• Curriculum Vitae
  • Teaching
  • Research

Curriculum completo in inglese

Andrea Fabbri
Address (Home)
Viale Duca Alessandro 98, 43100 Parma, Italy
Address: (Business)
Dipartimento di Scienze degli Alimenti,
Università degli Studi di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 11/A, 43124 Parma, Italy
Date of birth
Place of birth
Florence, Italy
Tel. no.
0521/255666 (home)
0521/905974 (office, Parma, Fax 0521/905403)
347 1827881 (mobile)

In 1967 obtained the diploma of "Agricultural Expert"at Florence's Istituto Tecnico Agrario Statale.
In 1975 graduated as "Doctor in Agricultural Sciences" (110/110) at the Faculty of Agriculture of Florence University

1/11/2001 – Present: Prof. Fabbri is Full Professor of Arboriculture at Parma University, in charge of “Plant Products”. He is also in charge of teaching “Forage production” in the Faculty of Veterinary Science. He is also President of the Master of Gastronomical Sciences “Culture, organization, and marketing of typical enogastronomical products”. He also has a number of other faculty and university appointments.
1.11.1992-31.10.2001: Associate Professor of Pomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Catania University, teaching “Arboriculture” and “Oliveculture”; then in Parma since 1997.
1.8.1979-30.10.1992: Assistant Professor of Pomology, first at Padua University (until 15.10.1980), then at Florence University, Department of Horticulture; Teacher of Pomology in the University's Special School for Nursery Techniques (1991-92)
14.11.1978-31.7.1979: Professor of Agronomy and Field Crops at the Istituto Tecnico Agrario of Florence
10.10.1977-13.11.1978: Chief laboratory, with technical duties concerning tobacco cultivation, of the State Tobacco Administration
1.5.1976-10.10.1977: Recipient of a CNR fellowship at the Institute of Pomology, Florence University, for research on peach and olive propagation
16.6.1975-30.4.1976: Assistant Professor of Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Florence

He has participated to several University Commissions. He has been part of the Ph.D . program "Plant Biology" since 2000. Starting this year he particiaptes to the Ph. D. program ""Food Science". He has been tutor of numerous Ph. D. students, and member of Commissions for teh final exam of Doctorate in Italy and abroad. He has been in commissions for the selection of University professors and researchers, and for CNR researchers.
Since 2001 is member of a University Committee for the selection of research projects in the field of agriculture.
He has been Director (2006-2009) of the Interdepartmental Centre for Energy and Environment, Parma University.
He has been director of Parma Botanical Garden, for 2 terms, 2002-2003 and 2008-present.

Main research activities
The research interests of Prof. Fabbri have been influenced by the vicissitudes of his career, and reflect its variety and heterogeneity. Nevertheless a constant attention towards the biology of fruit trees propagation can be noticed, together with flower and fruit biology, and of its application to fruit technology. Also with regard to the studied species, although he can be considered a renown expert on olive, few are the fruit crops he hasn’t considered in some moment of his professional life. Prof. Fabbri has published 3 books (one of which in english), book chapters and over 130 research papers on the various topics he’s been researching on. A complete list is available on request.
Propagation – Multiplication by stem cuttings of several fruit species, with modern and traditional techniques. Anatomical and physiological studies on adventitious rooting in peach, olive, grapevine, chestnut, etc. Plant acclimation after micropropagation; somatic embryogenesis; cryopreservation. The experience in the field led to the publication of a book on olive propagation by CSIRO, Australia.
Flower and fruit biology – Flower induction, differentiation; fruit set and development; fruit abscission. In kiwi, olive, sour and sweet cherry, grapevine, peach, pistachio, prickly pear.
Systematic pomology – Study and description of germplasm of chestnut, apple, walnut, olive, with morphological and genetical techniques.
Olive – Apart from the studies described above, particular research was made on local olive germplasm of the Emilia region, in view of a diffusion of the crop in a zone outside the traditional area of cultivation, studying the quality properties of the oils and the genotypes resistance to cold spells.

Technical-cooperation activities - Prof. Fabbri has participated, as a consultant or as invited scientist, in a number of projects abroad, whenever his academic duties allowed it. His main in field activity has been on development of temperate fruit trees cultivation in subtropical environments; the species involved have been several deciduous fruit trees such as grapevine, apple, peach, pistachio; and evergreens such as prickly pear and olive. The issues faced were propagation, flower biology, environmental adaptability, pruning, cultivation techniques.
- 1986: Development of olive production in the People's Republic of China. (FAO), Provinces of Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan. Consultant on plant propagation and physiology, 2 missions (28.4.1986-13.6.1986 and 3.10.1986-15.11.1986)
- 1986: Assistance to the Fruit and Viticulture Research Institute, Tirana, Albania. (FAO). Consultant on grape and fruit tree production in the Mediterranean area (1.9.1986-19.9.1986)
- 1987-1992: Development of temperate zone fruit industry in the States of Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir, India. Consultant on tree pruning and research activities, 5 missions.
- 1998: Invited by University of Western Australia (Perth) to give a series of seminars on olive (History, Propagation, Flower Biology).
- 1999-2000: Prof. Fabbri is nominated Independent Olive Expert for a 500 ha Project in Western Australia.
- 2006: In charge for an environmental survey in Hainan Island, China, and consultant for the local Forestry Department in view of a possible development of olive cultivation.
- 2007: Participation in a delegation of Parma University (September 2007) for the project “Italy-Senegal: a bridge for new perspectives of female labour”.
- 2007-2009: Scientific Responsible of a Feasibility study for the establishment of an agroindustry centre in Rabat region (Morocco), 4 missions.
- 2008: Lecturer on olive biology and cultivation for a group of Palestinian technicians at the Istituto Agronomico per l'Oltremare, Firenze.
- 2008: Participation, as olive expert, to “Progetto Tanzania”, supported by “Cooperativa Agricola di Legnaia”, Firenze.
- 2008-2009 Participation in a delegation of Parma University in Colombia for the establishment of a collaboration agreement with the Fundaciòn Universitaria Juan de Castellanos (Tunja) and for a project for the development of olive cultivation in Colombia. In October 2009 was invited by the same University to give lectures on fruit trees biology and olive cultivation.
- 2009-2010: Olive production Short Term Expert for an olive development project in Northern Cyprus. 2 missions. Eventually invited by Famagusta University to give lectures on crops history.

Participation to scientific associations, academies, editorial activity
Prof Fabbri is Academician of the Accademia Italiana della Vite e del Vino and of the Accademia Nazionale dell’Olivo; he is also member of the International Society for Horticultural Science, of the Società di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana and of the International Plant Propagator’s Society.
He is co-editor of the international scientific journal "Advances in Horticultural Science", published by Florence University, and of “Italus Hortus”, organ of the Italian Horticultural Society. He is also referee for numerous scientific journals in the fields of horticulture and applied botany; he is also expert evaluator for the European Union, for local agricultural boards (Regione Toscana, Regione Emilia-Romagna), for MIUR (Ministry of University and Research) and for MiPAAF (Ministry of Agriculture).
Has is Director of Parma Botanical Garden since 2002.
Has been Director of CIDEA (Interdepartmental Center for Environment and Energy), of Parma University, 1/2006-10/2009.
Has participated in the organization of several scientific congresses, international and national, of some of which he was the convener.

Selected other activities
21.8.1977 - 4.10.1977. Participation in the "Seminaire International Superieur de Viticulture", organized by O.I.V., which took place in France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy
28.4.1980 - 27.5.1980. Research fellowship spent at the "Centro de Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada del Cuarto", Seville, Spain, for research concerning olive propagation by cuttings
24.1.1983 - 15.1.1984. With a NATO fellowship, one year of research at the Department of Pomology, University of California, Davis (U.S.A.), on several aspects of fruit trees propagation.
1.10.1993 - 31.3.1994. CNR fellowship for research, at the Department of Pomology, University of California, Davis (U.S.A.), on pistachio fruiting (anatomy), and olive characterization with RAPDs.

Read Written Spoken

Italian Excellent Excellent Excellent
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
French Excellent Excellent Excellent
Spanish Excellent Fair Excellent

Other interests
Jogging, opera music, history.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015
