2008 Nov 76(9) 10-26

223. Head and neck mucosal melanoma: experience with 42 patients, with emphasis on the role of postoperative radiotherapy.
(Meleti M, Leemans CR, de Bree R, Vescovi P, Sesenna E, van der Waal I.)
Head Neck. 2008 Dec;30(12):1543-51.

224. Intra-oral laser welding: an in vitro evaluation of thermal increase
(C. Fornaini , C. Bertrand , J. P. Rocca , P. Mahler, M. Bonanini, Vescovi P., E. Merigo , S. Nammour)
Lasers Med Sci 2009 DOI10.1007/s10103-009-0666-317

225. Utilizzo del laser Nd:YAG per il trattamento delle lesioni vascolari del cavo orale.
(Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Merigo E, Meleti M, Ripasarti A, Guidotti R, Vescovi P)
Dental Tribune / Laser Tribune Gen- Feb 2009 Anno V(1);13-15

226. Il Laser KTP nella chirurgia dei tessuti molli del cavo orale.
(Fornaini C, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Rocca J-P, Nammour S, Vescovi P)
Doctor OS 2009 Mar;20(3) 215-219

227. Ulcerazione dolente del margine linguale.
(Vescovi P, Meleti M, Merigo E, Ripasarti A, Guidotti R, Manfredi M)
Dental Cadmos 2009 Marzo;77(3):17-18

228. Lesioni ulcerative gengivali.
(Merigo, E. Manfredi, M. Guidotti, R. Meleti, M. Ripasarti, A. Vescovi, P.)
Dental Cadmos  2009  VOL 77; NUMB 4,  page(s) 19-19 

229. Effetto della luce laser 915 nm sulla proliferazione e differenzazione di osteoblasti e fibroblasti in vitro.
(Mergoni G, Gatti R, Belletti S, Uggeri J, Vescovi P.)
Doctor OS- Atti del Congresso Nazionale docenti di discipline odontostomatologiche e maxillo-facciali Roma 24-25 aprile 2009

230. Il ruolo del Nd:YAG laser e del laser a diodi nella gestione dei tessuti molli durante il trattamento ortodontico.
(Fornaini C, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Meleti, Nammour, Maamary S, Rocca J-P, Vescovi P)
Ortho Tribune III (1) Maggio 2009

231. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of palatal salivary glands: Clinicopathological experience with 10 patients.
(Meleti, M. Ferrari, S. Toma, L. Vescovi, P. Sesenna, E.)
Oral Oncology Suppl.  2009  VOL 3; (1) page(s) 131 

232. Head and neck mucosal melanoma: Clinicopathological experience with 4 Italian patients .
(Meleti, M. Vescovi, P. Ferrari, S. Manfredi, M. Bonanini, M. Ferri, T. )
Oral Oncology Suppl.  2009  VOL 3; (1) page(s) 140 

233. Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia: A 15-year experience from an Italian institution  .
(Meleti, M. Mergoni, G. Manfredi, M. Bonanini, M. Ferrari, S. Vescovi, P) 
Oral Oncology Suppl.  2009  VOL 3; (1) page(s) 156 

234. Edema del volto ed ecchimosi intra ed extraorale.
(Manfredi, M. Merigo, E. Meleti, M. Guidotti, R. Ripasarti, A. Vescovi, P.)
Dental Cadmos  2009  VOL 77; NUMB 8,  page(s) 17-17

235. Surgical treatment of maxillary osteonecrosis due to bisphosphonates using an Er:YAG (2940 nm) laser. Discussion of 17 clinical cases .
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Fornaini C, Bonanini M, Rocca EP, De Moor RJ, Nammour S)
Rev Belge Med Dent. 2009;64(2):87-95. French.

236. Tumefazione nodulare della lingua.
(Vescovi, P. Meleti, M. Merigo, E. Ripasarti, A. Guidotti, R. Manfredi, M)
Dental Cadmos 2009  VOL 77; NUMB 9,  page(s) 17-70 

237. Detection of survivin mRNA in healthy oral mucosa, oral leucoplakia and oral cancer.
(Lodi G, Franchini R, Bez C, Sardella A, Moneghini L, Pellegrini C, Bosari S, Manfredi M, Vescovi P, Carrassi A.)
Oral Dis. 2009 Aug 28. [Epub ahead of print]

238. Lesioni pigmentate del labbro superiore.
(Guidotti R, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Ripasarti A, Meleti M, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 2009

239. The use of laser for treatment of oral mucosal diseases.
(Vescovi, P. Del Vecchio, A. Manfredi, M. Fornaini, C. Tenore, G. Romeo, U.)
Dental Cadmos  2009  VOL 77; NUMB 10,  page(s) I-XVII 

240. Clinical Evaluation of 17 cases of BRONJ (Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws) treated with Er:YAG surgery.
(Vescovi P, Fornaini C, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Guidotti R, G, Serraj A, Rocca J-P, Nammour S)
Lasers Med Sci (2009) 24 (Suppl 1)S42

241. Use of Nd:YAG laser biostimulation for dental extractions scheme in patients under bisphosphonates therapy.
(Vescovi P, Fornaini C, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Guidotti R, Rocca J-P, Nammour S)
Lasers Med Sci (2009) 24 (Suppl 1)S44

242. Ultrastructural and mechanical welding laser comparation between fiber-delivered Nd:YAG laser and fixed lenses nd:YAG.
(Fornaini C, Merigo E, Passaretto F, Villa E, Vescovi P, Rocca J-P, Nammour S)
Lasers Med Sci (2009) 24 (Suppl 1)S4

243. Second implant phase diode laser as a good alternative to traditional surgical approach. Case report.
(Leoci L, Antonietti W, Fornaini C, Vescovi P)
Lasers Med Sci (2009) 24 (Suppl 1)S59

244. The diode laser as an auxiliary part in the periodontal surgery clinical evaluation. (Antonietti W, Leoci L Guidotti R, Fornaini C, Vescovi P)
Lasers Med Sci (2009) 24 (Suppl 1)S59

245. Nd:YAG laser and cold blade in oral surgery: analysis of post-operative pain in 256 patients.
(Ripasarti A, Guidotti R, Meleti M, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Bonanini M, Vescovi P)
Lasers Med Sci (2009) 24 (Suppl 1)S61

246. Lesioni ulcerative dei pilastri palatini.
(Guidotti R, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Ripasarti A, Meleti M, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 2010 ; 78(1):19-20

247. Surgical approach with Er:YAG laser on osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) in patients under bisphosphonate therapy (BPT).
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Nammour S.)
Lasers Med Sci. 2010 Jan;25(1):101-13. Epub 2009 Jun 1

248. Intraoral metal laser welding: a case report.
(Fornaini C, Vescovi P, Merigo E, Rocca JP, Mahler P, Bertrand C, Nammour S.)
Lasers Med Sci. 2010 Mar;25(2):303-7. Epub 2009 Jun 28

249. Pigmentazioni: diagnosi e management.
(Meleti M, Bonanini M, Manfredi M, Pizzi S, Catellani A, Cassi D, Vescovi P)
Dental Clinics: Anno IV(1), febbraio 2010

250. Ascesso cronico mascellare refrattario alla terapia.
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Guidotti T, Ripasarti A, Mergoni G, Fornaini C, Nammour S)
Dental Cadmos 2010;78(3):25-26

251. Leucoplachia verrucosa proliferativa. Revisione critica della letteratura
(M. Meleti, G. Mergoni, M. Manfredi, M. Bonanini, Vescovi P.)
Dental Cadmos 2010;78(3):29-39

252. Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BRONJ) therapy. A critical review.
(Vescovi P, Nammour S)
Min Stomatol 2010 Apr;59(4):181-213

253. Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) risk in breast cancer patients after zoledronic acid treatment
(Fusco V, Loidoris A, Colella G, Vescovi P, Campisi G)
Breast. 2010 Apr 1. [Epub ahead of print]

254. Lesione radiopaca periapicale paucisintomatica.
(Guidotti R, Ripasarti A, Merigo E, Meleti M, Corradi D, Manfredi M, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 2010 Apr, 78(4):23-24

255. Nd:YAG laser versus traditional scalpel. A preliminary histological analysis of specimens from the human oral mucosa.
(Vescovi P, Corcione L, Meleti M, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Manfredi M, Bonanini M, Govoni P, Rocca JP, Nammour S)
Lasers Med Sci. 2010 Apr 15. [Epub ahead of print] 2010 Sep;25(5):685-91.

256. Intraoral laser welding: ultrastructural and mechanical analysis to compare laboratory laser and dental laser.
(Fornaini C, Passaretti F, Villa E, Rocca JP, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Nammour S.)
Lasers Med Sci. 2010 May 2. [Epub ahead of print]

257. Lesioni bianche diffuse del cavo orale.
(Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Guidotti R, Ripasarti A, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 2010 Maggio 78(5):19-20

258. Oral postinflammatory pigmentation: An analysis of 7 cases.
(Mergoni G, Ergun S, Vescovi P, Mete O, Tanyeri H, Meleti M.)
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2010 Jun 1. [Epub ahead of print]

259. Immediate loading of dental implants in mandible full-arch: pilot study in 
patients with osteoporosis treated with bassoonists therapy.
(Leonida A, Vescovi P, Baldoni M, Rossi G, Lauritano D)
J Oral Implantol. 2010 Jun 16. [Epub ahead of print]

260. Lesione radiotrasparente uniloculare del trigono retro molare.
(Meleti M, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Guidotti R, Ripasarti A, Corcione L, Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 2010 Giugno78(6): 23-24

261. Osteonecrosi Mascellare e bisfosfonati: un problema multidisciplinare aperto.
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Guidotti R, Fornaini C, Bonanini M, Rocca J-P, Nammour S)
Corriere Medico 2010 Sett(6);24-31

262. Terapia chirurgica laser della osteonecrosi mascellare associata ai bisfosfonati.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Guidotti R, Fornaini C, Serraj A, Mergoni G, Bonanini M, Pizzi S, Rocca J-P, Nammour S)
Dental Tribune – Laser Tribune 2010 Sett, Anno II (2);11-14

263. Proprietà dell’ Nd:YAG odontoiatrico nella saldatura laser intraorale (ILW).
(Fornaini C, Vescovi P, Rocca J-P, Nammour S)
Dental Tribune – Laser Tribune 2010 Sett, Anno II (2);11-14

264. Nonexposed Variant of Bisphosphonate-associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: A Case Series.
(Fedele S, Porter SR, D'Aiuto F, Aljohani S, Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Arduino PG, Broccoletti R, Musciotto A, Di Fede O, Lazarovici TS, Campisi G, Yarom N.)
Am J Med. 2010 Sep 17. [Epub ahead of print]

265. Neoformazione del ventre linguale.
(Merigo E, Manfredi M, Guidotti R, Fornaini C, Meleti M, Ripasarti A, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 2010 Oct 78(8):19-20

266. Manifestazioni cliniche intra ed extraorali della sindrome di Rendu-Osler-Weber
(Leonida A, Lauritano D, Monguzzi R, Teti P, Franceschini F, Vescovi P, Baldoni M)
Dental Cadmos 2010 Oct 78(8):85-96

267. Implant uncovering through diode, Nd:YAG, Er:YAG and KTP lasers. An in vitro comparative analysis.
(Meleti M,, Merigo E, Antonietti W, Leoci L, Fornaini C, Vescovi P)
Lasers in Medical Science 2010,Vol.25(suppl1) Nov;S39

268. Bactericidal effect on Nd:YAG laser on Staphylococcus aureus and Actinomyces Israelii: preliminary results.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Conti S, Ciociola T, Fornaini C, Manfredi M, Rocca J-P, Nammour S)
Lasers in Medical Science 2010,Vol.25(suppl1) Nov;S42

269. Surgical Er:YAG laser assisted treatment of BRONJ (Bisphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw)
(Merigo E, Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Fornaini C, Rocca J-P, Nammour S)
Lasers in Medical Science 2010,Vol.25(suppl1) Nov;S43

270. Intraoral laser welding (ILW) by Nd:YAG fibber-delivered device.
(Fornaini C, Passaretti F, Villa E, Rocca J-P, Vescovi P, Merigo E, Nammour S)
Lasers in Medical Science 2010,Vol.25(suppl1) Nov;S43

271. Thermal Increase evaluation in oral bone and mucosa during Nd:YAG laser applications.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Rocca J-P, Nmmour S)
Lasers in Medical Science 2010,Vol.25(suppl1) Nov;S44

272. Lesione gengivale pigmentata.
(Guidotti R, Merigo E, Meleti M, Sarraj A, Mergoni G, Manfredi, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos Dec 2010;78(19):15-16

273. Observation of Pain Control in Patients with Bisphosphonate-Induced Osteonecrosis Using Low Level Laser Therapy: Preliminary Results.
(Romeo U, Galanakis A, Marias C, Vecchio AD, Tenore G, Palaia G, Vescovi P, Polimeni A.)
Photomed Laser Surg. 2011 Jan 16. [Epub ahead of print]

274. Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (BRONJ) not associated to invasive dental procedures: a retrospective analysis of 567 cases in an Italian multicenter study.
(Vescovi P, Campisi G, Fusco V, Mergoni G, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Solazzo L, Gabriele M, Gaeta GM, Favia GF, Peluso F, Colella G)
Oral Oncol. 2011 Mar;47(3):191-4. Epub 2011 Feb 2.

275. Dry mouth as an initial sign of food-borne botulism: a case report and review of the literature.
(Manfredi M, Scoditti U, Angelini M, de Giampaulis P, Borrini BM, Macaluso GM, Pavesi G, Vescovi P.)
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2011 Feb 8. [Epub ahead of print]

276. Pigmentazioni maculari acquisite delle labbra e della mucosa orale.
(Meleti M, Bianchi B, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Guidotti R, Fornaini C, Sarraj A, Mergoni G, Corcione L, Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 2011,79(2):59-60

277. Lesione gengivale mascellare
(Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Guidotti R, Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M., Vescovi P)
Dental Cadmos 2011;79(3):117-118

278. Use of laser therapy in the treatment of jaw bone diseases.
(Vescovi P, Romeo U, Merigo E, Del Vescchio A, Palaia G, Meleti M, Nammour S)
Dental Cadmos 2011;79(3):133-148

279. Incidenza delle osteonecrosi delle ossa mascellari associata a bisfosfonati (BRONJ) in pazienti in screening odontostomatologico prima e durante terapia con BP (BPT).
(Guidotti R, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Simonazzi T, Vescovi P) Min Stomatol 2011, Vol60 (suppl 1): 17

280. Protocollo laser-assistito per la prevenzione delle BRONJ in pazienti in terapia con bisfosfonati. Esperienza di un singolo centro su 526 casi di estrazioni dentarie.
(Guidotti R, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Simonazzi T, Vescovi P) Min Stomatol 2011, Vol60 (suppl 1): 12

281. LLLT with Nd:YAG laser in dental extractions in rats under zoledronic acid and dexamethasone administration. Pilot study.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Corradi D, Maestri R, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Fornaini C, Nammour S)  Lasers in Medical Science 2011,Vol.26(suppl 1) S 30

282. Osteonecrosis of the Jaws and Bisphosphonates: laser treatment and long term follow-up in 180 patients.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Fornaini C, Guidotti R, Sarraj A, Mergoni G, Rocca JP, Nammour S ) Lasers in Medical Science 2011,Vol.26(suppl 1) S 30

283. Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaws: treatment and long-term follow-up in 160 patients.
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Guidotti R, Sarraj A, Mergoni G, Fornaini C, Bonanini M, Pizzi S, Rocca JP, Nammour S) Dental Cadmos 2012 ;80(1): 9-,21 

284. Immediate loading of dental implants in mandible full-arch: pilot study in patients with osteoporosis treated with bisphosphonate therapy.
(Leonida A, Vescovi P, Rossi G, Baldoni L, Lauritano D,) J Oral Implantol. 2012 Feb;38(1):85-94. Epub 2010 Jun 16

285. Laser-assisted surgery with different wavelengths: a preliminary ex vivo study on thermal increase and histological evaluation.
(Merigo E, Clini F, Fornaini C, Oppici A, Paties C, Zangrandi A, Fontana M, Rocca JP, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Cella L, Vescovi P). Lasers Med Sci. 2012 Apr 14. [Epub ahead of print]

286. Laser-assisted protocol for dental extractions and prevention of BRONJ in bisphosphonates therapy patients.
(Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Nammour S, Vescovi P) Med Oral Pat Oral Cir Bucal Barcelona (Espagne) 28 Avril 2012 – XIII world Congresso WFLD (World Federation for Laser in Dentistry)

287. Resective Surgical Approach Shows a High Performance in the Management of Advanced Cases of Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: A Retrospective Survey of 347 Cases.
(Graziani F, Vescovi P, Campisi G, Favia G, Gabriele M, Gaeta GM, Gennai S, Goia F, Miccoli M, Peluso F, Scoletta M, Sollazzo L, Colella G.)
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Aug 7. [Epub ahead of print]

288. Er:YAG Laser: A New Technical Approach to Remove Torus Palatinus and Torus Mandibularis.
(Rocca JP, Raybaud H, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Fornaini C.)
Case Rep Dent. 2012;2012:487802. Epub 2012 Jun 27

289. Laser Welding and Syncristallization Techniques Comparison: In Vitro Study.
(Fornaini C, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Meleti M, Nammour S.)
Int J Dent. 2012;2012:720538. Epub 2012 Jun 21

290. Orofacial granulomatosis treated with low-level laser therapy: a case report.
(Merigo E, Fornaini C, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Alberici F, Corcione L, Buzio C, Rocca JP, Ferri T, Vescovi P.)
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012 Jun;113(6):e25-9.

291. Low energy KTP laser in oral soft tissue surgery: A 52 patients clinical study.
(Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Nammour S, Vescovi P.)
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012 Mar 1;17(2):e287-91

292. Surgical Approach and Laser Applications in BRONJ Osteoporotic and Cancer Patients.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Nammour S.)
J Osteoporos. 2012;2012:585434. Epub 2012 May 8.

292. Thermal increase in the oral mucosa and in the jawbone during Nd:YAG laser applications. Ex vivo study.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Nammour S.)
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2012 Jul 1;17(4):e697-704.

293. Analysis of shade, temperature and hydrogen peroxide concentration during dental bleaching: in vitro study with the KTP and diode lasers.
(Fornaini C, Lagori G, Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Guidotti R, Serraj A, Vescovi P.)
Lasers Med Sci. 2011 Dec 24. [Epub ahead of print]

294. Early surgical laser-assisted management of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ): a retrospective analysis of 101 treated sites with long-term follow-up.
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Guidotti R, Meleti M, Pedrazzi G, Fornaini C, Bonanini M, Ferri T, Nammour S.)
Photomed Laser Surg. 2012 Jan;30(1):5-13. Epub 2011 Nov 4.

295. Bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: a concise review of the literature and a report of a single-centre experience with 151 patients.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Guidotti R, Nammour S.)
J Oral Pathol Med. 2012 Mar;41(3):214-21. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0714.2011.01091.x. Epub 2011 Sep 30. Review

296. Laser welding and syncristallization techniques comparison: in vitro study.
(Fornaini C, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Meleti M, Nammour S)
Int J Dent. 2012;2012:720538. doi: 10.1155/2012/720538. Epub 2012 Jun 21.

297. Er:YAG Laser: A New Technical Approach to Remove Torus Palatinus and Torus Mandibularis.
(Rocca JP, Raybaud H, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Fornaini C.)
Case Rep Dent. 2012;2012:487802. doi: 10.1155/2012/487802. Epub 2012 Jun 27
298. Resective surgical approach shows a high performance in the management of advanced cases of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: a retrospective survey of 347 cases.
(Graziani F, Vescovi P, Campisi G, Favia G, Gabriele M, Gaeta GM, Gennai S, Goia F, Miccoli M, Peluso F, Scoletta M, Solazzo L, Colella G.)
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Nov;70(11):2501-7. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2012.05.019. Epub 2012 Aug 9.

299. Intraoral Laser Welding (ILW) in Implant Prosthetic Dentistry: Case Report.
(Fornaini C, Merigo E, Cernavin I, Lòpez de Castro G, Vescovi P.)
Case Rep Dent. 2012;2012:839141. doi: 10.1155/2012/839141. Epub 2012 Aug 9
300. In vitro bactericidal effect of Nd:YAG laser on Actinomyces israelii.
(Vescovi P, Conti S, Merigo E, Ciociola T, Polonelli L, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Nammour S)
Lasers Med Sci. 2013 Jul;28(4):1131-5. doi: 10.1007/s10103-012-1197-x.
301. Er:YAG Laser and Fractured Incisor Restorations: An In Vitro Study.
(Fornaini C, Petruzzella S, Podda R, Merigo E, Nammour S, Vescovi P.)
Int J Dent. 2012;2012:617264. doi: 10.1155/2012/617264. Epub 2012 Oct 3

302. Er:YAG 2,940-nm laser fiber in endodontic treatment: a help in removing smear layer.
(Guidotti R, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Rocca JP, Medioni E, Vescovi P.)
Lasers Med Sci. 2012 Dec 5. [Epub ahead of print]
303. Bisphosphonates and osteonecrosis: an open matter.
(Vescovi P.)
Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2012 Sep;9(3):142-4. Epub 2012 Dec 20.

304. Anaplastic large cell anaplastic lymphoma kinase + non-Hodgkin lymphoma in a 10-year-old male discovered during dental visit: a case report.
(Guida A, Meleti M, Vescovi P, Serpico R, Lucchese A, Lo Muzio L, Bufo P, Pannone G.)
Head Neck Oncol. 2012 Dec 7;4(5):84.

305. Case series of 589 tooth extractions in patients under bisphosphonates therapy. Proposal of a clinical protocol supported by Nd:YAG low-level laser therapy.
( Vescovi P, Meleti M, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Guidotti R, Nammour S.)
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2013 Jul 1;18(4):e680-5.

306. Osteonecrosis of the jaws in patients assuming oral bisphosphonates for osteoporosis: A retrospective multi-hospital-based study of 87 Italian cases.
( Di Fede O, Fusco V, Matranga D, Solazzo L, Gabriele M, Gaeta GM, Favia G, Sprini D, Peluso F, Colella G, Vescovi P, Campisi G.)
: Eur J Intern Med. 2013 Jun 11. doi:pii: S0953 6205(13)00139-8. 10.1016/j.ejim.2013.05.011. [Epub ahead of print]

307. Use of laser in orthodontics: applications and perspectives.
(Fornaini C, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Lagori G, Rocca J.)
Laser Ther. 2013;22(2):115-24. doi: 10.3136/islsm.22.115. Epub 2013 Mar 31

308. Use of laser in orthodontics: applications and perspectives.
(Fornaini C, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Lagori G, Rocca J.)
Laser Ther. 2013;22(2):115-24. doi: 10.3136/islsm.22.115. Epub 2013 Mar 31.

309. Dental ablation with 1064 nm, 500 ps, Diode pumped solid state laser: A preliminary study.
(Sozzi M, Fornaini C, Cucinotta A, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Selleri S.)
Laser Ther. 2013;22(3):195-9. doi: 10.3136/islsm.22.195

310. Should jaws positive tracer uptake on scintigraphy be considered a new finding of BRONJ stage 0?
(Mergoni G, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Vescovi P.)
Ann Stomatol (Roma). 2013 Oct 24;4(Suppl 2):30.

311. Oral submucosal hemorrhage as first clinical manifestation of H. Pylori-Associated Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
(Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Manfredi M.)
Ann Stomatol (Roma). 2013 Oct 24;4(Suppl 2):31. eCollection 2013.

312. A case of Heck's disease treated with Quantum Molecular Resonance Scalpel.
(Sarraj A, Mergoni G, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Vescovi P.)
Ann Stomatol (Roma). 2013 Oct 24;4(Suppl 2):38-9.

313. Neoformazione mandibolare a rapida insorgenza.
(Mergoni G, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Merigo E, Corradi D, Sarraj A, Simonazzi T, Giovannacci I, Vescovi P.)
Dental Cadmos 2014; 82(4):225–226.

314. Lesione radiotrasparente della mandibola.
(Giovannacci I, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Corradi D, Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Simonazzi T, Vescovi P.)
Dental Cadmos 2014; 82(5): 307–308.

315. Lesione pigmentata gengivale in una giovane paziente.
(Giovannacci I, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Corcione L, Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Simonazzi T, Vescovi P.)
Dental Cadmos 2014; 82(7): 459-460.

316. Dolore mandibolare in sede post-estrattiva.
(Mergoni G, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Sarraj A, Simonazzi T, Giovannacci I, Vescovi P.)
Dental Cadmos 2014; 82(10): 679-680.

317. Quantic molecular resonance scalpel vs traditional scalpel in the treatment of labial mucocele: A two-center randomized controlled trial.
(Broccoletti R, Arduino PG, Vescovi P, Mergoni G, Mattiuzzi M, Merigo E, Dilupo M, Manfredi M.)
Quintessence Int. 2014 Jan 23. doi: 10.3290/j.qi.a31332.

318. Oral Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia: are there particular features for such an ambiguous entity? Systematic review.
(Pentenero M, Meleti M, Vescovi P, Gandolfo S.)
Br J Dermatol. 2014 May;170(5):1039-47. doi: 10.1111/bjd.12853.

316. Comparison of two different laser wavelengths' dental bleaching results by photo-Fenton reaction: in vitro study.
(Lagori G, Rocca JP, Brulat N, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Fornaini C.)
Lasers Med Sci. 2015 Apr;30(3):1001-6. doi: 10.1007/s10103-014-1524-5.

317. Laser welding and syncristallization techniques comparison: "Ex vivo" study.
(Fornaini C, Meleti M, Vescovi P, Merigo E, Rocca JP.)
Laser Ther. 2013 Dec 30;22(4):275-81. doi: 10.5978/islsm.13-OR-23.

318. Conservative surgical management of stage I bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw.
(Vescovi P, Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Nammour S, Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Bagan JV.)
Int J Dent. 2014;2014:107690. doi: 10.1155/2014/107690.

319. Soft tissue chondroma of the oral cavity: an extremely rare tumour localized on the hard palate.
(Vescovi P, Meleti M, Merigo E, Manfredi M, Corradi D, Giovannacci I, Poli T, Nammour S.)
Case Rep Med. 2014;2014:414861. doi: 10.1155/2014/414861.

320. The bleaching efficiency of KTP and diode 810 nm lasers on teeth stained with different substances: An in vitro study.
(Lagori G, Vescovi P, Merigo E, Meleti M, Fornaini C.)
Laser Ther. 2014 Mar 27;23(1):21-30. doi: 10.5978/islsm.14-OR-03.

321. Dolore e qualità di vita in seguito a 118 interventi di chirurgia orale sui tessuti molli: i vantaggi del laser Nd:YAG.
(Giovannacci I, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Sarraj A, Mergoni G, Simonazzi T, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Vescovi P.)
Implant Tribune Italian Edition, Settembre 2014

322. Tumefazione mandibolare in un paziente edentulo totale.
(Giovannacci I, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Corradi D, Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Simonazzi T, Vescovi P.)
Dental Cadmos 2015; 83(3)

323. Ulcerazioni orali multiple persistenti.
(Vescovi P, Meleti M, Merigo E, Giovannacci I, Ricci R, Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Simonazzi T, Fornaini C, Manfredi M.)
Dental Cadmos 2015; 83(4).

324. Placche ed erosioni della mucosa orale associate a disturbi intestinali.
(Sarraj A, Mergoni G, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Meleti M, Simonazzi T, Giovannacci I, Silini E, Vescovi P.)
Dental Cadmos 2015; 83(2) 67-68.

325. Ulcerazione cronica del palato.
(Mergoni G, Corcione L, Giovannacci I, Manfredi M, Meleti M, Merigo E, Mureddu M, Sarraj A, Vescovi P.)
Dental Cadmos 2015; 83(6):379-380.

326. Different laser wavelengths comparison in the second-stage implant surgery: an ex vivo study.
(Fornaini C, Merigo E, Vescovi P, Bonanini M, Antonietti W, Leoci L, Lagori G, Meleti M.)
Lasers Med Sci. 2015 Aug;30(6):1631-9. doi: 10.1007/s10103-014-1623-3.

327. Laser welded versus resistance spot welded bone implants: analysis of the thermal increase and strength.
(Fornaini C, Meleti M, Bonanini M, Lagori G, Vescovi P, Merigo E, Nammour S.)
ScientificWorldJournal. 2014;2014:357074. doi: 10.1155/2014/357074.

328. Odontogenic myxofibroma: a concise review of the literature with emphasis on the surgical approach.
(Meleti M, Giovannacci I, Corradi D, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Bonanini M, Vescovi P.)
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2015 Jan 1;20(1):e1-6.

329. A systematic review of therapeutical approaches in bisphosphonates-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ).
(Rupel K, Ottaviani G, Gobbo M, Contardo L, Tirelli G, Vescovi P, Di Lenarda R, Biasotto M.)
Oral Oncol. 2014 Nov;50(11):1049-57. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2014.08.016.

330. Effects of 915 nm GaAs diode laser on mitochondria of human dermal fibroblasts: analysis with confocal microscopy.
(Belletti S, Uggeri J, Mergoni G, Vescovi P, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Nammour S, Manfredi M, Gatti R.)
Lasers Med Sci. 2015 Jan;30(1):375-81. doi: 10.1007/s10103-014-1651-z.

331. Massive mandibular destruction and alveolar nerve infiltration without lower lip paresthesia in primary intraosseous carcinoma: report of two cases and critical appraisal of diagnostic criteria.
(Vescovi P, Giovannacci I, Ferrari S, Lanfranco D, Corradi D, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Bonanini M, Meleti M.)
Quintessence Int. 2015 Apr;46(4):329-38. doi: 10.3290/j.qi.a33181.

332. Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer Treated With Bisphosphonates and Targeted Agents: Results of an Italian Multicenter Study and Review of the Literature.
(Fusco V, Porta C, Saia G, Paglino C, Bettini G, Scoletta M, Bonacina R, Vescovi P, Merigo E, Lo Re G, Guglielmini P, Di Fede O, Campisi G, Bedogni A.)
Clin Genitourin Cancer. 2015 Aug;13(4):287-94. doi: 10.1016/j.clgc.2014.12.002.

333. Postoperative discomfort in oral soft tissue surgery: a comparative perspective evaluation of Nd:YAG Laser, quantic molecular resonance scalpel and cold blade.
(Giovannacci I, Mergoni G, Meleti M, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Manfredi M, Bonanini M, Vescovi P.)
Minerva Stomatol. 2015 Feb;64(1):9-20. English, Italian.

334. Peripheral ossifying fibroma: A clinicopathologic study of 27 cases and review of the literature with emphasis on histomorphologic features.
(Mergoni G, Meleti M, Magnolo S, Giovannacci I, Corcione L, Vescovi P.)
J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2015 Jan-Feb;19(1):83-7. doi: 10.4103/0972-124X.145813.

335. Tooth extractions in high-risk patients under bisphosphonate therapy and previously affected with osteonecrosis of the jaws: surgical protocol supported by low-level laser therapy.
(Vescovi P, Giovannacci I, Merigo E, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Fornaini C, Nammour S.)
J Craniofac Surg. 2015 May;26(3):696-9. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000001665.

336. Efficacy of LLLT in swelling and pain control after the extraction of lower impacted third molars.
(Merigo E, Vescovi P, Margalit M, Ricotti E, Stea S, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Fornaini C.)
Laser Ther. 2015 Mar 31;24(1):39-46. doi: 10.5978/islsm.15-OR-05.

337. The "at-home LLLT" in temporo-mandibular disorders pain control: a pilot study.
(Fornaini C, Pelosi A, Queirolo V, Vescovi P, Merigo E.)
Laser Ther. 2015 Mar 31;24(1):47-52. doi: 10.5978/islsm.15-OR-06.

338. The effect of laser therapy on the expression of osteocalcin and osteopontin after tooth extraction in rats treated with zoledronate and dexamethasone.
(Mergoni G, Vescovi P, Sala R, Merigo E, Passerini P, Maestri R, Corradi D, Govoni P, Nammour S, Bianchi MG.)
Support Care Cancer. 2016 Feb;24(2):807-13. doi: 10.1007/s00520-015-2847-x

339. Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: An Autofluorescence-Guided Surgical Approach Performed with Er:YAG Laser.
(Vescovi P, Giovannacci I, Otto S, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Nammour S, Meleti M.)
Photomed Laser Surg. 2015 Aug;33(8):437-42. doi: 10.1089/pho.2015.3927.

340. Erratum to: Advantages of new technologies in oral mucosal surgery: an intraoperative comparison among Nd:YAG laser, quantic molecular resonance scalpel, and cold blade.
(Giovannacci I, Meleti M, Merigo E, Mergoni G, Fornaini C, Manfredi M, Bonanini M, Vescovi P.)
Lasers Med Sci. 2015 Sep;30(7):1911. doi: 10.1007/s10103-015-1793-7.

341. Er:YAG Laser Assisted Treatment of Central Odontogenic Fibroma of the Mandible.
(Monteiro LS, Martins M, Pacheco JJ, Salazar F, Magalhães J, Vescovi P, Meleti M.)
Case Rep Dent. 2015;2015:230297. doi: 10.1155/2015/230297

342. An Auto-Fluorescence guided surgical approach performed with Er:YAG laser and Nd:YAG Low Level Laser Therapy for Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw.
(Giovannacci I, Meleti M, Bonanini M, Vescovi P)
JDI 2015;

343. Pain and Health-Related Quality of Life After Oral Soft Tissue Surgical Interventions: The Advantages of Nd:Yag Laser.
(Giovannacci I, Vescovi P, Mergoni G, Fornaini C, Bonanini M, Meleti M.)
JDI 2014; 21(2): 40-44

344. Non-invasive visual tools for diagnosis of oral cancer and dysplasia: A systematic review.
(Giovannacci I, Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Meleti M.)
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 May 1;21(3):e305-15.

345. Low level laser therapy in non-surgical management of osteoradionecrosis of the jaws.
(Moreschi C, Capparè P, Meleti M, Vescovi P, Bonanini M, Gherlone EF, Gastaldi G.)
Minerva Stomatol. 2016 Jun;65(3):185-7.

346. Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Around Dental Implants: Implant Surgery-Triggered or Implant Presence-Triggered Osteonecrosis?
(Giovannacci I, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Mortellaro C, Greco Lucchina A, Bonanini M, Vescovi P.)
J Craniofac Surg. 2016 May;27(3):697-701.

347. Auto-fluorescence as indicator for detecting the surgical margins of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws.
(Giovannacci I, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Merigo E, Fornaini C, Bonanini M, Vescovi P.)
Minerva Stomatol. 2016 Aug;65(4):248-52.

348. Clinical Differences in Autofluorescence Between Viable and Nonvital Bone: A Case Report With Histopathologic Evaluation Performed on Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws.
(Giovannacci I, Meleti M, Corradi D, Vescovi P).
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Jun;75(6):1216-1222. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2016.12.011. 

349. Effect of different wavelengths and dyes on Candida albicans: In vivo study using Galleria mellonella as an experimental model.
(Merigo E, Conti S, Ciociola T, Fornaini C, Polonelli L, Lagori G, Manfredi M, Vescovi P.)
Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther. 2017 Jun;18:34-38. doi: 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2017.01.181.

350. A 5-year retrospective longitudinal study on the incidence and the risk factors of osteonecrosis of the jaws in patients treated with zoledronic acid for bone metastases from solid tumors.
(Manfredi M, Mergoni G, Goldoni M, Salvagni S, Merigo E, Meleti M, Vescovi P)
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2017 May 1;22(3):e342-e348.

351. Evaluation of Different Laser-Supported Surgical Protocols for the Treatment of Oral Leukoplakia: A Long-Term Follow-Up.
(Nammour S, Zeinoun T, Namour A, Vanheusden A, Vescovi P)
Photomed Laser Surg. 2017 Nov;35(11):629-638. doi: 10.1089/pho.2016.4256.

352. Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: risk factors in patients under biphosphonate versus patients under antiresorptive-antiangiogenic drugs.
(Ghidini G, Manfredi M, Giovannacci I, Mergoni G, Sarraj A, Mureddu M, Giunta G, Bonanini M, Meleti M, Vescovi P)
Minerva Stomatol. 2017 Aug;66(4):135-140. doi: 10.23736/S0026-4970.17.04056-0

353. Type of surgical treatment and recurrence of oral leukoplakia: A retrospective clinical study.
(Monteiro L, Barbieri C, Warnakulasuriya S, Martins M, Salazar F, Pacheco JJ, Vescovi P, Meleti M.)
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2017 Sep 1;22(5):e520-e526.

354. Ten-Year Nonsurgical Periodontal Treatment Protocol with Adjunctive Use of Diode Laser Monitoring Clinical Outcomes in ≥ 6 mm Pockets: A Retrospective Controlled Case Series.
(Roncati M, Gariffo A, Barbieri C, Vescovi P.)
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2017 Sep/Oct;37(5):647-654.

355. Effects of 915 nm laser irradiation on human osteoblasts: a preliminary in vitro study.
(Mergoni G, Vescovi P, Belletti S, Uggeri J, Nammour S, Gatti R.)
Lasers Med Sci. 2018 Feb 15. doi: 10.1007/s10103-018-2453-5.

356. Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ONJ) in Osteoporosis Patients: Report of Delayed Diagnosis of a Multisite Case and Commentary about Risks Coming from a Restricted ONJ Definition.
(Migliario M, Mergoni G, Vescovi P, Martino I, Alessio M, Benzi L, Renò F, Fusco V.)
Dent J (Basel). 2017 Mar 16;5(1). pii: E13. doi: 10.3390/dj5010013.

357. The association between burning mouth syndrome and sleep disturbance: A case-control multicentre study.
(Adamo D, Sardella A, Varoni E, Lajolo C, Biasotto M, Ottaviani G, Vescovi P, Simonazzi T, Pentenero M, Ardore M, Spadari F, Bombeccari G, Montebugnoli L, Gissi DB, Campisi G, Panzarella V, Carbone M, Valpreda L, Giuliani M, Aria M, Lo Muzio L, Mignogna MD.)
Oral Dis. 2018 May;24(4):638-649. doi: 10.1111/odi.12807. Epub 2018 Mar 13.

358. Erbium Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet Laser Versus Traditional Bur in the Extraction of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars: Analysis of Intra- and Postoperative Differences.
(Giovannacci I, Giunta G, Pedrazzi G, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Migliario M, Brucoli M, Greco Lucchina A, Mortellaro C, Vescovi P.)
J Craniofac Surg. 2018 May 8. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000004574. [Epub ahead of print]

359. Auto-Fluorescence and Histopathologic Evaluation of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: Perspectives for Treatment.
(Giovannacci I, Vescovi P, Magnoni C, Corradi D, Corcione L, Lucchina AG, Mortellaro C, Nammour S, Meleti M.)
J Craniofac Surg. 2018 Jun 25. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000004705. [Epub ahead of print)
360. Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy Protocols on Streptococcus mutans with Different Combinations of Wavelengths and Photosensitizing Dyes.
(Merigo E, Conti S, Ciociola T, Manfredi M, Vescovi P, Fornaini C)
Bioengineering (Basel). 2019 May 10;6(2):42. doi: 10.339 bioengineering6020042.
PMID: 31083438

361. Effects of zoledronic acid and dexamethasone on early phases of socket healing after tooth extraction in rats: A preliminary macroscopic and microscopic quantitative study.
(Mergoni G, Vescovi P, Passerini P, Maestri R, Corradi D, Sala R, Govoni P)
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2019 May 1;24(3):e339-e345. doi: 10.4317/medoral.22883. PMID: 31011145

362. Auto-Fluorescence and Histopathologic Evaluation of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: Perspectives for Treatment.
(Giovannacci I, Vescovi P, Magnoni C, Corradi D, Corcione L, Lucchina AG, Mortellaro C, Nammour S, Meleti M)
J Craniofac Surg. 2019 Jun;30(4):1039-1043. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000004705.
PMID: 29944562

363. Effects of oral healthcare motivation in patients with gingival oral lichen planus: A randomized controlled trial.
(Mergoni G, Magnani V, Goldoni M, Vescovi P, Manfredi M)
Oral Dis. 2019 Jul;25(5):1335-1343. doi: 10.1111/odi.13104. Epub 2019 Apr 24. PMID: 30947385

364. Self-healing CD30- T-clonal proliferation of the tongue: report of an extremely rare case.
(Setti G, Martella E, Mancini C, Vescovi P, Magnoni C, Bellini P, Giovannacci I, Meleti M)
BMC Oral Health. 2019 Aug 15;19(1):186. doi: 10.1186/s12903-019-0875-5. PMID: 31416455

365. Which are the main fluorophores in skin and oral mucosa? A review with emphasis on clinical applications of tissue autofluorescence.
(Giovannacci I, Magnoni C, Vescovi P, Painelli A, Tarentini E, Meleti M)
Arch Oral Biol. 2019 Sep;105:89-98. doi: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2019.07.001. Epub 2019 Jul 3. PMID: 31299549

366. Photobiomodulation in Oral Medicine.
(Kalhori KAM, Vahdatinia F, Jamalpour MR, Vescovi P, Fornaini C, Merigo E,
Fekrazad R.) Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2019 Dec;37(12):837-861. doi 10.1089/photob.2019.4706. PMID: 31873066
367. Salivary MicroRNA for Diagnosis of Cancer and Systemic Diseases: A Systematic Review.
(Setti G, Pezzi ME, Viani MV, Pertinhez TA, Cassi D, Magnoni C, Bellini P, Musolino A, Vescovi P, Meleti M)
Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jan 30;21(3):907. doi: 10.3390/ijms21030907. PMID: 32019170

368. A Randomized Comparative Clinical Study to Evaluate the Longevity of Esthetic Results of Gingival Melanin Depigmentation Treatment Using Different Laser Wavelengths (Diode, CO2, and Er:YAG).
(Nammour S, El Mobadder M, Namour M, Namour A, Rompen E, Maalouf E, Brugnera Junior A, Brugnera AP, Vescovi P, Zeinoun T)
Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2020 Mar;38(3):167-173. doi: 10.1089/photob.2019.4672. Epub 2020 Jan 17

369. Clinicopathological Features Associated with Fluorescence Alteration: Analysis of 108 Oral Malignant and Potentially Malignant Lesions.
Giovannacci I, Magnoni C, Pedrazzi G, Vescovi P, Meleti M.
Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2021 Jan;39(1):53-61. doi: 10.1089/photob.2020.4838. Epub 2020 Dec 17.
PMID: 33332238

370. Aesthetic Treatment Outcomes of Capillary Hemangioma, Venous Lake, and Venous Malformation of the Lip Using Different Surgical Procedures and Laser Wavelengths (Nd:YAG, Er,Cr:YSGG, CO2, and Diode 980 nm).
Nammour S, El Mobadder M, Namour M, Namour A, Arnabat-Dominguez J, Grzech-Leśniak K, Vanheusden A, Vescovi P.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Nov 22;17(22):8665. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17228665.
PMID: 33266374 Free PMC article.

371. Large-sized pleomorphic adenoma of the cheek treated with Nd:Yag laser: report of a case and review of the literature.
Veneri F, Meleti M, Corcione L, Bardellini E, Majorana A, Vescovi P.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2020 Sep 1;12(9):e883-e887. doi: 10.4317/jced.56274. eCollection 2020 Sep.
PMID: 32994879 Free PMC article.

372. Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws (MRONJ) Prevention and Diagnosis: Italian Consensus Update 2020.
Campisi G, Mauceri R, Bertoldo F, Bettini G, Biasotto M, Colella G, Consolo U, Di Fede O, Favia G, Fusco V, Gabriele M, Lo Casto A, Lo Muzio L, Marcianò A, Mascitti M, Meleti M, Mignogna MD, Oteri G, Panzarella V, Romeo U, Santarelli A, Vescovi P, Marchetti C, Bedogni A.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Aug 18;17(16):5998. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17165998.
PMID: 32824826 Free PMC article.

373. A Single Case Report of Granular Cell Tumor of the Tongue Successfully Treated through 445 nm Diode Laser.
Viani MV, Corcione L, Di Blasio C, Bologna-Molina R, Vescovi P, Meleti M.
Healthcare (Basel). 2020 Aug 13;8(3):267. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8030267.
PMID: 32823546 Free PMC article.

374. Histopathological determinants of autofluorescence patterns in oral carcinoma.
Meleti M, Giovannacci I, Vescovi P, Pedrazzi G, Govoni P, Magnoni C.
Oral Dis. 2020 Feb 11. doi: 10.1111/odi.13304. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 32045089

375.Correlation between temperature rise and auto-fluorescence: ex vivo study with Er:YAG laser, Quantum Molecular Resonance scalpel and Nd:YAG laser on hard and soft tissues.
Ghidini G, Giovannacci I, Haddad CD, Mastromarino T, Greco Lucchina A, Del Mauro P, Seno M, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Namour S, Vescovi P.
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2021 Mar-Apr;35(2 Suppl. 1):357-364. doi: 10.23812/21-2supp1-36.
PMID: 34281333 Clinical Trial.

376. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) oral lesions surgical management with Nd:YAG laser versus blade and QMR scalpel: a single center experience in 251 cases.
Ghidini G, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Greco Lucchina A, Haddad CD, Namour S, Vescovi P.
J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2021 Mar-Apr;35(2 Suppl. 1):351-356. doi: 10.23812/21-2supp1-35.
PMID: 34281332

377. Laser dentistry in daily practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: Benefits, risks and recommendations for safe treatments.
Arnabat-Dominguez J, Vecchio AD, Todea C, Grzech-Leśniak K, Vescovi P, Romeo U, Nammour S.
Adv Clin Exp Med. 2021 Feb;30(2):119-125. doi: 10.17219/acem/130598.
PMID: 33636056 Free article. Review.

378. Psychological profile and unexpected pain in oral lichen planus: A case-control multicenter SIPMO studya.
Adamo D, Calabria E, Coppola N, Lo Muzio L, Giuliani M, Bizzoca ME, Azzi L, Croveri F, Colella G, Boschetti CE, Montebugnoli L, Gissi D, Gabriele M, Nisi M, Sardella A, Lodi G, Varoni EM, Giudice A, Antonelli A, Cabras M, Gambino A, Vescovi P, Majorana A, Bardellini E, Campisi G, Panzarella V, Francesco S, Marino S, Pentenero M, Ardore M, Biasotto M, Gobbo M, Guarda Nardini L, Romeo U, Tenore G, Serpico R, Lajolo C, Gioco G, Aria M, Mignogna MD; SIPMO (Italian Society of Oral Pathology, Medicine).
Oral Dis. 2021 Jan 29. doi: 10.1111/odi.13787. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 33512068 Free article.

379. Clinical validation of 13-gene DNA methylation analysis in oral brushing samples for detection of oral carcinoma: Italian multicenter study.
Gissi DB, Morandi L, Colella G, De Luca R, Campisi G, Mauceri R, Romeo U, Tenore G, Mignogna MD, Adamo D, Oteri G, Marcianò A, Vescovi P, Meleti M, Serpico R, Di Stasio D, Pentenero M, Santarelli A, Bianchi A, Crimi S, Marchetti C, Tarsitano A, Foschini MP, Montebugnoli L.
Head Neck. 2021 May;43(5):1563-1573. doi: 10.1002/hed.26624. Epub 2021 Jan 28.
PMID: 33511711

380. Photobiomodulation with a 645 nm Diode Laser of Saos-2 Cells and Platelet-Rich Plasma: The Potential for a New Mechanism of Action.
Ghidini G, Mori D, Pulcini S, Vescovi P, Sala R.
Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2021 Feb;39(2):86-93. doi: 10.1089/photob.2020.4839. Epub 2021 Jan 20.
PMID: 33471588

381. Success Rate of Benign Oral Squamous Papilloma Treatments After Different Surgical Protocols (Conventional, Nd:YAG, CO2 and Diode 980 nm Lasers): A 34-Year Retrospective Study.
Nammour S, Mobadder ME, Namour A, Namour M, Romeo U, España-Tost AJ, Arnabat-Dominguez J, Grzech-Lesniak K, Zeinoun T, Vescovi P.
Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2021 Feb;39(2):123-130. doi: 10.1089/photob.2020.4916. Epub 2021 Jan 15.
PMID: 33450170

382. L’immunofluorescenza diretta nella diagnosi del pemfigoide delle membrane mucose: studio retrospettivo
Giovanni Mergoni, Antonio Teoli, Roberto Ricci, Paolo Vescovi, Maddalena Manfredi
Dental Cadmos 2021;89: 28-36. doi: 10.19256/d.cadmos.01.2021.06

383. Where do you live? North versus Central-South differences in relation to Italian patients with oral lichen planus: a cross-sectional study from the SIPMO (Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine).
Adamo D, Calabria E, Canfora F, Coppola N, Lo Muzio L, Spirito F, Giuliani M, Azzi L, Maurino V, Colella G, Colella C, Montebugnoli L, Gissi DB, Gabriele M, Nisi M, Sardella A, Lodi G, Varoni EM, Giudice A, Antonelli A, Arduino PG, Gambino A, Vescovi P, Majorana A, Bardellini E, Campisi G, Panzarella V, Spadari F, Garagiola U, Pentenero M, Sutera S, Biasotto M, Ottaviani G, Gobbo M, Guarda Nardini L, Romeo U, Tenore G, Serpico R, Lucchese A, Lajolo C, Rupe C, Aria M, D'Aniello L, Mignogna MD; SIPMO (Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine).
BMC Oral Health. 2022 May 18;22(1):184. doi: 10.1186/s12903-022-02181-7.

384. Mandibular metastasis from carcinoma of the bladder: Report of a case and literature review.
Giovannacci I, Vescovi P, Corcione L, Corradi D, Bologna-Molina R, Meleti M.
J Clin Exp Dent. 2022 Apr 1;14(4):e376-e379. doi: 10.4317/jced.57293. eCollection 2022 Apr. PMID: 35419177

385. Is the Er: YAG Laser Effective in Reducing Pain, Edema, and Trismus After Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars? A Meta-Analysis.
Sales PHDH, Barros AWP, Silva PGB, Vescovi P, Leão JC.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022 Mar;80(3):501-516. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2021.10.006. Epub 2021 Oct 20. PMID: 34793714 Review.

386. Management di una leucoplachia orale recidivante con l’utilizzo di laser a diodi (445 nm)
Rita Antonelli, Paolo Vescovi, Maddalena Manfredi, Luca Ferrari, Marco Meleti
Dental Cadmos 90/Issue 6/ June 2022;482-492- DOI: 10.19256/d.cadmos.06.2022.11

387. Assessment of sleep disturbance in oral lichen planus and validation of PSQI: A case-control multicenter study from the SIPMO (Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine).
Adamo D, Calabria E, Coppola N, Lo Muzio L, Giuliani M, Azzi L, Maurino V, Colella G, Rauso R, Montebugnoli L, Gissi DB, Gabriele M, Nisi M, Sardella A, Lodi G, Varoni EM, Giudice A, Antonelli A, Cabras M, Gambino A, Vescovi P, Majorana A, Bardellini E, Campisi G, Panzarella V, Spadari F, Marino S, Pentenero M, Sutera S, Biasotto M, Gobbo M, Guarda Nardini L, Romeo U, Tenore G, Serpico R, Lucchese A, Lajolo C, Rupe C, Aria M, Gnasso A, Mignogna MD; SIPMO (Italian Society of Oral Pathology, Medicine).
J Oral Pathol Med. 2022 Feb;51(2):194-205. doi: 10.1111/jop.13255. Epub 2021 Nov 14. PMID: 34704302

388. Efficacy of Adjunctive Photobiomodulation in the Management of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: A Systematic Review.
Razavi P, Jafari A, Vescovi P, Fekrazad R.
Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2022 Dec;40(12):777-791. doi: 10.1089/photob.2022.0084

389. Laser in odontostomatologia: principali applicazioni – Modulo 2: Il laser nella gestione delle patologie delle ossa mascellari
Vescovi P, Giovannacci I, Ruggeri K, Ferrari L, Antonelli R, Manfredi M, Meleti M
Dental Cadmos Vol. 91 – Issue 2 – Febbraio 2023

390. Case report: Oral ulceration of buccal mucosa.
Manfredi M, Mureddu M, Mancini C, Vescovi P
Oral Dis. 2023 Jan 27. doi: 10.1111/odi.14524

391. Anxiety and depression in keratotic oral lichen planus: a multicentric study from the SIPMO.
Adamo D, Calabria E, Canfora F, Coppola N, Leuci S, Mignogna M, Muzio LL, Spirito F, Giuliani M, Azzi L, Dani M, Colella G, Colella C, Montebugnoli L, Gissi DB, Gabriele M, Nisi M, Sardella A, Lodi G, Varoni EM, Giudice A, Antonelli A, Gambino A, Antonucci G, Vescovi P, Meleti M, Majorana A, Bardellini E, Campisi G, Panzarella V, Spadari F, Garagiola U, Pentenero M, Sutera S, Biasotto M, Ottaviani G, Gobbo M, Nardini LG, Romeo U, Tenore G, Serpico R, Lucchese A, Lajolo C, Gioco G, Aria M, D'Aniello L, Mignogna MD; SIPMO (Italian Society of Oral Pathology, Medicine): Clin Oral Investig. 2023 Feb 14. doi: 10.1007/s00784-023-04909-3.

392. Riabilitazione implantare in area estetica: impiego dell’acido ialuronico reticolato (xHyA) .
Vescovi P., Giovannacci I., Pedrazzoni R.
QUINTESSENZA INTERNAZIONALE | 2023 Giugno;37 (2) 22-28Books and Chapters:

He collaborated in the revision of the second edition of the text “Le malattie della mucosa orale” di Allegra F. e Gennari P.U. - CIBA GEIGY ED. (Italy) 1990

He was co-editor of the text :
"Odontoiatria ed Handicap" Atti del I convegno per la cura degli handicappati e per la riabilitazione protesica oro-maxillo-facciale.
(G.M.Macaluso, P. Vescovi)
Casa Editrice Mattioli, Fidenza (PR) (Italy) 1992

He collaborated in the drafting of the text:
“Le tossicodipendenze e l’ abuso di alcool”
Piccin Ed. Padova (Italy) 2003
VOL II Clinica medica e psicopatologia: “Le complicanze odontostomatologiche da abuso e dipendedenza da oppiacei e stimolanti” pag. 863-864
(Fazzi M, Pizzi S, Vescovi P)

He collaborated in the drafting of the text:
“Testo Atlante delle Vasculiti”
Mattioli 1885 Ed. Fidenza (PR) (Italy) 2006
Cap. 27: “Le vasculiti viste dall’odontostomatologo” pag. 161
(Vescovi P)

He is the author of the text:
“Osteonecrosi Mascellari e Bisfosfonati: Prevenzione, Diagnosi e Terapia”.
La Stamperia Ed. – Parma (Italy) 2007
(Vescovi P)

He is the author of the text:
“Osteonecrosi Mascellari e Bisfosfonati: Prevenzione Odontoiatrica e Terapia”.
Ed Tecniche Nuove. – Milano (Italy) – June 2008
(Vescovi P)

He edited the Italian version of the text:
“Oral Pathology for Dental Hygenist”
O.A.C Ibsen - J.A Phelan
“Patologia Orale” - V edizione
CIC Edizioni Internazionali - Roma (Italy) 2012
(Romeo U, Vescovi P, Del Vecchio A,)

He collaborated in the drafting of the text:
“Bisphosphonates and osteonecrosis of the jaw. A multidisciplinary aproach”
Francesco Saverio De Ponte Editor
Springer-Verlag (Italy) 2012
Cap 12 : “Conservative treatment: Laser (Biostimulation and Miimally invasive surgical treatment” pag 127-140
(Vescovi P)
He collaborated in the drafting of the text:
“Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw. Bisphosphonates, Denosumab and New Agents”
Sven Otto Editor
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (GERMANY) 2015
Cap 9 : “Adjuvant Treatment Options in the Management of Medication-Related Osteonecrosis” pag. 103-109
(Vescovi P, Manfredi M, Merigo E)

He collaborated in the drafting of the text:
"Oral Laserology"
Carlo Fornaini, Jean-Paul Rocca
Editografica Rastignano (BO) Italy - 2015 - ISBN-10: 8887729379 ISBN-13: 978-8887729375
Chapter 6. "Laser and Oral Bone Surgery " Pag. 163 - 199
(Vescovi Paolo, Fornaini Carlo, Rocca Jean-Paul)

He collaborated in the drafting of the text:
"Chirurgia Odontostomatologica”
Ed. Minerva Medica Torino (Italy) 2015
Capitolo 15 "Patologia orale di interesse chirurgico" pag 168 - 196
(Vescovi P, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Mortellaro C)
Capitolo 16 "Biopsia" pag 196 - 205
(Vescovi P, Meleti M, Manfredi M, Mortellaro C)
Capitolo 22 "Impiego del Laser in Chirurgia Orale" pag. 258 - 270
(Vescovi P, Fornaini C, Merigo E)

He collaborated in the drafting of the text:
“Laser Dentistry; current clinica applications” World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD)
Edited by Prof. Aldo Brugnera Junior and Prof Samir Namour
Universal -Publishers Irvine California - Boca Raton Florida (USA) 2018
ISBN 978-1-62734-085-4 (pbk)
Cap 7 : “Infectious Diseases of the Jaw Bone. The role of the Laser”
(Vescovi P, Mergoni G, Namour S)

He collaborated in the drafting of the text:
“Lasers in Oral Maxillo Facial Surgery” - Springer ed 2020 (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (GERMANY)
ISBN 978-3-030-29604-9
Editors: Stübinger, S.B., Klämpfl, F., Schmidt, M., Zeilhofer, H.-F.
Cap 12 “Laser Applications and Autofluorescence” pag. 139-151
(Vescovi P, Giovannacci I, Meleti M)
Cap 14 “Laser Treatment of MEDICATION-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws” Pag 176-191
(Vescovi P)

He collaborated in the drafting of the text:
“Patologia e Medicina Orale” Curato dalla SIPMO (Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Orale)
Cap 10 “ Infezioni mitotiche del cavo orale” pag. 215-234
(Manfredi M, Meleti M, Vescovi P)
Cap 12 “Lesioni pigmentate della mucosa orale” pag. 253-266
(Meleti M, Manfredi M, Vescovi P)
Edra Ed Milano (Italy) 2022

He is the author of the text:
“Manuale di Tecnologia Laser in Odontostomatologia. Basi biofisiche e protocolli operativi”
(Vescovi P)
Aries Due Ed. - Milano (Italy) 2023

He collaborated in the drafting of the text:
 "Terapia Fotônica e Utilização Clínica do Laser em Odontologia”.
A patient affected by Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ), treated with laser Photobiomodulations and antibiotics.
(Vescovi P, Giovannacci I)
Napoleão Quintessence - Março de 2024Collaboration with Scientific Jurnals:

From 1999 to 2013 he was Coordinator of the column "Diagnostic questions" for the magazine Dental Cadmos - Milan (Italy)

Since 2003 he is a member of the Editorial Board of the Dental Cadmos magazine. Elsevier srl
EDRA spa Via Spadolini 7 - 20141 Milan (Italy)

Since 2007 he is a member of the Scientific Committee of the GdO - Il Giornale dell’Odontoiatra - Milan (Italy)

From 2008 to 2018 he was a member of the Editorial Board of LASER Iternational magazine of laser dentistry. OEMUS MEDIA AG. Holbeinstrasse 29 - 04229 Leipzig - (GERMANY)

From 2011 to 2014 he was a member of the Editorial Board of Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal. Medicine Oral S.L. C/ Daniel Balaciart Nº 4 pta. 17 46020 - Valencia (SPAIN)

Since 2016 he is a member of the International Editorial Board of Laser Therapy (International Journal for Laser Surgery, Phototherapy and Photobioactivation). Japan Medical Laser Laboratory, Shinanomachi-Rengakan 4F, Shinanomachi35, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0016 (JAPAN)

Since 2018 he is Guest Co-Editor of Dentistry Journal (ISSN 2304-6767) MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, (SWITZERLAND)

Since 2023 è Consultant - Membro dell’ Editorial Board di Laser Therapy (International Journal for Laser Surgery, Phototherapy and Photobioactivation) -.Open Access, peer-reviewed Journal published on-line by Page Press, Pavia (italy) pISSN:0898-5901 / eISSN: 1884-7269

In 2023-2024 is Guest Editor of Special Issue “Editorial Board Members’ Collection Series: Laser in Oral Surgery, Diagnosis and Oncology” of Dentistry Journal (ISSN 2304-6767) MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, (SWITZERLAND)

At the request of the respective Editors, he has reviewed scientific articles for the following journals:
Lasers in Medical Science - Laser and Photomedicine - Journal of Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery - Laser Therapy - Oral Diseases - Journal of Oral Maxillo facial Surgery - Journal of Craniofacial Surgery - Medicina Oral Patologia Oral Cirugia Bucal - Journal of Oncology - Journal of Osteoporosis - International Journal of Dentistry - Minerva Stomatologica - Dental Cadmos - Italian Journal of Maxillo-Facial Surgery

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015

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