
PASSERI Giovanni

Professore di II fascia
  • Curriculum Vitae
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  • Research

CURRICULUM VITAE GIOVANNI PASSERI M.D., Ph.D, born in Forlì (FO), 8th/December 1963,
- M.D. degree from University of Parma, Italy, 11/07/1988.Thesys inttled "In vitro studies on the effects of Bisphosphonates on Immune system".
- From december 1988 resident in Internal Medicine, at the Istituto di Medicina Interna Univ. of Padova, where he also continued the research activity already started at the Un. of Parma, on the immune system of centenarians, collaborating with the Un. of Modena and Pisa.
- 1990, starting the Ph.D programm "DOTTORATO DI RICERCA “physiolpathology of metaboic osteopathies and diseases of Phoshate/calcium metabolism" at the Un. of Padova.
- 1990 / 1994, POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW in ENDOCRINOLOGY at the section of Endocrinology, presso V.A. Med. Cntr. in Indianapolis, Dep. of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, USA, under the supervision of Proff S.C. Manolagas e R.L. Jilka. He performed as principal investigator as well as collaborator, studies in the fields of cellular and molecular biology on bone metabolism and bone marrow precusors, also collaborating with Walther Oncology Center/Indiana Un. and Lilly Research Labs.. The main topics were the relationship between sex steroids and osteoclasts and the actions of cytokines and growth factors in the pathogenesis of post-menopausal and senile osteoporosis.
- Ph.D. degree in 1994 in “physiolpathology of metaboic osteopathies and diseases of Phoshate/calcium metabolism", discussing the final intitled "Studies on the interactions between citokines and hormones active on bone turn-over in the bone microenvironment".
- Specialist in Intenal Medicine.
- 1994/1997,Istituto of Medicina Interna, Un. of Padova, studies on the actions of immuno-modulators on boen cells. From 1996 to November 1997 Dirigente del Ruolo Sanitario I° liv., Disciplina: Medicina Interna (presso l' Istituto di Patologia Medica I dell'Università di Padova/Az. Osp. di Padova.
- From December 1997 he contiued his activities at the Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Scienze Biomediche dell'Università di Parma, in particular at "Centro di Osteopatie Metaboliche", performing resaerch activities both clinical and in vitro, on the mechanisms of action of drugs active on the bone tissue, in particolar on bisphosphonates. Invited Professor contratto at the "Scuola di Specializzazione in Medicina Interna" 1997-1999.
- Assistant professor in Medicina Interna, at the Università di Parma, from 1-11-1999. He is working at the Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Scienze Biomediche, and Centro per lo Studio delle Osteopatie Metaboliche, della Università di Parma. Professor at the "Scuole di Specializzazione in Medicina Interna e in Idrologia Medica; he is also the active professor of Medicina Interna in the "graduated school of Obstetrician" and he also teachs at the Dental school, Università di Parma.
 He is active memeber of the following societies: Società Italiana di Gerontologia e Geriatria (SIGG) (from 1988); American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) (from 1990); Società Italiana della Osteoporosi e delle Malattie Metaboliche dell’ Osso (SIOMMS) (from 1990).
 He is author or coauthor of more than 150 scientific pubblications (including original papers, reviews, books chapters and abstracts) pulished on national as well as interantional journals.

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