- Curriculum Vitae
- Teaching
- Appointments
- Research
Academic career
2012 Degree in Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche (University of Parma)
2016 PhD in "Design and synthesis of biologically active compounds" (XXVIII cycle - University of Parma)
- European PhD program EUROPIN (European Pharmacoinformatics Initiative)
- Secondment at prof. Francesco L. Gervasio's reasearch group (Department of Chemistry, University College London).
2016-2020 Post-doc at the Department of food and drug, University of Parma
2020-2022 Research fellow (Ricercatore a tempo determinato (lettera a L.240/2010))
Current position Research fellow (Ricercatore a tempo determinato (lettera b L.240/2010))
2021-2024 Co-chair of the Advanced school in Drug Research and Development (
2022 "Premio Divisione di Chimica Farmaceutica" award of the Division of medicinal chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI)
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - HUMAN NUTRITION SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2023/2024
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - HUMAN NUTRITION SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2022/2023
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - HUMAN NUTRITION SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2021/2022
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - HUMAN NUTRITION SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2020/2021
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021
- Course year: 4 - Full cicle (5 years) - PHARMACY - A.Y.: 2017/2018
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018
- Course year: 2 - Full cicle (5 years) - PHARMACY - A.Y.: 2016/2017
Teacher tutor
- DRUG SCIENCES A.Y. 2024/2025
- DRUG SCIENCES A.Y. 2023/2024
- DRUG SCIENCES A.Y. 2022/2023
- DRUG SCIENCES A.Y. 2021/2022
- Full cicle (5 years) PHARMACY A.Y. 2020/2021
Other appointments
Member of the Board of Teachers for the PhD Program in Drug Sciences at Università degli Studi di Parma
Co-chair of the Advanced School in Drug Reaseach & Development promoted by Regione Emilia-Romagna
Lines of research
Year: 2024Author/s: Taranto Sara, Castelli Riccardo, Marseglia Giuseppe, Scalvini Laura, Vacondio Federica, Gianoncelli Alessandra, Ribaudo Giovanni, Faletti Jessica, Gazzaroli Giorgia, Rocca Edoardo, Ronca Roberto, Rusnati Marco, Sacco Antonio, Roccaro Aldo Maria, Presta Marco, Mor Marco, Giacomini Arianna, Rivara Silvia
Year: 2024Author/s: Bedini A., Elisi G. M., Fanini F., Retini M., Scalvini L., Pasquini S., Contri C., Varani K., Spadoni G., Mor M., Vincenzi F., Rivara S.
Year: 2024Author/s: Guidetti Lorenzo, Castelli Riccardo, Zappia Alfonso, Ferrari Francesca Romana, Giorgio Carmine, Barocelli Elisabetta, Pagliaro Luca, Vento Federica, Roti Giovanni, Scalvini Laura, Vacondio Federica, Rivara Silvia, Mor Marco, Lodola Alessio, Tognolini Massimiliano
Year: 2023Author/s: Ferrari Francesca Romana, Giorgio Carmine, Zappia Alfonso, Ballabeni Vigilio, Bertoni Simona, Barocelli Elisabetta, Scalvini Laura, Galvani Francesca, Mor Marco, Lodola Alessio, Tognolini Massimiliano
Year: 2023Author/s: Galvani F., Pala D., Cuzzolin A., Scalvini L., Lodola A., Mor M., Rizzi A.
Parco Area delle Scienze, 27/A
43124 PARMA