- Curriculum Vitae
- Teaching
- Appointments
- Research
Full professor in Applied Physics at the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences of the University of Parma.
National Scientific Abilitation as Full Professor in the sector “Applied Physics” (02/D1) and as Associate Professor in the sectors: 02/B1 – Experimental condensed matter physics, 02/B3 – Applied Physics , 04/A1 – Geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology, volcanology, georesources.
Author of more than 200 scientific publications in international journals and over 400 presentations at national and international conferences.
His past research has mainly concerned the structural and dynamic characterization of crystalline and amorphous materials both of synthetic and of natural origin. Among the studied topics are the dimensional effects in nanocrystalline systems, the organic-inorganic interactions in hybrid materials, the crystallization processes and the phase transformations, the non-linear optical behavior of molecules in solid matrices.
The most recent research activities are mainly concentrated in the fields of applications of vibrational spectroscopy to cultural heritage and mineralogy. He has published an online database of mineral Raman spectra. Is proponent of 6 new mineral species approved by IMA.
Main techniques:
The main technique is Raman spectroscopy (macro and micro-Raman spectroscopy, Raman imaging and mobile Raman spectroscopy). Other used techniques are FT-IR, X absorption, X and neutron diffraction, electron microscopy.
Measurements on large-scale facilities: EXAFS at ESRF (Grenoble), micro-XRF and micro-XANES at SOLEIL and LURE (Paris), TOF neutron diffraction at ISIS-RAL (Oxford), neutron diffraction at FRM II-MLZ (Munich).
Born in Parma on 20 August 1966
Degree in Physics at the University of Parma: 30 June 1992 (110 cum laude)
PhD in Physics: 1997
Post-Doc scholarship (1997 -1999), University Researcher (1999 -2014), Associate Professor in Physics of Condensed Matter (from 1 October 2014) at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences (now Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences) of the University of Parma, in the scientific disciplinary field FIS / 03 (Physics of Matter), associated professor in Physics of Condensed Matter (2014-2023).
Teaching at the University of Parma
• Degree in Physics:
Physics Laboratory, I module
• Master's Degree in Physics:
Spectroscopy of Materials
•Degree in Artistic and Performong Arts Heritage:
Materials and Techniques for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
• Master's Degree in Sciences for Conservation and Restoration:
Spectroscopic Techniques for Cultural Heritage and Laboratory
• Specialized Degree Course in Sciences for Cultural Heritage:
Laboratory of Physical Techniques for Archaeometry
Nuclear and Spectroscopic Techniques for diagnostics and restoration
• Degree in Science and Technology for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage:
Introduction to modern physics and Laboratory
Experimental Physics Laboratory
Spectroscopy Laboratory applied to Cultural Heritage
• Degree in Packaging Science and Technology:
Physics Laboratory
• Second level Master in Forensic Sciences
Physical Techniques, 2nd module
• School of Specialization for Secondary Teaching
Didactics of Physics with Laboratory 2
• Degree Course in Mathematics
Preparation of Didactic Experiences
Didactic Experiences in Physics
Other teaching activities
• Invited to hold a training course on the applications of Raman spectroscopy to cultural heritage at the Palatul Culturii (Palace of Culture) in Iasi (Romania) - 2-7 May 2011.
• "Optical Techniques and Applications. Optical instrumentation. Nuclear Investigation Techniques. ", course for Research Technicians specialized in the field of monitoring, diagnostics and fruition and dissemination of Cultural Heritage, IT @ CHA project, CETMA Consortium and University of Salento, February-March 2014.
Main organizational tasks
- President of the Commission for International Mobility of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences (starting from 2023)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences (starting from 2023)
- Delegate for guidance and tutoring for the Bachelor's and Master's Degree Courses in Physics (starting from 2018)
- President of the Master's Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration Sciences (LM-11) (2016-2017).
- President of the Executive Committee of the II level Master's Degree in Forensic Sciences at the University of Parma (Ed. 2011-2012)
- Secretary of the Unified Council of Studies in "Science and Technology for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage" and "Sciences for Cultural Heritage" (2001-2012)
- Member of the Board of the Physics Department (2009-2012)
Supervisor of 80 theses and co-supervisor of 25 theses, three-year degree, specialist degree and master's degree.
Chair and Organizer of the 6th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archeology (RAA 2011 - Parma - September 2011).
Chair and Organizer of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology - Parma, March 26-29, 2018,
Chair and Co-organizer of the XIII International GeoRaman Conference – Catania, June 10-14, 2018.
Co-organizer of the national cycle of seminars “Arte e Scienza” on the multi-disciplinary study of illuminated manuscripts.
President of the GeoRaman International Science Advisory Committee (GRISAC) from 2018-2021
Member of the international scientific committee of conference cycles:
• "International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology" (from 2011)
• "International GeoRaman Conference" (from 2014).
• "European Conference on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy" - ECMS - (2015-Rome edition)
• "International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology" - inArt - (from 2016 edition - Gent)
• “Infrared and Raman User Group” –IRUG- 2018 edition (Sydney)
Member of the Editorial Board for European Physical Journal Plus (Springer) as Managing Editor.
Guest editor for Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Applied Physics A and European Physical Journal Plus
Reviewer for many international scientific journals. Evaluator for national (SIR MIUR) and international research projects (NWO-medium investment programme –NL-, University of Gent –B-, member of the pool of pool of expert evaluators for HORIZON 2020 FET OPEN RIA).
Session chairman on many international conferences.
Invited publications:
• D. Bersani, P.P. Lottici, Raman of minerals and mineral pigments in archaeometry, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 47 (2016), 499-530 DOI 10.1002 / jrs.4914 (invited review)
• D. Bersani, P. Matousek, F. Pozzi, P. Vandenabeele, Methodological evolutions of Raman spectroscopy in art and archeology, Analytical Methods DOI: 10.1039 / c6ay02327d (invited review).
• D. Bersani, P.P. Lottici, Application of Raman spectroscopy to gems and gemstones, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 397, 2631-2646 (2010) (invited review).
Invited talks and seminars:
• 2008 E-MRS Fall Meeting, Symposium A: Raman scattering in materials science, September 15-19, 2008, Warsaw
• Seminar on "Raman Spectroscopy and Cultural Heritage" - CEDAD-CEnter for DAting and Diagnostics, University of Salento, 6 November 2012
• Seminar on "XVI Century Painters in Parma (North of Italy): multi-technique analysis of wall-paintings", Northwestern University / Art Institute of Chicago, Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts, October 3, 2013
• Seminar on "Raman Spectroscopy in Gemology", University of Catania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, 28 May 2013
• SCIX 2013 - The Great Scientific Exchange - 40th FACSS (Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies) conference, Milwaukee (WI), Sept. 29 - Oct. 4 2013
• 100th National Congress of the Italian Physical Society, Pisa, 22nd - 26th September 2014.
• 8th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archeology, 1-5 September 2015, Wroclaw (Poland): "Back to basics: from material science to conservation".
• Int. Conf. on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Lecce, 23-25 October 2017, “ New methods and trends in Raman Spectroscopy applied to art and archaeology”
• Italian national conference on the physics of matter (FisMat), Catania from September 30 - October 4, 2019, Raman analysis of gems and gemstones: comparison between mobile and fixed instrumentations.
• 10th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA2019), 3-7 September 2019, Potsdam , Germany, Analysis of pigments by Raman spectroscopy, (Keynote lecture)
Dissemination seminars:
• "Art at the Microscope: scientific investigations on our artistic and archaeological treasures", Uniforcity project, Palazzo del Governatore, Parma, 4 June 2014.
• "A non-destructive technique for the study of minerals, gems and cultural heritage: Raman spectroscopy", Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Milano, 23 May 2014.
• "How precious is it?" Seminar of the cycle "Investigators of Art and Archeology", Torino, Palazzo del Rettorato, 22 October 2015.
• Gemological Applications of Raman Spectroscopy - Doctoral School in "Sciences of the Earth-Prehistory" -Application of Raman spectroscopy to Earth Sciences. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Siena, 11-12 October 2011
• MIRAGEM, Micro-Raman Garnet Evaluation Method, 1st School of Heavy Mineral Analysis, University, Milan Bicocca, 7th-10th May 2013Raman Spectroscopy in Gemology, II School of Raman Spectroscopy in Earth Sciences, University of Milano Bicocca, 24-25 October 2012
• Applications in Gemology, 3rd School of Raman Spectroscopy in Earth and Environmental Sciences14-16 January 2014, DISAT, Milan Bicocca University
• Applications of Raman Spectroscopy to Cultural Heritage, International School on "Innovative methodologies for the characterization, diagnosis and conservation of the Cultural Heritage" (Catania - Siracusa, July 1 - 4 2014)
• Applications in Mineralogy - IV Raman Spectroscopy School in Earth and Environmental Sciences (University of Turin, 19-21 January 2016)
• Applications in Gemology and Cultural Heritage - IV School of Raman Spectroscopy in Earth and Environmental Sciences (University of Turin, 19-21 January 2016)
• Raman Spectroscopy in Gemology, School of Raman Spectroscopy in Earth Sciences (University of Turin, 25-27 January 2017)
• Raman identification of heavy minerals for archaeology and cultural heritage, School of Heavy Mineral Analysis , February 2018, Milano
• Raman Spectroscopy: Application on Gemstones and Data Processing, Raman Spectroscopy Training School associate alla International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology, Atene 4-5 settembre 2023.
Bibliometry (September 2024 - Scopus)
• Total Publications 210
• Total Citations 6714
• H-index 44
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025
- Course year: 3 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - ARTISTIC, LIBRARY’S AND PERFORMING ARTS HERITAGE - A.Y.: 2022/2023
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2024/2025
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2024/2025
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024
- Course year: 1 - - FISICA - A.Y.: 2023/2024
- Course year: 3 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - ARTISTIC, LIBRARY’S AND PERFORMING ARTS HERITAGE - A.Y.: 2021/2022
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2023/2024
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2023/2024
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023
- Course year: 3 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - ARTISTIC AND PERFORMING ART HERITAGE - A.Y.: 2020/2021
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2022/2023
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2022/2023
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022
- Course year: 3 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - ARTISTIC AND PERFORMING ART HERITAGE - A.Y.: 2019/2020
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2021/2022
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2021/2022
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021
- Course year: 3 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - ARTISTIC AND PERFORMING ART HERITAGE - A.Y.: 2018/2019
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2020/2021
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2019/2020
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020
- Course year: 3 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - ARTISTIC AND PERFORMING ART HERITAGE - A.Y.: 2017/2018
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2019/2020
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2018/2019
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019
- Course year: 3 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2016/2017
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2018/2019
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - Sciences for Conservation and Restoration - A.Y.: 2016/2017
- Course year: 3 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - MATHEMATICS - A.Y.: 2015/2016
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - Physics - A.Y.: 2017/2018
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017
- Course year: 2 - Second cycle degree - SCIENCES FOR CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION - A.Y.: 2015/2016
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - Physics - A.Y.: 2016/2017
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - Sciences for Conservation and Restoration - A.Y.: 2016/2017
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2015/2016
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - SCIENCES FOR CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION - A.Y.: 2015/2016
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015
- Course year: 1 - First cycle degree (DM 270) - PHYSICS - A.Y.: 2014/2015
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - SCIENCES FOR CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION - A.Y.: 2014/2015
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - SCIENCES FOR CONSERVATION AND RESTORATION - A.Y.: 2013/2014
- PHYSICS A.Y. 2023/2024
- First cycle degree (DM 270) MATERIALS SCIENCE A.Y. 2022/2023
- PHYSICS A.Y. 2022/2023
- First cycle degree (DM 270) MATERIALS SCIENCE A.Y. 2021/2022
- PHYSICS A.Y. 2021/2022
- PHYSICS A.Y. 2020/2021
- Second cycle degree Sciences for Conservation and Restoration A.Y. 2016/2017
Teacher tutor
- Second cycle degree Sciences for Conservation and Restoration A.Y. 2016/2017
Year: 2024Author/s: Pasetti Lorenzo, Fornasini Laura, Mantovani Luciana, Andò Sergio, Raneri Simona, Palleschi Vincenzo, Bersani Danilo
Year: 2024Author/s: Fornasini Laura, Mantovani Luciana, Bertolini Michela, Conversi Roberta, Bersani Danilo
Nanoscale Chemical Analysis of Thin Film Solar Cell Interfaces Using Tip-Enhanced Raman SpectroscopyYear: 2024Author/s: Bienz S., Spaggiari G., Calestani D., Trevisi G., Bersani D., Zenobi R., Kumar N.
Year: 2024Author/s: Raneri S., Gianoncelli A., Bonanni V., Mirata S., Scarfì S., Fornasini L., Bersani D., Baroni D., Picco C., Gualtieri A. F.
Year: 2024Author/s: Matošević M., Garzanti E., Šuica S., Bersani D., Marković F., Razum I., Grizelj A., Petrinjak K., Kovačić M., Pavelić D.
Parco Area delle Scienze, 7/A
43124 PARMA