- Curriculum Vitae
- Teaching
- Research
1. Studies
Undergraduate studies in Mathematics, University of Pisa (1976--1980).
Perfezionamento in Matematica, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (1980--83).
2. Academic positions
1984--1987: Researcher in Mathematical Analysis, Pisa University.
1987--1994: Full Professor of "Istituzioni di Matematiche", Cagliari University.
1994--today: Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis, Parma University.
3. Main research interests
(i) Abstract evolution equations.
(ii) Geometric theory of parabolic partial differential problems, mainly fully nonlinear, stability, bifrcation, invariant manifolds.
(iii) Free boundary problems in mathematical models of combustion phenomena.
(iv) Maximal regularity in linear elliptic, hypoelliptic and parabolic partial differential equations.
(v) Kolmogorov equations in finite and infinite dimensions and related problems; analysis in infinite dimension.
At present, I am mainly working in the last field.
4. Bibliometric data
I published more than 120 works. Among them, there are two books (both with first and second edition) of which I am the unique author, two multi-authored books, 22 papers in proceedings of conferences. The remaining publications are papers in peer-reviewed journals.
According to Mathscinet, up to 20.1.2021 I was cited 2663 times by 1665 authors, and my H-index is 19. My most popular publication is the book “Analytic semigroups and otimal regularity in parabolic problems”.
5. Funded research projects
I was local coordinator of several italian PRIN research projects (calls 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2010/11) and I was national coordinator (PI) of PRIN research projects (calls 2008, 2015). I was coordinator of GNAMPA-INDAM research projects in 2003 and 2004, and a member of the European Community research projects RTN-2001-00303, RTN2-2001-00012.
6. Editorial work
I am a member of the Editorial Boards of the following journals:
Journal of Evolution Equations
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Evolution Equations and Control Theory
Analysis, Geometry and Number Theory
Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma
and I am a member of the Editorial Commitee of NoDEA - Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications. I was Editor in Chief of NoDEA from August 2010 to August 2013.
7. Other information
I got "Bartolozzi Prize'' of the Italian Mathematical Society (UMI ) for young mathematicians in 1987. I got "Luigi e Wanda Amerio" prize of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere in 2017.
I am Mercator Fellow at the Bielefeld University, from 2017 (DFG grant CRC 1283).
I gave invited talks in the universities of Roma 1, Roma 2, Bologna, Torino, L'Aquila, Pisa, Bari, Firenze, Trento, Parma, Politecnico di Milano, Milano Bicocca, Pavia, SNS Pisa, Lecce, Padova, TU Delft, Michigan State University at East Lansing, Zuerich, Augsburg, UCLA, Paris IX-Dauphine, ENS Lyon, Bordeaux I, Bratislava, Praga, Indiana University at Bloomington, Institute Henri Poincaré, Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, University of Maryland at College Park, Ulm, Tuebingen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Clausthal, Hannover, TU Darmstadt, TU Karlsruhe, Bielefeld.
I participated more than eighty international conferences as invited speaker.
I was the Phd advisor of Luca Lorenzi (University of Pisa, 2001), Marcello Bertoldi (University of Trento, 2004), Davide Di Giorgio (University of Pisa, 2005), Alessandro Zamboni (University of Milano, 2007), Gianluca Cappa (University of Parma, 2016). I am presently the Phd advisor of Davide A. Bignamini (joint Phd program in Mathematics, Universities of Parma, Modena-Reggio Emilia, Ferrara). I hosted and/or directed the researches of a number of postdocs, including B. Farkas (2005), M. Geissert (2006), N. Saintier (2006), A. Zamboni (2007/08), L. Angiuli (2011/2013), S. Ferrari (2014/2016).
I have been the Coordinator of the Doctoral Studies in Pure and Applied Mathematics of the Parma University during the Doctoral programs 2011/12 and 2012/13. In the following years I was the local coordinator of the joint Doctoral program in Mathematics of the Universities of Parma, Modena-Reggio Emilia and Ferrara. From the academic year 2019/20 I am the coordinator of such Doctoral program.
I was a member of Panel 01 for the evaluation of the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants in 2012 (call 2011) and for the evaluation of the ERC Consolidator Grants in 2014 (call 2013), 2016 (call 2015), 2018 (call 2017).
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2021/2022
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - EARTH SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2022/2023
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2020/2021
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - EARTH SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2021/2022
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2020/2021
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - EARTH SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2020/2021
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2019/2020
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - EARTH SCIENCES - A.Y.: 2019/2020
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2018/2019
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2018/2019
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2017/2018
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2016/2017
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2016/2017
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2015/2016
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016
- Course year: 2 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2014/2015
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - Biotechnology - A.Y.: 2015/2016
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2014/2015
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - Biotechnology - A.Y.: 2014/2015
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - Biotechnology - A.Y.: 2013/2014
Year: 2022Author/s: Lunardi A
Year: 2021Author/s: Lunardi A., Rockner M.
Year: 2020Author/s: Da Prato G., Lunardi A.
Year: 2020Author/s: Lunardi A., Metafune G., Pallara D.
Year: 2020Author/s: Lunardi A., Pallara D.