Settore scientifico disciplinare
  • Curriculum Vitae
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  • Teaching
  • Research

Arturo Calzona (born on June 24th, 1950) has developed his career at the University of Parma, as fellow (assegnista) in 1977, becoming researcher in 1982, Associate
Professor in 1990 and Full Professor of History of Medieval Art in 2000.
From 2009 he is the coordinator of the Scuola di Specializzazione in Storia dell'arte and of the Ph.D. program in the History of Art and Film-/Theatre Studies (Dottorato di Ricerca in Storia dell'Arte e dello Spettacolo), at the Dipartimento di Beni Culturali e dello Spettacolo of the University of Parma. From 2000 to 2008, he was the coordinator of Consiglio di Classe, a rule that he reassumed since 2010 but he left it again in november 2012 due to his election at the Senato Accademico. With Prof. Alberto Tenenti, he founded in Mantova, in 1998, the Fondazione Centro Studi Leon Battista Alberti and he was member of the directing board until 2008, when he was elected as Chairman of the Fondazione's board of directors. From 2002 to 2006 he was the Segretario Tesoriere of the Comitato Nazionale VI Centenario della Nascita di Leon Battista Alberti; since 2009 he is also member of the advisory board of Centro Internazionale d'Arte e Cultura di Palazzo Te. During january 2013 he has been elected President of the Scientific Committee of Centro Studi Leon Battista Alberti.
His researches and publications concern mainly the art during the Middle Age and the early Renaissance in northern Italy. Upon the Middle Age period he wrote some books (La rotonda e il palatium di Matilde, Parma 1991; Benedetto Antelami, Parma 2008, Il cantiere medievale della cattedrale di Cremona, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) 2009) and several articles in scientific journals and in international conference proceedings. He organized conferences and expositions, like in 1991, in Mantova, when he also edited the catalogue entries (Wiligelmo e Matilde. L'officina Romanica, Mantova, september 1991 - january 1992, Milano 1991) and in 2008 in Reggio Emilia (Matilde e il tesoro dei Canossa, tra castelli, monasteri e città, a cura di Arturo Calzona, exposition's catalogue, Reggio Emilia august 30th 2008 -january 10th 2009, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) 2008).
His researches were dedicated in particular to the analisys of the monuments and to the historical circumstances that leaded to their construction, as S. Lorenzo in Mantua, or the recent monography on the Cathedral of Cremona. Arturo Calzona's researches were also related to the analisys of the landscape, in particular the impact of the historical landscape on the present era: he organized the conference La civiltà delle acque tra Medioevo e Rinascimento and edited the proceedings.
Related to the Renaissance he has been the secretary of “Comitato Nazionale VI centenario della nascita dell'Alberti”, and he has organized, with Proff. Francesco Paolo Fiore, Alberto Tenenti and Cesare Vasoli, all the conferences and edited the conference proceedings of Fondazione Alberti (Leon Battista Alberti e il Quattrocento: studi in onore di Cecil Grayson e Ernst Gombrich, Firenze 2001; Il principe architetto, Firenze 2002; Il sogno di Pio II e il viaggio da Roma a Mantova, Firenze 2003; Il volgare come lingua di cultura dal Trecento al Cinquecento, Firenze 2003; Leon Battista Alberti teorico delle arti e gli impegni civili del «De re aedificatoria», Firenze 2007; La vita e il mondo di Leon Battista Alberti, Firenze 2008; Leon Battista Alberti. Architetture e Committenti, Firenze 2009; La civiltà delle acque tra Medioevo e Rinascimento, Firenze 2010) and also he was the curator of the exhibition Leon Battista Alberti e l'architettura (edited by Massimo Bulgarelli, Arturo Calzona; Matteo Ceriana, Francesco Paolo Fiore, exposition's catalogue, casa del Mantegna, Mantova, september 2006 - january 2007, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano) 2006). Related to Leon Battista Alberti, he has published, in addition to many essays and papers for conferences, some books: Mantova città dell'Alberti: il San Sebastiano: tomba, tempio, cosmo, Parma 1979; Il San Sebastiano di Leon Battista Alberti, studies by Arturo Calzona and Livio Volpi Ghirardini, Firenze 1994.

Monday and Tuesday, 9-10.30 a.m.

I recommend however to notify you by e-mail.

First cycle degree
The course aims to provide the historical coordinates of architectural and figurative events from the 4th to the 14th century through lessons in methodology of historical and artistic research based on the analysis of topical examples.


Master's Degree
The course is divided into two modules. The first module examines some of the most important Romanesque buildings of the Po Valley in order to obtain the critical tools for the understanding of articulated buildings in relation to their temporal and spatial contextualization.
The second module envisages tackling the thorny problem of iconography in relation to iconology, here declined in a medieval key. Starting from the volume of Jerome Baschet (Medieval Iconography), we will come to the analysis of Italian cases that can be placed between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014

Lines of research

History of medieval art (architecture, painting and sculpture) X-XIV centuries in Northern and Central Italy. Italian architecture of the fifteenth century


Phone number
Office location

Piazzale della Pace 7/a

Complesso della Pilotta