Roberto Fornari is a Full Professor of Physics at the Dept. of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences of Parma University, where he coordinates the Semiconductor Group. In this University he also served as Vice-Rector for Research (2017 – 2023) and as Chair of the Physical Section of the Department (2017 - 2018).
- Degree in Physics with honours (110/110 e Lode) in 1980 at Parma University.
- 1981-2003 he was at Institute of Materials for Electronics and Magnetism of CNR (MASPEC, later renamed IMEM); Researcher, Senior Researcher from 1999, Director of Research from 2001.
- 2003-2013 Director Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth (IKZ)
- 2003-2013 In parallel to IKZ Director he was Full Professor at the Technical University of Brandenburg (till 2007) and then at Humboldt University, Berlin
- From October 2013 University of Parma, Full Professor (direct call from abroad as eminent scientist)
- Univ. Parma: 2014 – to date, course on “Physics and Technology of Materials” for MS Physics
- Univ. Parma: 2023 – to date, course on “Science and Technology of Functional Materials” for BS Materials Science
- Univ. Parma: 2022 – to date, Master in scientific communication, lectures “Communicating exact sciences”
- Univ. Parma: 2013-2021, course “Classical Mechanics” for BS Chemistry
- TU Brandenburg and Humboldt University Berlin, 2003-2013, courses on “Fundamentals and methods of crystal growth” for MS Physics
- Lecturer at 34 intern. schools on materials science, crystal growth, and semiconductor physics
- Lecturer at Europ. School of Advanced Studies in Materials Science, College of Pavia, 1998-2004.
- Lecturer and Faculty member Master on Crystallography and Crystallisation; Univ. of Granada and Sevilla (Spain), 2008-2011
- Overseas Visiting Professor, Anna University, Chennai, India 2010 – to date
- Supervision of 38 undergraduate and PhD students, and 5 post-docs
He has over 40-year experience in development and investigation of advanced materials, especially semiconductors, and pioneered the activities on oxide semiconductors in Europe. In 2009 he launched the programme on metal-oxide semiconductors (Ga2O3, In2O3) at IKZ Berlin, when he was director of that institute, and introduced the semiconducting oxide research at Parma University in 2014.
Responsible of research projects for total 3.2 million Euro.
Major areas of research
- At IMEM-CNR: Bulk and epitaxial semiconductors for advanced applications (GaAs, InP, GaN and InGaN)
- At IKZ, Berlin: He launched and coordinated projects on bulk AlN and GaN, solar silicon, silicon nano-structures, novel perovskites, piezo-electric oxides, bulk and epitaxial semiconductor oxides.
- At Univ. of Parma: He launched in 2014 the research programme on Gallium Oxide and related alloys for power electronics and UV-detectors.
About 260 papers, of which about 200 in peer-review journals and 60 in conference proceedings, 10 patents and 16 invited chapters and reviews. He personally gave 61 invited/plenary talks at international conferences, and over 40 seminars at different universities and research institutions.
From 2020 he is included in the list of World’s Top 2% Scientists elaborated by Stanford University
- Premio Mammi 2017 of Italian Crystallographic Association (AIC)
- GIAN fellow, Global Initiative of Academic Network, India 2018 (faculty of Higher Education Initiatives at India’s primary universities)
- Invited twice to present his results in USAF laboratories in the frame of Window-on-Science programme of AFOSF, for "distinguished foreign researchers”; 1992, 1995
- Intern. Organization for Crystal Growth (IOCG): President 2010 -16; Vice-president 2007-10; Member Executive Committee 2001- 06 and 2016 -2023.
- Europ. Materials Research Soc. (E-MRS); Member Executive Committee 2011-2017
- International Union of Crystallography (IUCR) - Commission on Crystal Growth and Characterisation of Materials: Chair Triennia 1999 - 02, 2002- 05; Member Triennium 2005 - 08
- Società Italiana di Cristallografia (AIC)-Crystal Growth Section: Member 1994 - 2000; Chair of section 2000 - 03
- Scientific Council of MIST-ER (Laboratory of micro- and submicro-technology, High-Technology Network of Region Emilia-Romagna), Member 2014 - 2020
- Member Program/Advisory Committee of about 80 international conferences.
- Chair or Co-Chair of 13 international conferences and 5 schools
- Director Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth, Berlin (Germany), 2003 - 2013.
- Vorstand Forschungsverbund Berlin eV (Executive Board of Berlin Research Alliance), CEO 2009-11, Councillor 2003-09 and 2011 – 13
- January 2017-April 2018 Chair Physical Section of Dept. of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences, University of Parma
- November 2017-October 2023, Vice-Rector for Research, University of Parma
He has been/is Associate editor/Member Editorial Board of following journals:
- Discover Materials (Springer Nature)
- J. Crystal Growth (Elsevier)
- Crystal Research and Technology (Wiley)
- J. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials (INOE, Academy of Sciences Rumania)
- J. Mater. Sci. Eng. B (Elsevier)
He has edited one encyclopaedia, two major works, one book, and seven school and conference proceedings. Among the major works: Editor-in-Chief of "Comprehensive Semiconductors Science and Technology 2nd edition ", 3 volumes, Elsevier (2024) and "Comprehensive Semiconductors Science and Technology 1st edition", 6 volumes, Elsevier (2011), co-edited with P. Bhattacharya and H. Kamimura. Further books are: "Single Crystals of Electronic Materials", Woodhead Publ., 2018 and “Theoretical and Technological Aspects of Crystal Growth” co-edited with C. Paorici, Materials Science Forum. Vols. 276-277, Trans Tech Publ. Ltd, Zurich 1998
(last updated December 2024)