Prof. paolo Pelagatti was born in Parma, 30-09-1968. In 1993 he got a Master degree in Chemistry (University of Parma, then in 1998 a Research Doctorate (PhD) in Chemical Science (UNiversity of Parma). In 1998 he became Post-Doc at Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia (I.N.F.M., Research Unit of Unversity of Parma). In 1999 he became University Researcher (University of Parma, General and Inorganic Chemistry) and Associate Professor in the same University in 2014.
Prof. Pelagatti has published about 90 papers on international peer reviewed journals and attended several national and international congresses, and filed patents.
His research activity is mainly devoted to:
1) Organometallic Crsytal Engineering: synthesis and structural characterization of roganometallic compounds of transition metals able to reversibly adsorb volatile organic compounds through heterogeneous solid-gas reactions
2) Synthesis and structural characterization of Metal-Organic-Frameworks (MOF) for the ncapsulation and controlled release of active substances, mainly antobacterial agents
3) Use of lignin for the preparation of environmentally sustainable pesticides
4) Development of mechanochemical protocols for the synthesis of MOFs and cocrystals
The resarch is conducted in collaboration with Italian (University of Milan, University of Turin and University Milano-Bicocca) and foreign (Cape Town University) universities, as well as Italian and foreigh companies.
h-index: 30
Editor of Scentific Reports (Nature Publishing Group)
Academic appointment:
- Vice President of the Teaching Board of the Bachelor and Master Degrees in Chemistry, University of Parma
- Member of the Teaching Board of the Doctorate in Chemical Science (University of Parma)
- Delegate of the University of Parma in the scientific council of the Interuniversity Consortium of Chemical Reactivity and Catalysis (C.I.R.C.C.)