
FERRARI Pier Francesco

Professore di II fascia
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Teaching
  • Research

Curriculum vitae
Dept. of Evolutionary and Functional Biology
University of Parma
(September 2009)

Personal and Contact Information

Date and place of birth: 14 November 1968 in Parma, Italy

Nationality: Italian and British

Dept. of Neuroscience,
Università di Parma,
Via Volturno 39,
43100 Parma, Italy.
Tel. 0521 903898; FAX: 0521 903900
Current Positions:
Assistant Professor at the Department of Evolutionary and Functional Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Parma (Italy).

(if applicable) MM/YY FIELD OF STUDY
University of Parma, Italy
(110/110 cum laude) 07/1992 Animal Behavior and Neuroscience
University of Parma, Italy Ph.D 07/1997 Psychopharmacology and behavior
Tufts University, USA Postdoctoral 07/97-10/98 Neuroscience
University of Parma, Italy Postdoctoral 1998-2002 Neuroethology

Academic Employments _____________________________________________________________________
2008-2009: Adjunct assistant professor at the University of Maryland, USA
2005-present: Tenured as Assistant Professor, University of Parma, Italy.
2002-2004: Research fellowship (contract Assistant Professor), University of Parma.
2001: Contract Professor in Psychobiology, University of Parma.
2000: Contract Professor in Neuroscience, University of Parma
1999-2002: Post-doctoral fellowship, Dept. Neuroscience, University of Parma. Advisor: Prof. G. Rizzolatti and Prof. L. Fogassi.
1997-98: Post-doctoral fellowship, Department of Psychology, Tufts University, Medford-Boston (USA). Advisor: Prof. K.A. Miczek.

Professional awards and honours

2011: President of the Italian Primatological Association (API)
2012: Distinguished lecturer Award, University of Georgia, Athens, USA
2007-2008: Adjunct Scientist at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, NIH, Bethesda, USA.
2006-2007: Reviewer panelist for the Cognitive Neurociences at the National Science Foundation
2005: Invitation for academic position at Stanford University, Dept. Of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, USA.
1999: Award grant, Panum Institute in Neurophysiology Fellow, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1997: Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship.
1996. Travel award grant, Pharmacology, Biochemistry & Behavior meeting, Morzine, France.
1994: Award grant, NATO Advanced Study Institute.
1990: Erasmus fellowship, University of Swansea, Wales.


1994-95, 1995-96, 1996-97. Teaching assistant Professor at the final year undergraduate course entitled «Comparative Psychology», Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna.

1996-97. Assistant Professor in General Biology at the first year undergraduate course in physiotherapy, Faculty of Literature and Phylosophy, University of Parma.

1997-98, 1998-99, 1999-2000. Teaching assistant Professor in General Biology at the first year undergraduate course in Psychology, Faculty of Literature and Phylosophy, University of Parma.

2000-2001. Contract Professor in Fundamentals of Neurosciences at the first year undergraduate course in Psychology, Dept. Of Psycology, University of Parma.

2001-2002. Contract Professor in Psychobiology at the first year undergraduate course in Psychology, Dept. Of Psycology, University of Parma.

2004-2005 Teaching assistant Professor at the first year of the graduate training program in Neuroscience.

2004-2011 Assistant professor in General Biology at the first year undergraduate Medical School, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and at the Faculty of Psychology.


Post-doctoral fellows
Gino Coudè 2011-present
Elizabeth Simpson 2011-present

Graduate (doctoral) students
Luca Bonini 2004-2008

Sara Macellini 2006-2010
Francesca Rodà 2005-2011
Monica Maranesi 2005-2011
Francesca Serventi Ugolotti 2005-2011
Alessia Leone 2008-present
Giada Mancini 2008-present
Valentina Sclafani 2009-present
Fabrizia Festante – present
Elisa Demuru - present

Collaboration with Ph.D –post-doc students of other Universities
Annika Paukner (2003) – Stirling University, UK
Chersi Fabian (2004-2009) – Guimaras University, Portugal.
Ross Vanderwert (2006-present) – University of Maryland, USA

Undergraduate students (Master thesis)
*Antonio Calapai - present
*Carlo Maiolini – 2004
Annalisa Falcone – 2006
Valentina Picchi – 2004
*Valentina Sanghez – 2007
*Elisa Ruggeri – 2006
*Fabio Monti – 2006
*Vania Veroni – 2005
*Elisa Lazzarotti – 2005
Barletta Cosimo – 2006
*Francesca Ugolotti Serventi – 2005
*Monica Maranesi - 2005
Leila Vismara – 2005
*Valeria Murianni – 2011
*Virginia Pallante – 2011

* Thesis based on experimental research

Revieweing Activity

Ad hoc reviewer journal:

Acta Ethologica
Aggressive Behavior
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Behavioural Processes
Biology Letters
Brain Research
Cerebral Cortex
Current Anthropology
Current Biology
Developmental Psychology
Developmental Science
Early Human Development
Frontiers in Neurosciences
Frontiers in Comparative Psychology
Genes, brain and behaviour
Journal of Comparative Psychology

Journal of Neuroscience
Laboratory Animals
Molecular Psychiatry
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Nature communications
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
New Ideas in Psychology
Phil Trans Royal Soc Lon
Physiology and Behavior
PLoS One
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Quarterly Review in Biology
Social Neuroscience
Studies in Communication Sciences
WIREs: Cognitive Science

Associate Editor

Editorial board in international journals
PLoS One – Frontiers in Neurosciences - Frontiers in Comparative Psychology

Ad-hoc reviewer funding agencies
I have been member of the cognitive neuroscience panel for the National Science Foundation in the 2006 fall panel and the 2007 spring panel. I also reviewed projects for the cognitive neuroscience and physical anthropology in the year 2008 and 2009, respectively.
I have been reviewer for the Mac Arthur Foundation (2011).

Membership affiliations

Society for Neuroscience, International Society of Behavioral Neuroscience, Società Italiana di Etologia, Associazione Primatologica Italiana, International Primatological Society, Società italiana di Biologia e Genetica, American Psychological Association.

Visiting research work

-July to September, 1995. Dept. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, London, UK. This involved work with Prof. C.A. Wilson concerning the role of serotonergic and GABAergic drugs on LH release in the hypothalamus of rats. These series of experiments involved the use of several laboratory techniques, including histological preparation of brain tissue and radioimmunoessays.

-September to December, 1995. Dept. Psychology, University of Leeds, Leeds. Working in collaboration with Dr. R.J. Rodgers we examined the relationship between anxiety and social factors in mice.

-June to July, 1996. Dept. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, London, UK. Collaborative research with Prof. C.A. Wilson concerning the development of 5HT1A and 5HT2 receptors in the rat hypothalamus. These series of experiments involved several laboratory techniques, including preparation of brain tissue and receptor binding techniques.

-July to August, 1996. Dept. Psychology, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. Examining the behavioural effects of the novel 5HT1A antagonists in mice in collaboration with Dr. R.J. Rodgers.

-July 1997-September 1998: post-doc fellowship at the Department of Psychology, Tufts University, Medford-Boston, USA, with the supervision of Prof. K.A. Miczek, examining the effects of psychosocial stress on mesolimbic dopamine and serotonergic activity and on circadian rhythms of the autonomic system. In addition I investigated the effects of serotonergic and GABAergic drugs on ultrasounds vocalizations in mouse pups during separation from the mother.

-March-April 2004, May 2005 and April 2007. Visiting scientist at the Laboratory of Comparative Ethology, National Institute of Health and Child Development, NIH, Bethesda, USA in collaboration with Dr. S. J. Suomi, investigating infant facial imitation in newborn macaques.

-2004-2008. I visited several times the laboratory of Neurobiology of the Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn” in Naples, ITALY, in collaboration with Dr. G. Fiorito, investigating behavioral processes of social facilitation of Octopus vulgaris and exploring the role of different brain areas on the motor control of its arm.

-August 2007- August 2008. Visiting scientist at the Laboratory of Comparative Ethology, National Institute of Health and Child Development, NIH, Bethesda, USA in collaboration with Dr. S. J. Suomi.

-June 2009- August 2009. Visiting scientist at the Laboratory of Comparative Ethology, National Institute of Health and Child Development, NIH, Bethesda, USA in collaboration with Dr. S. J. Suomi.

-April 2010 - May 2010. Visiting scientist at the Laboratory of Comparative Ethology, National Institute of Health and Child Development, NIH, Bethesda, USA in collaboration with Dr. S. J. Suomi.

-June 2011 - August 2011. Visiting scientist at the Laboratory of Comparative Ethology, National Institute of Health and Child Development, NIH, Bethesda, USA in collaboration with Dr. S. J. Suomi.

Scientific collaborations

In the course of my research I have collaborated (and I’m still collaborating with most of them*) with the following scientists:

- Prof. Rodgers R.J., Department of Psychology, University of Leeds, UK.

- Prof. Wilson C.A., Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St. George’s Hospital Medical School, University of London, UK.

- Prof. Blanchard R.J., Department of Psychology, University of Hawaii, USA.

- Prof. Miczek, K.A., Department of Psychology, Pharmacology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Tufts University, Medford-Boston, USA.

- *Dr. Visalberghi, E., Istituto di di Scienze e Tecnologie della cognizione, CNR, Rome, Italy.

- * Dr. Fiorito, G., Stazione zoologica “Anton Dohrn”, Naples, Italy.

- * Dr. Suomi, S.J., NIH, Bethesda, USA.

- Prof. Anderson, J.R., Dept. of Psychology, University of Stirling, UK.

- Prof. Guy Orban, University of Leuven, Belgium.

- *Prof. Nathan Fox, University of Maryland, MD, USA.

- *Prof. Frans B. de Waal, Emory University, USA.

- *Prof. Asif A. Ghazanfar, Princeton University, USA.

Invited Talks

I have been personally invited to the following conferences (∗as keynote) and workshops:

1997 - Preclinical and clinical models in psychopharmacology. Winter conference. Meribel (France). 5-12 January 1997.

1998 - XV Workshop: Ethology in Biomedical Research. 1-6 December 1998. Erice (Italy).

2000 - XV API Conference (Associazione Italiana di Primatologia). 9-11 October 2000, Calci (Pisa). Italy.

2002 - XVI API Conference (Associazione Italiana di Primatologia). 26-28 May 2002, Roma. Italy. (Opening lecture). ∗

2002 - Seminar: “Mirror neurons and action understanding in primates”. Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn”. Napoli. 25 June 2002.

2002 - Seminar: “Neural mechanisms of action understanding in primates”. Universita’ “La Sapienza”. Roma. 21 December 2002.

2004 - Conference: Novel Aspects of Inferior Parietal Lobule Functions. “Functional organization of the inferior parietal lobule in monkey”. January 7, 2004. Rusutzu Resort, Hokkaido, Japan. ∗

2004 - Simposium: “Mirror neurons: insights into imitative processes”. XX International Primatological Society meeting. August 24, 2004. Torino, Italy.

2004 - Simposium: Foundations of (pre)verbal intersubjectivity in light of new findings. October 3-5, 2004. Norwegian Academy of Arts and Sciences. Oslo, Norway. ∗

2004 - Seminar: On mirror neurons: facts, implications and speculations. CNR, December 2, 2004. Rome.

2005 - Seminar: The mirror neurons system and its implications in nonhuman primate behavior. September 12, 2005, Dept. Of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, USA.

2005 - ESF (European Science Foundation) Workshop. The contribution of animal research to human cognition. Marseille (France), December 7-9, 2005. ∗

2006 - The mirror neuron system in primates: from action recognition to imitation. University of Vien (Austria). 24 marzo 2006.

2006 - International Conference. Coscienza e mente intersoggettiva: presente e passato in terapia. 9 Giugno 2006, Padova. ∗

2006 – XXI International Primatology Meeting. Entebbe, Uganda. June 25-30, 2006

2006 - Workshop. Understanding intention. CNR, Roma. 21 Ottobre 2006. ∗

2006 – University of Portsmouth, UK. November 21, 2006.

2007 - Workshop. I neuroni specchio: dal riconoscimento dell’azione all’empatia. Università di Padova, 27 gennaio 2007. ∗

2007 - European Science Foundation Workshop. “VOCOID" Vocalisation, Communication, Imitation and Deixis in infant and adult human and non-human primates”. Grenoble (France), 14-16 May 2007.

2007 - Giornata Golgi, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Scimmie, uno (s)comodo specchio. L’evoluzione dell’organizzazione cerebrale dei primati e le sue implicazione comportamentali e cognitive. Roma, 10 Maggio 2007. ∗

2007 - Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Association. Tokyo, Yokohama, Japan, 11 september 2007.

2007 - RIKEN Brain Institute, Wako, Japan, 13 september 2007.

2007 – Cognitive Neuroscience. University of Maryland, USA, October 5, 2007.

2008 – Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. The role of the premotor and parietal cortices in motor and cognitive functions. February 1, 2008.

2008 - International Psychotherapy Institute, Bethesda, USA. Mirror neurons and intersubjectivity. 11 January 2008. ∗

2008 - Princeton University, NJ, USA. The mirror neuron system in primates. Implications for social cognition and behavior. February 1, 2008.

2008- Children’s Hospital, Autism research clinic, Rockville, MD USA. May 2008. Mirror neurons and their Implications autism research.

2008- EDICI EU-Workshop, Vienna University, Austria, March, 5-7 2008, An evolutionary perspective on the role of mirror neurons in nonhuman primates’ imitative processes. ∗

2008 - Cosmocaixa museo, Mirroring other minds: how primates understand others’ behaviors and intentions, Madrid, Spain, March 11, 2008. ∗

2008 –National Institute of Child Health and Human Development retreat, VA, USA. April 25, 2008. ∗

2008 - Harvard University, MA, USA, July 15, 2008. Mirror neurons and early forms of intersubjectivity in monkeys.

2008 – IPI (International Psychotherapy Institute), Bethesda, USA, 18 July 2008. The neural underpinnings of intersubjectivity: being connected with others through our mirror system.

2008 – Hand to Mouth - European workshop. University of Southampton, UK. September 22, 2008.

2008 – From neuroscience to therapeutic factors. University of Padova, Italy. November 10, 2008. ∗

2008 - XII conference of the Italian Society of Reproduction. Sirmione, Italy. October 10, 2008. ∗

2009 - International Meeting: Reflections on mirror neurons. Mirrors of reality? University of California Berkeley, January 17, 2009. ∗

2009 – Neuropsychology meeting, Brixen, Italy. January 22, 2009. ∗

2009 – ANEMOS, Reggio Emilia, Italy. February 7, 2009.

2009 – Darwin day, Parma, Italy. March 6, 2009.

2009 – University of Florence, Florence, Italy. April 16, 2009.

2009 – Associazione Psicologica Italiana (Italian Psychological Association). Università di Chieti, Chieti, Italy. September 22-25, 2009.

2009 – EMBL meeting. Heidelberg, Germany, November 14-16, 2009. ∗

2009 –Conference: Frontiers of comparative cognitive developmental neuroscience. Kyoto University, Japan, December 18-20, 2009.

2010 – IPI meeting, Salt Lake City, March 14-16, 2010. ∗

2010 – Westminster College, Salt Lake City, March 14-16, 2010

2010 – Course in Neural control of Movement – Feb 15-26, 2010, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

2010 – Spring Symposium, Advancing the frontiers of attachment: integrating neuroscience and psychotherapy. March 20, 2010, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC, USA.

2010 – National Institutes of Health, NIAAA. May 6, 2010, Bethesda, USA.

2010 – New studies of neurobehavioral evolution. June 25-28, 2010, Washington DC, USA.

2010 – IPS (International Primatological Society) Meeting, September 13-17, 2010, Kyoto, Japan.

2010 - European Science Foundation Workshop, Milan, November 19, 2010. ∗

2010 – GECO Conference, ‘Evolution in Communication and Neural Processing’, Modena, November 20, 2010. ∗

2011 – UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. Workshop: “The role of mirror neuron system (MNS) dysfunctions in psychiatric disorders: Potential interventions, promises and limitations”. February 9, 2011.

2011 – AEPEA, European Congress in Psychopathology of Infancy and Adolescence. Bologna, Italy. May 5-7, 2011. ∗

2011 – University of Chicago, Chicago, USA. May 12, 2011.

2011 – University of London, Queen Mary College, UK, June 6, 2011.

2011 –IAPP, International Society for Adolescence Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis, Berlin, Germany, September 17, 2011. ∗

2011 – University of Oxford, UK, December 6, 2011.

2011 – University of Reading, UK, December 8, 2011.

2012 – Sackler Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 2012.

2012 – Workshop: “Empatia e Mirror Neurons nello Sviluppo e nella Genitorialità”. La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, February 2012.

2012 – Seminar at Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome ,Italy, February 2012.

2012 – International workshop: “The emergence of the social mind: neuropsychological and clinical perspectives” Azienda Unità Sanitaria di Parma, Parma, February 2012.

2012 – Willson center distinguished lecturer award – University of Georgia, Athens, March 2012.

2012 – International Workshop: “Evolution of Morality” – Erice, Italy, June 2012.

2012 – International Neuropsychological Symposium, Bonifacio, France, June 26-30, 2012.

Conference organization

-University of Parma, Parma, Italy. June 29, 2007 – Niko Tinbergen. Un tributo a uno dei fondatori dell’etologia moderna.

-Erice, Sicily, Italy. June 3-7, 2009. The primate Mind: built to connect with other minds. In collaboration with Frans de Waal, Emory University.

-Erice, Sicily, Italy. Aug 30-September 6, 2012. Mirror neurons: new frontiers 20 years after their discovery. In collaboration with Giacomo Rizzolatti.

List of Publications

Edited Books

De Waal F.B., Ferrari P.F (editors). The primate mind: built to connect with other minds. Harvard University Press (2012).

Special Issue

Steele J, Ferrari P.F., Fogassi L. (2012). From action to language: comparative perspective on primate tool use, gesture, and the evolution of human language. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B.

Research reports

1. P. Palanza, R.J. Rodgers, P.F. Ferrari & S. Parmigiani (1996). The effects of chlordiazepoxide on maternal aggression in mice depend upon experience of resident and sex of intruders. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. vol. 54, 1: 175-182.

2. P.F. Ferrari, P. Palanza, R.J. Rodgers, M. Mainardi, S. Parmigiani (1996). Comparing different forms of male and female aggression in wild and laboratory mice: an ethopharmacological study. Physiology & Behavior. 60: 549-554.

3. P.F. Ferrari, P. Palanza, R.J. Rodgers & S. Parmigiani (1997). Differential effects of chlordiazepoxide on aggressive behavior in male mice: the influence of social factors. Psychopharmacology, 134 (3), 258-265.

4. P.F. Ferrari, P. Palanza, R.J. Rodgers & S. Parmigiani (1998). Interindividual variability in male mice: relationship between social factors, aggression and anxiety. Physiology & Behavior, 63(5):821-827.

5. R.J. Blanchard, M.A. Hebert, P.F. Ferrari, P. Palanza, R. Figueira, D.C. Blanchard, S. Parmigiani (1998). Defensive behaviors in wild and laboratory (swiss) mice: the mouse defense test battery. Physiology & Behavior, 65(2): 201-209.

6. P.F. Ferrari, S. Lowther, H. Tidbury, P. Greengrass, C.A. Wilson, R.W. Horton (1999). The influence of gender and age on neonatal rat hypothalmic 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptors. Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. 19 (6), 775-784.

7. S. Parmigiani, P. Palanza, R.J. Rodgers, P.F. Ferrari (1999). Selection, evolution of behavior and animal models in behavioral neuroscience. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 23, 957-970.

8. P.F. Ferrari, P. Palanza, S. Parmigiani (2000). Does fear modulate the defensive and offensive types of maternal attack in mice? Aggressive Behavior, 26(2), 193-203.

9. E.W. Fish, M. Sekinda, P.F. Ferrari, A. Dirks, K.A. Miczek (2000). Distress vocalizations in maternally separated mouse pups: modulation via 5HT1A, 5HT1B and GABAa receptors. Psychopharmacology, 149, 277-285

10. A. Holmes, S. Parmigiani, P.F. Ferrari, P.Palanza, R.J. Rodgers (2000). Behavioural profile of wild mice in the elevated plus-maze test of anxiety. Physiology & Behavior, 71, 5, 509-516.

11. P.F. Ferrari, E. Kohler, L. Fogassi, V. Gallese (2000). The ability to follow eye gaze and its emergence during development in macaque monkeys. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 97(25), 13997-14002.

12. A. Sgoifo, C. Pozzato, T. Costoli, M. Manghi, D. Stilli, P.F. Ferrari, G. Ceresini, E. Musso (2001). Cardiac autonomic responses to intermittent social conflict in rats. Physiology & Behavior, 73, 343-349.

13. Gallese, V., Ferrari P.F., Umiltà, M.A. (2002). The mirror matching system: a shared manifold for intersubjectivity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 25 (1), 35-36.

14. P.F. Ferrari, A.M.M. van Erp, W. Tornatzky, K.A. Miczek. (2003). Accumbal dopamine and serotonin in anticipation of the next aggressive episode in rats. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17, 371-378.

15. P.F. Ferrari, Gallese, V., Rizzolatti, G., Fogassi, L. (2003). Mirror neurons responding to the observation of ingestive and communicative mouth actions in the ventral premotor cortex. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17 (8), 1703-1714.

16. L. Fogassi, P.F. Ferrari. (2004). Mirror neurons, gestures and language evolution. Interaction studies. 5 (3), 345-363.

17. L. Fogassi, P.F. Ferrari (2004). Neurones miroir, gestes et évolution du langage. Primatologie, 6, 263-286.

18. P.F. Ferrari, S. Rozzi, L. Fogassi (2005). Mirror neurons responding to the observation of actions made with tools in the monkey ventral premotor cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 17 (2): 212-226.

19. L. Fogassi, P.F. Ferrari, F. Chersi, B. Gesierich, S. Rozzi, G. Rizzolatti (2005). Parietal lobe: from action organization to intention understanding. Science. 308, 662-667.

20. P.F. Ferrari, C. Maiolini, E. Addessi, L. Fogassi, E. Visalberghi (2005). The observation and hearing of eating actions activates motor programs related to eating in macaque monkeys. Behavioural Brain Research, 161, 95-101.

21. P. Palanza, D. Della Seta, P.F. Ferrari, S. Parmigiani (2005). Female competition in wild house mice depends upon timing of female/male settlement and kinship between females. Animal Behaviour, 69, 1259-1271.

22. A. Paukner, E. Borelli, E. Visalberghi, J. Anderson, P.F. Ferrari (2005). Pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) recognise when being imitated. Biology Letters, 1, 219-222.

23. Ferrari P.F., Visalberghi E., Paukner A., Fogassi L., Ruggiero A., Suomi S.J. (2006). Neonatal imitation in rhesus macaques. PLoS Biology. 4(9): e302.

24. Paukner A., Anderson J.R., Fogassi L., Ferrari P.F.. (2007). Do facial gesture, visibility or speed of movement influence gaze following responses in pigtail macaques? Primates. 48, 241-244.

25. A. Paukner, J.R. Anderson, D.I. Donaldson, P.F. Ferrari. (2007). Cued repetition of self-directed behaviors in macaques (Macaca nemestrina). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behaviour Processes. 33, 139-147.

26. Ferrari P.F. , Coudé G., Gallese V., Fogassi L. (2008). Having access to others’ mind through gaze: the role of ontogenetic and learning processes in gaze following behavior of macaques. Social Neuroscience, 3, 239-249.

27. S., Rozzi, P.F. Ferrari, L. Bonini, G., Rizzolatti, L., Fogassi. (2008). Functional organization of the inferior parietal lobule of the macaque monkey. European Journal of Neuroscience. 28, 1569-1588.

28. Parmigiani S, Dadomo H, Brain PF, Bartolomucci A, Carbucicchio A, Costantino C, Ferrari PF, Palanza P, Volpi R. (2009) Bio-psychological characterization of karate practitioners: relationship between personality traits and hormonal responses in winners and losers. Aggressive Behavior, 35, 324-333

29. P.F. Ferrari, A. Paukner, A. Ruggiero, L. Darcey, S.J. Suomi (2009). Interindividual differences in neonatal imitation and the development of action chains in rhesus macaques. Child Development, 80, 1057-1068.

30. A. Paukner, E. Visalberghi, S.J. Suomi, P.F. Ferrari. (2009). Capuchin monkeys display affiliation towards humans who imitate them. Science, 325, 880-883.

31. P.F. Ferrari, A. Paukner, C. Ionica, S.J. Suomi. (2009). Reciprocal face-to-face communication between rhesus macaque mother and their newborn infants. Current Biology, 19, 1768-1772.

32. E Palagi, A. Leone, G. Mancini, P.F. Ferrari, (2009). Contagious yawning in gelada baboons as a possible expression of empathy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 106, 19262-19267.

33. Macellini S., Ferrari P.F., Bonini L., Fogassi L., Paukner A. (2010). Can pigtailed macaques recognize their own chest in a mirror? A modified mark test. Animal Cognition, 13, 631-639.

34. L. Bonini, S. Rozzi, F. Ugolotti, L. Simone, P.F. Ferrari, L. Fogassi. (2010). Ventral Premotor and Inferior Parietal Cortices Make Distinct Contribution to Action Organization and Intention Understanding. Cerebral Cortex, 20, 1372-1385.

35. Bonini L., Rozzi S., Ugolotti Serventi F., Simone L., Ferrari P.F., Fogassi L. (2011). Parietal and premotor grasping neurons encode action goals at distinct levels of abstraction during complex action sequence. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(15):5876-5886.

36. Coudè G., Ferrari P.F., Rodà F., Maranesi M., Borelli E., Veroni V., Monti F., Rozzi S., Fogassi L. (2011). Neurons controlling voluntary vocalization in the macaque ventral premotor cortex. PLoS One, 6(11): e26822.

37. Macellini S., Maranesi M., Bonini L., Simone L., Rozzi S., Ferrari P.F., Fogassi L. (2012). Individual and social learning processes involved in the acquisition and generalization of tool-use in macaques. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B. 367, 24-36.

38. Steele J, Ferrari P.F., Fogassi L. (2012). From action to language: comparative perspective on primate tool use, gesture, and the evolution of human language. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B. 367, 4-9.

39. Chersi F., Ferrari P.F., Fogassi L. (2011). Neuronal chains for actions in the parietal lobe: a computational model. PLoS One, 6(11):e27652.

40. Paukner A., Ferrari P.F., Suomi S.J. (2011). Delayed imitation in newborn macaques. PLoS One, 6(12):e28848.

41. Ferrari P.F., Vanderwert R., Paukner A., Bower S., Suomi S.J., Fox N.A. (2012). Distinct electroencephalographic amplitude suppression to facial gestures as evidence for a mirror mechanism in newborn monkeys. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24,1165-1172.

42. Morrill R.J., Paukner A., Ferrari P.F., Ghazanfar A.A. (2012). Lip-smacking develops like speech. Developmental science, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-7687.2012.01149.

43. Vanderwert R., Ferrari P.F., Paukner A., Bower S., Fox N.A., Suomi S.J. (2012) Spectral characteristics of the newborn rhesus macaque EEG reflects functional cortical activity. Physiology and Behavior. DOI, 10.1016/j.physbeh.2012.06.010.

44. Bonini L., Ugolotti Serventi F., Bruni S., Maranesi M., Bimbi M., Simone L., Rozzi S., Ferrari P.F., Fogassi L. (2012). Selectivity for grip type and action goal in macaque inferior parietal and ventral premotor grasping neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology.

45. Maranesi M., Bonini L., Rozzi S., Rodà F., Ferrari P.F., Fogassi L., Coudè G. (In press). Anatomo-functional organization of the ventral agranular cortex in the macaque monkey. European Journal of Neuroscience.

46. Mancini G., Ferrari P.F., Palagi E. In play we trust. Speed and accuracy of facial mimicry affect the duration of playful interactions in geladas. Biology Letters (under revision).

47. Mancini G., Ferrari P.F., Palagi E. Rapid Facial Mimicry in Gelada Baboons: A behavioural Matching Phenomenon To Be Emotionally Connected with Others. Animal Cognition (under revision).

48. Simpson E.A., Ferrari P.F. (In press). Commentary - Mirror neurons are central for a second-person neuroscience: insights from developmental studies utilizing second-person perspective. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.


49. S. Parmigiani, P.F. Ferrari, P. Palanza (1998). An evolutionary approach to behavioral pharmacology: understanding proximal and ultimate mechanisms of different forms of aggression in mice. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 23: 143-153.

50. P.F. Ferrari, P. Palanza, S. Parmigiani, R.M.M. de Almeida, K.A. Miczek (2005). Serotonin and aggressive behavior in rodents and nonhuman primates: Predispositions and Plasticity. European Journal of Pharmacology. 526, 259-273.

51. R.M.M. de Almeida, P.F. Ferrari, S. Parmigiani, K.A. Miczek (2005). Escalated Aggressive Behavior: GABA, Dopamine and 5-HT. Preclinical, clinical studies and neuropharmacology. European Journal of Pharmacology. 526, 51-64.

52. G. Rizzolatti, P.F. Ferrari, S. Rozzi, L. Fogassi (2006). The inferior parietal lobule: where action becomes perception. Novartis Foundation Symposium. 270, 129-145.

53. Fogassi L., Ferrari P.F. From mirror neurons to embodied language. (2007). Current Directions in Psychological Science, 16, 136-141.

54. Ferrari P.F., Bonini, L. & Fogassi, L.(2009). From monkey mirror neurons to mirror-related behaviours: possible direct and indirect pathways. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B. .364, 2311-2323.

55. Fogassi, L., Ferrari P.F. (2010). Mirror systems. WIREs Cognitive Science. DOI: 10.1002/wcs.89.

56. De Waal F.B., Ferrari P.F. (2010). Time for a Bottom-Up Perspective on Animal and Human Cognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14, 201-207.

57. Casile A., Caggiano, V., Ferrari P.F. (2011). The mirror neuron system: a fresh view. The Neuroscientist. 17, 524-538

58. Bonini L., Ferrari P.F. (2011). The Evolution of mirror systems: a simple mechanism for complex cognitive functions. Annals of the New York Academy of Science. 1225:166-175.

59. Vanderwert R.E., Fox N.A., Ferrari P.F. The Mirror Mechanism and Mu-Rhythm in Social Development. Neuroscience Letters (submitted).

Book chapters

60. P. Palanza, D. Della Seta, P.F. Ferrari, R.J. Rodgers and S. Parmigiani (1994). Analysis of different forms of aggression in male and female mice: ethopharmacological studies. In: "Ethology and Psychopharmacology", S.J. Cooper and C. Hendrie, eds. Chirchester: John Wiley & sons. pp. 179-189.

61. Gallese, V., Ferrari P.F., Kohler E., Fogassi L. (2002). The eyes, the hand and the mind: behavioral and neurophysiological aspects of social cognition. In: Bekoff, M., Allen, C., Burghardt, M.G. (editors) The Cognitive Animal, MIT Press, pp. 451-462.

62. Ferrari P.F., Gallese V. (2007). Mirror neurons and intersubjectivity. In: Braten, S. (Ed.) On being moved. From mirror neurons to empathy. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia (2007), pp. 73-88.

63. Ferrari P.F. (2008). Action-perception mechanisms in nonhuman primates early social development. Idee in psicoterapia. 1 (3), 133-138.

64. L. Fogassi, P.F. Ferrari. (2008) Mirror neurons and evolution of communication and language. In B.L. Davis and K. Zajdo (Eds): Syllable Development: The Frame/Content Theory and Beyond. Lawrence Elbraum Associates, pp. 133-153

65. Ferrari P.F. and Fogassi, L. (2010). Mirror neurons and primate social cognition. An evolutionary perspective. In Platt, M.L. and A.A. Ghazanfar (Eds.), Primate Neuroethology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 633-655.

66. Ferrari P.F., Coudè G. (2011). Mirror neurons and imitation from a developmental and evolutionary perspective. In A. Vilain, J.L. Schwartz, C. Abry & J. Vauclair (eds.): Primate communication and human language: Vocalization, imitation, and deixis in humans and non-humans. John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 121-138.

67. Paukner A., Ferrari P.F., Suomi S.J. (In press). Comparison of neonatal imitation abilities in human and macaque infants. In: M. Banaji and S. Gelman (eds.), The Development of Social Cognition.

68. Ferrari P.F. and Fogassi, L. (2012). The mirror neuron system in monkeys and its implications for social cognitive functions. In De Waal F.B., Ferrari P.F (eds.). The primate mind: built to connect with other minds. Harvard University Press.

69. de Waal F.B. and Ferrari P.F. (2012). A bottom-up approach to the primate mind. In De Waal F.B., Ferrari P.F (eds.). The primate mind: built to connect with other minds. Harvard University Press.

Articles in Italian journals and magazine

70. S. Parmigiani, P. Palanza, P.F. Ferrari (1998). Cause e funzioni dell’aggressività intraspecifica: il caso del topolino delle case (Mus musculus domesticus). Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 97:65-77.

71. P.F. Ferrari (2001). Gli occhi e la mente dei primati: aspetti comportamentali, neurofisiologici e cognitivi. Argomenti di psicometria, 9: 91-111.

72. Ferrari P.F., Visalberghi E. Primati e Imitazione. Le Scienze (Italian Version of American Scientific), vol. 2 pp. 62 - 69. 2007

73. Ferrari P.F. La cognizione sociale nei primati non umani. Darwin. Marzo-Aprile 2007.

74. Ferrari P.F. I neuroni specchio. (2007). In: La scimmia Nuda, C. Lauro, G. Muscio, P. Visentini. Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali. pp. 115-117.

75. Ferrari P.F. L’aggressività negli animali. (2007). In: La scimmia Nuda, C. Lauro, G. Muscio, P. Visentini. Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali. pp. 169-171.

76. Ferrari P.F. I neuroni specchio. (2008). Educazione prenatale, vol. 12-13, 48-54.

77. Ferrari P.F., Palanza P., Parmigiani S. 2009. L’evoluzione della mente nei Primati. In: Filograsso & Bavaglini (eds), “La mente: Itinerari di ricerca. pp. 279-291. Franco Angeli s.r.l, Milano.

78. Ferrari P.F., Rozzi S. (2012). Neuroni specchio, azione e relazione. Il cervello che agisce come fondamenta della mente sociale. Rivista Sperimentale di Freniatria. 136, 13-38.

Under evaluation

79. Iacoboni M., Dapretto M., Ferrari P.F. Mirror neurons in monkeys and humans. Neuron (invited – in preparation).

80. Ferrari P.F., Sirabella E., Fogassi L., Fiorito G. Social influence of predatory response towards artificial stimuli in the Cephalopod Mollusc Octopus vulgaris: facilitatory effects on motor program and inhibition of behavioral responses. (submitted).

Recent abstracts (2007-2010)

1. Fogassi, L., Bonini, L., Simone, L., Ugolotti, F., Ruggeri, E., Rozzi, S., Rizzolatti, G., Ferrari, P.F. (2007). Time course of neuronal activity reflecting the final goal of observed and executed action sequences in monkey parietal and premotor cortex. Soc. Neurosci. Abs., 636.4/DDD21.
2. Nelissen, K., Roda, F., Ferrari, P.F., Vanduffel, W., Rizzolatti, G., Orban, G (2007). Macaque brain responses to observation of communicative and non-communicative face gestures. Soc. Neurosci. Abs., 69.3.
3. Fogassi, L., Bonini, L., Simone, L., Ugolotti, F., Ruggeri, E., Rozzi, S., Chersi, F., Rizzolatti, G., Ferrari, P.F. (2007). Time course of neuronal activity reflecting the final goal of observed and executed action sequences in monkey parietal and premotor cortex. Soc. Neurosci. Abs., 636.4.
4. Bonini, L., Ferrari, P.F., Ugolotti, F., Simone, L., Rozzi, S., Rizzolatti, G., Fogassi, L. (2007). L’organizzazione e il controllo dell’azione intenzionale nei circuiti parieto-frontali nella scimmia. SINP Abs.
5. Chersi, F., Fogassi, L., Bonini, L., Rizzolatti, G., Ferrari, P.F. (2007). Modeling intentional neuronal chains in parietal and premotor cortex. Soc. Neurosci. Abs., 636.6/DDD23.
6. Coude G, Ferrari PF, Roda F, Maranesi M, Veroni V, Monti F, Rizzolatti G, Fogassi L. (2007). Neuronal responses during vocalizations in the ventral premotor cortex of macaque monkeys. Soc. Neurosci. Abs., 636.3.
7. Ferrari PF. (2007). Mirror neurons and their role in the macaque social cognition. Neurosci. Res. 58(Suppl). Pgs: S15.
8. Bonini, L., Rozzi, S., Simone, L., Ugolotti, F., Bastoni, E., Macellini, S., Ferrari, P.F., Fogassi, L. (2008). Reversible inactivation of inferior parietal lobule but not of ventral premotor cortex impairs organization of goal directed actions. FENS Abs. A022.2.
9. Roda F, Suomi SJ, Fogassi L, Ferrari PF (2008). Ethological study of gaze following behaviour in semi-free-ranging rhesus macaques. Folia Primatol. 79(3). Pgs: 145.
10. Hipp D, Paukner A, Ruggiero A, Ferrari PF, Suomi SJ (2008). Macaques' neonatal imitation responses depend on internal sensorimotor mechanisms and not on attentional factors. American Journal of Primatology. 70(Suppl 1). Pgs: 36.
11. Leone A, Mancini G, Mignini M, Ferrari PF, Palagi E. (2008). Yawning behaviour in captive gelada baboons (Theropithecus gelada). Primate Eye, 96, Abs.167.
12. Fogassi, L., Bonini, L., Ugolotti, F., Simone, L., Rozzi, S., Rizzolatti, G., Ferrari, P.F. (2008). The gaze direction of an observed agent influences the discharge of parietal but not of premotor hand mirror neurons. Soc. Neurosci. Abs.
13. Ferrari PF, Paukner A, Ruggiero A, Darcey L, Unbehagen S, Suomi SJ. (2008). Neonatal imitation in relation to the development of action chains in rhesus macaques. Primate eye. 96, Abs. 63.
14. Paukner A, Huntsberry ME, Ferrari PF, Suomi SJ (2008). Imitation recognition in capuchin monkeys. Am. J. Primatol. 70(Suppl 1). Pg: 54.
15. Ferrari PF, Vanderwert R, Herman K, Paukner A, Fox NA, Suomi SJ. (2008). EEG activity in response to facial gestures in 1-7 days old infant rhesus macaques. Soc. Neurosci. Abs.. 297.13.
16. Coude G, Ferrari PF, Roda F, Maranesi M, Rozzi S, Fogassi L. (2009). Ventral premotor cortex of the macaque monkey controls conditioned vocalization. Soc. Neurosci. Abs., 82.9.
17. Ugolotti Serventi F, Bruni S, Bonini L, Coudè G, Ferrari PF, Rozzi S, Fogassi L (2010). Functional anatomy of monkey parietal and premotor cortical sectors containing mirror neurons. Fens Abstract, 051.22.

Recent Research support

Here below are listed ongoing research projects in which I am involved as co-PI together with Giacomo Rizzolatti and Leonardo Fogassi. I am Principal Investigator in grants marked with asterisk.

Full Grant Number Title of Project
Total project period & amount

EU grant 029065 Hand to mouth 2006-2010
286,000 euros

Italian Institute of Technology

Motor Cognition
943,000 euros

PRIN from Italian Ministry of Health
Prefrontal cortex and social cognition
45,000 euros

∗P01 HD064653-01

Functions and Development of the Mirror Neuron System

1,191,835.00 dollars

∗FIL – from Ministry of University

Personal assignment based on academic achievements

7,000 euros

∗ Dalla Rosa Prati Foundation

Prenatal human foetuses responses to speech

5,000 euros

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014



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