• Curriculum Vitae
  • Teaching
  • Appointments
  • Research

Assistant Professor - University of Parma, Department of Medicine and Surgery

2014-2017: Adjunct Professor of General Pathology” School of Medicine and Surgery - University of Parma (Italy);

1996-2014: Assistant Professor of General Pathology – University of Parma;

1993-1995: Research Associate – University of Parma;

1992-1993: Physician-diabetes specialist at the Local Health Board of Reggio Emilia;

1991-1992: Fellow in Endocrinology and Diabetology- I Clinica Medica, University Parma and Parma City Hospital (Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Parma -Parma);

1989-1990: Research Associate –Vitreoretinal Biochemisty and Cell Biology The Eye Research Institute of Retina Foundation- Harvard Medical School Boston –USA;

1987-1989: Locum doctor; diabetes specialist at the Local Health Board of Reggio Emilia;

1984-1987: Reaserch Fellow in Diabetology- Azienda Ospedaliera di Parma.


2017-2018: Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Parma;

2013-2018: Faculty member of the 2nd Level Master Program Committee "Hematopoietic stem cells and regenerative medicine";Member of the Teaching Commission of the Doctoral School of Molecular Medicine Research;
Member of the Commission for the Admission, Orientation and Mentoring - Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnologies – University of Parma;Member of the Teaching and Training Commission - Medical, Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - University of Parma;
Delegate for the Erasmus and Erasmus Plus International Exchange Program – Dept. of Medicine and Surgery – University of Parma;

2003-2018: Faculty member of Medical, Pharmaceutical,Veterinary Biotechnology- University of Parma;

1996-2018: Faculty member of Medicine and Surgery; University of Parma.

TEACHING ACTIVITIES (http://en.unipr.it/ugov/person/20542)

2013-2017: Pathology of intercellular communication systems and physio-pathology of the endocrine system (module of the course of general pathology), Degree course in Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma;
- Bioethics – Master’s degree in Medical, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary Biotechnology, University of Parma;
- Biological bases and techniques for regeneration and repair –Master’s degree in Medical, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary Biotechnology, University of Parma;

2002-2009: Physiopathology – First cycle degree in Nursing, University of Parma;

2001-2007: Clinical pathology - First cycle degree in Nursing, University of Parma;

2002-2005: Immunohematology - First cycle degree in Nursing, University of Parma;

1997-2002: Instructor of physiopathology of the endocrine system- Degree course in Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma;

1996-1997: Clinical pathology and pathophysiology - First cycle degree in Nursing, University of Parma.

1992: Ph.D. in Metabolic and Endocrine Sciences-University of Milan (Italy)
1989-1990: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship- Eye Research Institute of Retina Foundation- Harvard Medical School Boston – USA
1992: Italian Board of Endocrinology certificate
1984-1987: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Endocrinology, Clinica Medica- University of Parma
1984: Italian Medical License Registration
1984: M.D. - School of Medicine and Surgery. University of Parma (Italy), score:110/110 cum Laude
1978: High school diploma –Liceo Scientifico “L. Respighi”- Piacenza (Italy)

Job related skills

Leadership gained as principal investigator (currently responsible of a team of 3 people) and deputy mayor of Gattatico (Reggio Emila-Italy, town of more than 5000 ab.) from 2009 to 2012. Skills and tools in the following methods : biomedical research applied to tissue regeneration and gene expression analysis; clinical and laboratory research applied to the endocrine and metabolic sciences; clinical procedure related to order diagnostic tests and provide referrals for specialized treatment.

2003-2013: European Board of Endocrinology of the Specialized Section of Union Europeenne des Medecins Specialistes: Recognition of Quality in Endocrinology (RQE) as a teacher.

2015: Basic Research Prize Organizzazione: Osteology Academy Studio: Modello di innesto a blocco di tipo “over-inlay” per lo studio della rigenerazione ossea nel ratto. Ghiacci Giulia, Graiani Gallia, Ravanetti Francesca, Lumetti Simone, Manfredi Edoardo, Galli Carlo, Cacchioli Antonio, Sala Roberto and Macaluso Guido Maria

2015: Honorable Mention Award for research session “Dental Materials” Collegio dei Docenti Universitari di discipline Odontostomatologiche Study: Local delivery of Stanozolol enhances new bone formation in rat calvarial critical-size defects. G.Ghiacci, C. Galli, G. Graiani, A. Toffoli, E. Manfredi, S. Lumetti, Sala R., G.M. Macaluso

2016:Basic Research Section -H.M. Goldman Prize Organizzzione Società Italiana di Parodontologia e Implantologia (SIdP). ““Lo Stanozololo caricato su scaffold di osso bovino deproteinizzato promuove la rigenerazione ossea nel ratto” Autori: Ghiacci Giulia, Graiani Gallia, Ravanetti Francesca, Lumetti Simone, Manfredi Edoardo, Galli Carlo, Cacchioli Antonio, Sala Roberto and Macaluso Guido Maria;


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Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014

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