Settore scientifico disciplinare
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Teaching
  • Research

Present Position

Associate Professor in History of Philosophy at the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries (DUSIC), University of Parma (SSD: M/Fil/06).

Accademic Carrer

- 1987, M.A., History of Philosophy, University of Florence (110/110 cum laude)

- 1988, Fellowship, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität of Freiburg i.B

- 1989- 1993, Ph.D. in Philosophy, University of Florence

- 1994-1996, Post-Doctoral research fellowship, University of Milan

- 2000, Research fellowship, Department of Philosophy, University of Florence

- 2001-2010, Researcher in History of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, University of Parma

- Since 2010, Associate professor in History of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, University of Parma

ASN (National Scientific Qualification)

- ASN for Full Professor in History of Philosophy  (I Fascia, session 2016 11/C5 - STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA - ASN 2013, DD n.161/2013].

- ASN for Full Professor in History of Philosophy  (I Fascia, 2018–2020 11/C5 - STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA - ASN 2018–2020, DD n.2175/2018].

Research Topics

- Neo-Kantian philosophy (with particular reference to Emil Lask); Psychology and Philosophy in the Vienna of the 1920s and 1930s (with particular attention to the theories of Karl Bühler); Relationships between psychology and logical empiricism; Denkpsychologie; Evolutionary Epistemology; Ontological issues; Philosophy of perception; Philosophical background of Gestaltpsychologie; Carl Stumpf; Ontology and phenomenology; Phenomenology and Science; Experimental phenomenology; Colour theory of Goethe, Hermann von Helmholtz, and Ewald Hering; Max Scheler; Reception Ernst Mach’s philosophy.

Regular Scientific Activity

Conferences and reports in national and international conferences (e.g. Paris, Praga, Varsavia, Helsinki, Boston, Graz, Karlsruhe); presidency and coordination of conferences and seminars; institutional assignments.

Direction of scientific Journals, scientific committee memberships

- 2002-2016, member of the Editorial Board of “Intersezioni. Rivista di storia delle idee” 

- 2002-2006, member of the Scientific Consulting Group (Philosophy Sector) of the «Il Mulino» publishing house (Bologna).

- Since 2003, referee and member of the Advisory Board of “Gestalt Theory. An International Multidisciplinary Journal”

- 2005-2016, member of the Wissenschaftlicher Beirat of “Jahrbuch für europäische Wissenschaftskultur”

- Since 2010, member of the Scientific Committee of the series «Fenomenologia e Ontologia Sperimentale» (Mimesis Edizioni).

- 2012-2013, co-Editor-in-Chief (with Gerhard Stemberger) of “Gestalt Theory. An International Multidisciplinary Journal”.

- 2013-2017, Editor in Chief of «Gestalt Theory. An International Multidisciplinary Journal».

- For the 2012-2013 contest is member of the Wolfgang Metzger Award Committee

–2017-2019, co-Editor-in-Chief (with Silvia Bonacchi) of «Gestalt Theory. An international multidisciplinary journal».

- Since 2016 member of the Chief Board of «Intersezioni. Rivista di Storia delle Idee».

- Since 2018, member of the Chief Board of «Thaumàzein – Rivista di Filosofia».

- Since 2018, member of the Double peer review-Scientific Committee of “Materiali di Estetica” (Terza serie - Riviste UNIMI).

- Since 2021, member of the Scientific Committee of the series «Dialogica. Collana di filosofia e scienze umane» (Pisa, ETS).

- Since 2021, member of the Scientific Committee of the series «Filosofia contemporanea» (Lanciano, Carabba)

- Since 2021, member of the «Italian Organizing Committee» (IOC) of the 25th World Congress of Philosophy that will take place in Rome in 2024.

- 2022, member of the XXX International Philosophy Olympiads’ International Jury (Portugal, Lisbon and Almada, 26-29 May 2022).

Positions and assignments in Scientific Societies

- Since 2003 is member of the extended Executive Board of «Die Gesellschaft für Gestalttheorie und ihre Anwendungen» (GTA)

- Since 2009 is Vice-President of the Parma Section  of the «Società Filosofica Italiana». - -2013, was elected as a member of the National Executive Board of the «Consulta Filosofica Italiana» for the years 2013-2016

- 2013, was elected as a member of the National Directive Board of the «Società Filosofica Italiana» (SFI) for the years 2013-2016.

- 2016, was elected as a member of the National Executive Board of the «Consulta Filosofica Italiana» for the years 2016-2019.

- 2016, was elected as a member of the National Directive Board of the «Società Filosofica Italiana» for the years 2016-2019.

- 2019, was elected as a member of the National Executive Board of the «Consulta Filosofica Italiana» for the years 2019-2022

-  2019, was elected as a member of the National Directive Board of the «Società Filosofica Italiana» for the years 2019-2022

- 2019-2022, was National Vice-President of the «Società Filosofica Italiana».

- 2022, was elected as a member of the National Directive Board of the «Società Filosofica Italiana» for the years 2022-2025.

Scientific Journals peer reviewing activities (selection):

«Studies in History and Philosophy of Science» Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (Elsevier); «Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy» (Sdvig Press); - «Journal of Transcendental Philosophy» (De Gruyter), «Discipline Filosofiche» (Quodlibet); «Intersezioni» (Il Mulino); «Gestalt Theory» (Sciendo); «Materiali di estetica» Riviste UniMi); «Itinerari Filosofici» (Mimesis); Bollettino Sfi - Società Filosofica Italiana (Carocci); «Jahrbuch für europäische Wissenschaftskultur» (Steiner Verlag); «Scenari. Rivista semestrale di filosofia contemporanea»; «Il Pensiero. Rivista di filosofia» (Inschibboleth edizioni); «Paradigmi».

Research Centers, Scientific Societies and Laboratories

- Since 2002 is member of «Die Gesellschaft für Gestalttheorie und ihre Anwendungen» (GTA)

- 2017, is one of the founding members of the Interdepartmental Laboratory "Neuroscienze & Humanities" of the University of Parma.

- Since 2018 is external member of the Scientific Committee of Departmental Centre «FormaMentis» of the Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona.

- Since 2019, member of the Interdepartmental Laboratory "Neuroscienze & Humanities" of the University of Parma.

- Since 2019, member of the University Center of Bioethics of Parma.

Organization or member of scientific committees of International Conferences/Congressees (selection):

2006, The Second International Symposium of Cognition, Logic and Communication, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia: Oswald Külpe: Aspects of a Qualitative Science, December 8-9 (member of the scientific committee)

- 2007, International Convention Relations and structures, Università di Macerata, 25-27 May (member of the scientific committee)

- 2009, International Convention, Neuroscience trifft Gestaltpsychologie, Universität Osnabrück, 26-29 March (member of the scientific committee)

- 2013, International Convention, Creative Processes, 11-14 Aprile, 2013, Universität Karlsruhe (member of the scientific committee)

- 2015, International Convention, Internazionale «Body, Mind, Expression», Parma 21-23 May (organization and member of the scientific committee)

Funded Research Projekts – PRIN

- PRIN 2001: La responsabilità morale e la concretezza storica tra fondazione e comunicazione (PI: Prof. Francesco Bianco), participation as a member – Unity of Parma.

- PRIN 2002: Il cervello come organo dell’anima e individuo. Neurologia e filosofia nella psichiatria romantica (1800-1820) (PI: prof. Stefano Poggi), participation as a member – Unity of Firenze.

- PRIN 2004: Fenomenologia e psicologia: dall'analisi dell'esperienza alla costruzione della persona e della validità (PI: prof. Fulvio Tessitore), participation as a member -  Unity of Parma.

- PRIN 2008: Storia, fenomenologia e teoria dei valori (PI: prof. Giuseppe Antonio Di Marco), participation as a member – Unity of Parma.

- PRIN 2010-11: Il mind/body problem alla luce della riflessione etica contemporanea (PI: prof. prof. Franco Biasutti), participation as a member – Unity of Parma.

Member Teaching Staff PhD and tutoring role

- 2003 - PhD Programme Title: "Studi filosofici e scienze della letteratura".

University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2003/2004 - Cycle: XIX - Duration in years: 3.

- 2004 - PhD Programme Title: "Filosofia e Antropologia", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2004/2005 - Cycle: XX - Duration in years: 3. [with also tutor’s role]

- 2005 - PhD Programme Title: "Filosofia e Antropologia", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2005/2006 - Cycle: XXI - Duration in years: 3.

- 2006 - PhD Programme Title: "Filosofia e Antropologia" University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2006/2007 - Cycle: XXII - Duration in years: 3.

- 2007 – PhD Programme Title: "Psicologia Sociale" University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2007/2008 - Cycle: XXIII - Duration in years: 3.

- 2008 – PhD Programme Title: "Psicologia" University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2008/2009 - Cycle: XXIV - Duration in years: 3 [with also tutor’s role]

- 2009 – PhD Programme Title: "Psicologia", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2009/2010 - Cycle: XXV - Duration in years: 3.

- 2010 - PhD Programme Title: "Psicologia", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2010/2011 - Cycle: XXVI - Duration in years: 3.

- 2011 - PhD Programme Title: "Filosofia e Antropologia", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2011/2012 - Cycle: XXVII - Duration in years: 3.

- 2012 – PhD Programme Title: "Filosofia e Antropologia", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2012/2013 - Cycle: XXVIII - Duration in years: 3.

- 2013 – PhD Programme Title: "Scienze Filologico-Letterarie, Storico-Filosofiche e Artistiche" University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2013/2014 - Cycle: XXIX - Duration in years: 3. [with also tutor’s role]

- 2014 – PhD Programme Title: "Scienze Filologico-Letterarie, Storico-Filosofiche e Artistiche", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2014/15 - Cycle: XXX - Duration in years: 3.

- 2015 – PhD Programme Title: "Scienze Filologico-Letterarie, Storico-Filosofiche e Artistiche", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2015/16 - Cycle: XXXI - Duration in years: 3.

-2016 – PhD Programme Title: "Scienze Filologico-Letterarie, Storico-Filosofiche e Artistiche", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2016/17 - Cycle: XXXII - Duration in years: 3.

- 2017 – PhD Programme Title: "Scienze Filologico-Letterarie, Storico-Filosofiche e Artistiche", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2017/18 - Cycle: XXXIII - Duration in years: 3.

- 2019 – PhD Programme Title: "Scienze Filologico-Letterarie, Storico-Filosofiche e Artistiche", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2018/2019 - Cycle: XXXIV - Duration in years: 3.

-2020 – PhD Programme Title: "Scienze Filologico-Letterarie, Storico-Filosofiche e Artistiche", University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2019/2020 - Cycle: XXXIV - Duration in years: 3.

- 2021 - PhD Programme Title: "Scienze Filologico-Letterarie, Storico-Filosofiche e Artistiche”, University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2020/2021 – Cycle: XXXVII - Duration in years: 3.  

2022 - PhD Programme Title: “Scienze Filologico-Letterarie, Storico-Filosofiche e Artistiche",  ”, University of Parma. Starting academic year: 2021/2022 - Cycle: XXXVIII: 38 - Duration in years: 3.


Ph.D. in partnership with European Universities

- 2017 - Ph.D. in partnership Universität Wien – Università degli Studi di Ferrara. Co-supervision of the thesis: The Ontological Nature of Part-Whole-Oscillations: An Interdisciplinary Determination (dott. Michael Stadler).

- 2019 - Ph.D. in partnership Université de Liège - Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo. Member of the evaluation commission of the thesis: Du sensible à l’idéal Usages du concept de Gestalt chez Mach, Ehrenfels & Meinong (dott. Aurelien Zincq) (thesis defense: Université de Liège, 11/10/2019).


Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014



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