• Curriculum Vitae
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  • Research

Riccardo Percudani – Curriculum vitae

Dept. of Chemistry, Life Science, and Environmental Sustainability
University of Parma
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8452-1062. Scopus Citations: 2421, h-index 25

1999 - PhD, Biology and Molecular Pathology
Thesis on “The identification of non coding RNAs in genomic sequences”.
1994 - Master Degree, Biology (with honors)
Thesis on “A novel algorithm for the identification of tRNA genes in DNA sequences”

Dec. 2018 - present - Full professor, Biochemistry
Identification of gene functions through Bioinformatics and Biochemistry, protein evolution, genetic diseases, genetic code, purine metabolism
May 2013 – Sept. 2013 - Visiting Scientist
Pasteur Institute, Paris. Invited by Dr. Hilde de Reuse. Host-pathogen interaction
Sept. 2012 - Visiting Professor
Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University. Invited by Prof. Sangkee Rhee. Structure and function in purine metabolism
June 2011 – Aug. 2011 - Visiting Scientist
Analytical Genomics laboratory, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Invited by Prof. Frederic Devaux. Bioinformatics analysis of metabolic pathways
July 2009 - Visiting Scientist
Dept. of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University. Invited by Prof. Sangkee Rhee. Structure and function in purine metabolism
Sept. 2006 - Dec. 2018 - Associate professor, Biochemistry
Dept. of Biosciences, University of Parma.
Sept. 2001 – Aug. 2006 - Researcher
Institute of Biochemical Sciences, University of Parma.

- Scopus validated profile: www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6603060595
Citations 2421, h-index 25
- Google Scholar validated profile: scholar.google.com/citations?user=pc5yTuQAAAAJ
Citations 3403, h-index 26, i10-index 42

- Biochemistry (SSD: BIO/10, 9 CFU, Bachelor degree in Biology, 2018- present)
- Bioinformatics (6 CFU. Master degree In Molecular Biology. 2010-present).
- Laboratory of Informatics and Bioinformatics (6 CFU. Bachelor degree in Biology. 2011-present).
- Computational Biochemistry (5 CFU. Degree in Biology: 2006-2009).
- Laboratory of Bioinformatics (3 CFU. Degree in Biology/Bachelor degree in Biology. 2006-2011)
- Elements of Biology (6 CFU. Bachelor degrees in Physics and Computer Sciences. 2006-2011).

- Biotechnology and Biosciences (University of Parma. 2014 - present)
- Drug Sciences (University of Parma. 2013)
- Biochimica e Biologia Molecolare (University of Parma. 2003-2009, 2011-2012)

2017-present Member of the editorial board of Scientific Reports (Springer Nature). Genetics and Genomics panel

- University delegate to the Elixir-ita General Assembly
ELIXIR, the European life-science infrastructure for biological information
- Department delegate to the University Committee for Scientific Computing
Comitato scientifico per il calcolo avanzato dell'Università di Parma

First inventor: "Methods for fast and efficient conversion of uric acid to allantoin and related enzymes"
US: US8309078 B2 (13/11/2012)
Europe: EP1948793 B1 (01/08/2012)

- Fondazione fibrosi cistica 2018. FFC#9/2018 – Co-principal investigator
Total Budget: 40,000 Euros Unit Budget: 18,000 Euros
Therapeutic potential of a long-acting lung- specific DNase (DNase2b) for the treatment of CF
- PRIN 2017. 2017483NH8_003 – Head of Unit
Total Budget: 549,200 Euros Unit Budget: 84,000 Euros
Protein Bioinformatics for human health
- Telethon 2013. Project GGP1349 – Coordinator.
Total Budget: 340,000 Euros Unit Budget: 140,000 Euros
Development of an uricolytic treatment for HPRT-deficiency in animal models
- PRIN 2010-2011. Project 2010P3S8BR_004 – Head of Unit
Total Budget: 580,000 Euros Unit Budget: 70,000 Euros
Unravelling structural and functional determinants behind Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis and persistence

- Science Editor's Choice
Recovering Carbon and Nitrogen, SCIENCE, 15 Oct 2010; p 296
- Nature Chemical Biology News & Views
Urate to allantoin, specifically (S)-allantoin, Nat Chem Biol, Mar 2006; pp 124-125
- Faculty of 1000 recommendation
F1000 Prime Rheumatology & Clinical Immunology, DOI: 10.3410/f.11495.468975

- Department of Cellular & Molecular Medicine, University of Texas. Prof. Parker Antin.
- Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Prof. Sankgee Rhee.
- Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University. Prof. Ditlev Brodersen

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