• Curriculum Vitae
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  • Research

Current Position: Associate Professor at the Department of Food and drug Science, University of Parma.
Bibliometric parameters: 40 scientific publications of which 38 in international scientific journal (25 present in Scopus, total citations 497, at February 2019), 2 international book chapter, 2 in Italian journal. H index 12.
Main topics of research: Ecology of lactic acid bacteria natural culture and different cheeses. Study of biodiversity in lactic acid bacteria by PCR analysis. Study of cell viability in fermented food by culture-independent methods based on fluorescence microscope. Study of microbial population dynamics in fermented foods by culture-independent methods based on DNA and RNA: LH PCR- RT PCR. Study of prebiotic effect of different substrates on potentially probiotic microorganisms by culture dependent and independent approaches (Impedometric analysis).
Institutional responsibilities: University delegate for the UniforCity Project. Food Gastronomy Guidance Counsellor. Member of the Food Science teaching commission. Member of the Food Science PhD board. Member of the scientific society SIMTREA. Referee for different scientific journals (Food Microbiology, International Journal of Food Microbiology, Journal of Dairy Science, Annals of Microbiology).
University Lecturer of “Food Microbiology” for the Academic Degree in Food Gastronomy and Mechanical Engineering for Food Industry, University of Parma.
Member of the BIOHAZ WG EFSA for drafting the scientific opinion on the endpoint of organic fertilizers
Member of the Food Project commission of the University of Parma
Member of the executive committee and didactic council of the summerschool in food sustainability offered by the higher education school in food and nutrition
Scientific coordinator of the project "Preliminary Feasibility Assessment: Improvement of the selective potential of bioluminescence analysis for the detection of microbial contamination of wine", in collaboration with Promicol, NL (2019)

Scientific director of the research fellowship: "Evaluation of the reduction of the microbial load and definition of the shelf life of solid foods treated with UV rays", as part of the project Construction of systems for the microbiological abatement of the surface of solid foods through UV irradiation - SUV.T - Solid Ultra Violet Treatment, at CIPACK center, funded by the Emilia Romagna Region, POR FSE 2014-2020 (ongoing)
Scientific coordinator of the "In-depth study and rationalization of lactic bacteria in raw milk" project, in collaboration with the Parmigiano Reggiano Consortium (in progress).
Participation in national and international projects: Participation as a member of the research team of the Parma Unit to PRIN 2010 project "Microorganisms in food and humans: study of the microbiota and its metabolome depending on diet, omnivore, vegetarian or vegan" coordinated by Prof. Marco Gobbetti (years 2013 to 2015). Participation as a member of the research team of the Parma Unit in the project "Production of fermented milk with health-specific functional aspects" Coordinated by Prof. Neviani (Financial assistance granted by the Foundation CARIPARMA, 2010-2012). Participation as part of the Parma Unit to the project PRIN 2007 "Interaction between microorganisms characteristic of Parmigiano Reggiano" coordinated by Prof. Marco Gobbetti. Participation as a member of the research team of the Parma Unit to the project "Construction of a collection of probiotic microorganisms of interest for the food industry" Coordinated by Prof. Erasmo Neviani (Financial assistance granted by the Foundation CARIPARMA, years 2007- 2009).
Participation as a member of the research team of the Parma Unit to two-year project MIUR Integrated Actions Italy Spain "Molecular analysis of the stress response in the genus Bifidobacterium for the selection of new probiotic bacteria of industrial interest" Coordinators Prof. Erasmo Neviani and Dr. Abelardo Morgoles (financial year 2008).
Participation in projects funded by companies or by regional or local agencies: scientific manager for the project "Determination of the microbial load of different drinks and / or food and assessing the presence of microbial ATP", funded by Tetra Pak Packaging Solutions (December 2013). Scientific manager for the research "Simulated digestion of Parmigiano Reggiano at different ripening time, in vitro evaluation of the ability of lactobacilli to use these peptides and evaluation of peptides used by lactobacilli and bifidobacteria" planned within the project "Nutritional and therapeutic features of Parmigiano Reggiano associated with modulation of intestinal microbiota: in vitro studies and clinical trials "- funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, within the call “research for applied innovation” 2013.
Scientific manager of the scholarship "Determination of the microbiota by Length Heterogeneity PCR and evaluation of the enzymatic activity of bacterial origin in Grana Padano cheese during maturing" (2014).
• Scientific director of the Microbiology unit involved in the "Shelf-life analysis of bread in a tray" project, commissioned at the CIPAK center of the University of Parma, by the company D.P.G srl (Turin) (2015).
• Scientific director of the project "Nutritional and therapeutic aspects of Parmigiano Reggiano associated with the modulation of the intestinal microbiota: in vitro studies and clinical trial" in collaboration with the Consortium for the Protection of Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese, and with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (2016).
• Scientific manager for the project "Characterization of the dairy microbiota of raw milk", in collaboration with the Consortium for the Protection of Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese (2016).
• Scientific Director of the Research Grant "Study and employment of lactic bacteria for the production of innovative cheeses" funded on the Project "Regional Microbial Collections: biodiversity at the service of the agri-food industry" (PG / 2016/737566 "- CUP J12F16000010009, from the POR FESR 2014-2020 funds Action 1.2.2 - Call for strategic industrial research projects targeting the priority areas of the Intelligent Specialization Strategy. 2016-2017).
• Head of the Unit (UNIPR) for the European project "Innovative Dairy Science education material development, focused on Products, Processes, Quality, Safety & Entrepreneurship, using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Open Educational Resources (OER)", Erasmus + , Key Action 2:. Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (ongoing).Collaboration with the scientific managers of 15 research projects funded by private companies, consortia of protection of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, Grana Padano, Pecorino Toscano or other entities in the food sector.

Public engagment: Dr. Bottari has coordinated or participated to several public engagment evetns, locally or national.

Previous positions: 2009-2010. Research Grant holder. Affiliation: Department of Genetic, Biology of Microrganism, Anthropology Evolution University of Parma, Italy.
2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010-2011
University Lecturer of “Food Microbiology” for the Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering for Food Industries, University of Parma.
2006-2009. PhD student of the Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parma, Italy. Winner of the grant for the XXI cycle of Food Science and Technology PhD.
June-September 2008. Visiting fellow of University of New South Wales (Australia).
2006. Piecework with the University of Parma on the theme: Bibliographical research on the use of in situ hybridization technique for founding pathogens in food.
2005. Grant from SIQUAL project for the research on “Preservation of autochthonous microflora and antibiotic resistance”.
March 2005- September 2005. Piecework with the Lombardia region for the study of typical row milk cheeses from Lombardia.
2004. National Licence of Food technologist.
15.07.2004, Master degree in Food Science and Technology, University of Parma, Italy (110/110).
1994-1999. Diploma at the scientific high school G. Marconi, Parma, Italy.

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