- Curriculum Vitae
- Orario di ricevimento
- Insegnamenti
- Incarichi
- Ricerca
- Terza Missione
- First name: Mario
- Last name: Silva
- Born in Parma (Italy), 1983
- Married, two daughters, one son
EDUCATION Education in Medicine and Radiology
- 2002 – 2008 Medical School, graduation 110/110 “cum laude” at University of Parma (IT);
- 2007 – 2009 Internship in Radiology at the University of Parma (Chief Prof. M. Zompatori) (IT);
- 2009 Medical Board exam habilitation at University of Parma (IT);
- 2009 Medical License: Albo Provinciale dei Medici Chirurghi di PIACENZA (Ordine della Provincia di Piacenza) n. 0000002323;
- 2010 Course of Cardiac CT for Trainees: “IV Corso Residenziale di Cardio TC per Specializzandi”. Coordinator: Cademartiri F, MD, PhD. Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma (IT);
- 2011 – 2012 Trainee in Cardio-Vascular Imaging at the Diagnostic Imaging Department of Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi (Bologna, IT);
- 2009 – 2014 Trainee in Diagnostic Imaging School at the University of Parma (IT),
graduated in Diagnostic Imaging in July 2014.
CLINICAL CAREER Clinical Expertise
Main expertise in Pulmonary, Cardiac, Vascular, Oncologic, and Emergency Imaging.
- 2014 – present University Hospital of Parma.
- 2014 – present Multidisciplinary Team of Thoracic Oncology at the University Hospital of Parma (weekly multidisciplinary discussion » 15-30 cases/week)
- 2018-2025 Basic Life Support - Defibrillation (BLS-D) certificate according to America Heart Association (AHA - )
- 2018-2024 Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certificate by the NIDA Clinical Trials Network ( )
- 2019-2025 Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) certificate according to America Heart Association (AHA - )
- April 2021 – October 2021 subscription and attendance at the “Master di Formazione per Direzione di UOC di Radiologia” issued by Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica (SIRM)
- September 2021 – December 2021 – “Aggiornamento formative sulle esposizioni mediche – CORSO SIRM-AIFM-AIRM D.Lgs.101/20” issued by Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica (SIRM)
- October 2021 – “Tutela della privacy in ambito sanitario” issued by Servizio Sanitario Regionale Emilia Romagna
- November 2021 – “La trasparenza nella Pubblica Amministrazione” issued by Regione Emilia Romagna
- 2010 – 2023 Research Fellow in lung cancer screening trial at the Multicenter Italian Lung Detection (MILD and bioMILD), Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori (INT, Milan, Italy);
- 2013 Research Fellow in Cardiothoracic Imaging at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA)
- 2014 – 2018 Reading Radiologist in lung cancer screening at the MILD and bioMILD trials at Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano (screening low-dose computed tomography read: > 10,000).
- 2020 – present Associate Researcher at the Institute for Diagnostic Accuracy Consulting B.V. (iDNA) in the field of lung cancer screening and early diagnosis of smoking related lung disease and cardiovascular risk factors
Academic positions
- 2014-2017 – Doctorate in Surgical Sciences and Applied Microbiology at the University of Parma (IT). Date of PhD defense: March 15, 2017
- 2015 – 2020 Assistant Professor at the University of Parma, Department of Surgical Sciences [RTD art. 24 lettera a), legge n. 240 del 30 dicembre 2010; SC 06/I1, SSD MED/36 Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Therapy].
- 2020 – present Vice President of the Degree course in IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY TECHNIQUES, University of Parma
- 2021 – 2024 Assistant Professor at the University of Parma, Department of Surgical Sciences [RTD art. 24 lettera b), legge n. 240 del 30 dicembre 2010; SC 06/I1, SSD MED/36 Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Therapy].
- 2021 – Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Massachusetts, Department of Radiology in the TH Chan School of Medicine at the UMass Chan Medical School (Worcester, MA, USA).
URL: - 2024 – Associate Professor at the University of Parma, Department of Surgical Sciences
SC 06/I1, SSD MED/36 Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Therapy
Academic Certifications
- 2018 – Certification for Associate Professorship issued by the National Scientific Review Board (Abilitazione Scientifca Nazionale – ASN – alle funzioni di Professore Universitario di II Fascia, valida dal 02/10/2018 al 02/10/2024 art. 16, comma 1, Legge 240/10 – Official publication at ).
- 2022 – Certification for Full Professorship issued by the National Scientific Review Board (Abilitazione Scientifca Nazionale – ASN – alle funzioni di Professore Universitario di I Fascia, valida dal 07/06/2022 al 07/06/2032 art. 16, comma 1, Legge 240/10 – Official publication at ) – See “Attachment 1”.
- 2016 – present Chief of teaching course and Official teaching Assignment: Operating Protocols Magnetic Resonance And Computed Tomography; Degree Course In Imaging And Radiotherapy Techniques, University Of Parma
- 2017 – present Residency Program in Diagnostic Imaging at the University of Parma
- 2017 – present Official teaching Assignment: Diagnostics Of Images And Radiology; Master Degree In Medical School, University of Parma
- 2018 – present Official teaching Assignment: Diagnostics Of Images And Radiology; Master Degree In Dentist School, University of Parma
- Students and trainees mentoring
- Responsibility of degree thesis for:
- Master Degree in Medical School
- Degree course in Imaging And Radiotherapy Techniques
- Residency Program in Diagnostic Imaging
- Manager of International exchange program at the Section of Radiology, Department of Medicine and Surgery (DiMeC) at the Univeristy of Parma:
- 2019 Visiting Professor: Sundeep M Nayak, MD, Senior Physician, The Permanente Medical Group, Inc. – San Leandro, California
- Committee member and Secretariat in Academic job competions for research positions, including post-doc positions:
- Role: Secretary
Selection: Procedura di selezione pubblica, per titoli e colloquio, indetta con decreto rettorale rep drd n. 309/2018, prot. 27097 in data 09/02/2018, per il conferimento di n. 1 assegno di ricerca di durata 24 mesi avente per argomento ”Micro-tomografia computerizzata nello sviluppo dei farmaci: un metodo non invasivo per valutare la progression di malattia”, per il s.s.d. MED/36 “Diagnostica per immagini e radioterapia” presso il Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Università di Parma, ai sensi dell’art. 22 della legge 240/2010 - Role: Secretary
Selection: Procedura di selezione pubblica, per titoli e colloquio, indetta con decreto rettorale rep. drd n. 462/2020 prot. 93856 del 26.05.2020, per il conferimento di n. 1 assegno di ricerca di durata 24 mesi avente per argomento ”Micro-tomografia computerizzata nello sviluppo dei farmaci: un metodo non invasivo per valutare la progressione di malattia”, per il s.s.d. MED/36 “Diagnostica per immagini e radioterapia” presso il Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Università di Parma, ai sensi dell’art. 22 della legge 240/2010 - Role: Secretary
Selection: Bando per conferimento di contratto di diritto private a titolo gratuito a dirigenti medici per la Scuola di Specializzazione in Radiodiagnostica dell’Università di Parma per l’anno accadmeico 2019/2020, ai sensi del DM. n. 68 del 4 febbraio 2015
- Role: Secretary
- Invited Faculty:
- University of Padova, Italy – Host Faculty: Prof. Paolo Spagnolo
Residency Program in Pulmonology. Symposium: “Lung cancer screening and clinical management of lung nodule”. December 20, 2019 – Padova (IT).- University of Massachusetts Medical Center and University of Massachusetts Medical School, Massachusetts (USA) – Host Faculty: Prof. Max Rosen and Prof. Alexander Bankier
- 13th Annual Edward Smith Lecture “Living through Covid -19 in Northern Italy – views from a radiologist, physician, and citizen”. June 10, 2020 – Online and Worcester (MA)
- Residency Program in Radiology “Difficulties in ILD imaging: IPF vs CHP”. November 20, 2020 – Online and Worcester (MA)
- University of Massachusetts Medical Center and University of Massachusetts Medical School, Massachusetts (USA) – Host Faculty: Prof. Max Rosen and Prof. Alexander Bankier
- University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy – Host Faculty: Prof. Alessandro Carriero
Italian Network of Residency Program in Radiology. Symposium: “La dispnea”. March 8, 2022 – Online National Streaming. - University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy – Host Faculty: Prof. Guido Ligabue
Residency Program in Radiology. Symposium: “Semeiotica del nodulo polmonare”. March 13, 2023 – Modena (IT). - University of Piemonte Orientale, Italy – Host Faculty: Prof. Alessandro Carriero
Italian Network of Residency Program in Radiology. Symposium: “Tumore polmonare: semeiotica imaging del paziente con malattia avanzata”. March 15, 2023 – Online National Streaming. - National Doctorate:
- Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Dottorato di Ricerca in Oncologia, Ematologia e Patologia (XXXVI Ciclo)
Title: “A machine learning approach to identify patients with resected non-small-cell lung cancer with high risk of relapse”
Candidate: Andrea Prochowski Iamurri
Role: Reviewer (2023)
- Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
- International Doctorate:
- University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Candidate: Sunyi Zheng
Role: Opposition committee in PhD Defense (June 22, 2021)
- University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- 2014 RSNA Introduction to Research for International Young Academics (IRIYA) Program, sponsored by the Committee on International Radiology Education (CIRE).
- 2015 The Outstanding Young Person (TOYP) Prize in Category “Research” organized by the Junior Chamber International (JCI), Parma Section, Italy.
- 2015 “Premio Luigi Pigorini” National award to proficient scientific production in Thoracic Imaging, for Radiologists under the age of 40 – Società Italiana di Radiologia medica (SIRM), Section of Thoracic Imaging.
- 2017 European Congress of Radiology (ECR 2017, March 1-5 – Vienna, Austria): Best Scientific Paper Presentation Award 2017 within the topic "Chest"
Awarded presentation: “Subsolid and Part-Solid Nodules in Lung Cancer Screening: Comparison Between Visual and Computer-Aided Detection” Silva M, Capretti G, Sverzellati N, Jacobs J, Ciompi F, van Ginneken B, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Marchianò A, Pastorino U.
- 2017 54th National Congress of the Italian Society of Rheumatology (SIR – November 22-25, Rimini, Italy) Awarded poster: “Quantification of Interstitial Lung Disease in Sjogren Syndrome” Ariani A, Silva M, Martin Garrido, Martin Segarra O, Santilli D, Mozzani F, Luque Pinilla JM, Sverzellati N, Guisado Vasco P.
- 2017 Journal of Thoracic Imaging’ (JTI) Editor’s Recognition Award for Distinction in Reviewing in 2017, as noted in the January 2018 issue of the journal.
- 2018 Journal of Thoracic Imaging’ (JTI) Editor’s Recognition Award for Distinction in Reviewing in 2018, as noted in the January 2019 issue of the journal.
Scopus Author ID: 56335785800
Web of Science ResearcherID: B-9509-2016
ORCID: 0000-0002-2538-7032
Google Scholar:
National And International Scientific Collaborations
- 2010 – 2023 Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT) – Milan, Italy
- 2014 – 2016 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), Harvard Medical School – Boston (MA), Unites States of America
- 2014 – 2023 Radboud University Medical Center – Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- 2017-2019 University of Brescia – Brescia, Italy
- 2018 – ongoing Centre of Research Excellence in Pulmonary Fibrosis (CRE-PF), Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital – Camperdown, Australia
- 2020 – present Institute for Diagnostic Accuracy Consulting B.V. (iDNA) awarded an EU project (4-in-the-lung-run) in the field of lung cancer screening and early diagnosis of smoking related lung disease and cardiovascular risk factors
- 2021 – present University of Twente (The Netherlands) leading the multicenter project “Preference study for Big-3 Screening”
- 2016 – ESTI Experienced Chest Radiology Researchers Grant – European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI).
Project title: “Information From Computed Tomography Follow-Up in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: iPFBC Multicenter Pooled Comparison With Clinical and Functional Metrics”
Role: Principal Investigator
Funding: 7,500 euros - 2019 – Italian Foundation for Cancer Research (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro, AIRC) Investigator Grant - IG 2019
Project title: “A Radio-Immuno-Genomic Approach to Identify Prognostic and Predictive Models for the Response to Immunotherapy in NSCLC” – PI: Prof. Nicola Sverzellati (Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy)
Grant ID: 23606
Role: Experienced researcher
Funding: 1,119,000 euros - 2019 – Fondazione Cariparma
Project title: “Progetto Salute Parma (PSP): Prevenzione Primaria e Secondaria del Danno da Fumo” (Primary and Secondary Prevention (PSP) of Smoking Related Damage: Parma Project) – PI: Prof. Nicola Sverzellati (Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy)
Grant ID: 0166/2019
Role: Scientific collaborator
Funding: 139,000 euros - 2020 – University of Parma “Bando straordinario di Ateneo per progetti di ricerca biomedica in ambito SARS-CoV-2 e COVID-19”
Project title: “Morbilità e mortalità da Covid-19 nel diabete mellito di tipo 2: possibile ruolo del macrofago e impatto di farmaci anti-diabete” – PI: Prof. Riccardo Bonadonna (Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy)
Role: Scientific collaborator - 2020 – Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), National Research Programme (NRP) 78 entitled “COVID-19”
Project title: “AI-multi-omics-based Prognostic Stratification of COVID-19 Patients in Acute and Chronic State” – PI: Alexander Pollinger (Inselspital Bern, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland)
Role: Scientific collaborator
Funding: 617,665 CHF - 2020 – Italian Ministry of Health, BANDO RICERCA FINALIZZATA 2019
Project title: “Model for Optimized Implementation of Early Lung Cancer Detection: Prospective Evaluation Of Preventive Lung HEalth (PEOPLHE)” – PI: Prof. Nicola Sverzellati (Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy)
Role: Research team
Funding: 449,940 euro - 2022 – Italian Ministry of Health, BANDO RICERCA FINALIZZATA 2021 – Young Researchers Under 40
Project title: “A new diagnostic algorithm to non-invasively track fibrotic changes in myeloproliferative neoplasms based on C-C Chemokine Receptor 2 detection. From flow cytometry to the development of targeted Positron Emission Tomography molecular imaging. Pre-clinical studies and first in-human proof of concept” – PI: Prof. Elena Masselli
(Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy)
Role: Collaborator
Funding: 430,000 euro (GR-2021-12373308)
Clinical TrialsLung Cancer Screening by Low-Dose Computed Tomography
- MILD: Multicentric Italian Lung Detection ( Identifier: NCT02837809)
- bioMILD: Plasma microRNA Profiling as First Line Screening Test for Lung Cancer Detection: a Prospective Study ( Identifier: NCT02247453)
- SMILE: Screening and Multiple Intervention on Lung Epidemics ( Identifier: NCT03654105)
- PSP: Progetto Salute Parma: Prevenzione Primaria e Secondaria del Danno da Fumo (Primary and Secondary Prevention (PSP) of Smoking Related Damage: Parma Project) ( Identifier: NCT04282694)
- PEOPLHE: Model for Optimized Implementation of Early Lung Cancer Detection: Prospective Evaluation Of Preventive Lung HEalth
- RISP: Rete Italiana Screening Polmone
- 4-IN THE LUNG RUN: towards INdividually tailored INvitations, screening INtervals, and INtegrated co-morbidity reducing strategies in lung cancer screening
Funded in HORIZON 2020 (7,999,948.75 euro, Grant agreement ID: 848294)
Thoracic Oncology
- EORTC (European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer) Lung Cancer Group)
- Study 1417: “REACTION: A phase II study of etoposide and cis/carboplatin with or without pembrolizumab in untreated extensive small cell lung cancer”
(EudraCT number: 2014-003090-42) - Study 1613: “APPLE: Feasibility and activity of AZD9291 treatment on Positive PLasma T790M in EGFR mutant NSCLC patients”
(EudraCT number: 2016-001834-82) - Study 1525: “Single-arm, multicenter, phase II study of immunotherapy in patients with type B3 thymoma and thymic carcinoma previously treated with chemotherapy – Nivothym”
(EudraCT number: 2015-005504-28)
- Study 1417: “REACTION: A phase II study of etoposide and cis/carboplatin with or without pembrolizumab in untreated extensive small cell lung cancer”
- PARMA: Progetto AIRC Ricerca Multiomica Avanzata (A Radio-Immuno-Genomic Approach to Identify Prognostic and Predictive Models for the Response to Immunotherapy in NSCLC) ( registration underway)
- ACE-CL-007: Elevate CLL TN: Study of Obinutuzumab + Chlorambucil, Acalabrutinib (ACP-196) + Obinutuzumab, and Acalabrutinib in Subjects With Previously Untreated CLL ( Identifier: NCT02475681)
- ACE-LY-308: A Study of Bendamustine and Rituximab Alone Versus in Combination With Acalabrutinib in Subjects With Previously Untreated Mantle Cell Lymphoma ( Identifier: NCT02972840)
- 20130109: Study to Assess if ABP798 is Safe & Effective in Treating Non Hodgkin Lymphoma Compared to Rituximab (JASMINE) ( Identifier: NCT02747043)
- CC-5013-NHL-007: Rituximab Plus Lenalidomide for Patients With Relapsed / Refractory Indolent Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Follicular Lymphoma and Marginal Zone Lymphoma) (AUGMENT) ( Identifier: NCT01938001)
- GS-US-313-1580: Dose Optimization Study of Idelalisib in Follicular Lymphoma ( Identifier: NCT02536300)
- B-MIND: A Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of MOR208 With Bendamustine (BEN) Versus Rituximab (RTX) With BEN in Adult Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) ( Identifier: NCT02763319)
- PCYC-1141-CA: Study of Ibrutinib and Rituximab in Treatment Naïve Follicular Lymphoma ( Identifier: NCT02947347)
- B3281006: A Study Of PF-05280586 (Rituximab-Pfizer) Or MabThera® (Rituximab-EU) For The First-Line Treatment Of Patients With CD20-Positive, Low Tumor Burden, Follicular Lymphoma (REFLECTIONS B328-06) ( Identifier: NCT02213263)
Development Of Quantitative Imaging And Artificial Intelligence
- 2013 – 2016 Pulmo3D and Airway Examiner, MeVis - Fraunhofer, Germany
- 2013 – 2016 Parametric Response Map (PRM) for COPD phenotyping, Imbio - Minneapolis, MN
- 2013 – present Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA), Committee “QIBA Lung Density Biomarker”
- 2014 – 2018 CIRRUS Lung Screening, CAD system for detection and quantification of lung nodules – Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands
- 2014 – 2015 OraMod European project, Mutidisciplinary platform for comprehensive management of oral cancer “Imaging platform for quantitative analysis and standardized staging” – Imaging developers the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics IGD in Darmstadt (DE) and the Univeristy of Parma (IT).
Grant agreement ID: 611425 - 2016 – 2019 BD2Decide project: A Prospective Observational Study for the Development and Validation of New Prognostic Models in Head and Neck Cancer Patients for Decision Support.
European Commission funded projects within the program “Horizon2020”, accessible within the Community Research and Development Information Servive (CORDIS):
H2020-PHC-2015-689715 BD2Decide
Grant agreement ID: 689715 - 2017 – present Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA), Commitee “CT Small Lung Nodule Biomarker”
- 2020 – present Institute for Diagnostic Accuracy Consulting B.V. (iDNA) awarded an EU project (4-in-the-lung-run) in the field of lung cancer screening and early diagnosis of smoking related lung disease and cardiovascular risk factors.
Membership Of Scientific Societies
- Ordinary member of the Italian Society of Radiology (SIRM), Sections of Thoracic Imaging and Cardiovascular Imaging, since 2009
- Elected delegate of “Young Radiologists” for the Regional Group of SIRM in Emilia-Romagna 2012-2013
- Ordinary member of the European Society of Radiology since 2012
- Ordinary member of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) since 2012
- Junior member of the Radiology Society of North America (RSNA) since 2013
- Ordinary member of Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA) “COPD/Asthma” and “Lung Nodule assessment in CT screening” section at RSNA since 2013, and “CT Small Lung Nodule Biomarker Ctte” since 2018
- Silver Under 35 member of European Respiratory Society (ERS) since 2014
- European Organization for Reasearch and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC – Lung Section) since 2015
- Board member of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) since 2017
- International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) since 2021
- Elected delegate of “University Radiologists” for the Regional Group of SIRM in Emilia-Romagna 2025-2026
Membership Of International Scientific Committees
- European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI):
- Member of the “Social Media Committee” (formerly “Electronic Media Committee”) ( 2017-2025
- Lung cancer screening (LCS) certification project since 2019
URL: - European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) representative (aka: Subspecialty Society Delegate) in the European Society of Radiology (ESR) Research Committee since 2020
- Member of the “Training and Educational Committee - LCS” in the Section
- “Structured report” ( 2020-2023
- “CAD Workshops” ( 2022-2025
- European Society of Radiology (ESR): e-Learning committee “Chest Imaging” (role: Content lead) since 2018.
International Guidelines Committee
1. European Society of Radiology (ESR) and European Respitatory Society (ERS) white paper on Lung Cancer Screening. Chapters assigned:
- Italian experience: Bonomo L, Silva M
- Overdiagnosis: Silva M, Brodersen J, Gaga M, Bostantzoglou N, Revel MP
- Biomarkers for lung cancer: Silva M, Blum T, Peled N, Gaga M
- European Task Force: TF-2020-10 ERS/ESTI/ESR/ESTRO/ESTS Clinical Practice Guideline on the management of positive findings from low-dose CT screening for lung cancer
Editor For International Scientific Journals
1. European Journal of Radiology (ISSN: 0720-048X):
a. Section Editor of “Chest Imaging” since 2018 (impact factor 2.462)
b. Lead Editor of Section “Chest Imaging” since 2021 (impact factor 2.687)
2. Tumori Journal (ISSN: 0300-8916): Section Editor of “Imaging Section” since 2019 (impact factor 1.304) – URL:
3. British Journal of Radiology (ISSN: 0007-1285): Associate Editor of “Respiratory/Chest Diagnostics” since 2020 (impact factor 1.939) – URL:
Reviewer For International Authorities
1. Appointed peer reviewer by Cancer Research UK ( ), for the specific task of Early Detection Research Committee:
a. Application Title: “ASCENT: Analysis of screen-detected lung cancers genomic traits”
Application Reference: C9429/A28706
2. Interface Politikstudien Forschung Beratung GmbH ( ): appointed as “Italian expert” in International survey for planning of Lung Cancer Screening at population level in Switzerland
Reviewer For International Scientific Journals (selection)
- “Respiration” (ISSN: 0025-7931) since 2013 (impact factor 2.651);
- “COPD: Journal Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease” (ISSN: 1541-2555) since 2013 (impact factor 2.673);
- “BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders” (ISSN: 1471-2474) since 2014 (impact factor 1.941);
- “Chest” (Print ISSN: 0012-3692; Online ISSN: 1931-3543) since 2014 (impact factor 5.94);
- “Journal of Thoracic Imaging” (Print ISSN: 0883-5993; Online ISSN: 1536-0237) since 2014 (impact factor 1.723);
- “Tumori Journal” (ISSN: 0300-8916) since 2015 (impact factor 1.071);
- “Cancer Imaging” (ISSN: 1470-7330) since 2015 (impact factor 1.470);
- “European Radiology” (Print ISSN: 0938-7994; Online ISSN: 1432-1084) since 2015 (impact factor 3.640);
- “QJM: an International Journal of Medicine” (Print ISSN 1460-2725; Online ISSN 1460-2393) since 2015 (impact factor 2.634);
- “Eurorad” brought by the European Society of Radiology ( ) since 2016.
- “Acta Radiologica” (Print ISSN: 0284-1851; Online ISSN: 1600- 0455) since 2016 (impact factor 2.009);
- “BMC Pulmonary Medicine” (ISSN: 1471-2466) since 2017 (impact factor 2.329);
- “European Journal of Radiology” (ISSN: 0720-048X) since 2017 (impact factor 2.462);
- “Investigative Radiology” (ISSN: 0020-9996; Online ISSN: 1536-0210) since 2018 (impact factor 5.195);
- “International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IJTLD)” (ISSN: 1027-3719; Online ISSN: 1815-7920) since 2018 (impact factor 2.468);
- “British Medical Journal Open (BMJ Open)” (Online ISSN: 2044-6055) since 2018 (impact factor 2.413);
- “European Respiratory Journal (ERJ)” (ISSN: 0903-1936; Online ISSN: 1399-3003) since 2018 (impact factor 12.242).
- “Lung Cancer” (ISSN: 0169-5002) since 2019 (impact factor 4.486).
- “British Journal of Radiology” (ISSN: 0007-1285) since 2019 (impact factor 2.050).
- “Respiratory Medicine” (ISSN: 0954-6111) since 2019 (impact factor 3.230).
- “Radiology” (ISSN: 0033-8419) since 2019 (impact factor 7.469).
- “BMC Cancer Communications” (ISSN: 2523-3548) since 2019 (impact factor 3.644).
- “Cancer epidemics” (ISSN: 1877-7821) since 2019 (impact factor 2.619).
- “American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine – AJRCCM” (ISSN: 1073-449X; Online ISSN: 1535-4970) since 2019 (impact factor: 16.494).
- “Academic Radiology” (ISSN: 1878-4046) since 2019 (impact factor: 2.267).
- “BMC Family Practice” (ISSN: 1471-2296) since 2019 (impact factor: 2.666).
- “Respirator Reaserch” (ISSN: 1465-993X) since 2019 (IF: 3.829).
- “The Lancet Digital Health” (ISSN: 2589-7500) since 2020.
- “BMC Infectious disease” (ISSN: 1471-2334) since 2020 (IF: 2.580).
- “Annals of Oncology” (ISSN: 0923-7534) since 2020 (IF: 18.274).
- “Cancers” (ISSN: 2072-6694) since 2021 (IF: 6.126)
- “Respiratory Investigation” (ISSN: 2212-5345) since 2021 (IF: 1.64)
- “The Lancet Oncology” (ISSN: 1470-2045 – eISSN: 1474-5488) since 2022 (IF: 41.316)
- “The Lancet Respiratory Medicine” (ISSN: 2213-2600) since 2023 (IF: 102.642)
- Cancer Dissemination Pathways (Series ISSN 2510-3474): The Thorax (1st ed. 2020 Edition) – Sverzellati N, Silva M Editors (Springer; eBook ISBN 978-3-030-27233-3; hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-27232-6)
- Radiologia Medica collections 2010 – Corso Monotematico di radiologia Toracica
Authors: Sverzellati N, Silva M, Zompatori M. Chapter: BOOP and other interstitial lung diseases. - Patologia Toracica di Interesse Chirurgico - Monte Università Parma Editore 2011 – Parma – Italia – IMAGING DELLA PATOLOGIA NEOPLASTICA DEL TORACE
Authors: Di Lauro E, Silva M, Rossi C, Buttarelli L, Sverzellati N. - Atlas of Diffuse Lung Diseases – A Multidisciplinary Approach – Dalpiaz G, Cancellieri A Editors (Springer; ISBN 3319427504) – Chapters “Septal Disease” and “Nodular Disease”
Authors: Sverzellati N, Silva M - Bronchiectasis. The EMBARC Manual – Chalmers JD, Polverino E, Aliberti S Editors (Springer; ISBN 978-3-319-61451-9; ISBN e-book: 978-3-319-61452-6) – Chapter “Imaging of Bronchiectasis”
Authors: Silva M, Milanese G, Sverzellati N. - ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine 3rd edition (2019) – Luscher T, Camm J, Maurer G, Serruys P Editors (Oxfor University Press) – Section 009: Chest radiography, Chapter “Focal abnormalities” Authors: Milanese G, Silva M, Sverzellati N.
- Cancer Dissemination Pathways (Series ISSN 2510-3474): The Thorax (1st ed. 2020 Edition) – Sverzellati N, Silva M Editors (Springer; eBook ISBN 978-3-030-27233-3; hardcover ISBN 978-3-030-27232-6)
- Chapter 2: “Radiological Signs of Tumor Dissemination” – Authors: Beer L, Oberndorfer F, Silva M, Prosch H
- Chapter 7: “Other Mediastinal Tumors” – Authors: Milone F, Taronna G, Gnetti L, Silva M
- Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology 7th Edition (Elsevier; Hardcover ISBN 9780702075247; eBook ISBN 9780702075612– 9780702075629) – Adam A, Dixon A, Gillard J, Schaefer-Prokop CM Editors (2020) – Section “Chest and Cardiovascular System”, Chapter 9 “High-Resolution Computed Tomography of Interstitial and Occupational Lung Disease” – Authors Silva M, Sverzellati N
- Malattie dell’apparato respiratorio – Pneumologia e Chirurgia Toracica 2nd Edition (ISBN-13 978-8855320542) – Loizzi M, Oliaro A. Ed. Minerva Medica (2021) – Chapter “La TC del torace nello screening del tumore polmonare”
Authors: Cardianle L, Stranieri G, Chiado’ A, Silva M - Artificial Intelligence in Cardiothoracic Imaging (ISBN-13 978-3030920869) – De Cecco CN, van Assen M, Leiner T. Editors (2022) – Chapter “Artificial Intelligence-Based Evaluation of Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease”
Authors: Silva M, Milanese G, Ledda RE, Maddalo M, Sverzellati N. - Imaging in Geriatrics (ISBN 978-3-031-14877-4) – Guglielmi G, Maas M. Editors (2023) – Chapter “Airway Diseases in Geriatric Patients”
Authors: Balbi M, Ledda RE, Pamparino S, Milanese G, Silva M, Sverzellati N.
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h-index: 29 (source: Scopus )
Documents: 135
Citations: 3,234
January 22, 2024
- Silva M, Sverzellati N, Manna C, Negrini G, Marchianò A, Zompatori M, Rossi C, Pastorino U. Long-term surveillance of ground-glass nodules: evidence from the MILD trial. J Thorac Oncol. 2012 Oct;7(10):1541-6.
doi: 10.1097/JTO.0b013e3182641bba - De Filippo M, Castagna A, Steinbach SL, Silva M, Concari G, Pedrazzi G, Pogliacomi F, Sverzellati N, Petriccioli D, Vitale M, Ceccarelli F, Zompatori M, Rossi C. Reproducible Noninvasive Method for Evaluation of Glenoid Bone Loss by Multiplanar Reconstruction Curved Computed Tomographic Imaging Using a Cadaveric Model. Arthroscopy. 2013 Mar;29(3):471-7.
doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2012.10.017 - Sverzellati N, Randi G, Spagnolo P, Marchianò A, Silva M, Kuhnigk JM, La Vecchia C, Zompatori M, Pastorino U. Increased mean lung density: Another independent predictor of lung cancer? Eur J Radiol. 2013 Aug;82(8):1325-31.
doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2013.01.020 - Sverzellati N, Colombi D, Randi G, Pavarani A, Silva M, Walsh SL, Pistolesi M, Alfieri V, Chetta A, Vaccarezza M, Vitale M, Pastorino U. Computed tomography measurement of rib cage morphometry in emphysema. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 31;8(7):e68546.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068546 - Colombi D, Di Lauro E, Silva M, Manna C, Rossi C, De Filippo M, Zompatori M, Ruffini L, Sverzellati N. Non-small cell lung cancer after surgery and chemoradiotherapy: follow-up and response assessment. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2013 Nov-Dec;19(6):447-56.
doi: 10.5152/dir.2013.12021 - Ariozzi I, Paladini L, Gnetti L, Silva M, Colombi D, De Filippo M, Sverzellati N. Computed tomography-histologic correlations in lung cancer. Pathologica 2013 Dec; 105(6):329-36. Review.
PMID: 24730336 - Litmanovich D, Hartwick K, Silva M, Bankier AA. Multidetector CT imaging in COPD: emphysema and airways assessment. Radiol Clin North Am. 2014 Jan;52(1):137-54.
doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2013.09.002 - Shahrzad M, Le TSM, Silva M, Bankier AA, Eisenberg RL. Anterior mediastinal masses. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2014 Aug;203(2):W128-38.
doi: 10.2214/AJR.13.11998 - De Filippo M, Saba L, Silva M, Zagaria R, Concari G, Nizzoli R, Bozzetti C, Tiseo M, Ardizzoni A, Lipia S, Paladini I, Macarini L, Carrafiello G, Brunese L, Rotondo A, Rossi C. CT-guided biopsy of pulmonary nodule: is pulmonary hemorrhage a complication or an advantage? Diagn Interv Radiol 2014.
doi: 10.5152/dir.2014.14019 - Silva M, Sabato M, Valentino M, Murrone S and Sverzellati N (2014) Unusual Findings of Langerhans Cell Histocytosis in a Young Asymptomatic Patient: Case Report. J Pulm Respir Med 4:188.
doi: 10.4172/2161-105X.1000188 Not indexed in PubMed - Ariani A, Lumetti F, Silva M, Santilli D, Mozzani F, Delsante G, Sverzellati N. Systemic sclerosis interstitial lung disease evaluation: comparison between semiquantitative and quantitative CT assessments. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2014 Jul-Sep;28(3):507-13.
PMID: 25316138 - Nemec SF, Molinari F, Dufresne V, Gosset N, Silva M, Bankier AA. Comparison of Four Software Packages for CT Lung Volumetry in Healthy Individuals. Eur Radiol. 2015 Jun;25(6):1588-97.
doi: 10.1007/s00330-014-3557-3 - Pastorino U, Silva M. Refining Strategies to Identify Populations to Be Screened for Lung Cancer. Thoracic Surgery Clinics. Published Online: February 17, 2015.
doi: 10.1016/j.thorsurg.2014.11.005 - Silva M, Nunes H, Valeyre D, Sverzellati N. Imaging of Sarcoidosis. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2015 Aug;49(1):45-53.
doi: 10.1007/s12016-015-8478-7 - Ariani A, Silva M, Bravi E, Saracco M, Parisi S, De Gennaro F, Lumetti F, Idolazzi L, Seletti V, Caramaschi P, Benini C, Bodini FC, Scirè CA, Lucchini G, Santilli D, Mozzani F, Imberti D, Arrigoni E, Delsante G, Pellerito R, Fusaro E, Sverzellati N. Operator-independent Quantitative Chest Computed Tomography Versus Standard Assessment of Interstitial Lung Disease related to Systemic Sclerosis: a Multi-Centric Study. Mod Rheumatol. 2015 Sep;25(5):724-30.
doi: 10.3109/14397595.2015.1016200 - DuBrock HM, Bankier AA, Silva M, Litmanovich DE, Curry MP, Washko GR. Pulmonary vessel cross-sectional area before and after liver transplantation: quantification with computed tomography. Acad Radiol. 2015 Jun;22(6):752-9.
doi: 10.1016/j.acra.2015.01.018 - Colombi D, Manna C, Montermini I, Seletti V, Diciotti S, Tiseo M, Fontana E, De Filippo M, Silva M, Sverzellati N. Semiautomatic Analysis on CT scan in Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Reproducibility and Prognostic Significance of Uni-dimensional and Three-Dimensional Measurements. J Thorac Imaging. 2015 Sep;30(5):290-9.
doi: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000145 - De Filippo M, Saba L, Negrini G, Silva M, Pedrazzi G, Pogliacomi F, Castagna A. Inter-observer agreement of CT measurement of the glenoid bone surface by the CT Pico method: Comparison with laser in a cadaveric model. Skeletal Radiol. 2015 Oct;44(10):1491-7.
doi: 10.1007/s00256-015-2199-0 - Silva M, Bankier AA, Centra F, Colombi D, Ampollini L, Carbognani P, Sverzellati N. Longitudinal Evolution of Incidentally Detected Solitary Pure Ground-Glass Nodules on CT: Relation to Clinical Metrics. Diagn Interv Radiol (Ank). 2015 Jul 3.
doi: 10.5152/dir.2015.14457 - Walsh SLF , Calandriello L, Sverzellati N, Hansell DM on behalf of The UIP Observer Consort (Collaborators include Silva M). Interobserver agreement for the ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT criteria for a UIP pattern on CT. Thorax 2015;0:1–7.
doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2015-207252. - Lumetti F, Barone L, Alfieri C, Silva M, Serra V, Delsante G, Sverzellati N, Ariani A. Quality of Life and Functional Disability in Patients with Interstitial Lung Disease Related to Systemic Sclerosis. Acta Biomed. 2015 Sep 14;86(2):142-8.
PMID: 26422428 - Silva M, Nemec S, Dufresne V, Occhipinti M, Heidinger B, Chamberlain R, Bankier AA. Normal Spectrum of Pulmonary Response Map: Distribution of Densitometric Classifications in Healthy Adult Volunteers. Eur Radiol. 2016 Sep;26(9):3063-70.
doi: 10.1007/s00330-015-4133-1 - Silva M, Galeone C, Sverzellati N, Marchianò A, Calareso G, Sestini S, La Vecchia C, Sozzi G, Pelosi G, Pastorino U. Screening with Low Dose Computed Tomography Does Not Improve Survival of Small Cell Lung Cancer. J Thor Oncol Vol. 11 No. 2: 187-193.
doi:10.1016/j.jtho.2015.10.014. - Milanese G, Silva M, Sverzellati N. Lung volume reduction of pulmonary emphysema: the radiologist task. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2016 Mar;22(2):179-86.
doi: 10.1097/MCP.0000000000000252. - Sverzellati N, Silva M, Calareso G, Galeone C, Marchianò A, Sestini S, Sozzi G, Pastorino U. Low-Dose Computed Tomography for Lung Cancer Screening: Comparison of Performance Between Annual and Biennial Screen. Eur Radiol. 2016 Nov;26(11):3821-3829. Epub 2016 Feb 11.
doi: 10.1007/s00330-016-4228-3 - Ariani A, Aiello M, Silva M, Alfieri V, Bonati E, Lumetti F, Delsante G, Sverzellati N, Chetta A. Quantitative CT Indexes Are Significantly Related To Exercise Oxygen Desaturation in Interstitial Lung Disease Related to Systemic Sclerosis. Clin Respir J. 2016 Feb 22.
doi: 10.1111/crj.12451 - Pastorino U, Boffi R, Marchianò A, Sestini S, Munarini E, Calareso G, Boeri M, Pelosi G, Sozzi G, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Galeone C, La Vecchia C, Ghirardi A, Corrao G. Stopping smoking reduces mortality in low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening volunteers. J Thorac Oncol. 2016 May;11(5):693-9.
doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2016.02.011 - Milanese G, Capretti G, Sverzellati N, Silva M. Lung cancer screening: are we ready now?
Shortness of Breath Vol. 5 (No. 1) 2016 January-March.
doi: 10.11138/sob/2016.5.1.020 Not indexed in PubMed - Sestini S, Boeri M, Marchianò A, Silva M, Calareso G, Galeone C, Sozzi G, Pastorino U. Lung cancer screening in high-risk subjects: early detection with LDCT and risk stratification using miRNA-based blood test. Epidemiol Prev. 2016 Jan-Feb;40(1 Suppl 1):42-50.
doi: 10.19191/EP16.1S1.P042.029 - Manna C, Silva M, Gazzani SE, Cobelli R. An uncommon cause of ascites: uroperitoneum from iatrogenic bladder fistula detected by CT urography. BJR Case Rep 2016; 2: 20150391.
doi: 10.1259/bjrcr.20150391. Not indexed in PubMed - Infante M, Sestini S, Galeone C, Marchianò A, Lutman FR, Angeli E, Calareso G, Pelosi G, Sozzi G, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Cavuto S, La Vecchia C, Santoro A, Aloisio M, Pastorino U. Lung cancer screening with low dose spiral computed tomography: evidence from a pooled analysis of two Italian randomized trials. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2017 Jul;26(4):324-329.
doi: 10.1097/CEJ.0000000000000264 - Bozzetti F, Paladini I, Rabaiotti E, Franceschini A, Alfieri V, Visca D, Chetta A, Crisafulli E, Silva M, Pastorino U, Sverzellati N. Are interstitial lung abnormalities associated with COPD? A nested case-control study. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2016 May 26;11:1087-96.
doi: 10.2147/COPD.S103256. - Silva M, Zambrini EI, Chiari G, Montermini I, Manna C, Poli T, Lanfranco D, Sesenna E, Thai E, Sverzellati N. Pre-surgical Assessment of Mandibular Bone Invasion from Oral Cancer: Comparison Between Different Imaging Techniques and Relevance of Radiologist Expertise. Radiol Med. 2016 Sep;121(9):704-10.
doi: 10.1007/s11547-016-0654-1 - Colombi D, Ehlers-Tenenbaum S, Palmowski K, Heussel CP, Sverzellati N, Silva M, Eichinger M, Kreuter M. Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum as a Potential Predictor of Mortality in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Respiration. 2016;92(1):25-33.
doi: 10.1159/000447430 - Crisafulli E, Alfieri V, Silva M, Aiello M, Tzani P, Milanese G, Bertorelli G, Sverzellati N, Chetta A. Relationships Between Emphysema and Airways Metrics at High-resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) and Ventilatory Response to Exercise in Mild to Moderate COPD Patients. Respir Med. 2016 Aug;117:207-14.
doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2016.06.016 - Pavarani A, Martini C, Gafà V, Bini P, Silva M, Ghetti C, Sverzellati N. Effect of iterative reconstruction on image quality of low-dose chest computed tomographic examinations. Acta Biomed. 2016 Sep 13;87(2):168-176.
PMID: 27648999 - Landini N, Milanese G, Zambrini E, Ariozzi I, Gnetti L, Carloni A, Nosenzo, Silva M, Sverzellati N. Computed Tomography-Histology Correlations of Unusual Lung Tumors. Pathologica 2016;108:110-119
PMID: 28195262 - Rasciti E, Sverzellati N, Silva M, Casadei A, Attinà D, Palazzini M, Galiè N, Zompatori M. Bronchial artery embolization for the treatment of haemoptysis in pulmonary hypertension. Radiol Med. 2017 Apr;122(4):257-264.
doi: 10.1007/s11547-016-0714-6 - Ariani A, Silva M, Seletti V, Bravi E, Saracco M, Parisi S, De Gennaro F, Caramaschi P, Scirè C, Idolazzi L, Benini C, Bodini F, Lumetti F, Alfieri V, Bonati E, Lucchini G, Aiello M, Santilli D, Mozzani F, Imberti D, Michieletti E, Arrigoni E, Delsante G, Pellerito R, Fusaro E, Chetta AA, Sverzellati N. Quantitative chest computed tomography is associated with two prediction models of mortality in interstitial lung disease related to systemic sclerosis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2017 Feb 4.
doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kew480. - Silva M, Pastorino U, Sverzellati N. Lung cancer screening with low-dose CT in Europe: strength and weakness of diverse independent screening trials. Clin Radiol. 2017 May;72(5):389-400.
doi: 10.1016/j.crad.2016.12.021 - Marchianò A, Cosentino M, Di Tolla G, Greco FG, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Fabbri A, Tamborini E, Lo Russo G, Mariani L, Lalli L, Pastorino U. FNA and CNB in the diagnosis of pulmonary lesions: a single-center experience on 665 patients, comparison between two periods. Tumori. 2017 Apr 28:0.
doi: 10.5301/tj.5000633 - Manna C, Silva M, Poggesi S, Cobelli R, Rossi C, Sverzellati N. High-Pitch Dual-Source CT Angiography without ECG-gating for Imaging The Whole Aorta: Intra-individual Comparison with Standard Pitch Single-Source Technique. Diagn Interv Radiol. 2017 Jul-Aug;23(4):293-299.
doi: 10.5152/dir.2017.16617 - Milanese G, Sverzellati N, Pastorino U, Silva M. Adenocarcinoma in pure ground glass nodules: histological evidence of invasion and open debate on optimal management. J Thorac Dis 2017.
doi: 10.21037/jtd.2017.08.120 - Pellegrino B, Facchinetti F, Bordi P, Silva M, Gnetti L, Tiseo M. Lung toxicity in non-small cell lung cancer patients exposed to ALK inhibitors: report of a peculiar case and systematic review of the literature. Clin Lung Cancer. 2018 Mar;19(2):e151-e161.
doi: 10.1016/j.cllc.2017.10.008 - Silva M, Milanese G, Seletti V, Ariani A, Sverzellati N. Pulmonary Quantitative CT Imaging in Focal and Diffuse Disease: Facing Clinical and Research Application. Br J Radiol. 2018 Feb;91(1083):20170644. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20170644
- Silva M, Sverzellati N, Colombi D, Milanese G, La Vecchia C, Galeone C, Marchianò A, Pastorino U. Pleural plaques in lung cancer screening by low-dose computed tomography: prevalence, association with lung cancer and mortality. BMC Pulm Med. 2017 Nov 25;17(1):155.
doi: 10.1186/s12890-017-0506-3 - Sverzellati N, Odone A, Silva M, Polverosi R, Florio C, Cortese G, Cardinale L, Addonisio G, Zompatori M, Dalpiaz G, Piciucchi S, Larici AR et al. Structured reporting for fibrosing lung disease: a model shared by radiologist and pulmonologist. Radiol Med. 2018 Apr;123(4):245-253.
doi: 10.1007/s11547-017-0835-6 - Charbonnier JP, Chung K, Scholten ET, van Rikxoort EM, Jacobs C, Sverzellati N, Silva M, Pastorino U, van Ginneken B, Ciompi F. Automatic Vessel and Solid Core Segmentation in Pulmonary Subsolid Nodules. Sci Rep. 2018 Jan 12;8(1):646.
doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-19101-3 - Silva M, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Jacobs C, Capretti G, Ciompi F, van Ginneken B, Pastorino U, Sverzellati N. Detection of Subsolid Nodules in Lung Cancer Screening: Complementary Sensitivity of Visual Reading and Computer-Aided Diagnosis. Invest Radiol. 2018 Aug;53(8):441-449.
doi: 10.1097/RLI.0000000000000464 - Sverzellati N, Silva M. The matter of lung: quantification of vascular substance in asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 Jun 8. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201804-0804ED.
- Silva M, Pastorino U, Sverzellati N. Prospective randomised controlled trial: fixed 1-year screening interval group versus a tailored intervals group. Thorax. 2018 eLetter:
Not indexed in PubMed. - Silva M, Milanese G, Sverzellati N. Interstitial Lung Abnormalities: Definition of Prognostically Relevant Radiological Findings. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2018 Sep;24(5):432-439.
doi: 10.1097/MCP.0000000000000497 - Silva M, Prokop M, Jacobs C, Capretti G, Sverzellati N, Ciompi F, van Ginneken B, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Galeone C, Marchianò A, Pastorino U. Long-term Active Surveillance of Screening Detected Subsolid Nodules is a Safe Strategy to Reduce Overtreatment. J Thorac Oncol. 2018 Oct;13(10):1454-1463.
doi: 10.1016/j.jtho.2018.06.013 - Facchinetti F, Gnetti L, Balestra V, Silva M, Silini EM, Ventura L, Bordi P, Tiseo M. Sarcoid-like reaction mimicking disease progression in an ALK-positive NSCLC patient receiving lorlatinib. Invest New Drugs 2019. 37(2):360-363
doi: 10.1007/s10637-018-0652-3 - Walsh SLF, Calandriello L, Silva M, Sverzellati N. A Deep Learning Algorithm for Classifying Fibrotic Lung Disease on High-Resolution Computed Tomography. Lancet Respir Med. 2018 Nov;6(11):837-845.
doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(18)30286-8 - Nair A, Bartlett EC, Walsh SLF, Wells AU, Navani N, Hardavella G, Bhalla S, Calandriello L, Devaraj A, Goo JM, Klein JS, MacMahon H, Schaefer-Prokop C, Seo JB, Sverzellati N, Desai SR; Lung Nodule Evaluation Group (Collaborators included Silva M). Variable radiologic lung nodule evaluation leads to divergent management recommendations. European Respiratory Journal 2018. 52(6):1-12
doi: 10.1183/13993003.01359-2018 - Milanese G, Silva M, Bruno L, Goldoni M, Benedetti G, Rossi E, Ferrari C, La Grutta L, Maffei E, Toia P, Bonadonna RC, Sverzellati N, Cademartiri F. Quantification of Epicardial Fat with cardiac CT and Association with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Symptomatic Patients: from the ALTER-BIO (Alternative Cardiovascular Bio-Imaging Markers) Registry. Diagn Interv Radiol 2019; 25: 35-41.
doi: 10.5152/dir.2018.18037 - Papapietro VR, Milanese G, Borghesi A, Sverzellati N, Silva M. Look Around Your Target: a New Approach to Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer. Ann Transl Med 2018;6(Suppl 1):S77.
doi: 10.21037/atm.2018.10.56 - Borghesi A, Michelini S, Nocivelli G, Silva M, Scrimieri A, Maroldi R, Farina D. Solid indeterminate pulmonary nodules ≤ 250 mm³: application of the updated Fleischner Society guidelines in clinical practice. Radiology Research and Practice 2019, Article ID 7218258
doi: 10.1155/2019/7218258 - Ariani A, Silva M, Bravi E, Parisi S, Saracco M, De Gennaro F, Caimmi C, Girelli F, De Santis M, Volpe A, Lumetti F, Hax V, Bredemeier M, Alfieri V, Santilli D, Bodini FC, Mozzani F, Lucchini G, Seletti V, Bacchini E, Arrigoni E, Chakr R, Giuggioli D, Idolazzi L, Bertorelli G, Imberti D, Michieletti E, Paolazzi G, Fusaro E, Chetta A, Scirè CA, Sverzellati N. Overall mortality in Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema related to Systemic Sclerosis. RMD Open 2019;5:e000820.
doi: 10.1136/rmdopen-2018-000820 - Pastorino U, Silva M, Sestini S, Sabia F, Boeri M, Cantarutti A, Sverzellati N, Sozzi G, Corrao G, A Marchianò. Prolonged Lung Cancer Screening Reduced 10-year Mortality in the MILD Trial: New Confirmation of Lung Cancer Screening Efficacy. Annals of Oncology (Published: 01 April 2019)
doi: 10.1093/annonc/mdz117 - Ledda RE, Milanese G, Gnetti L, Borghesi A, Sverzellati N, Silva M. Spread through air spaces in lung adenocarcinoma: is radiology reliable yet? J Thorac Dis. 2019 Mar;11(Suppl 3):S256-S261.
doi: 10.21037/jtd.2019.01.96 - Milanese G, Silva M, Frauenfelder T, Eberhard M, Sabia F, Martini C, Marchianò A, Prokop M, Sverzellati N, Pastorino U. Comparison of Ultra-low Dose Chest CT Scanning Protocols for the Detection of Pulmonary Nodules: a Phantom Study. Tumori. 2019 May 1:300891619847271.
doi: 10.1177/0300891619847271 - Pastorino U, Sverzellati N, Sestini S, Silva M, Sabia F, Boeri M, Cantarutti A, Sozzi G, Corrao G, Marchianò A. Ten-year Results of the MILD Trial Demonstrate the Safety and Efficacy of Biennial Lung Cancer Screening. Eur J Cancer. 2019 Sep;118:142-148.
doi: 10.1016/j.ejca.2019.06.009 - Ravanelli M, Agazzi GM, Milanese G, Roca E, Silva M, Tiseo M, Rondi P, Baggi A, Ganeshan B, Muri M, Panni S, Botti C, Sverzellati N, Maroldi R, Berruti A, Farina D. Prognostic and predictive value of histogram analysis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer refractory to platinum treated by nivolumab: a multicentre retrospective study. Eur J Radiol. 2019 Sep;118:251-256.
doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2019.07.019 - Silva M, Milanese G, Pastorino U, Sverzellati N. Lung cancer screening: tell me more about post-test risk. J Thorac Dis 2019;11(9):3681-3688.
doi: 10.21037/jtd.2019.09.28 - Heidinger BH, Silva M, De Margerie-Mellon C, VanderLaan P, Bankier AA. The Natural Course of Incidentally Detected, Small, Subsolid Lung Nodules – Is Follow-Up Needed Beyond Current Guideline Recommendations? Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2019 Dec;8(Suppl 4):S412-S417.
doi: 10.21037/tlcr.2019.11.05 - Silva M, Milanese G, Cobelli R, Manna C, Rasciti E, Poggesi S, Sverzellati N. CT Angiography for Pulmonary Embolism in the Emergency Department: Optimized Protocol by 20 ml of High-Concentration Contrast Medium. La radiologia medica, 125(2), 137-144.
doi: 10.1007/s11547-019-01098-6 - Guisado-Vasco P, Silva M, Duarte MA, Sambataro G, Bertolazzi C, Pavone M, Martín-Garrido I, Martín-Segarra O, Luque-Pinilla JM, Santilli D, Sambataro D, Torrisi SE, Vancheri A, Gutiérrez-México M, Mejia M, Palmucci S, Mozzani F, Rojas-Serrano J, Vancheri C, Sverzellati N Ariani A. Quantitative assessment of interstitial lung disease in Sjögren’s syndrome. Plos ONE Volume 14, Issue 11, 2019, Article number e0224772.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224772 - Sverzellati N, Silva M, Seletti V, Galeone C, Palmucci S, Piciucchi S, Vancheri C, Poletti V, Tomassetti S, Karwoski R, Bartholmai BJ. Stratification of long-term outcome in stable idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis by combining longitudinal computed tomography and forced vital capacity. Eur Radiol. 2020. Epub 2020 Jan 31.
doi: 10.1007/s00330-019-06619-5 - Kauczor HU, Baird AM, Blum TG, Bonomo L, Bostantzoglou C, Burghuber O, Čepická B, Comanescu A, Couraud S, Devaraj A, Jespersen V, Morozov S, Agmon IN, Peled N, Powell P, Prosch H, Ravara S, Rawlinson J, Revel MP, Silva M, Snoeckx A, van Ginneken B, van Meerbeeck JP, Vardavas C, von Stackelberg O, Gaga M, on behalf of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS). ESR-ERS joint position paper on Lung Cancer Screening. Eur Respir J. 2020 Feb;55(2). Print 2020 Feb. PubMed PMID: 32051182.
doi: 10.1183/13993003.00506-2019 - Kauczor HU, Baird AM, Blum TG, Bonomo L, Bostantzoglou C, Burghuber O, Čepická B, Comanescu A, Couraud S, Devaraj A, Jespersen V, Morozov S, Agmon IN, Peled N, Powell P, Prosch H, Ravara S, Rawlinson J, Revel MP, Silva M, Snoeckx A, van Ginneken B, van Meerbeeck JP, Vardavas C, von Stackelberg O, Gaga M, on behalf of the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS). ESR-ERS joint position paper on Lung Cancer Screening. Eur Radiol. 2020 Feb 12; . [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32052170.
doi: 10.1007/s00330-020-06727-7 - Sverzellati N, Milanese G, Milone F, Balbi M, Ledda RE, Silva M. Integrated Radiologic Algorithm for COVID-19 Pandemic. J Thorac Imaging. 2020 Jul;35(4):228-233.
doi: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000516. - Milanese G, Silva M, Ledda R, Goldoni M, Nayak SM, Bruno L, Rossi E, Maffei E, Cademartiri F, Sverzellati N. Validity of Epicardial Fat Volume as Biomarker of Coronary Artery Disease in Symptomatic Individuals: Results from the ALTER-BIO Registry. International Journal of Cardiology. Available online 13 April 2020.
doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2020.04.031 - Colombi D, Bodini FC, Petrini M, Maffi G, Morelli N, Milanese G, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Michieletti E. Visual and Software-based Quantification of Well Aerated Lung Obtained by Chest CT for Predictors in COVID-19 Interstitial Pneumonia. Radiology. 2020 Apr 17:201433.
doi: 10.1148/radiol.2020201433 - Revel MP, Parkar A, Prosch H, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Gleeso F, Brady AP; European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). COVID-19 patients and the Radiology department – advice from the European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Eur Radiol. 2020 Sep;30(9):4903-4909.
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doi: 10.21037/tlcr-22-395 - Mambrini M, Mecozzi L, Ferrini E, Leo L, Bernardi D, Grandi A, Sverzellati N, Ruffini L, Silva M, Stellari FF. The importance of routine quality control for reproducible pulmonary measurements by in vivo micro-CT. Sci Rep. 2022 Jun 11;12(1):9695
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doi: 10.2214/AJR.22.27830 - Balbi M, Sabia F, Ledda RE, Milanese G, Ruggirello M, Silva M, Marchianò AV, Sverzellati N, Pastorino U. Automated coronary artery calcium and quantitative emphysema in lung cancer screening: association with mortality, lung cancer incidence, and airflow obstruction. J Thorac Imaging. 2023 Jan 20. Online ahead of print
doi: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000698 - Voigt W, Prosch H, Silva M. Clinical Scores, Biomarkers and IT Tools in Lung Cancer Screening-Can an Integrated Approach Overcome Current Challenges? Cancers (Basel). 2023 Feb 14;15(4):1218.
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doi: 10.1038/s41416-023-02480-y - Colombi D, Petrini M, Morelli N, Silva M, Milanese G, Sverzellati N, Michieletti E. Are Interstitial Lung Abnormalities a Prognostic Factor of Worse Outcome in COVID-19 Pneumonia? J Thorac Imaging. 2023 Feb 27. Online ahead of print.
doi: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000704 - Milanese G, Ledda RE, Sabia F, Ruggirello M, Sestini S, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Marchianò AV, Pastorino U. Ultra-low dose computed tomography protocols using spectral shaping for lung cancer screening: Comparison with low-dose for volumetric LungRADS classification. Eur J Radiol. 2023 Feb 28;161:110760. Online ahead of print.
doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2023.110760 - Ventura L, Gnetti L, Milanese G, Rossi M, Leo L, Cattadori S, Silva M, Leonetti A, Minari R, Musini L, Pensato N, Illica Magrini F, Bocchialini G, Silini EM, Tiseo M, Sverzellati N, Carbognani P. Relationship Between the Diffusing Capacity of the Lung for Carbon Monoxide (DLCO) and Lung Adenocarcinoma Patterns: New Possible Insights.
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doi: 10.1097/RLI.0000000000001005 - Venkadesh KV, Aleef TA, Scholten ET, Saghir Z, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Pastorino U, van Ginneken B, Prokop M, Jacobs C. Prior CT Improves Deep Learning for Malignancy Risk Estimation of Screening-detected Pulmonary Nodules. Radiology 2023 Aug;308(2):e223308.
doi: 10.1148/radiol.223308 - Colombi D, Petrini M, Risoli C, Mangia A, Milanese G, Silva M, Franco C, Sverzellati N, Michieletti E. Quantitative CT at Follow-Up of COVID-19 Pneumonia: Relationship with Pulmonary Function Tests. Diagnostics 2023, 13(21), 3328
doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13213328 - Behr C, Koffijberg H, IJzerman M, Kauczor HU, Revel MP, Silva M, von Stackelberg O, van Til J, Vliegenthart R. Willingness to participate in combination screening for lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular disease in four European countries.
Eur Radiol, Published Online December 7, 2023
doi: 10.1007/s00330-023-10474-w - Desai SR, Sivarasan N, Johannson KA, George PM, Culver DA, Devaraj A, Lynch DA, Milne D, Renzoni E, Nunes H, Sverzellati N, Spagnolo P, Baughman Rp, Yadav R, Piciucchi S, Walsh SLF, Kouranos V, Wells AU, and the Sarcoid Delphi Group* (*Silva M is part of the Sarcoid Delphi Group). High-resolution CT phenotypes in pulmonary sarcoidosis: a multinational Delphi consensus study.
Lancet Respir Med 2023, Published Online December 14, 2023
doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(23)00267-9
Submitted Articles
- Lung cancer: Aleshina OO, Lancaster HL, Zheng S, Chernina VY, Heuvelmans MA, Silva M, Dorrius MD, Morozov SP, Gombolevsky VA, Oudkerk M. Volumetry versus linear diameter lung nodule measurement; an ultra-low-dose CT Lung Cancer Screening Study.
- Respiratory research: Grandi A, Ferrini E, Ciccimarra R, Mambrini M, Mecozzi L, Leo L, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Donofrio G, Ruffini L, Villetti G, Stellari FF. Multimodality approach to characterizing the distinctive hallmarks of lung fibrosis: a mouse model with bleomycin and indocyanine green.
- Europan Journal of Radiology: Ledda RE, Schirò S, Leo L, Milanese G, Branchi C, Palo AC, Commisso C, Borgia E, Mura R, Zilioli C, Ghetti G, Silva M, Marrocchio C, Sverzellati N. Diagnostic performance of chest CT average intensity projection (AIP) reconstruction for the assessment of pleuro-parenchymal abnormalities.
- Journal of Thoracic Imaging: Balbi M. et al. Longitudinal changes of CT-radiomic and systemic inflammatory features predict survival in advanced NSCLC patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors.
- Medical Image Analysis: Yang J, Anderson Garcia Henao J, Dvornek N, He J, Bower DV, Depotter A, Bajercius H, Pahud de Mortanges A, You C, Gange C, Ledda RE, Silva M, Dela Cruz CS, Hautz W, Bonel HM, Reyes M, Staib LH, Poellinger A, Duncan JS. Prior Knowledge-Guided Vision-Transformer-Based Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Intubation Prediction in Lung Disease at One Week
- Lancet Respiratory Medicine: Jiang B, Han D, van der Aalst CM, Lancaster HL, Vonder M, Gratama JWC, Silva M, Field JK, de Koning HJ, Heuvelmans MA, Oudkerk M. Lung cancer volume-doubling time by Computed Tomography: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Radiology: Sverzellati N, Milanese G, Ryerson CJ, Hatabu H, Walsh SLF, Papapietro R, Gazzani SE, Bacchini E, Specchia F, Capretti G, Ledda RE, Milone F, Silva M, Iezzi E. Interstitial Lung Abnormalities In Unselected Abdominal And Thoraco-Abdominal Ct Scans: The “Prevalence” Study On 21,118 Patients
Congresses And CoursesAbstract Of Scientific Poster Presentation
1. RSNA 2010 (Congress of the Radiological Society of North America) - Chicago, Illinois
De Filippo M, Silva M, Johnson KM, Bertone C, Zompatori M, Rossi C. Accuracy of Multiplanar Reformatted CT Imaging in the Quantification of Glenoid Bone Loss Following Shoulder Dislocation.
2. ECR 2011 (Congress of the European Society of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria
Martini C, Maffei E, Sverzellati N, Silva M, Arcadi T, Seitun T, Clemente A, Lario C, Cademartiri F; Parma/IT. #3826 - C-1169 Coronary calcium score assessed on unenhanced low-dose chest CT: feasibility study. Type: Scientific Paper.
3. ESTI meeting 2012 (Meeting of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging) - London, United Kingdom
Silva M, Colombi D, Buttarelli L, Ranalli A, Seletti V, Mereu M, Rossi C, Sverzellati N. Extension of Pulmonary Fibrosing Diseases: a Comparison of Quantification Scoring Systems.
4. Quantitative CT Symposium at STR Meeting 2014, March 15 (Society of Thoracic Radiology) - San Antonio, Texas
Silva M, Nemec S, Dufresne V, Molinari F, Bankier AA. Lobar Contribution to Lung Volume in Healthy Subjects: Quantitative Assessment by CT.
5. ATS Meeting 2014, May 16-21 (Meeting of the American Thoracic Society) – San Diego, California
DuBrock HM, Bankier AA, Silva M, Litmanovich DE, Curry MP, Washko GR. Pulmonary vessel cross-sectional area before and after liver transplant.
6. 100th Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), November 30 – December 5, 2014 – Chicago, IL
Silva M, Nemec SF, Heidinger BH, Occhipinti M, Dufresne V, Molinari F, Bankier AA. Lung Volume and Heterogeneity: CT Quantification of Lobar Contribution.
7. 16th World Congress on Lung Cancer , September 6-9, 2015 (International Association for Surgery of Lung Cancer – IASLC) – Denver, Colorado
Silva M, Galeone C, Sverzellati N, Marchianò A, Calareso G, Sestini S, La Vecchia C, Sozzi G, Pelosi G, Pastorino U. Small Cell Lung Cancer in Lung Cancer Screening: Frequency and Outcome.
8. European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2015, September 26-30 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Alfieri V, Milanese G, Panagiota T, Aiello M, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Marangio E, Chetta A. COPD Phenotypes by High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) and Ventilatory Response to Exercise
- ECR 2016, March 2-6 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria
Milanese G, Silva M, Borghesi A, Bezzi M, Bonifazi M, Novali M, Sverzellati N. Treatment of emphysema: procedure planning and follow-up by HRCT - Joint Meeting of European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR) – Geneva 2018, Switzerland
Casilli E, Silva M, Milanese G, Sverzellati N. Quantitative CT imaging of the lung: Current applications and future perspectives in diagnostics of nodule and diffuse lung disease - European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2018 – Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Bertolazzi C, Silva M, Rojas-Serrano J, Carnevale A, Sverzellati N, Gutierrez M, Alfaro-Rodriguez A, Ariani A. Quantitative CT Indexes in the Evaluation of Interstitial Lung Disease Related to Rheumatoid Arthritis - National Research Program 78 “Covid-19” 1st Programme Conference – April 28-29, 2021 – Online from Bern, Switzerland.
AI-multi-omics-based Prognostic Stratification of COVID-19 Patients in Acute and Chronic State.
PIs: Pöllinger A, Reyes M, Duncan J, Sverzellati N.
Project Partners: Cortopassi IO, Hautz W, Dela Cruz C, Caminiti C.
Team Members: Garcia Henao JA, He G, Silva M, Staib L, You C, Yang J, Gange C, Bajercius H, Depotter A, Barroso C, Schröder E, Pahud de Mortanges A. - European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2021 Conference, September 16-21 – Online
Mazzaschi G, Scandino R, Milanese G, Pavone C, Balbi M, Moron Dalla Tor L, Silva M, Ledda RE, Minari R, Trentini F, Bordi P, Buti S, Leonetti A, Quaini F, Sverzellati N, Romanel A, Tiseo M. #3456 A highly predictive blood-radiomics classifier in advanced NSCLC treated with immunotherapy - CHEST Congress 2022, June 27-29 Bologna (IT)
Lancaster H, Zheng S, Aleshina O, Yu D, Chernina V, Heuvelmans M, De Bock G, Dorrius M, Gratama Jw, Morozov S, Gombolevskiy V, Silva M, Yi J, Oudkerk M.
Inter-Reader Agreement When Using Artificial Intelligence For Classification Of Solid Pulmonary Nodules In Ultra-Low Dose CT Baseline Lung Cancer Screening
- International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) – World Congress of Lung Cancer 2023 (WCLC2023) – September 9-12, Singapore
Vonder M, van der Aalst C, Hubert J, Moldovanu D, Schmitz A, Gratama JWC, Silva M, de Koning H, Oudkerk M.
Dedicated Cardiovascular Screening in Lung Cancer Screening: Preliminary Results from the European 4-IN-THE-LUNG-RUN Trial
Abstract Of Oral PresentationsYear 2011
ECR 2011, March 6-10 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria
- Sverzellati N, Randi G, Calabrò E, Silva M, Kunhigk JM, Marchianò A, Zompatori M, Pastorino U. Relationship between lung cancer and pulmonary emphysema.
Year 2014
Third Systemic Sclerosis World Congress, February 6-8, 2014
- Ariani A, Lumetti F, Santilli D, Mozzani F, Silva M, Delsante G, Sverzellati N. Systemic sclerosis interstitial lung disease evaluation: comparison between semiquantitative and quantitative CT assessment.
ECR 2014, March 6-10 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria
- Silva M, Centra F, Colombi D, Rossi C, Sverzellati N, Bankier AA. Ground glass nodules: CT-epidemiological analysis of growth patterns.
- Silva M, Kienzl D, Mueller-Mang C, Jaskch P, Klepetko W, Bankier AA. Quantitative CT in the follow up of functionally stable lung transplant recipients.
- Silva M, Centra F, Colombi D, Ampollini L, Carbognani P, Rossi C, Sverzellati N. Ground glass nodules evolution according with an history of tumour.
- Colombi D, Diciotti S, Manna C, Montermini I, Fontana E, Rossi C, Silva M, Tiseo M, Sverzellati N. Three-dimensional analysis of advanced stage NSCLC: prognostic significance of volumetric measurements
STR Meeting 2014, March 16-18 (Society of Thoracic Radiology) - San Antonio, Texas
- Silva M, Centra F, Colombi D, Rossi C, Sverzellati N, Bankier AA. Ground glass nodules: CT-epidemiological analysis of growth patterns.
- Silva M, Kienzl D, Mueller-Mang C, Jaskch P, Klepetko W, Bankier AA. Quantitative CT in the follow up of functionally stable lung transplant recipients.
Congresso Nazionale SIRM 2014, May 22-25 (Societa Italiana di Radiologia Medica) - Firenze, Italy
- Silva M, Centra F, Colombi D, Rossi C, Sverzellati N, Bankier AA. Noduli subsolidi: analisi radiologico epidemiologica dei pattern di evoluzione.
- Silva M, Kienzl D, Mueller-Mang C, Jaskch P, Klepetko W, Bankier AA. Analisi quantitative della tomografia computerizzata nel follow up del trapianto polmonare bilaterale in pazienti clnicamente stabili.
100th Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), November 30 – December 5, 2014 – Chicago, IL
- Silva M, Kienzl D, Mueller-Mang C, Jaskch P, Klepetko W, Bankier AA. Longitudinal Assessment of Tissue Loss and Air Trapping in Functionally Stable Lung Transplant Recipients Using Quantitative CT measurements.
Year 2015
ECR 2015, March 4-8 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria
- Silva M, Sverzellati N, Colombi D, La Vecchia C, Galeone C, Marchiano A, Pastorino U. Pleural abnormalities in lung cancer screening trial: prevalence, features, and relation with cancer.
American Thoracic Society 2015 International Conference, May 15-20, 2015 – Denver, CO
- Colombi D, Sverzellati N, Silva M, Kauczor HU, Ehlers-Tenenbaum S, Baroke E, Herth FJ, Heussel CP, Eichinger M, Kreuter M. Spontaneous Pneumomediastinum Is A Predictor Of Mortality In Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Joint Meeting of European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and Fleischner Society 2015, June 4-6 – Barcelona, Spain
- Silva M, Sverzellati N, Colombi D, La Vecchia C, Galeone C, Marchiano A, Pastorino U. Prevalence and features of pleural abnormalities in lung cancer screening trial: relation with asbestos exposure and risk of lung cancer.
Year 2016
ECR 2016, March 2-6 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria.
- Silva M, Sverzellati N, Galeone C, Calareso G, Marchianò A, Sestini S, Sozzi G, Pastorino U. LowDose Computed Tomography for Lung Cancer Screening: Comparison of Performance Between Annual and Biennial Screen.
Congresso Nazionale SIRM 2016, September 15-18 (Societa Italiana di Radiologia Medica) - Napoli, Italy
- Zambrini E, Silva M, Chiari G, Montermini I, Manna C, Sverzellati N. Valutazione pre-chirurgica dell’invasione mandibolare nelle neoplasie del cavo orale: confronto tra diverse metodiche di imaging e fra diversi livelli di esperienza specialistica
- Silva M, Sverzellati N, Marchianò A, Galeone C, Sestini S, Pastorino U. Screening del Tumore Polmonare con Tomografia Computerizzata a Bassa Dose: Confronto di Prestazioni tra Screening Annuale e Biennale
Year 2017
ECR 2017, March 1-5 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria.
- Silva M, Capretti G, Sverzellati N, Jacobs J, Ciompi F, van Ginneken B, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Marchianò A, Pastorino U. Subsolid and Part-Solid Nodules In Lung cancer Screening: Comparison Between Visual and Computer-Aided Detection.
4th World Congress of Thoracic Imaging (WCTI), June 18-21 – Boston (MA), USA
- Silva M, Capretti G, Sverzellati N, Jacobs J, Ciompi F, van Ginneken B, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Prokop M, Marchianò A, Pastorino U. Subsolid and Part-Solid Nodules In Lung cancer Screening: Comparison Between Visual and Computer-Aided Detection.
Year 2018
ECR 2018, February 28 - March 4 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria.
- Milanese G, Silva M, Bruno L, Goldoni M, Maffei E, Cademartiri F, Sverzellati N. Epicardial fat volume as a potential imaging biomarker for coronary artery disease in symptomatic patients.
- Milanese G, Silva M, Seletti V, Galeone C, Bartholmai BJ, Palmucci S, Piciucchi S, Karwoski RA, Sverzellati N. Follow-Up of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Computed Tomography vs Functional Metrics.
- Silva M, Jacobs C, Galeone C, Capretti G, Ciompi F, van Ginneken B, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Prokop M, Marchianò A, Pastorino U, Sverzellati N. Active surveillance of subsoil nodules detected by screening: safe strategy to reduce overtreatment.
Joint Meeting of European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR), May 24-26 - Geneva, Switzerland.
- Silva M, Milanese G, Seletti V, Galeone C, Bartholmai BJ, Palmucci S, Piciucchi S, Karwoski RA, Sverzellati N. Information from Computed Tomography follow-up in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: iPFBC Multicenter Pooled Comparison with clinical and functional metrics
European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2018 Conference, October 19-23 – Munich, Germany
- Cavalieri S, De Cecco L, Calareso G, Silva M, Gazzani SE, Bologna M, Nauta I, Wesseling F, Lopez Perez L, Shefi R, Tountopoulos V, Fico G, Scheckenbach K, Brakenhoff RH, Hoebers F, Canevari S, Poli T, Licitra L, Mainardi L, BD2Decide Consortium. Genomics features (GF) and integration with MRI radiomics features (RF) to develop a prognostic model in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)
Year 2019
ECR 2019, February 28 - March 3 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria.
- Pastorino U, Silva M, Sabia F, Sestini S, Boeri M, Sozzi G, Sverzellati N, Marchianò A. Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening reduces overall and lung cancer specific mortality beyond 5 years.
- Silva M, Sabia F, Milanese G, Sestini S, Jacobs C, van Ginneken B, Prokop M, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Sverzellati N, Marchianò A, Pastorino U. Lung cancer risk after baseline round of screening: only 20% of NLST eligibles require annual round. [Selected for Clinical Trials in Radiology (CTiR) scientific session, discussant Prof. Kauczor H.U.; invited abstract for the press conference within the CTiR]
- Colombi D, Chiesa S, Bodini F, Morelli N, Silva M, Sverzellati N, Franco C, Michieletti E. Difference between measurement of T size at Computed Tomography and at resected specimen: is it relevant for NSCLC stage?
- Milanese G, Cobelli R, Manna C, Silva M, Rasciti E, Poggesi S, Sverzellati N. CT angiography for pulmonary embolism in the emergency department: diagnostic accuracy of 20ml high-concentration contrast medium.
Joint Meeting of European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and Fleischner Society 2019, May 9-11 – Paris, France
- Silva M, Sabia F, Sestini S, Boeri M, Sozzi G, Marchianò A, Sverzellati N, Pastorino U. Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening reduces lung cancer mortality beyond 5 years.
- Silva M, Milanese G, Sabia F, Jacobs C, van Ginneken B, Prokop M, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Marchianò A, Sverzellati N, Pastorino U. Lung cancer risk after baseline round of screening: only 20% of NLST eligibles require annual round.
- Milanese G, Silva M, Frauenfelder T, Eberhard M, Sverzellati N, Pastorino U. Comparison of Ultra-Low Dose Chest CT Scanning Protocols for the Detection Pulmonary Nodules According to LungRADS Categories: a Phantom Study.
105th Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), December 1 – 6, 2019 – Chicago, IL
- Silva M, Milanese G, Sabia F, Jacobs C, van Ginneken B, Prokop M, Schaefer-Prokop C, Sestini S, Marchianò A, Sverzellati N, Pastorino U. Lung Cancer Screening in NLST Eligibles: Tailoring Annual Low-Dose Computed Tomography by Post-Test Risk Stratification
Year 2020
European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2020 Conference, December 9-12 – Online
- Menis J, Bironzo P, Radj G, Greillier L, Monnet I, Livi L, Young R, Decroisette C, Cloarec N, Robinet G, Schott R, Califano R, De Marinis F, Mauer M, Pochesci A, Silva M, Caramella C, Dingemans AM, Dive C, Besse B. Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) count and PD-L1 expression in untreated extensive small cell lung cancer patients treated in the REACTION trial, a phase II study of etoposide and cis/carboplatin with or without pembrolizumab. (NCT02580994)
Year 2021
European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2021 Conference, September 16-21 – Online
- Girard N, Ponce Aix S, Cedres S, Berghmans T, Burgers S, Toffart AC, Popat S, Janssens A, Gervais R, Hochstenbag M, Silva M, Burger IA, Prosch H, Stahel R, Govaerts AS, Pochesci A, Neven A, Peters S. Efficacy and safety of nivolumab for patients with pre-treated type B3 thymoma and thymic carcinoma: Results from the EORTC-ETOP NIVOTHYM phase II trial. (NCT03134118)
Year 2022
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) – World Congress of Lung Cancer 2022 (WCLC2022) – August 6-9, Vienna/Austria
- Behr C, Koffijberg H, IJzerman M, Kauczor HU, Revel MP, Silva M, von Stackelberg O, van Til J, Vliegenthart R
Citizens’ willingness to participate in combination screening for lung cancer, COPD and CVD - Silva M, Prosch H, Voigt W.
Clinical scores, biomarkers and IT tools in lung cancer screening – can an integrated approach overcome current challenges?
Year 2023
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) – World Congress of Lung Cancer 2023 (WCLC2023) – September 9-12, Singapore
- Togka K, Pan X, Lancaster H, Silva M, Oudkerk M
Cost-consequence analysis of artificial intelligence assisted image reading in lung cancer screening. - Lancaster H, Heuvelmans MA, Gratama JW, Silva M, Oudkerk M
Low-Dose CT Iterative Reconstructions can Impact Lung Nodule Measurements and Type Classification - Vonder M, van der Aalst C, Hubert J, Moldovanu D, Schmitz A, Delorme S, Gratama JW, Silva M, de Koning H, Oudkerk M.
Artificial Intelligence as Concurrent Reader in Prospective European Lung Cancer Screening (4-IN-THE-LUNG-RUN) Trial - Lancaster HL, Jiang B, Gratama JW, Silva M, Heuvelmans MA, Oudkerk M.
AI Can Greatly Reduce Radiologist Workload if Used as a First Read Filter to Rule-Out Negative Cases in Lung Cancer Screening
ESCR ESTI Joint Meeting 2023, October 26-28, Berline (DE)
- Gallone VI, Zilioli C, Favia P, Mura R, Leo L, Cavalieri DM, Tesse D, Ledda RE, Milanese G, Sverzellati N, Silva M.
Feasibility Of AI-Based Automated Reading For LungRADS Categories Assignement:
A Preliminary Analysis.
Congresses/Courses AS FACULTY: Invited SpeakerYear 2011
- Congresso Regionale Associazione Italiana Pneumologi Ospedalieri (AIPO) Lombardia: “La HRCT nelle patologie Ostruttive Polmonari: non solo enfisema”. October 07-08, 2011 - Milano (IT).
- II Raduno regionale del Gruppo SIRM Emiliano-Romagnolo: “Interstiziopatie Diffuse”. November 18, 2011 - Bologna (IT).
Year 2012
- Simpòsio Brasil-Itàlia, Mòdulo Pneumologia: Avaliação radiológica, Session of Interstitial Lung Diseases. May 9-11, 2012 - Parma (IT).
- Integrazione Ospedale-Territorio, “Ipertensione polmonare - Percorso Diagnostico Terapeutico”. September 27, 2012 - Parma (IT)
Year 2014
- Corso Avanzato di HRCT. April 9-11 and May 14-16, 2014 - Parma (IT).
- HERMES National Summer School 2014 (European Respiratory Society). July 7-10, 2014 - Milan (IT).
- 4th International Thoracic Oncology Congress Dresden (ITOCD 4), September 12-14, 2014 - Dresden (DE).
- HRCT delle malattie polmonari diffuse. Sezione di Radiologia Toracica, Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica (SIRM). October 10, 2014 - Trento (IT).
- TC ad Alta Risoluzione del Torace. Sezione di Radiologia Toracica, Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica (SIRM). November 14, 2014 - Roma (IT).
Year 2015
- Thoracic Surgery Part I – European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS) : “Screening for Lung Cancer and Sleeve Resections”. April 13-17, 2015 – Windsor (UK)
- IV Congresso Nazionale AIMAR - 8th International Conference on Management & Rehabilitation of Chronic Respiratory Failure: “L’ Imaging in Oncologia Polmonare”. May 6-9, 2015 – Pescara (IT)
- Joint Meeting European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and Fleischner Society. “Parametric response maps: A new clinical tool for imaging?”. June 4-6, 2015 – Barcelona (ES)
- Euroregional Conference on Thoracic Oncology: “Lung Cancer Screening by Spiral CT”. June 12-13, 2015 - Vilnius (LT)
- Convegno Nazionale della Sezione di Radiologia Toracica della SIRM; Sessione “Broncopneumopatia Cronica Ostruttiva: Focus sulla Patologia Ostruttiva delle Piccole Vie Aeree” : Diagnostica per Immagini per la “Daily Practice” . September 16-18, 2015 – Parma (IT).
- Corso di Formazione Teorico-Pratico dell’Associazione Italiana Pneumologi Ospedalieri (AIPO) - Tubercolosi: Emergenza Sanitaria Globale. “Aspetti Radiologici della Malattia Tubercolare”. October 8-9, 2015 – Parma (IT).
- HRCT delle malattie polmonari diffuse. Sezione di Radiologia Toracica, Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica (SIRM). October 9-10, 2015 - Rovereto (IT).
- Thoracic Imaging - European Respiratory Society (ERS) : “Mediastinum” 22-24 October, 2015 – Barcelona (E)
Year 2016
- PneumoTrieste 2016: “Lo screening del tumore polmonare: siamo pronti?”. April 11-13, 2016 – Trieste (IT).
- Congresso della Sezione Regionale AIPO Emilia Romagna, Sessione “Coinvolgimento Polmonare nelle Patologie Reumatologiche”, April 20, 2016 – Modena (IT)
- Corso AIPO – V Post Graduate Course “LE PNEUMOPATIE INTERSTIZIALI DIFFUSE | PID |”, April 28-30, 2016 – Gubbio (IT)
- 19th WCBIP/WCBE World Congress - Joint Meeting of the World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology and the International Bronchoesophagological Society, May 8-11, 2016 – Florence (IT)
- “International Symposium on: COPD” organized by the University of Florence, June 23-25, 2016 – Florence (IT)
- XVII Congresso Nazionale della Pneumologia, Session “Imaging Toracico”, Lecture: “Sistemi di quantificazione delle malattie infiltrative diffuse” AND Session “Screening del tumore del polmone mediante TC toracico a bassa dose: mito o realtà?”, Lecture “Indicazioni sullo screening”, October 5-7, 2016 – Milan (IT)
- Corso di Formazione Teorico-Pratico dell’Associazione Italiana Pneumologi Ospedalieri (AIPO) - Tubercolosi: Emergenza Sanitaria Globale. “Aspetti Radiologici della Malattia Tubercolare”. October 20-21, 2016 – Parma (IT)
- IV HERMES National School, Lecture “Lung Imaging”, November 28-Decemeber 1, 2016 – Milan (IT)
Year 2017
- Course “Diffuse Lung Diseases: a Multidisciplinary Approach”, Lecture “Nodular pattern on HRCT”, January 20, 2017 – Bologna (IT).
- ECR 2017 (European Congress of Radiology) – Session (RC 1204): “Thoracic manifestations of systemic disease”, Lecture: “Systemic sclerosis”, March 1-5 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria.
- 6th AIR Meeting Italia, Session “Interactive Workshop on Fibrotic Lung Diseases – Multidisciplinary Clinical Challenge”, March 31-April1, 2017 – Bologna (IT).
- Convegno Nazionale della Sezione di Radiologia Toracica della SIRM, Session “Lo screening del tumore polmonare”, Lecture “Linee guida e raccomandazioni internazionali a confronto” – September 14-16, 2017 – Rome (IT).
- Course “Aspetti pratici di gestione dell’immunoterapia nella pratica clinica: fra PDL1, tossicità endocrinologica e pseudo-progressione”, Lecture “Imaging in corso di immunoterapia”, September 18, 2017 – Parma (IT).
- Course “Master in Asma Bronchiale”, Lecture “Imaging dell’asma grave e della rinosinusite”, September 29-30, 2017 – Garbagnate Milanese (IT).
- Course “Master Class di Radiologia”, Lecture “Il CAD nelle malattie diffuse polmonari”, October 9-10, 2017 – Parma (IT).
- Course “Imaging Oncologico Polmonare”, Lecture “Screening”, October 17, 2017 – Bologna (IT)
- Congress “Tosse e dispnea nella pratica clinica”, Lecture “Ruolo dell’imaging nella dispnea”, November 17-18, 2017 – Parma (IT).
Year 2018
- ECR 2018 (European Congress of Radiology) – E3 - ECR Academies – Topic 18 “Chest Imaging” – E3 118: “Lung cancer in the era of molecular oncology and immune therapy”, Lecture: “ALK-rearranged lung adenocarcinomas”, February 28-March 4 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria.
- Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica (SIRM): Course “Il nodulo polmonare: aggiornamenti nella diagnosi e nel management” – Sessione “La gestione del nodulo polmonare”, Lecture “Il nodulo polmonare: aggiornamenti nella diagnosi e nel management”, March 22, 2017 – Istituto Europeo Oncologico, Rozzano (MI), Italy.
- Course: “Il percorso del paziente con NSCLC avanzato con l’avvento dell’immunoterapia in I linea: difficolta e soluzioni nella pratica clinica quotidiana” – Session “Il percorso del paziente nella fase terapeutica”, Lecture” “Il momento della rivalutazione di malattia”, March 27, 2018 – Parma (IT).
- 99th Deutscher Röntgenkongress. Session “International Image Interpretation Quiz”, May 11, 2018 – Leipzig, Germany.
- Joint Meeting of European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR), Session “COPD”, Lecture "Imaging work up in Lung Volume Reduction surgery", May 24-26 – Geneva, Switzerland.
- Course “Dibattito sulle Interstiiopatie Polmonari Fibrosanti”, Lecture “Imaging: Nuove Acquisizioni per la Corretta Interpretazione del Pattern Radiologico”, October 19-20, 2018 – Napoli (IT).
- Thoracic Imaging - European Respiratory Society (ERS), Lecture “Mediastinum” 25-27 October, 2018 – Barcelona (E)
- Congresso Nazionale SIRM 2018 (Societa Italiana di Radiologia Medica); Lecture: “Modulazione della dose negli studi TC del torace: fino a che punto ci possiamo spingere?”. November 08-11, 2018 – Genova, Italy
- Course “Brixia 2018: Una giornata sull’Imaging del polmone”, Session “Il nodulo polmonare: solido, parzialmente solido e ground-glass”, Lecture “Imaging radiologico del nodulo parzialmente solido e ground-glass”, December 3, 2018 – Brescia (IT).
- Course “Brixia 2018: Una giornata sull’Imaging del polmone”, Session “Interstiziopatie fibrosanti: III parte (casistica ragionata)”, December 3, 2018 – Brescia (IT).
- Course “HRCT del torace: dalla tecnica alla refertazione”, Session “Focus sulle patologie fibrosanti del polmone”, Lecture “L’IPF e il rischio di tumore polmonare”, December 14-15, 2018 – Palermo (IT)
Year 2019
- Course “Le malattie polmonari diffuse fibrosanti” – Lecture: “Tecniche di Quantificazione”. January 25, 2019 – Milan (IT)
- ECR 2019 (European Congress of Radiology)
- POSTGRADUATE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME – Multidisciplinary Session (MS1): ”Lung Cance Team”, Lecture: “Imaging and staging”, February 27-March 3 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria
- E3 - ECR Academies – Topic 18 “Chest Imaging” – E3 118: “Lung cancer in the era of molecular oncology and immune therapy”, Lecture: “ALK-rearranged and others mutations of lung adenocarcinomas”, February 27-March 3 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria
- Joint Meeting European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and Fleischner Society. Pre-congress Workshop, Session: “High Resolution CT”, Lecture: “GGO opaciLes and consolidaLon”. May 8, 2019 – Paris (FR)
- Joint Meeting European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and Fleischner Society. Session: “CT Lung Cancer Screening”, Lecture: “Risk models and biomarkers: Do they improve screening?”. May 9-11, 2019 – Paris (FR)
- International Associationf for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) World Congress on Lung Cancer (WCLC) – September 7-10, Barcelona.
Pre-congress Workshop:- Session: “ Next Gen Imaging for Lung Cancer Screening How Do We Get There?”, Lecture: “Group Discussion with Interactive Questions”
- Session “Functional Imaging Issues with Screening”, Lecture: “Experience with Imaging Platform Consistency”
Pre-congress Symposium:
- Session: “Global Prospective on Evolving Issues with CT Imaging in Lung Cancer Screening Populations”, Lecture: “Application of updated Fleischner Society Guidelines for Management of Lung Nodules”
- Symposium “NELSON, MILD und Co: Neue Erkenntnisse zum Lungenscreening”, Lecture “MILD, BioMILD results and further prospective” . October 24, 2019 – Universitätsspital Zürich (CH)
Year 2020
- Netherlands Heart Days 2020. Session 3 ”Lung Nodule Detection and Characterization”, Lecture “Baseline Nodules in Lung Cancer Screening”. January 16-18, 2020 – Nieuwpoort, Curaçao.
- Scandinavian MDCT course – Januar 22-24, 2020 in Larvik, Norway.
Lectures:- “Lung cancer: radiological management of advanced disease and radiological opportunities for early diagnosis”
- “Smoking related lung diseases and radiological differential in dyspnea”
- Course: “PROGETTO PRIMATO. L’inquadramento del clinico e il contributo del radiologo su: BPCO, infezioni polmonari, interstiziopatie, noduli polmonari” – Lecture: “Il nodulo polmonare: facile rivelarlo... ma come gestirlo? Un aiuto dello screening”. January 23-25, 2020 – Milan
- ECR 2020 (European Congress of Radiology) – Session “NH 16 - Lung cancer screening implementation in Europe: is it inevitable?”, Lecture: “Lung cancer screening in Europe”, July 15-19 (European Congress of Radiology) – Online
- Webinar della Sezione di Radiologia Toracica della SIRM, Session"Lo screening del tumore polmonare: a che punto siamo?", Lecture: “Screening del tumore polmonare: evidenze dai trials “, September 14 – Online
- Course: “Maratona di Pratica Clinica Respiratoria: 1° ROUND”, Session: “Modulo 4: Imaging”, Lecture: “Nodulo polmonare: facile come gestirlo? Un aiuto dallo screening”, September 14-18 – Online
- Congresso Nazionale SIRM 2020 (Societa Italiana di Radiologia Medica); Session: “Deep learning – Il tumore polmonare: stato dell'arte e nuove prospettive”, Lecture: “Screening del tumore del polmone: pronti per partire?”. October 1-2 – Online and Rimini, Italy
- ECR 2020 Highlight Weeks: “Highlight Week Cardiovascular/Chest” September 29-30, 2020 – Online
- Session: “C 19 - Structured reporting: how to provide the key information - application to thoracic imaging”, Lecture “Pulmonary nodules in lung cancer screening”
- Session: “ESTI - Lung nodule management: case-based session”, Lecture “Solid nodule measurement, follow-up and criteria of positive screens”
- Session: “Live Session: Chest”, Panelist.
- Journées Francophones de Radiologie Diagnostique & Interventionnelle – Medical Imaging International Congress, October 2-5 – Online and Paris, France
- Session: “Management of the first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic, country experiences”, Lecture: “Expérience italienne”
- Session in French: “Faire face à la pandémie de COVID-19 : évaluation internationale de la réponse de l'imagerie”, Lecture in French: “Réponse de l'imagerie dans la pandémie COVID en Italie”
- Prevent Cancer Foundation “Quantitative Imaging Workshop XVII: Leveraging CT to Accelerate Detection of Lung Cancer, COPD and Cardiovascular Disease”, Panelist in the Session: “Making Progress Toward a COPD & Small Lung Nodule Protocol”, October 29 – Online
( ) - Webinar: “Pneumodicina 2020”, Session “Radiologia”, Lecture “Approccio quantitativo nelle malattie fibrosanti polmonari” – November 23, 2020 – Online and Milan, Italy
- European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) – Winter Course. Session: “COVID and infection”, Lecture: “Thoracic Imaging in COVID-19”. December 10, 2020 – Online and Tromso, Norway
- Webinar: “Integrate 3.0 - Update sul trattamento del NSCLC in Stadio III”, Session “MODULO III - Valutazione della risposta e survivorship” – December 17, 2020 – Online and Genova, Italy
- Lecture: “Valutazione della risposta al trattamento combinato”
- Lecture: “Quale follow up dopo trattamento integrato?”
Year 2021
- ECR 2021 (European Congress of Radiology) – Session “E3 919 - Low-dose thoracic CT: only screening for lung cancer?”, Lecture: “Overview of lung cancer screening activities in European countries”, March 3-7, 2021 – Online
- Case-based webinars della Sezione di Radiologia Toracica – Session “I Management del Nodulo Polmonare nella Pratica Clinica: Revisione di casistica”, Lecture “Nodulo Subsolido” – May 17, Online
- “NSCLS on Stage” – Lecture “Ruolo dell’Imaging Stadiativo”, April 28 and May 21, 2021 – Online
- IASLC 2021 CT Screening Symposium (International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer) – Session “Topic 3: Lung Cancer Screening implementation methodology”, Lecture: “Reconstruction protocols software vendor performance”, May 7-8, 2021 – Online
- Progetto SEGNO: La Semeiotica clinica e l’imaGiNg delle patOlogie respiratorie – Session “L’imaging toracico”, Lecture “Il nodulo polmonare: facile come gestirlo? Un aiuto dallo screening” – September 9-10, Napoli
- International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) – World Congress of Lung Cancer 2021 (WCLC2021). Session: “Screening and Early Detection in Lung Cancer”, Lecture: “Future Directions: Screening and AI” – September 8-14 – Online
- La Diagnosi Precoce del Tumore Polmonare Tramite TC a Bassa Dose: il Progetto PEOPLHE, Session “La Diagnosi Precoce del Tumore Polmonare”, Lecture “Il Nodulo Polmonare” – October 2, Catania
- Congresso Congiunto delle Sezioni di Radiologia Toracica, Radioprotezione e Radiobiologia con il Gruppo Regionale SIRM Lombardia.
Convegno Nazionale della Sezione di Radiologia Toracica – Session “Screening del Tumore Polmonare”, Lecture “I risultati dei trials dell’ultimo decennio” – October 8-9, Milan - Maratona di Pratica Clinica Respiratoria: 2o Round. Session: “L’Imaging del Torace: Le Patologie Respiratorie Sotto la Lente”, Session “Il nodulo polmonare: facile come gestirlo? Un aiuto dallo screening” – October 7-10, Viareggio
- Quantitative Imaging Workshop XVIII: Optimizing Thoracic Imaging to Detect and Manage Early Lung Cancer and COPD (Prevent Cancer Foundation) – Session “Lung Cancer & Copd Imaging – Technical Imaging Guidance”, Lecture “Improving CT Lung Cancer Screening Through Image Quality Optimization” – November 4-5, Online
- European Society of Thoracic Imaging, Section of Lung Cancer Screening: Workshop “Hands-on” for the sue of computer aided detection for volume segmentation of lung nodules – October 13, Online
Role: Master Tutor
Year 2022
- Italian Network for Education in Residency Program – Series “Emergencies”, Seminar no 8 “Dyspnoea”. March 8, 2022 – Online
- Pneumomedicina 2022, Session “Hot topics in radiologia toracica”, Lecture “ILA (Interstitial lung abnormalities)”. May 26-28, 2022, Milan/Italy
- 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) – Session “Screening”, Lecture “3 challenges – Lessions learned from Italy”. June 09-11, Oxford/United Kingdom
- 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) – Session “Lung Nodule”, Lecture “Incidental nodules: How to reduce over diagnosis and investigation?”. June 09-11, Oxford/United Kingdom
- European Respiratory Society (ERS) Research Seminar “Time to move forward: Challenges and Research Opportunities for Lung Cancer Screening and Early Detection in Europe” – Session “Session 3: The world does not stand still: evolution in diagnosis and treatment”, Lecture “Is ultra-low-dose ready for practice?”. June 23-24, 2022, Lisbon/Portugal.
- ECR 2022 (European Congress of Radiology) – Session “E³ - Advanced Course: Lung, Mediastinum and Pleural Imaging – Subsolid lung nodules: the integrated approach”, Lecture: “When to intervene”, July 14-17, Vienna/Austria
- XXI CONGRESSO NAZIONALE della Società Italiana di Endoscopia Toracica (SIET) – Session “Early Stage / Screening”, Lecture “Indeterminate And Collateral Findings: Hand Guide And Optimized Management”. September 29 – October 1, Rome/Italy
- Prevent Cancer Foundation “Quantitative Imaging Workshop XIX: Utilizing Quantitative Thoracic Imaging to Optimize Population Health”, Panelist in the Session: “Session Five: Exploring New Ct Imaging & Artificial Intelligence Technical Opportunities”, Introdoctury Lecture “New CT Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges”, November 4 – Online
Year 2023
- ECR 2023 (European Congress of Radiology) – March 1 – 5, Vienna (Austria)
- Oncologic Imaging (ETC Level: LEVEL II+III) – Session “E3 25B –Lung cancer screening (LCS): a newcomer to the game”, Lecture “Who should be screened, how and at which intervals?” – March 2, 2023
- Chest, Imaging Methods (ETC Level: LEVEL I+II) – Session “BS 20b – Thorax: all you need to know in daily clinical hospital practice”, Lecture “Tips and tricks about pulmonary nodules” – March 4, 2023
- 44th International Conference On Screening For Lung Cancer & 12th Conference On Research For Early Lung Cancer Treatment – June 28-30, Verona (Italy) and Online (Hybrid meeting format)
- Panel discussion “Expanding the Role of Nodule Volumetric - Role of Nodule Volumetric”
- Session “Technology updates”, Lecture “Minimizing Radiation Exposure”
- ESCR ESTI Joint Meeting 2023, Session “Masterkurs Thorax –LCS II: Implementation”, Lecture “LCS in Europe”. October 26-28, Berline (DE)
- 1° Congresso Nazionale AITeRTC, Session “TC Polmonare”, Lecture “I vari programmi di screening del tumore polmonare”. November 3-4, Parma (IT)
- MAMMELLA-TORACE Espandiamo l’orizzonte - Convegno Nazionale Congiunto delle Sezioni di Studio di Senologia e Radiologia Toracica con la partecipazione della Sezione di Studio dei Mezzi di Contrasto, Session “Screening Carcinoma Mammario e Polmonare”, Lecture “Criticità dello screening carcinoma polmonare: adesione ai round di screening ed alla gestione dei reperti indeterminate” – November 8-11, Torino (IT)
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: ““Solid nodule measurement and follow‐up, criteria of positive screen”. December 11, 2023 – Online
Congresses/Courses AS FACULTY: ModeratorYear 2015
- Joint Meeting European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and Fleischner Society. Session” Controversies in thoracic oncology”. June 4-6, 2015 – Barcelona (ES).
- HRCT delle malattie polmonari diffuse. Sezione di Radiologia Toracica, Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica (SIRM). October 9-10, 2015 - Rovereto (IT).
Year 2016
- ECR 2016, March 2-6 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria. Moderator in the Scientific Session “SS 604 (Topic: Chest): Spectral CT, nodules, fibrosis and emphysema”.
Year 2017
- 4th World Congress of Thoracic Imaging (WCTI), Session “Quantitative, Emphysema, Infection”, June 18-21 – Boston (MA), USA.
- Associazione Italiana Pneumologi Ospedalieri (AIPO): Course “Tubercolosi, da stop TB a end TB”, Session “Aspeti Clinici e Diagnostici”, November 9 – Parma (IT).
Year 2018
- Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica (SIRM): Course “Il nodulo polmonare: aggiornamenti nella diagnosi e nel management” – Sessione “Il nodulo polmonare: oltre limaging radiologico”, Invited lecture “Il nodulo polmonare: aggiornamenti nella diagnosi e nel management”, March 22, 2017 – Istituto Europeo Oncologico, Rozzano (MI), Italy
- Checklist di refertazione dell’imaging testa-collo, May 4 2018 – Parma, Italy
- Joint Meeting of European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) and European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR), Scientific Session "Lung cancer", May 24-26 – Geneva, Switzerland.
- Congresso Nazionale SIRM 2018 (Societa Italiana di Radiologia Medica); Scientific Session: “Miscellanea”. November 08-11, 2018 – Genova, Italy
Year 2019
- ECR 2019, February 28 – March 3 (European Congress of Radiology) - Vienna, Austria. Moderator in the Refresh Course (RC 504) “Pulmonary neuroendocrine proliferations and neoplasms” within the Postgraduate Educational Programme.
- European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2019 Madrid IFEMA, Spain, 28 September – 2 October 2019. Session: “Lung Cancer Grand Round”
Year 2020
- Netherlands Heart Days 2020, January 16-18 – Nieuwpoort, Curaçao. Moderator in “Session 5 – B3 Hot Topics” in Lung Cancer Screening (Speakers: Oudkerk M, Baldwin DR, Vliegenthart R).
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: “Solid nodule measurement and follow up criteria for positive screens”. December 14, 2020 – Online
Year 2021
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: “Subsolid nodules evaluation and follow‐up, criteria of positive screens”. January 18, 2021 – Online
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: “How to evaluate the coronary arteries and management of ancillary findings”. February 22, 2021 – Online
- European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2021.
Session: “Imaging in COVID-19”. September 5-8, 2021 – Online - Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: “An overview of LCS: A summary of the main trial results from ELCAP to NELSON”. September 13, 2021 – Online
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: “Solid nodule morphological evaluation: How to recognise obviously benign/malignant nodules, how to recognise intrapulmonary lymph nodes, pitfalls”. November 15, 2021 – Online
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: “Solid nodule measurement and follow‐up, criteria of positive screen”. December 5, 2021 – Online
- European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) – Winter Course. Session “Nodules and lung cancer screening” – December 9-10, Online
Year 2022
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: “Subsolid nodules evaluation and follow‐up, criteria of positive screens”. January 31, 2022 – Online
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: “How to evaluate the coronary arteries and management of ancillary findings”. February 21, 2022 – Online
- European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI), Webinar “Interstitial Lung Disease- the Multidisciplinary role of the Radiologist”. March 21, 2022 – Online
- “MDD perfetto”issued by the Unit of Pulmonology of the University Hospital of Parma, Session 2 “Talk Show_Sharing Experience”. March 18, 2022
- 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI) – Session “Screening”. June 09-11, Oxford/United Kingdom
- International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) – World Congress of Lung Cancer 2022 (WCLC2022), Session “ES01 - Implementation and Continuous Optimization of Lung Cancer Screening”. August 6-9, Vienna/Austria
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: “An overview of LCS: A summary of the main trial results, from ELCAP to NELSON”. September 19, 2022 – Online
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: “Solid nodule morphological evaluation: How to recognise obviously benign/malignant nodules, how to recognise intrapulmonary lymph nodes, pitfalls”. November 7, 2022 – Online
- Lung Cancer Screening Certification Program issued by European Society of Thoracic Imaging (ESTI). Webinar: ““Solid nodule measurement and follow‐up, criteria of positive screen”. December 5, 2022 – Online
Year 2023
- ECR 2023 (European Congress of Radiology) – March 1 – 5, Vienna (Austria)
- Scienfitic Session “RPS 2204 - Thoracic imaging in COVID-19” – March 5, 2023
Congresses/Courses AS FACULTY: Scientific CommitteeYear 2018
- European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2018, February 28-March 4, Vienna/Austria
Member of the Scientific Subcommittee "Chest".
Year 2019
- European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2019 February 27-March 3, Vienna/Austria
Member of the Scientific Subcommittee "Chest".
Year 2020
- European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2020 March 11-15, Vienna/Austria
Member of the Scientific Subcommittee "Chest".
Year 2021
- International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) – World Congress of Lung Cancer 2021 (WCLC2021) September 8-14 – Online
Invited Abstract Reviewer (March 26, 2021)
Year 2022
- International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) – World Congress of Lung Cancer 2022 (WCLC2022) August 6-9, Vienna/Austria
Chair for the “Early Detection and Screening” track
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Updated January 2024
Da Lunedì a Venerdì, su appuntamento
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025
- Anno di corso: 2 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - Coorte: 2023/2024
- Anno di corso: 5 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA - Coorte: 2020/2021
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea triennale (DM 270) - Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - Coorte: 2022/2023
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - MEDICINE AND SURGERY - Coorte: 2022/2023
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024
- Anno di corso: 2 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - Coorte: 2022/2023
- Anno di corso: 5 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA - Coorte: 2019/2020
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea triennale (DM 270) - Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - Coorte: 2021/2022
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - MEDICINE AND SURGERY - Coorte: 2021/2022
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023
- Anno di corso: 5 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA - Coorte: 2018/2019
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - Coorte: 2020/2021
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea triennale (DM 270) - Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - Coorte: 2020/2021
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022
- Anno di corso: 5 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA - Coorte: 2017/2018
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - Coorte: 2019/2020
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea triennale (DM 270) - Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - Coorte: 2019/2020
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021
- Anno di corso: 5 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA - Coorte: 2016/2017
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - Coorte: 2018/2019
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea triennale (DM 270) - Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - Coorte: 2018/2019
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020
- Anno di corso: 5 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA - Coorte: 2015/2016
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - Coorte: 2017/2018
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea triennale (DM 270) - Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - Coorte: 2017/2018
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019
- Anno di corso: 5 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA - Coorte: 2014/2015
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA - Coorte: 2016/2017
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea triennale (DM 270) - Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - Coorte: 2016/2017
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018
- Anno di corso: 5 - Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni - MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA - Coorte: 2013/2014
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea triennale (DM 270) - Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - Coorte: 2015/2016
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017
- Anno di corso: 3 - Laurea triennale (DM 270) - Tecniche di radiologia medica, per immagini e radioterapia (abilitante alla professione sanitaria di Tecnico di radiologia medica) - Coorte: 2014/2015
Docente tutor
- Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni ODONTOIATRIA E PROTESI DENTARIA A.A. 2024/2025
Linee di ricerca
Anno: 2024Autore/i: Balbi Maurizio, Mazzaschi Giulia, Leo Ludovica, Moron Dalla Tor Lucas, Milanese Gianluca, Marrocchio Cristina, Silva Mario, Mura Rebecca, Favia Pasquale, Bocchialini Giovanni, Trentini Francesca, Minari Roberta, Ampollini Luca, Quaini Federico, Roti Giovanni, Tiseo Marcello, Sverzellati Nicola
Anno: 2024Autore/i: Milanese G., Silva M., Ledda R. E., Iezzi E., Bortolotto C., Mauro L. A., Valentini A., Reali L., Bottinelli O. M., Ilardi A., Basile A., Palmucci S., Preda L., Sverzellati N., Aliotta L., Barbarino S., Borzi S., Casotto V., Catalano M., Cavalieri D. M., Clemenza M., Contino M., Crimi L., Curia B., Favia P., Gallone V. I., Guicciardi G., La Rosa G., Leo L., Mura R., Priore A., Ruongo L., Scavone C., Zilioli C.
Anno: 2024Autore/i: Desai S. R., Sivarasan N., Johannson K. A., George P. M., Culver D. A., Devaraj A., Lynch D. A., Milne D., Renzoni E., Nunes H., Sverzellati N., Spagnolo P., Baughman R. P., Yadav R., Piciucchi S., Walsh S. L. F., Kouranos V., Wells A. U., Anderson A., Morgenthau A., Gaser A., Vizel A., Speranskaya A., Gerke A., Goksel A., Undurraga A., Sharma A., Oh A., Leung A., Larici A. R., Prasse A., Mazzei A., Morais A., Bhalla A., Del Rio B., Jankharia B., Elicker B., Pereira C., Biegelman-Aubry C., White C., Ravaglia C., Hsia C., Schaefer-Prokop C., Launay D., Talwar D., Castillo D., Patel D., Israel-Biet D., Valeyre D., Britt E. J., Bargagli E., Bendstrup E., Crouser E., Nossent E., Shmelev E., Porquera E. C., Bonella F., Cohen-Aubart F., Jeny F., Ferrara G., Jin G. Y., Robbie H., Prosch H., Sumikawa H., Ling-Pei H., Lee H. Y., Strambu I., Buendia-Roldan I., Grutters J., Ryu J., Swigris J., Miedema J., Goo J. M., Barnett J., Verschakelen J., Goldin J., Seo J. B., Enghelmayer J., Mana J., Behr J., Patterson K., Antoniou K., Brown K., Fujimoto K., Savale L., Maier L., Richeldi L., Neto M. L. R., Humbert M., Judson M., Veltkamp M., Wilsher M., Molina M., Otaola M., Revel M. -P., Silva M., Drent M., Schiebler M., Wijsenbeek-Lourens M., Bonifazi M., Remy-Jardin M., Koslow M., Balter M., Kreuter M., Thillai M., Hamzeh N., Chaudhuri N., Mogulkoc N., Todd N., Screaton N., Goh N., Shah N., Obi O., Shlobin O., Baranova O., Bresser P., Rottoli P., Brillet P. -Y., Said-Hartley Q., Borie R., Mostard R., van Zyl-smit R., Kairalla R., Egashira R., Boussouar S., Lee S. M., Bhalla S., Tomassetti S., Quadrelli S., Hart S. P., Danoff S., Rajan S., Choi S. M., Copley S., Kim T. J., Johkoh T., Corte T., Mcloud T., Wessendorf T., Alfaro T., Arai T., Costabel U., Vicens-Zygmunt V., Poletti V., Cottin V., Vucinic V., Wuyts W., van Es W., Jeong Y. J., Inoue Y.
Anno: 2024Autore/i: Behr C., Koffijberg H., Ijzerman M., Kauczor H. U., Revel M. P., Silva M., von Stackelberg O., van Til J., Vliegenthart R.
Anno: 2023Autore/i: Balbi M., Ledda R. E., Pamparino S., Milanese G., Silva M., Sverzellati N.
Clinical activity at Unit "Scienze Radiologiche", with specific focus on thoracic disease
Clinical activity at Unit "Radiologia di Emergenza-Urgenza", with specific focus on emergency
Radiology staff at the multidisciplinary meetings of "Oncology" and "Thoracic disease"
Scienze Radiologiche, Pad. Barbieri, Ospedale Universitario di Parma
Via Gramsci 14
43126, Parma (IT)