- Curriculum Vitae
- Teaching
- Appointments
- Research
Current position
Researcher (FIS01) at “Fisica e Scienze della Terra” Department of University of Parma since 1/12/2001.
Degree in Physics at University “La Sapienza” of Rome (1990).
Ph.D. in Astronomy at University “La Sapienza” of Rome (1996).
•Admission at Ph. D. in “Reconstruction and treatment of Biomedical images”, Medicine Faculty, Università dell'Aquila (1991)
•Abilitation (National Selection) for teaching “Math” , “Physics” and “Math and Physics” at High School (1991-1992).
•Ph. D. courses and thesis in Astronomy at University “La Sapienza” of Rome (1992-1995).
•Teacher (permanent position) in “Math and Physics” at High School (1992-2001).
•Post-doc fellow I.N.F.M. (Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia) at Physics dept., University of Parma (1997-1999).
•Researcher fellow fellow I.N.F.M. (Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia) at Physics dept., University of Parma (2000-2001).
Didactic activity
2001-2002: “Laboratory of Mechanics” course, lessons for “Mechanics” and “Laboratory of Calorimetry” courses (Physics degree).
2002-2003: “Laboratory of Mechanics” course, lessons for “Mechanics” and “Laboratory of Calorimetry” courses (Physics degree).
2003-2004: “Mechanics” course, lessons for “Laboratory of Mechanics” and “Laboratory of Calorimetry” courses (Physics degree).
2004-2005: “Laboratory of Physics I” course, lessons for “Mechanics” course (Physics degree).
2005-2006: “Laboratory of Physics I” course (Physics degree).
2006-2007: “Laboratory of Physics I” course (Physics degree).
2007-2008: “Laboratory of Physics I” course (Physics degree), lessons of Cosmology for “Astro-particles Physics” Ph.D. course in Theoretical Physics.
2008-2009: “Preparation of didactic experiments” course (Math degree), lessons of Cosmology for “Astro-particles Physics” Ph.D. course in Theoretical Physics, lessons for “Structure of Matter” (Physics degree).
2009-2010: “Physics C” course (Ingegnery degree), “Preparation of didactic experiments” course (Math degree).
2010-2011: “Preparation of didactic experiments” course (Math degree).
2011-2012: “Laboratory of numerical methods” course (Physics degree).
2012-2013: “Laboratory of numerical methods” course (Physics degree).
Courses for Abilitation for teaching “Math” and “Math and Physics” at High School (TFA A049 and A047).
Scientific activity
Main field: study on structural and dynamic properties of macromolecular systems by means of X-ray and neutron scattering experimental techniques. Subjects: dynamics of polysaccharide gel, dynamics of proteins at high pressure, structure and dynamics of nanostructures for drug delivery and as matrices for tissue growth.
Partecipation at several national and international conferences.
Author of several publications on International refereed journals.
Financiated Projects
•FIRB (2002) “Studio, realizzazione e sperimentazione di micro sistemi per il rilascio controllato in situ di farmaci”
•PRIN (2004) “Processi dinamici in strutture organizzate di sistemi saccaridici in solvente acquoso”
•PRIN (2007) “Proprietà fisiche di biomatrici nanostrutturate a base polimerica”
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2024/2025
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - BIOTECHNOLOGY - A.Y.: 2024/2025
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2023/2024
- Course year: 1 - - FISICA - A.Y.: 2023/2024
- Course year: 1 - - FISICA - A.Y.: 2023/2024
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2020/2021
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - A.Y.: 2020/2021
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2019/2020
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - Physics - A.Y.: 2017/2018
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - Physics - A.Y.: 2016/2017
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2015/2016
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2014/2015
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2013/2014
- FISICA A.Y. 2023/2024
- First cycle degree (DM 270) PHYSICS A.Y. 2014/2015
Year: 2016Author/s: Brocca P, Rondelli V, Mallamace F, DI BARI Maria, Deriu Antonio, Lohstroh W, Del Favero E, Corti M, Cantu' L.
Year: 2013Author/s: DI BARI Maria, Padula Cristina, Santi Patrizia, Sonvico Fabio, Barbieri Stefano, C. Chiapponi, J. Ollivier, Deriu Antonio
Year: 2012Author/s: C. Chiapponi, DI BARI Maria, Y. Gerelli, Deriu Antonio, E. Chiessi, I. Finelli, G. Paradossi, M. Russina, Z. Izaola, V. Garcia Sakai
Year: 2011Author/s: Deriu Antonio, DI BARI Maria, Gerelli Yuri
Year: 2010Author/s: Padula Cristina, C. Chiapponi, DI BARI Maria, Deriu Antonio, Sonvico Fabio, Barbieri Stefano, J. Ollivier, Santi Patrizia