

Professore di I fascia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Scienza delle costruzioni
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Teaching
  • Appointments
  • Research

CURRICULUM VITAE of Andrea Carpinteri






215 Publications in International Refereed Journals

H-INDEX 34 in SCOPUS with 3307 citations, and 232 citations for the most cited paper



2000–present: Full Professor of Structural Mechanics (SSD ICAR/08), Univ.Parma



1994-2000: Associate Professor of Structural Mechanics, Univ.Parma

1988-1994: Associate Professor of Structural Mechanics, Univ.Padua



1975-1980: Degree (110/110 cum Laude) in Civil Engineering, Univ.Bologna


Editor of 3 books:

2003: “Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture”, Special Technical Publication of ESIS (Europ. Struct. Int.egrity Society), Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, U.K., 504 pages, 2003 (with Manuel de Freitas, Lisbon University, and Andrea Spagnoli, University of Parma)

1994: “Handbook of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Metallic Structures”, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 1765 pages, 1994

1989: “Materiali per l'Ingegneria Civile” (in Italian), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Rome (Italy), 221 pages, 1989



Guest Editor of 26 Special Issues of International Journals:

2020: International Journal of Fatigue, Multiaxial Fatigue 2019, in press, with Fionn Dunne, Ali Fatemi, Franck Morel, Thierry Palin-Luc

2020: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Multiaxial Fracture 2019, in press, with Masahiro Endo, Franck Morel, Thierry Palin-Luc, Michael Vormwald

2019: International Journal of Fatigue, Fatigue from crack initiation to failure: role of defects and life assessment, in press, with Aleksandar Sedmak, Filippo Berto, Uwe Zerbst

2019: International Journal of Fatigue, Fatigue Crack Paths 2018, Vol.128, 2019, with Filippo Berto, Youshi Hong, Thierry Palin-Luc

2019: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Crack Paths 2018, in press, with Francesco Iacoviello, Les Pook, Sabrina Vantadori

2019: Fracture and Structural Integrity, Crack Paths, Vol.48, 2019, with Andrea Spagnoli and Sabrina Vantadori, University of Parma

2019: Int.J. of Fatigue, Fatigue in the Presence of Cracks or Notches, with P.Moreira,Univ.Porto, P.Tavares,Univ.Porto, S.Vantadori, Univ.Parma

2018: Engineering Failure Analysis, 21st Europ.Conf. on Fracture,Vol.83,1-239,2018, with L.Susmel, Univ.Sheffield,UK, D.G.Hatting, NelsonMandelaMetropolitanUniv., South Africa, Z.Bozic, Univ.Zagreb,Croatia, D.Angelova, Univ.ChemicalTechnology and Metallurgy, Bulgaria

2017: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Multiaxial Fracture 2016,Vol.174,1-252,2017, with M.Endo, Univ.Fukuoka, C.NavarroPintado, Univ.Seville, M.Vormwald, Univ.Darmstadt

2017: Int.J. of Fatigue, Multiaxial Fatigue 2016: Experiments and Modeling, Vol.100,Part2,453-650,2017, with A.Fatemi,Univ.Toledo, T.Palin-Luc,Arts et MétiersParisTech, S.Vantadori,Univ.Parma

2016: Fracture and Structural Integrity, Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture,Issue 38,1-295,2016, with A.Fatemi,Univ.Toledo, C.NavarroPintado,Univ.Seville

2016: Fracture and Structural Integrity, Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture,Issue 37,1-248,2016, with A.Fatemi,Univ.Toledo, C.NavarroPintado,Univ.Seville

2016: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Crack Paths 2015,Vol.167,1-284,2016, with R.Brighenti,Univ.Parma, A.Fatemi,Univ.Toledo, L.Susmel,Univ.Sheffield

2016: Int.J. of Fatigue, Fatigue Crack Paths 2015,Vol.92,Part 2,383-632,2016, with F.Berto,Univ.Padua, S.Vantadori,Univ.Parma, M.Vormwald,Univ.Darmstadt

2014: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Current models in multiaxial fatigue and fracture – In memory of Professor Ewald Macha,Vol.73,1-170,2014, with E.Macha,Univ.Opole

2014: Int.J. of Fatigue, Multiaxial Fatigue 2013,Vol.67,1-228,2014, with T.Itoh,Univ.Ritsumeikan, T.Palin-Luc,Arts et MétiersParisTech, M.Sakane, Univ.Ritsumeikan, L.Susmel,Univ.Sheffield

2014: Int.J. of Fatigue, Fatigue Crack Paths 2012,Vol.58,1-224,2014, with L.P.Pook,Univ.CollegeLondon, L.Susmel,Univ.Sheffield, S.Vantadori,Univ.Parma

2013: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Crack Paths 2012,Vol.108,1-316,2013, with R.Brighenti,Univ.Parma, F.Iacoviello,Univ.Cassino, L.P.Pook,Univ.CollegeLondon

2013: Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Characterisation of Crack Tip Stress Fields,Vol.36,No.1,1-84,2013, with E.A.Patterson,Univ.Liverpool, L.Susmel,Univ.Sheffield

2011: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Multiaxial Fracture,Vol.78,No.8,1515-1826,2011, with L.P.Pook,Univ.CollegeLondon, A.Spagnoli,Univ.Parma

2011: Int.J. of Fatigue, Multiaxial Fatigue Models,Vol.33,No.8,929-1157,2011, with L.P.Pook,Univ.CollegeLondon, M.Sonsino,Univ.Darmstadt

2010: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Crack Paths 2009,Vol.77,No.11,1617-2212,2010, with B.Atzori,Univ.Padua, P.Lazzarin,Univ.Padua, L.P.Pook,Univ.CollegeLondon, A.Spagnoli,Univ.Parma

2008: Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Crack Paths,Vol.75,No.3-4,297-900,2008, with L.P.Pook,Univ.CollegeLondon, A.Spagnoli,Univ.Parma

2006: Int.J. of Fatigue, Biaxial/Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture,Vol.28,No.5-6,449-674,2006, with L.P.Pook,Univ.CollegeLondon, M.Sonsino,Univ.Darmstadt, H.Zenner,Univ.Clausthal-Zellerfeld

2005: Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Fatigue Crack Paths,Vol.28,No.1/2,1-265,2005, with L.P.Pook,Univ.CollegeLondon

1997: Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Italian Special Issue,Vol.20,No.8,1083-1234,1997, with I.Iori,Univ.Parma, G.Maier,Polytechnic Milan



Member of the Editor Boards of 10 International Journals:

2018-present: Science and Engineering of Composite Materials

2018-present: Applied Sciences

2016-present (and from 1996 to 2002): Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures

2015-present: Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

2013-present: Structural Engineering and Mechanics - An Int. J.

2011-present: Journal of Testing and Evaluation (American Society of Testing and Materials)

2019-present: Scientific Technical Review

2009-present: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale

2007-present (and from 1997 to 2001): Int.J. of Fatigue

2005-present: Strength of Materials



2000-present: Chairman of TC3 (Technical Committee No.3 ‘Fatigue of Engineering Materials and Structures’) of ESIS (Europ. Structural Integrity Society)

From 2013 to 2019: Coordinator of Research Doctorate on ‘Civil Engineering and Architecture’ (Univ.Parma)

From 2010 to 2012: Member of Board of Research Doctorate on ‘Civil Engineering’ (Univ.Parma)

From 1991 to 2010: Member of Board of Research Doctorate on ‘Structural Mechanics’ (Central Department at Univ.Bologna)

From 2007 to 2012: Director of Laboratory ‘Materials and Structures Testing’ of the Univ.Parma



2018-2020: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2018-03, Research Project N. 857124 on “Structural integrity and reliability of advanced materials obtained through additive manufacturing” - Research Team Member

2017-2020: Research Grant COFIN-PRIN 2017 No. 2017HFPKZY on “Modelling of constitutive laws for traditional and innovative building materials”, Italian Ministry for Univ. and Technol. and Scient. Research (MIUR) - Principal Investigator

2015-2018: Research Grant COFIN-PRIN 2015 No. 2015JW9NJT on “Advanced mechanical modeling of new materials and structures for the solution of 2020 Horizon challenges”, Italian Ministry for Univ. and Technol. and Scient. Research (MIUR) - Local Coordinator

2018-2019:  Fundings from private companies



2011-2012: Spinner Research Programme “Progetti di Idee imprenditoriali innovative e/o ad alto contenuto di conoscenza tecnologica” (Bollettino Ufficiale Regione Emilia Romagna n.70 PartII, 6th May 2011) on “Development of a scientific methodology to compute flexible road pavements reinforced with synthetic interlayers”

2004-2005: Research Grant on “Methods for fatigue resistance evaluation of notched structural components under multiaxial loading”, Italian Ministry for Univ. and Technol. and Scient. Research (MIUR), Cofin-Prin 2004-2005

2003-2004: National Research Grant for Antarctica, “Fracture and fatigue behavior of metallic structural components under cyclic loads at low temperature”, Italian Ministry for Univ. and Technol. and Scient. Research (MIUR), Antarctica 2003-2004

1994-1997: Chairman of Numerical Methods Group for Research Project COPERNICUS “Influence of local stress and strain concentrators on the reliability and safety of structures”, funded from Europ.Community

1985-1988: Member of CNR (National Research Council) Committee for preliminary analysis on a Research Project “Materials for Civil Engineering” (Chairman: Elio Giangreco, Univ.Naples)



1985: Participation, as an expert of “Structural safety of buildings”, in a Rescue Mission to Messico after the earthquake in September 1985, on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs



1994-present: Structural Mechanics, Bachelor’s Degree Course in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ.Parma

2017-present: Numerical Modelling of Advanced Materials in Structural Applications, Master’s Degree Course in Civil Engineering, Univ.Parma

1992-1994: Mechanics of Materials and Fracture, Degree Course in Civil Engineering, Univ.Padua

1987-1992: Advanced Structural Mechanics, Degree Course in Civil Engineering, Univ.Padua




Fracture Mechanics for building materials

Mechanics of Fatigue-Fracture for building materials

Criteria on fatigue resistance

Size effect for structures



Co-Chairman of 12 International Conferences:

2019: 12th Int.Conf. on "Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF 12)”, Bordeaux, France, 24-26 June 2019

2018: 6th Int.Conf. on "Crack Paths”, Verona, Italy, 19-21 Sept 2018

2017: Mini-Symposium on “Fracture and Fatigue in presence of cracks or notches” at “2nd Int.Conf. on Structural Integrity 2017 (ICSI2017)”, Funchal(Madeira), Portugal, 4-7 Sept 2017

2016: 11th Int.Conf. on "Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF 11)”, Seville, Spain, 1-3 June 2016

2015: 5th Int.Conf. on "Crack Paths”, Ferrara, Italy, 16-18 Sept 2015

2013: 10th Int.Conf. on "Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF 10)”, Kyoto, Japan, 3-6 June 2013

2012: 4th Int.Conf. on “Crack Paths (CP 2012)”, Gaeta, Italy, 19-21 Sept 2012

2010: 9th Int.Conf. on "Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF 9)”, Parma, Italy, 7-9 June 2010

2009: 3rd Int.Conf. on “Crack Paths (CP 2009)”, Vicenza, Italy, 23-25 Sept 2009

2006: 2nd Int.Conf. on “Crack Paths (CP 2006)”, Parma, Italy, 14-16 Sept 2006

2005: Mini-Symposium on “Numerical Approaches to Fatigue” at “11th Int.Conf. on Fracture”, Turin, Italy, 20-25 March 2005

2003: 1st Int.Conf. on “Fatigue Crack Paths (FCP2003)”, Parma, Italy, 18-20 Sept 2003



Member of Scientific Advisory Committees of many Conferences



2018: Selected by Publons as the Winner of a Reviewer Award for 2018, being in the first 1% of Reiewers in Engineering on the basis of reviews submitted during the years 2017-2018

2018: Winner (together with Professor Sabrina Vantadori, University of Parma, and Professor Ignacio Iturrioz, Federal University of do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil) of the Prize related to the 'BANDO OPEN-UP Outgoing Publications, Essays and Networks', to publish papers in open access, with the Proposal entitled Dynamic shieldings under seismic action”

2018, 2017, 2016, 2013: Selected by the Editors of Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures as the Winner of ‘the Most Active Reviewer Award’

2017: Elected "IGF Honorary Member" by the Executive Committee of IGF (Italian Group of Fracture) for significant research, editorial and organization activities in the field of structural integrity (fracture mechanics and fatigue)

2012: Elected “ESIS Fellow” by the Fellows Committee of ESIS (Europ. Structural Integrity Society) “for outstanding contributions to the field of Structural Integrity”

2011: Winner of Int. Prize on “Innovative Projects related to renewable energy sources for Italian small isles and protected areas”, 2011, awarded by Marevivo, ENEA, GSE, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, Ministry for Environment Protection, and Citera




5 Grants as Principal Investigator:

2017-2020: Research Grant COFIN-PRIN 2017 No. 2017HFPKZY on “Modelling of constitutive laws for traditional and innovative building materials”, Italian Ministry for Univ. and Technol. and Scient. Research (MIUR).

2011-2012: Spinner Research Programme “Progetti di Idee imprenditoriali innovative e/o ad alto contenuto di conoscenza tecnologica” (Call published on 6th May 2011 on Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Emilia Romagna n. 70 - Part II) on “Development of a scientific methodology to compute flexible road pavements reinforced with synthetic interlayers”.

2004-2005: Research Grant on “Methods for fatigue resistance evaluation of notched structural components under multiaxial loading”, Italian Ministry for University and Technological and Scientific Research (MIUR), Cofin-Prin 2004-2005.

2003-2004: National Research Grant for Antarctica, “Fracture and fatigue behavior of metallic structural components under cyclic loads at low temperature”, Italian Ministry for University and Technological and Scientific Research (MIUR), Antarctica 2003-2004.

1994-1997: Chairman of the Numerical Methods Group for the Research Project COPERNICUS “Influence of local stress and strain concentrators on the reliability and safety of structures”, funded from the Europ. Community.




Award for paper “Mode I fracture toughness of fibre reinforced concrete” which was (in 2018) in the top 20 most down-loaded papers published in the int.j. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics (TAFM, Vol.91, 66-75, 2017)


Award for paper “Lifetime estimation in the low/medium-cycle regime using the Carpinteri-Spagnoli multiaxial fatigue criterion” which was (in 2018) in the top 10 most cited papers published in the int.j. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics in 2014 (TAFM, Vol.73, 120-127)


Award for paper “An alternative definition of the shear stress amplitude based on the Maximum Rectangular Hull method and application to the C-S (Carpinteri - Spagnoli) criterion” which was in the top 10 most cited papers published in the int.j. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures in 2014 (FFEMS,Vol.37,No.7,764-771)


Award for paper “Structural Integrity assessment of metallic components under multiaxial fatigue: the C-S criterion and its evolution” which was in the top 10 most cited papers published in int.j. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures in 2013 (FFEMS,Vol.36,No.9,870-883)


Award for paper “Stress intensity factors and fatigue growth of surface cracks in notched shells and round bars: two decades of research work” which was in the top 10 most cited papers published in int.j. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures in 2013 (FFEMS,Vol.36,No.11,1164-1177)


Award for paper “Surface cracks in fatigued structural components: a review” which was in the top 10 most cited papers published in int.j. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures in 2013 (FFEMS,Vol.36,No.12,1209-1222)


Award for paper “Fatigue life assessment under a complex multiaxial load history: an approach based on damage mechanics” which was in the top 10 most cited papers published in int.j. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures in 2012 (FFEMS,Vol.35,No.2,141-153)





  1.  Alberto Carpinteri, Andrea Carpinteri, Hysteretic behavior of R.C. beams.  Journal of Structural Engineering (A.S.C.E.), Vol. 110, No. 9, 2073-2084, 1984.

  2.  Alberto Carpinteri, Andrea Carpinteri, Lateral loading distribution between the elements of a three-dimensional civil structure.  Computers and Structures, Vol. 21, No. 3, 563-580, 1985.

  3.  Andrea Carpinteri, Crack growth resistance in non-perfect plasticity: isotropic versus kinematic hardening.  Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 4, No. 2, 117-122, 1985.

  4.  Andrea Carpinteri, Dimensional analysis implications of the fictitious crack model.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics , Vol. 22 , No. 2 , 327-333 , 1985.

  5.  Andrea Carpinteri, Combined tension and bending stress-intensity factor of surface crack modelled as spring elements. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 14, No. 3, 243-251, 1990.

  6.  Andrea Carpinteri, Influence of torsion resistant bracing systems in laterally loaded buildings.  European Earthquake Engineering, Vol. IV, No. 3, 3-6, 1990.

  7.  Andrea Carpinteri, Stress-intensity factors for semi-elliptical surface cracks under tension or bending.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 38, No. 4-5, 327-334, 1991.

  8.  Andrea Carpinteri, Energy dissipation in R.C. beams under cyclic loadings.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 39, No. 2, 177-184, 1991.

  9.  Andrea Carpinteri, Stress-intensity factors for straight-fronted edge cracks in round bars.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 42, No. 6, 1035-1040, 1992.

10.  Andrea Carpinteri, Crack propagation under cyclic loading.  Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 15, No. 4, 365-376, 1992.

11.  Andrea Carpinteri, An automated procedure for fatigue crack growth analysis.  Computers and Structures , Vol. 44, No. 6, 1317-1338, 1992.

12.  Andrea Carpinteri, Elliptical-arc surface cracks in round bars. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 15, No. 11, 1141-1153, 1992.

13.  Andrea Carpinteri, Shape change of surface cracks in round bars under cyclic axial loading.  International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 15, No. 1, 21-26, 1993.

14.  Andrea Carpinteri, Surface flaw stress intensity factor computation with quarter-point elements.  Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, Vol. 28, No. 2, 117-123, 1993.

15.  Andrea Carpinteri, Carmelo Majorana, Fatigue growth of edge flaws in cylindrical bars.  Strength of Materials, Vol.27, No.1, 14-22, 1995.

16.  Andrea Carpinteri, Carmelo Majorana, Fully three-dimensional thermomechanical analysis of steel welding processes.  Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 53, Nos. 1-2, 85-92, 1995.

17.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Part-through cracks in round bars under cyclic combined axial and bending loading.  International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 18, No. 1, 33-39, 1996.

18.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Spagnoli, Size effect in beams with rounded-tip V-notch.  Materials Science, Vol.32, No.3, 325-331, 1996.

19.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Fatigue propagation of surface flaws in round bars : a three-parameter theoretical model.  Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.19, No. 12, 1471-1480, 1996.

20.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Spagnoli, Part-through cracks in pipes under cyclic bending. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.185, No.1, 1-10, 1998.

21.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Spagnoli, Surface flaws in cylindrical shafts under rotary bending. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 21, No.9, 1027-1035, 1998.

22.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Circumferential surface flaws in pipes under cyclic axial loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 60, No. 4, 383-396, 1998.

23.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Stress field near a notch root under pure bending. Materials Science, Vol.34, No.5, 43-48, 1998.

24.  Andrea Carpinteri, Ewald Macha, Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Spagnoli, Expected principal stress directions under multiaxial random loading - Part I: theoretical aspects of the weight function method. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.21, No.1, 83-88, 1999.

25.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Ewald Macha, Andrea Spagnoli, Expected principal stress directions under multiaxial random loading - Part II: numerical simulation and experimental assessment through the weight function method. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.21, No.1, 89-96, 1999.

26.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Multiaxial fatigue fracture criteria for metallic structures. Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.26, No.1, 1-10, 1999.

27.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, A three-parameter model for fatigue behaviour of circumferential surface flaws in pipes. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol.42, No.7, 1255-1269, 2000.

28.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Spagnoli, A fracture plane approach in multiaxial high-cycle fatigue of metals. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.23, No.4, 355-364, 2000.

29.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Spagnoli, Fatigue growth simulation of part-through flaws in thick-walled pipes under rotary bending. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.22, No.1, 1-9, 2000.

30.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Spagnoli, External surface cracks in shells under cyclic internal pressure. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.23, No.6, 467-476, 2000.

31.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Multiaxial high-cycle fatigue criterion for hard metals. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.23, No.2, 135-145, 2001.

32.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, An approach to size effect in fatigue of metals using fractal theories. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.25, No.7, 619-627, 2002.

33.  Andrea Carpinteri, Aleksander Karolczuk, Ewald Macha, Sabrina Vantadori, Expected position of the fatigue fracture plane by using the weighted mean principal Euler angles. International Journal of Fracture, Vol.115, No.1, 87-99, 2002.

34.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Sabrina Vantadori, Circumferentially notched pipe with an external surface crack under complex loading. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol.45, No.12, 1929-1947, 2003.

35.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, A multiaxial fatigue criterion for random loading. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Special Issue, Vol.26, No.6, 515-522, 2003.

36.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Sabrina Vantadori, A numerical analysis on the interaction of twin coplanar flaws. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Vol.71, No.4-6, 485-499, 2004.

37.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, A fractal analysis of size effect on fatigue crack growth. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.26, No.2, 125-133, 2004.

38.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, A fracture mechanics model for a composite beam with multiple reinforcements under cyclic bending. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.41, No.20, 5499-5515, 2004.

39.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Hans-Jörg Huth, Sabrina Vantadori, Fatigue growth of a surface crack in a welded T-joint. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.27, No.1, 59-69, 2005.

40.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Mechanical damage of ordinary or prestressed reinforced concrete beams under cyclic bending. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.72, No.9, 1313-1328, 2005.

41.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Sabrina Vantadori, Surface cracks in notched round bars under cyclic tension and bending. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.28, No.3, 251-260, 2006.

42.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, A genetic algorithm applied to optimisation of patch repairs for cracked plates. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 196, No.1-3, 466-475, 2006.

43.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Sabrina Vantadori, Notched shells with surface cracks under complex loading. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences , Vol.48, No.6, 638-649, 2006.

44.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, An elastic-plastic crack bridging model for brittle-matrix fibrous composite beams under cyclic loading. International Journal of Solids and Structures , Vol.43, No.16, 4917-4936, 2006.

45.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Sabrina Vantadori, Danilo Viappiani, Sickle-shaped crack in a round bar under complex Mode I loading. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.30, No.6, 524-534, 2007.

46.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Danilo Viappiani, A multiaxial criterion for notch high-cycle fatigue using a critical-point method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Critical Distance Theories, Vol.75, No.7, 1864-1874, 2008.

47.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Danilo Viappiani, Influence of the crack morphology on the fatigue crack growth rate: a continuously-kinked crack model based on fractals. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Crack Paths, Vol.75, No.3-4, 579-589, 2008.

48.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Sabrina Vantadori, Danilo Viappiani, Static crack extension prediction in aluminium alloy at low temperature. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Crack Paths, Vol.75, No.3-4, 510-525, 2008.

49.  Li-Ping Guo, Wei Sun, Andrea Carpinteri, Latent crack path and service life predictions for unnotched concrete under bending by digital speckle correlation method. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.31, No.1, 29-37, 2008.

50.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Alan Davoli, Sabrina Vantadori, A micromechanical model for the prediction of the temperature fracture behaviour dependence in metallic alloys. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Microstructurally Aided Fracture Mechanisms, Vol.75, No.12, 3646-3662, 2008.

51.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Some applications of fractal fracture mechanics to describe the fatigue behaviour of materials. Key Engineering Materials, Vol.378-379, 355-370, 2008.

52.  Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, Surface cracks in round bars under cyclic tension or bending. Key Engineering Materials, Vol.378-379, 341-354, 2008.

53.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Fracture and fatigue properties of metallic alloys S275 J2 and Al7075 T6 at low temperatures. Journal of Materials Science, Vol.43, No.14, 4780-4788, 2008.

54.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Multiaxial fatigue life estimation in welded joints using the critical plane approach. International Journal of Fatigue, Special Issue on Welded connections, Vol.31, No.1, 188-196, 2009.

55.  Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, Sickle-shaped cracks in metallic round bars under cyclic eccentric axial loading. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.31, No.4, 759-765, 2009.

56.  Li-Ping Guo, Andrea Carpinteri, Riccardo Roncella, Andrea Spagnoli, Wei Sun, Sabrina Vantadori, Fatigue damage of high performance concrete through a 2D mesoscopic lattice model.  Computational Materials Science, Vol.44, No.4, 1098-1106, 2009.

57.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Size effect in S-N curves: a fractal approach to finite-life fatigue strength. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.31, No.5, 927-933, 2009.

58.  Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, Sickle-shaped surface crack in a notched round bar under cyclic tension and bending. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.32, No.3, 223-232, 2009.

59.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, A new continuum FE approach for fracture mechanics discontinuous problems. Computational Materials Science, Vol.45, No.2, 367-377, 2009.

60.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Sabrina Vantadori, Notched double-curvature shells with cracks under pulsating internal pressure. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol.86, No.7, 443-453, 2009.

61.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Fatigue life estimation in welded joints under multiaxial loadings. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, Vol.9, 46-54, 2009.

62.  Li-Ping Guo, Andrea Carpinteri, Wei Sun, Wen-Chao Qin, Measurement and analysis of defects in high-performance concrete with three-dimensional micro-computer tomography. Journal of Southeast University, Vol.25, No.1, 83-88, 2009.

63.  Li-Ping Guo, Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Wei Sun, Experimental and numerical investigations on fatigue damage propagation and life prediction of high-performance concrete containing reactive mineral admixtures.  International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.32, No.2, 227-237, 2010.

64.  Li-Ping Guo, Wei Sun, Andrea Carpinteri, Bo Chen, Xiao-Yuan He, Real-time detection and analysis of damage in high-performance concrete under cyclic bending. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, Vol.50, No.3, 413-428, 2010.

65.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, A multifractal analysis of fatigue crack growth and its application to concrete.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol.77, No.6, 974-984, 2010.

66.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Sabrina Vantadori, Influence of the cold-drawing process on fatigue crack growth of a V-notched round bar. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.32, No.7, 1136-1145, 2010.

67.  Li-Ping Guo, Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Wei Sun, Effects of mechanical properties of concrete constituents including active mineral admixtures on fatigue behaviours of high performance concrete.  Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.33, No.1, 66-75, 2010.

68.  Andrea Carpinteri, Roberto Brighenti, Fracture behaviour of plain and fiber-reinforced concrete with different water content under mixed mode loading. Materials and Design, Vol.31, No.4, 2032-2042, 2010.

69.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Some considerations on failure of solids and liquids. Strength of Materials, Vol.42, No.2, 154-166, 2010.

70.  Slobodanka Boljanović, Stevan Maksimović, Andrea Carpinteri. An analysis of crack propagation and a plasticity-induced closure effect.  Scientific Technical Review, Vol.60, No.2, 14-19, 2010.

71.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Buckling and fracture behaviour of cracked thin plates under shear loading. Materials and Design, Vol.32, No.3, 1347-1355, 2011.

72.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, Influence of residual stresses on fatigue crack propagation in pearlitic cold-drawn steel wires.  Materials Science Forum, Vol.681, 229-235, 2011.

73.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Multiaxial fatigue assessment using a simplified critical plane-based criterion.  International Journal of Fatigue, Special Issue on Multiaxial Fatigue Models, Vol.33, No.8, 969-976, 2011.

74.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Daniela Scorza, Discontinuous FE approach and lattice models to describe cracking behaviour in fibre-reinforced brittle materials.  Procedia Engineering (ISSN: 1877-7058), Vol.10, 2098–2103, 2011.

75.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, A notch multiaxial-fatigue approach based on damage mechanics.  International Journal of Fatigue, Special Issue on Physical and phenomenological approaches to fatigue damage, Vol.39, 122-133, 2012.

76.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, Fatigue life assessment under a complex multiaxial load history: an approach based on damage mechanics. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.35, No.2, 141-153, 2012.

       doi: 10.1111/j.1460-2695.2011.01600.x

77.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Daniela Scorza, Crack path dependence on inhomogeneities of material microstucture. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, Vol.20, 6-16, 2012.

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.20.01

78.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, A plasticity-like discontinuous FE approach for plain and fiber-reinforced brittle materials. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol.19, No.4, 277-289, 2012.

       doi: 10.1080/15376494.2011.642938

79.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Daniela Scorza, A computational approach to evaluate the mechanical influence of fibres on brittle-matrix composite materials. Computational Materials Science, Special Issue IWCMM21, Vol. 64, 212-215, 2012.

       doi: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.01.032

80.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Nicholas Corbari, Damage mechanics and Paris regime in fatigue life assessment of metals. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Vol. 104, 57-68, 2013.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijpvp.2013.01.005

81.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Daniela Scorza, Cracking behaviour of fibre-reinforced cementitious composites: A comparison between continuous and discrete computational approach. Engineering Fracture Mechanics: Special Issue on “Advances in Failure Assessment Using Fracture and Damage Mechanics”, Vol.103, 103-114, 2013.

       doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2012.01.014

82.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Daniela Scorza, Fracture mechanics approach for a partially debonded cylindrical fibre. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.53, 169-178, 2013.

       doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2013.03.042

83.  Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Daniela Scorza, Simplified analysis of fracture behaviour of a Francis hydraulic turbine runner blade. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.36, No.7, 679-688, 2013.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12036

84.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Cristian Bagni,  Structural integrity assessment of metallic components under multiaxial fatigue: the C-S criterion and its evolution. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.36, No. 9, 870-883, 2013.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12037

85.  Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Sabrina Vantadori, Stress intensity factors and fatigue growth for surface cracks in notched shells and round bars: two decades of research work. Special Issue of Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures (ACAM 7, 7th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics), Vol.36, No.11, 1164-1177, 2013.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12092

86.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Daniela Scorza, Continuous and lattice models to describe crack paths in brittle-matrix composites with random and unidirectional fibres. Engineering Fracture Mechanics: Special Issue on “Crack Paths 2012”, Vol.108, 170-182, 2013.

       doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2013.05.006

87.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Surface cracks in fatigued structural components: a review.  Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.36, No.12, 1209-1222, 2013.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12100

88.  Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, On a kinked crack model to describe the influence of material microstructure on fatigue crack growth. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, Vol.25, 94-101, 2013.

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.25.14

89.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Daniela Scorza, Stress-intensity factors at the interface edge of a partially detached fibre. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol.67-68, 1-13, 2013.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2014.01.005

90.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Damage mechanics and critical plane approach to multiaxial fatigue. Key Engineering Materials, Vol.592-593, 239-245, 2014.

       doi: 10.4028/

91.  Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Lorenzo Montanari, Application of the shakedown theory to brittle-matrix fiber-reinforced cracked composite beams under combined traction and flexure. Journal of Applied Mechanics (ASME), Vol.81, No.3, 031012(1-8), 2014.

       doi: 10.1115/1.4025313 

92.  Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Interpreting some experimental evidences of fatigue crack size effects through a kinked crack model. Special Issue of Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, in press, 2014.

93.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Influence of material micro-voids and heterogeneities on fatigue crack propagation.  Acta Mechanica, in press, 2014.

94.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Reformulation in the frequency domain of a critical plane-based multiaxial fatigue criterion.  International Journal of Fatigue: Special Issue on “Multiaxial Fatigue 2013”, in press, 2014.

95.  José Alexander Araújo, Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, An alternative definition of the shear stress amplitude based on the Maximum Rectangular Hull method and application to the C-S (Carpinteri - Spagnoli) criterion. Fatigue Fract. Engng Mater. Struct.: Special Issue ICEAF III, in press, 2014.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12180

96.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Reformulation in the frequency domain of a critical plane-based multiaxial fatigue criterion.  International Journal of Fatigue: Special Issue on “Multiaxial Fatigue 2013”, Vol.67, 55-61, 2014.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2014.01.008

97.  Slobodanka Boljanović, Stevan Maksimović, Andrea Carpinteri. Fatigue life evaluation of damaged aircraft lugs.  Scientific Technical Review, Vol.63, No.4, 3-9, 2013.

98.  Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, On the use of the Prismatic Hull method in a critical plane-based multiaxial fatigue criterion. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.68, 159-167, 2014.

       doi: 10.1016j.ijfatigue.2014.05.007

99.  Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Lifetime estimation in the low/medium-cycle regime using the Carpinteri-Spagnoli multiaxial fatigue criterion. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Current models in multiaxial fatigue and fracture – In memory of Professor Ewald Macha, Vol.73, 120-127, 2014.

       doi: 10.1016j.tafmec.2014.06.002

100.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Influence of material micro-voids and heterogeneities on fatigue crack propagation. ACTA MECHANICA, Vol.225, 3123-3135, 2014.

       doi: 10.1007s00707-014-1111-7

101.  Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Sabrina Vantadori, Analysis of cracked and notched round bars under rotary bending. Materials Performance and Characterization, Special Issue, Vol.4, No.2, 131-142, 2015.

       doi: 10.1520/MPC20140025

102.  Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Interpreting some experimental evidences of fatigue crack size effects through a kinked crack model. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Special Issue on Characterisation of Crack-tip Fields, Vol.38, No.2, 215-222, 2015.


103.  Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Fracture mechanics based approach to fatigue analysis of welded joints. Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol.49, 67-78, 2015.


104.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Critical plane criterion for fatigue life calculation: time and frequency domain formulations. Procedia Engineering, Vol.101, 518-523, 2015.


105.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Interpreting experimental fracture toughness results of quasi-brittle natural materials through multi-parameter approaches. Fracture and Structural Integrity, Vol.33, 80-88, 2015.

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.33.11

106.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Camilla Ronchei, Sabrina Vantadori, Time and frequency domain models for multiaxial fatigue life estimation under random loading. Fracture and Structural Integrity, Vol.33, 376-381, 2015.

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.33.41

107.  Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Fatigue life estimation for multiaxial low-cycle fatigue regime: the influence of the effective Poisson ratio value. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue in Memory of Professor Paolo Lazzarin, Vol.79, 77-83, 2015.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2015.06.013

108.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Daniela Scorza, Effect of fibre arrangement on the multiaxial fatigue of fibrous composites: a micromechanical computational model. Fracture and Structural Integrity, Vol.34, 59-68, 2015.

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.34.05

109.  Daniela Scorza, Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Sabrina Vantadori, Daniele Ferretti, Roberto Brighenti, Investigation of Mode I fracture toughness of red Verona marble after thermal treatment. Fracture and Structural Integrity, Vol.34, 69-73, 2015.

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.34.06

110.  Camilla Ronchei, Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Marta Kurek, Tadeusz Lagoda, Lifetime estimation by varying the critical plane orientation in the modified Carpinteri-Spagnoli criterion. Fracture and Structural Integrity, Vol.34, 74-79, 2015.

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.34.07

111.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Nicholas Corbari, A unified approach for static and dynamic fracture failure in solids and granular materials by a particle method. Fracture and Structural Integrity, Vol.34, 80-89, 2015.

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.34.08

112.  Andrea Carpinteri, Daniele Ferretti, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Mode I fracture toughness of the thermally pretreated red Verona marble by means of the two-parameter model. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.38, No.12, 1529-1538, 2015.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12355

113.  Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Critical plane orientation influence on multiaxial high-cycle fatigue assessment. Physical Mesomechanics, Vol.18, No.4, 348-354, 2015.

       doi: 10.1134/S1029959915040074

114.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Daniela Scorza, Micromechanical crack growth-based fatigue damage in fibrous composites. International Journal of Fatigue: Special Issue on 20th European Conference on Fracture (ECF 20), Vol.82, 98-109, 2016.

       doi:  10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2015.04.007

115.  Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Spectral fatigue life evaluation for non-proportional multiaxial random loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue ICEAF 4 Engineering Against Failure, Vol.83, 67-72, 2016.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2015.12.019

116.                                              Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Federico Artoni, Notch effect in highly deformable material sheets. Thin-Walled Structures, Vol.105, 90-100, 2016.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tws.2016.03.030

117.  Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Fatigue life evaluation of metallic structures under multiaxial random loading. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.90, 191-199, 2016.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.05.007

118.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Daniela Scorza, Mechanics of interface debonding in fiber-reinforced materials. Journal of Composite Materials Vol.50, No.19, 2699-2718, 2016.

       doi: 10.1177/0021998315612537

119.  Andrea Carpinteri, Filippo Berto, Alberto Campagnolo, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Fatigue assessment of notched specimens by means of a critical plane-based criterion and energy concepts. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Notch Mechanics, Vol.84, 57-63, 2016.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2016.03.003

120.  Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Daniele Ferretti, Sabrina Vantadori, An experimental investigation on the quasi-brittle fracture of marble rocks. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Special Issue on Characterisation of Crack Tip Stress Field, Vol.39, No.8, 956-968, 2016.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12429

121.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Federico Artoni, Defect tolerance in soft materials. Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol.2, 2788-2795, 2016.      ISSN: 2452-3 216

       doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2016.06.348

122.  Giovanni Fortese, Andrea Carpinteri, Vittorio Di Cocco, Francesco Iacoviello, Stefano Natali, Sabrina Vantadori, Improved Zn-based coatings for ipersandelin steel products.  Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol.2, 2263-2268, 2016.                  ISSN: 1877-7058 

       doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2016 .06.283

123.  L. Molent, A. Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, R. Jones,  Fractals and the lead crack airframe lifing framework.  Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol. 2, 3081-3089, 2016.     ISS N: 2452-3216

       doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2016.06.385

124.  Marta Kurek, Andrea Carpinteri, Tadeusz Łagoda, Sabrina Vantadori, Estimation of fatigue strength under multiaxial cyclic loading by varying the critical plane orientation. Fracture and Structural Integrity, No.37, 221-227, 2016.       ISSN : 1971-8993

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.37.29

125.  Daniela Scorza, Andrea Carpinteri, Filippo Berto, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Sabrina Vantadori, Two-parameter fracture model for cortical bone. Fracture and Structural Integrity, No.37, 215-220, 2016.                ISSN : 1971-8993  

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.37.28

126.  Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza,  Mode I fracture toughness of fibre-reinforced concrete by means of a modified version of the two-parameter model. Procedia Structural Integrity, Vol.2, 2889-2895, 2016.     ISSN: 1877-7058

       doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2016.06.361

127.  Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Alessandro Tasora, Sabrina Vantadori, Dynamic shieldings for cultural heritage buildings under seismic action. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.89, 269-276, 2016.

       doi: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2016.07.019

128.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Daniela Scorza, Micromechanical model for preferentially-oriented short-fibre-reinforced materials under cyclic loading. Engineering Fracture Mechanics: Special Issue on “Crack Paths 2015”, Vol.167, 138-150, 2016.

       doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2016.05.006

129.  Andrea Carpinteri, Vittorio Di Cocco, Giovanni Fortese, Francesco Iacoviello, Stefano Natali, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Kinetics of intermetallic phases and mechanical behaviour of ZnSn3% hot-dip galvanization coatings. Advanced Engineering Materials, Vol.18, No.12, 2088-2094, 2016.

       doi: 10.1002/adem.201600254

130.  Camilla Ronchei, Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Fretting high-cycle fatigue assessment through a multiaxial critical plane-based criterion in conjunction with the Taylor’s point method. Solid State Phenomena, Vol.258, 217-220, 2017.

       doi: 10.4028/

131.  Andrea Carpinteri, Alfonso Fernández-Canteli, Giovanni Fortese, Miguel Muñiz-Calvente, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Probabilistic failure assessment of Fibreglass composites. Composite Structures, Vol.160, 1163-1170, 2017.

       doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.11.010

132.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Federico Artoni, Defect sensitivity to failure of highly deformable polymeric materials. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol.88, 107-116, 2017.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2016.12.005

133.  Andrea Carpinteri, Filippo Berto, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Modified two-parameter fracture model for bone. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Multiaxial Fracture 2016, Vol.174, 44-53, 2017.

       doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2016.11.002

134.  Andrea Carpinteri, Filippo Berto, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Joined application of a multiaxial critical plane criterion and a strain energy density criterion in low-cycle fatigue. Fracture and Structural Integrity, No.41, 72-76, 2017.          ISSN : 1971-8993  

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.11

135.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, Effect of spectral cross-correlation on multiaxial fatigue damage: simulations using the critical plane approach. Fracture and Structural Integrity, No.41, 40-44, 2017.          ISSN : 1971-8993  

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.06

136.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Michele Terzano, Sabrina Vantadori, Fracture toughness of rough and frictional cracks emanating from a re-entrant corner. Fracture and Structural Integrity, No.41, 181-188, 2017.          ISSN : 1971-8993  

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.25

137.  Andrea Carpinteri, Marta Kurek, Tadeusz Łagoda, Sabrina Vantadori, Estimation of fatigue life under multiaxial loading by varying the critical plane orientation. International Journal of Fatigue, Special Issue on Multiaxial Fatigue 2016: Experiments and Modeling, Vol.100, Part 2, 512-520, 2017.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.10.028

138.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Federico Artoni, Fracture toughness of highly deformable polymeric materials. Procedia Structural Integrity, No.3, 18-24, 2017.       ISSN: 2452-3 216

       doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2017.04.004

139.  Andrea Carpinteri, Joel Boaretto, Giovanni Fortese, Felipe Giordani, Ignacio Iturrioz, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Fatigue life estimation of fillet-welded tubular T-joints subjected to multiaxial loading. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.101, Part 2, 263-270, 2017.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2016.10.012

140.  Loris Molent, Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Rhys Jones, Using the lead crack concept and fractal geometry for fatigue lifing of metallic structural components. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.102, 214-220, 2017.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2017.04.001

141.          Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Sabrina Vantadori, A review of multiaxial fatigue criteria for random variable amplitude loads. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.40, No.7, 1007-1036, 2017.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12619

142.  Filippo Berto, Alberto Campagnolo, Torgeir Welo, Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Multiaxial fatigue strength of titanium alloys. Fracture and Structural Integrity, No.41, 79-89, 2017.          ISSN : 1867-6603  

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.12

143.  Filippo Berto, Majid Reza Ayatollahi, Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Review of the influence of non-singular higher order terms on the stress field of thin welded lap joints and small inclined cracks in plates. Fracture and Structural Integrity, No.41, 260-268, 2017.          ISSN : 1890-6701  

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.41.35

144.  Slobodanka Boljanović, Stevan Maksimović, Andrea Carpinteri, Boško Jovanović, Computational fatigue analysis of the pin-loaded lug with quarter-elliptical corner crack. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol.9, No.4, 1750058-1-1750058-17, 2017.

       doi: 10.1142/S1758825117500582

145.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Federico Artoni, Defect tolerance at various strain rates in elastomeric materials: an experimental investigation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on 21st European Conference on Fracture (ECF 21), Vol.183, 79-93, 2017.

       doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.05.001

146.          Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Mode I fracture toughness of fibre reinforced concrete. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Mixed mode fracture: recent developments, Vol.91, 66-75, 2017.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2017.03.015

147.  Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Vittorio Di Cocco, Giovanni Fortese, Francesco Iacoviello, Stefano Natali, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Andrea Zanichelli, Novel zinc-based alloys used to improve the corrosion protection of metallic substrates. Engineering Failure Analysis: Special Issue on 21st European Conference on Fracture (ECF 21), Vol.82, 327-339, 2017.

       doi: 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2017.05.043

148.  Andrea Carpinteri, Joel Boaretto, Giovanni Fortese, Felipe Giordani, Roberto Isoppo Rodrigues, Ignacio Iturrioz, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Zanichelli, Welded joints under multiaxial non-proportional loading. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Vol.93, 202-210, 2018.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2017.08.004

149.  Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Vittorio Di Cocco, Francesco Iacoviello, Stefano Natali, Fatigue analysis of a near-equiatomic pseudo-elastic NiTi SMA. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics: Special Issue on “Materials Characterization at Nanoscale”, Vol.94, 110-119, 2018.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2018.01.012

150.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Federico Artoni, Ilaria Domenichelli, Defect sensitivity of highly deformable polymeric materials with different intrinsic properties at various strain rates. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Special Issue - IGF International-Structural Integrity, Vol.41, No.4, 806-820, 2018.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12742

151.  Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Influence of random fatigue loading non-proportionality on damage. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on “Challenges in Multiaxial Fatigue, Vol.96, 56-63, 2018.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2018.03.012

152.          Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Li-Ping Guo, Camilla Ronchei, Andrea Zanichelli, Synergy assessment of hybrid reinforcement in concrete. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.147, 197-206, 2018.

       doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2018.04.020

153.          Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, Tadeusz Łagoda, Aleksander Karolczuk, Marta Kurek, Camilla Ronchei, Fatigue assessment of metallic components under uniaxial and multiaxial variable amplitude loading. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.41, No.6, 1306-1317, 2018.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12773

154.          K.R. Praveen, S.S. Mishra, Prasad Babu, Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Multiaxial fatigue damage assessment of welded connections in railway steel bridge using critical plane approach. 7th International Conference on Fatigue Design 2017, Senlis, France, 29-30 November 2017, Procedia Engineering (ISSN: 1877-7058), Vol.213, 776–787, 2018.

       doi: 10.1016/j.proeng.2018.02.073

155.          K.R. Praveen, S.S. Mishra, Prasad Babu, Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Multiaxial fatigue assessment of welded connections in railway steel bridge under constant and variable amplitude loading. Bridge Structures (ISSN: 1573-2487), Vol.14, 21–33, 2018.

       doi: 10.3233/BRS-180129

156.          Andrea Carpinteri, Vittorio Di Cocco, Giovanni Fortese, Francesco Iacoviello, Stefano Natali, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Zanichelli, Mechanical behaviour and phase transition mechanisms of a Shape Memory Alloy by means of a novel analytical model. Acta Mechanica et Automatica, Vol.12, No.2, 105–108, 2018. 

       doi: 10.2478/ama-2018-0017

157.          Oussama Benaimeche, Andrea Carpinteri, Mekki Mellas, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, The influence of date palm mesh fibre reinforcement on flexural and fracture behaviour of a cement-based mortar. Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.152, 292-299, 2018.

       doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2018.07.017

158.          Sabrina Vantadori, Miguel Muñiz-Calvente, Daniela Scorza, Alfonso Fernández-Canteli, Adrián Álvarez Vázquez, Andrea Carpinteri, The Generalised Local Model applied to Fibreglass. Composite Structures, Special Issue after ICCS 20, Paris, Sept 2017, Vol.202, 1353-1360, 2018.

       doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.06.073

159.          Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Michele Terzano, Near-tip stress fields of rough and frictional cracks under mixed-mode loading. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Special Issue on Characterisation of Crack Tip Stress Field, Vol.41, No.10, 2099-2109, 2018.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12765

160.          Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Andrea Zanichelli, Fatigue lifetime evaluation of notched components: implementation of the control volume concept in a strain-based LCF criterion.  Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Energy Density Methods, Vol.97, 400-408, 2018.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2017.07.001

161.          Andrea Zanichelli, Andrea Carpinteri, Giovanni Fortese, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Sabrina Vantadori, Contribution of date-palm fibres reinforcement to mortar fracture toughness. Procedia Structural Integrity, No.13, 542-547, 2018.     ISSN: 2452-3 216  

       doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2018.12.089

162.          Slobodanka Boljanović, Stevan Maksimović, Andrea Carpinteri, Fatigue life analysis of edge-notches with damage. Procedia Structural Integrity, No.13, 1093-1098, 2018. ISSN: 2452-3 216

       doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2018.12.230

163.          Andrea Spagnoli, Andrea Carpinteri, Michele Terzano, Size effect on the fracture resistance of rough and frictional cracks.  Fracture and Structural Integrity, Issue 47, 401-407, 2019.    ISSN: 1971-8993  

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.47.30

164.          Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Zanichelli, Lightweight construction materials: mortar reinforced with date-palm mesh fibres. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on “Crack Paths 2018, Vol.100, 39-45, 2019.

       doi: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2018.12.011

165.          Daniela Scorza, Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, Tension failure assessment at lug hole edges. International Journal of Fatigue: Special Issue on “Fatigue Crack Paths 2018”, Vol.121, 293-300, 2019.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2018.12.010

166.          Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Federico Artoni, Crack paths in soft thin sheets.  Fracture and Structural Integrity, Issue 48, 1-9, 2019.    ISSN: 1971-8993  

       doi: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.48.01

167.          Sabrina Vantadori, Giovanni Fortese, Andrea Carpinteri, Shape of the power spectral density matrix components: influence on fatigue damage. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.42, No.4, 972-987, 2019.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12975  

168.          Andrea Spagnoli, Michele Terzano, Roberto Brighenti, Federico Artoni, Andrea Carpinteri, How soft polymers cope with cracks and notches. Applied Sciences, Special Issue on “Fatigue and Fracture of Non-metallic Materials and Structures, Vol.9, No.6, 1086, 2019.

       doi: 10.3390/app9061086

169.                           Ashish Aeran, Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Sudath C. Siriwardane, Daniela Scorza, Novel non-linear relationship to evaluate the critical plane orientation. International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.124, 537-543, 2019.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.02.012

170.          Slobodanka Boljanović, Andrea Carpinteri, Modelling the residual strength of fatigue damage at a single semicircular edge notch: Semielliptical crack and through-the-thickness crack. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol.42, No.5, 1010-1021, 2019.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.12965

171.          Jesús Vázquez, Andrea Carpinteri, Luis Bohórquez, Sabrina Vantadori, Fretting fatigue investigation on Al 7075-T651 alloy: Experimental, analytical and numerical analysis. Tribology International, Vol.135, 478-487, 2019.

       doi: 10.1016/j.triboint.2019.03.028

172.          Camilla Ronchei, Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, Energy concepts and critical plane for fatigue assessment of Ti-6Al-4V notched specimens. Applied Sciences, Special Issue on “Energy-based Approaches for Fracture and Fatigue Assessments of Structural Components, Vol.9, No.10, 2163, 2019.

       doi: 10.3390/app9102163

173.          Slobodanka Boljanović, Stevan Maksimović, Andrea Carpinteri, Milena Ćosić, Fatigue endurance design of plates with two semicircular edge notches and one quarter-elliptical corner crack or through-the-thickness crack. International Journal of Fatigue, Special Issue on “Fatigue from crack initiation to failure: role of defects and life assessment, Vol.127, 45-52, 2019.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.05.021

174.  Sabrina Vantadori, Camilla Ronchei, Andrea Carpinteri, Multiaxial fatigue life evaluation of notched structural components: an analytical approach. Material Design & Processing Communications (ISSN: 2577-6576), Special Issue on “Mixed mode crack growth”, Vol.1:e74, 1-4, 2019.

       doi: 10.1002/mdp2.74

175.  Andrea Carpinteri, Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Zanichelli, Lifetime estimation of mechanical assemblies under constant amplitude fretting fatigue loading. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Special Issue on “Advances in Fatigue and Fracture, Vol.42, No.9, 1927-1936, 2019.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.13043 

176.  Andrea Carpinteri, Andrea Spagnoli, Michele Terzano, Crack morphology models for fracture toughness and fatigue strength analysis. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Special Issue on “Advances in Fatigue and Fracture, Vol.42, No.9, 1965-1979, 2019.

       doi: 10.1111/ffe.13064 

177.  Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Ignacio Iturrioz, Fretting failure of a pressure armour in an unbonded flexible riser. International Journal of Fatigue, Special Issue on “Fatigue in Structural Integrity of Offshore Energy Industry, Vol.128, 2019.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.105203

178.  Roberto Brighenti, Andrea Carpinteri, Mattia Pancrazio Cosma, A phase-field approach for crack modelling of elastomers. Procedia Structural Integrity, No.18, 694-702, 2019.   ISSN: 2452-3216  

       doi: 10.1016/j.prostr.2019.08.217

179.  Daniela Scorza, Liviu Marsavina, Andrea Carpinteri, Camilla Ronchei, Sabrina Vantadori, Size-effect independence of particleboard fracture toughness. Composite Structures, Vol.229, 111374, 1-9, 2019.

       doi: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111374

180.  Sabrina Vantadori, Andrea Carpinteri, Raimondo Luciano, Camilla Ronchei, Daniela Scorza, Andrea Zanichelli, Mean stress effect on fatigue life estimation for Inconel 718 alloy. International Journal of Fatigue, Special Issue on “Multiaxial Fatigue 2019, Vol.133, 1-7, 2020.

       doi: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.105391


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