
BERTUCCI Alessandro

Professore di II fascia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Chimica analitica
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Office hour
  • Teaching
  • Appointments
  • Research


Prof. Alessandro Bertucci graduated in 2009 (Bachelor's degree) and then in 2011 (Master's Degree in Chemistry) with a grade of 110/110 cum laude at the University of Parma. From 2012 to 2015 he was a PhD student in co-tutorship Italy-France at the University of Parma with Prof. Roberto Corradini and at the University of Strasbourg (Institut de Sciences et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires) with Prof. Luisa De Cola. For his co-tutored doctorate he receives a doctoral fellowship from the French Embassy in. Italy, which finances his project carried out during his stay in France. In 2015 he received the double degree of PhD in Chemical Sciences and “Docteur en Chimie” for his thesis “Hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces for biomedical applications”. His work received the "Best scientific thesis in France" award from the cultural association Naturalia et Biologia in Paris. From 2015 to 2016 he was a Postdoc at the University of Rome Tor Vergata in the group of Prof. Francesco Ricci, where he specialized in DNA nanotechnology for applications in analytical chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, synthetic biology and nanomedicine. As a part of this postdoctoral appointment, he was visiting postdoc for 5 months at the Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in La Jolla, CA, USA, working under the supervision of Prof. MD. Erkki Ruoslahti and in collaboration with Prof. Sangeeta Bhatia at the MIT in Boston. In 2016 he was short-term postdoc at the University of Melbourne in Australia in the group of Prof. Frank Caruso, as he received an Endeavour Research Fellowship from the Australian Government. In 2017 he was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Research Fellowship, the most prestigious individual fellowship in Europe, on the basis of his project aimed to combine porous nanomaterials and engineered nucleic acids engineered to develop precision medicine tools, which was carried out at the University of California San Diego, CA, USA with Prof. Michael Sailor and at the University of Rome Tor Vergata with Prof. Francesco Ricci. In 2020 he received a postdoctoral fellowship from the Umberto Veronesi Cancer Foundation to carry out his project on artificial biological circuits in the group of Prof. Francesco Ricci. In September 2020, he joined the University of Parma as a Tenure-track Assistant Professor through an expedited “direct call” hiring pathway on his having been the recipient of prestigious research fellowships. He is embedded in the scientific-disciplinary sector CHIM/ 01 Analytical Chemistry. He is currently chair of the Bioanalytical Methods class at the M.Sc. Degree course in Genomic, Molecular and Industrial Biotechnologies. He will then be the chair of the Analytical Chemistry for Materials class in the recently established B. Sc. Degree course in Materials Science. Prof. Bertucci’s interests lie on the design of artificial biomolecular systems for the development of sensors and bioanalytical strategies, as well as on precision medicine approaches harnessing nanomaterials and nucleic acids. His research activity is documented by about 20 peer-reviewed publications in international journals, 2 book chapters and 1 patent graned for the invention of biodegradable capsules for the release of therapeutic proteins. Index H: 11 (Scopus, June 2021). N ° of citations: 561 (Scopus, June 2021).

Prof. Bertucci was a Finalist of the 2018 ISSNAF Award for Young Investigators - Environmental Sciences, Astrophysics, and Chemistry, for which he was invited as a speaker at the Embassy of Italy in the United States in Washington DC, and winner of the  International Galileo Galilei Prize 2021 awarded by the Rotary Club International (District 2072).

Every day upon appointment.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021


Teacher tutor

Lines of research

In Nature, information is processed, stored and transmitted through dynamic biomolecular interactions - that is, through an advanced communication system between biomolecules that makes recognition, action and function intimately connected. The research activity of Prof. Bertucci focuses on integrating the principles of molecular recognition found in the biological world with the artificial, rational design typical of chemistry, materials science and nanotechnologies, in order to create hybrid systems and interfaces useful for the manufacture of sensors for diagnostics, the design of nanomedicine and precision medicine approaches, and the development of programmable bio-artificial systems. His interests span biomolecular engineering, DNA nanotechnology, analytical chemistry and materials science.



Office location
Campus Scienze e Tecnologie - Padiglione 01 - Plesso di Chimica
Parco Area delle Scienze, 17/A
43124 PARMA