

Professore di I fascia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Letteratura inglese
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I teach English Literature at the University of Parma, where I've been working since 1998, and I've been the Director of the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries since January 2017. I took my PhD at the University of Cardiff (UK) and, before joining Parma, I taught at the University of Cardiff and the University of Bath (UK).
My research focuses on Romantic-period literature and culture, particularly on such themes as exoticism and orientalism, Gothic, national and gender identity, drama and theatre, as well as several central figures including Jane Austen, Lord Byron, Robert Southey, Felicia Hemans and Walter Scott. I am also interested in international and transcultural relations between Great Britain and other European traditions between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and especially Anglo-Hispanic relations and constructions of the image of Spain in British Romanticism (Poetic Castles in Spain: British Romanticism and Figurations of Iberia, 2000). My essays have appeared in Studies in Romanticism, La questione romantica, The Keats-Shelley Journal, Romanticism, Nineteenth-Century Contexts, Textus, ELH, Textual Practice, Studies in the Novel, Gothic Studies, Genre, SEL and other international journals. My volume Byron e il segno plurale: tracce del sé, percorsi di scrittura (2011) was awarded the Elma Dangerfield prize of the International Byron Society in 2012, and the volume Byron and Italy (co-edited with Alan Rawes, University of Manchester, 2017) received it in 2018. In my most recent monograph, European Literatures and British Romanticism, 1815-1832: Romantic Translations, published by Cambridge University Press in 2018, I develop further my interest in transnational and international issues in Romantic-era British literature and culture.
I am also a member of the advisory committee of the "Byron Museum at Palazzo Guiccioli" (Ravenna), and of the editorial boards of Victoriographies and the series "Romanticismo e dintorni" (Liguori); coordinator of the Parma unit of the Interuniversity Centre for the Study of Romanticism (CISR); and a member of the steering committees of "Anglo-Hispanic Horizons, 1780-1840" (AHH) and "Project Reve" associated with ERA ("European Romanticisms in Association").


06.11.2015: Paper: “Leggere Jane Austen: forme della disobbedienza”, Conference: Subversive Jane Austen: from the Critic to the Reader, 6 novembre 2015 (Università di Bologna)

24.09.2015: Paper: “Ossessioni, imposture, spettralità: meccanismi della ricorrenza del mito byroniano”, Conference: Periferie romantiche: aspetti della ricezione di Byron e altre migrazioni di temi e modelli nel romanticismo europeo, 24 settembre 2015 (Università di Genova)

19.07.2015: Paper: “Imprinting Cosmopolitan Liberalism: Spain, Italy and Greece in Felicia Hemans’s The Siege of Valencia … with Other Poems (1823)”, Conference: Romantic Imprints, XIV International Conference of the British Association for Romantic Studies, 16-19 luglio 2015 (University of Cardiff, UK)

22.04.2015: (Invited speaker) Paper: “Dis-incarnazioni: presenze del vampiro sulla scena britannica dell’Ottocento”. Conference: La scena del perturbante: L’inquietudine fantastica nelle arti dello spettacolo, Università di Verona 21-22 aprile 2015.

28.02.2015: (Invited speaker) Paper: “The impact on british culture and society: war, sheep, dinners, theatres and fetes”. Conference: New Perspectives on the Peninsular War: 1808-1814, Department of Continuing Education – University of Oxford (UK)

05.11.2014: (Invited speaker) Paper: “Il fantastico del terrore: il gotico”. Conference: Dal Fantastico a Tolkien e oltre, 2014-15 – Università degli Studi di Verona and Comune di Verona

16-17.10.2014: (Invited speaker) Paper: “Male e piacere in Byron tra assoluto cosmico e commedia del quotidiano”. Conference: Il secolo di Sade: il piacere del male nella letteratura dell’800, a cura di Luca Pietromarchi – Progetto di ricerca: Il Piacere del Male: le rappresentazioni letterarie di un’antinomia morale (1500-2000) (Associazione Sigismondo Malatesta, responsabile: Paolo Amalfitano), Centro Studi italo-francesi, Università di Roma Tre.

6-8.10.2014: (Invited speaker) Paper: “Vampirical Remediations: Intermedial Mutations of the Vampire Myth from John William Polidori to Francis Ford Coppola”. Conference: Intermédialité et Réception. Des frontières médiatiques aux espaces sémantiques, Colloque International organisé par le CRPHLL et le LLCAA, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (Francia).

16-17.05.2014: Paper: “Southey’s Scripting of Spain and the Shape of Europe in 1814”. Conference: “The Peninsular War: Triumphalism and Betrayal in Text and Image”, at The Institute of English Studies, Senate House, London; organised by The British Association for Romantic Studies, The Institute of English Studies, Roehampton University, e The Open University.

27-29.03.2014: Paper: “Continental Trouble: Debating the Nationality of Melodrama in Romantic-Period Britain”. Conference: “The Melodramatic Moment, 1790-1820”, King’s College London (sponsored by King’s College London, European Research Council, University of Warwick, AHRC)

5-7.12.2013: Paper: “Packaging and Distributing India in Letitia Landon’s Drawing-Room Scrap Book”. Conference: “Eastern Resonances 2: India and the Far East 16th-18th Centuries”, Université Paris VII Denis Diderot (Progetto di ricerca: Eastern Resonances, in collaboration with Université de Montpellier 3)

15.11.2013 (invited speaker) Paper: “La figura del Rey Pelayo en la ópera romántica italiana: texto literario y representación escénica”. Conference: “El Rey Pelayo en el Romanticismo europeo y norteamericano”, Oviedo, Real Instituto de Estudios Asturianos (RIDEA)

9-10.10.2013: Paper: “It is time to dress for the opera”. L’opera italiana e il romanzo politico-sociale in Inghilterra (1824-41)”. Conference: “Verdi e l’opera italiana nella letteratura europea”, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

29-31.07.2013: Paper: “Poems and Pictures: Remediating Southey’s Poetry in the 1820s”. Conference: “Robert Southey and Romanticism: The Lake School in Context” (Keswick); organised in association with the Centre for Regional Literature and Culture, University of Nottingham; De Montfort English; the University of Lincoln; Loughborough University; and the Midlands Romantic Seminar (UK).

25-28.07.2013: Paper: “London español: war, sheep, dinners, theatres and fetes, 1808-1823”. Conference: Romantic Imports and Exports”, International Biennial Conference of the British Association for the Study of Romanticism, the University of Southampton (UK)

5-7.06.2013: Paper: “Sweet Power of Song: Troubadours et autorisation de la parole poétique dans le romantisme britannique”. Conference: “La Réception des Troubadours au XIX siècle”, presso Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail (Research project: “La Réception des troubadours XIII-XXI siècle 2010-2014”, Universites d’Aix-Marseille, Bordeaux III (Université Michel de Montaigne), Girona (Universitat de Girona, UdG), Montpellier III (Université Paul Valéry, UPV) and Pau (Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, UPPA), coord.: Daniel Lacroix (UTM) and Jean-François Courouau (UTM).


3-4.12.2015 (co-organizer) “Byron and the Regency (Centro Interuniversitario per lo Studio del Romanticismo, Università di Parma; University of Manchester; Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, UK)
4-5.12.2014 (co-organizer) “Byron and Italy” (The Byron Centre, University of Manchester; Centro Interuniversitario per lo Studio del Romanticismo, Università di Parma)
12-14.09.2013 (co-organizer) XXVI Convegno dell’Associazione Italiana di Anglistica: Remediating, Rescripting, Remaking: Old and New Challenges in English Studies (Dipartimento ALEF, Università di Parma)
02-05.06.2011 (co-organizer) International Conference ‘Wirkungsästhetik versus Rezeptionsästhetik’, Trilaterale Forschungskonferenz: Konzepte der Rezeption: Poetik, Ästhetik und Kulturtransfer (Centro Italo-Tedesco Villa Vigoni, Como; DFG; Maison des Sciences de l’Homme)
13-15.04.2011 (co-organizer) International Conference: El Romanticismo español e hispanoamericano y su relación con el Romanticismo europeo, XI Congreso internacional (Centro Internacional de Estudios sobre Romanticismo Hispánico Ermanno Caldera, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Università di Parma)
16.02.2011 (co-organizer) Day Conference: ‘Il classico nel moderno’ (Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Medievale, Dipartimento di Lingue e Lett. Straniere, Università di Parma)
18.10.2010 (co-organizer) Day Conference: ‘Colla spada e col pensier! Immaginari risorgimentali tra l’Italia e l’Europa’ (Casa della Musica, Parma e Centro Interuniversitario per lo Studio del Romanticismo)
21-23.07.2010 (member of the scientific committee) “VII International Conference on Translation: The Paratextual Elements of Translation”, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
10-12.06.2010 (co-organizer) International Conference: ‘Produktive Rezeption zwischen Imitatio und Intertextualität’, Trilaterale Forschungskonferenz: Konzepte der Rezeption: Poetik, Ästhetik und Kulturtransfer (Centro Italo-Tedesco Villa Vigoni, Como; DFG; Maison des Sciences de l’Homme) presso Villa Clythia (CNRS, Fréjus, Francia)
27.03.2009 (co-organizer) Day Conference: “Unmasking Jane Austen”, Università di Bologna
12-15.03.2008 (co-organizer) International Conference: “Transnational Identities/Reimagining Communities”, A Joint Conference of the Centro Interdisciplinare di Studi Romantici and the North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, Università di Bologna
15.03.2007 (organizer) Day Conference: “Laughing on Stage: Comic Genres and British Romantic-Period Theatre”, Università di Parma
29.04.2004 (co-organizer) Day conference: “Il teatro della paura: temi e forme del dramma gotico, 1750-1850”, Università di Parma
23-24.10.2003 (co-organizer) Conference: “Romanticismo inglese e letteratura italiana”, Università di Parma


2015-16: : ricercatore affiliato al progetto di ricerca “Passions of War: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Gender, Sexuality and Conflict, 1550-1945” (sede: University of Leicester, finanziato dall’Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK)

2014-15: ricercatore affiliato al progetto di ricerca “Imagining Jerusalem: c. 1099 to the Present Day” (sede: University of York, finanziato dall’Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK)

2013 a oggi: membro del comitato direttivo del gruppo di ricerca “Anglo-Hispanic Horizons” (Roehampton University, UK; University of Oxford, UK; Universidad de Oviedo, Spagna; Università di Parma; UCLA) (
2013-14: ricercatore affiliato al progetto di ricerca “Il Piacere del Male: le rappresentazioni letterarie di un’antinomia morale (1500-2000)” (Associazione Sigismondo Malatesta)

2010-12: Co-cordinatore del progetto di ricerca trilaterale “Konzepte der Rezeption: Poetik, Ästhetik und Kulturtransfer” (DFG, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Villa Vigoni); coordinatori: Prof. Carolin Fischer (Université de Pau), Prof. Brunhilde Wehinger (Universität Potsdam), Prof. Diego Saglia (Università di Parma)

PRIN 2008: Progetto cofinanziato: “British Risorgimento: Rappresentazioni e interazioni britanniche nel processo di unificazione nazionale italiana”, coordinatore nazionale: Prof. Lilla Maria Crisafulli, Università di Bologna


Editorial Boards: “Victoriographies: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century Writing, 1790-1914”,
“Parole rubate: rivista di studi sulla citazione/Purloined Letters: Journal of Quotation Studies”; Series “Romanticismo e dintorni” (Liguori, Napoli).
Membership of “British Association for Romantic Studies” (BARS); “Associazione Italiana di Anglistica”; "Centro Internacional de Estudios sobre Romanticismo Hispanico ‘Ermanno Caldera’ "; International research group "Anglo-Hispanic Horizons" (
Local coordinator at Università degli Studi di Parma of “Centro Interuniversitario di Studi Romantici” (CISR)

To arrange a meeting either in my office or online, students may contact me via my institutional email address   

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Unità di Lingue, Dipartimento di Discipline Umanistiche, Sociali e delle Imprese Culturali, Viale San Michele 9, 43121 Parma (PR)