• Curriculum Vitae
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  • Appointments
  • Research

Assistant Professor in Economic Statistics, University of Parma.

2003: PhD in Statistics Applied to Economics and Social Sciences, Faculty of Statistical Sciences, University of Padua. Stock Exchange and post-doctoral research fellowship (2003-2007) in Economic Statistics, University of Parma.

2003: winner of the student prize for best article by the Society for Computational Economics.
2006: the owner of the Short Visit Grant 1190 by the European Science Foundation as part of the Statistical Analysis of Complex Data with Robust and Related Statistical Methods. Visiting researcher at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lancaster University, UK. Owner of the courses Economic Data Analysis and Statistics for Monetary and Financial Markets (series), University of Parma.

Research projects and collaborations: a) Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety Joint Research Center Ispra of the European Economic Community. Contract 16507-2000-07-F1SC ISPs IT Helpdesk Time Series Analysis in Official Statistics. b) Project MURST: Linearity and nonlinearity in the analysis of economic time series, unit of Parma. c) Project MURST: Statistical inference on stochastic and deterministic dynamics of observed time series, unit of Parma. d) Project MURST: parametric and nonparametric estimation and forecasting of the dynamics of conditional moments of time series, unit of Parma. e) Project MURST: Specialization and territorial dimension of Italian firms: an analysis of the shape distribution on the basis of industrial censuses and records of accounts, units of Parma. f) Project MURST: Sensitivity analysis and regulatory impact analysis: applications to the choices of local government, units of Parma.

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