• Curriculum Vitae
  • Teaching
  • Research


Villaggio Miralago 1, 23828 Perledo (Lecco), ITALY

Work address Dpt. of Medicine and Surgery, Public Health Unit - Via Volturno, 39, I-43100 PARMA - Ph +39 0521 903831 - Sex M | Date of birth 23/07/1962 | Nationality ITALIAN | Marital status MARRIED


- Full Professor of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health, School of Medicine, University of Parma, Italy (2000-) & Università Vita-Salute S. Raffaele, Milan (2016-)
- Director, Public Health Residency Program (Scuola di Specializzazione in Igiene) (2000-)
- Past-President, Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health - SItI (2016-)
- Tresaurer, European Public Health Assiciation (EUPHA) (2016-)

-Editor-in-chief, Newsletter IGIENISTI-ON-LINE (
- Lecturer at Polytechnic of Milan, Univ. of Castellanza and Univ. of Catania
- Member Hygiene Council (2006-) & Member International Forum of Home Hygiene-IFH (2009-)
. Member International Conference Council of Eur. Public Health Association-EUPHA (2012-)
- President, Centre on health systems’ organization, quality and sustainability, Parma (2016-)
- President Comunità Montana Valsassina, Valvarrone, Val d'Esino e Riviera (2014-)

• Major of the Municipality of Perledo (Lecco) (2006-16)
• Councillor for Environmental Policies, Province of Lecco (2009-14)
• Lecturer, course of Basic Epidemiology, Int'l Master in Health care Management, Economics and Policy (MIHMEP), Bocconi University (2001-11)
• Associate Professor of Environmental Health Polytechnic of Milan (1998-2000)
• Deputy Health Director, Policlinico Umberto I, Roma (1998)
• Researcher of Hygiene, University "La Sapienza" of Rome (1992-1998)


➢ Post-graduate Specialization in Hygiene and Preventive Med. (Univ. "La Sapienza", 1999)
➢ Univ. Degree in Political Sciences (University La Sapienza of Rome, 1995)
➢ PhD (LSHTM, Univ. London, 1994)
➢ Univ. Degree in Law (University of Milan, 1993)
➢ MSc Epidemiology (LSHTM, Univ. London, 1989)
➢ Univ. Degree in Medicine and Surgery with Distinction (University of Milan, 1986)


Mother tongue ITALIAN

Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
ELTS - Academic titles, University of London
GERMAN & SWEDISH At school level (University exams)

Communication skills
▪ Excellent communication skills gained through my experience as University Lecturer, Scientific Journalist, Member of various boards, committees and working groups

Organisational / managerial skills Specific experiences involving managerial and organisational skills:
▪ Councillor for Environmental Policies, Province of Lecco (2009-14)
(Av. annual budget €50,0mil, staff: 300, n. 1 hierarchical layers above, 8 peers)
▪ Major of the Municipality of Perledo - LC (2006-2016)
(Av. annual budget €3,0mil, staff: 12, No hierarchical layers above)
▪ President, Comunità Montana Valsassina, Valvarrone, Val d'Esino e Riviera (2014-)
(Av. annual budget €1,5mil, staff: 30, No hierarchical layers above)
▪ Member Management Board Banca Popolare Provinciale Lecchese (1999-06)
(Av annual budget €10,0mil, staff: 30, n.1 hierarchical layers above, 10 peers)
▪ Director, Public Health Residency Program (Scuola di specializzazione in Igiene) (2000-)
(Av. annual budget €0,4mil, staff (lecturers): 50, n.1 hierarchical layers above)
▪ Secretary general of the Italian Society of Hygiene (SItI) (2001-06)
(Av annual budget €1,0mil, members: 3,000, n.1 hierarchical layers above)
▪ President of the Italian Society of Hygiene (SItI) (2014-2016)
(Av annual budget €1,0mil, members: 3,000, No hierarchical layers above)
▪ Organizer of 6 major medical meetings (1998-2015)
(Budget €0,8mil each event, participants 1,000-3,000)

Management experience
Proven by:
• University post-graduate Course in Health Management (Univ. La Sapienza Univ, 1992)
• Lecturer in various courses and congresses including the Int'l Master in Health care Management, Economics and Policy (MIHMEP) at Bocconi University for 10 years
• Director of various Courses of Epidemiology, Public Health, Environmental health
• Specific experiences (see above)

Technical knowledge in the field of Public health, Epidemiology, Communicable diseases

Proven by experience as:
• MSc & PhD in Epidemiology (LSHTM)
• Academic experience as Professor of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public health
• Consultant of the Italian Senate (Special commission on efficacy of national health service, 2006-08 and Commission for Hygiene and health 2001-06, 2008-13)
• Expert of Ministerial Board for Public Health (Consiglio Superiore di Sanità) (2011-13)
• Evaluator of research projects (EU, DGXII, Bruxelles; Italian Ministry of University (MIUR); University of Padua)
• Member PhD Board in Medical Sciences (University of Parma)
• Member Technical Committee for Health, Ministry of Health (2015-)
• Member Ministerial Commission for Doping and sport activities,(2015-)
• Member National Immunization Technical Advisory Group - NITAG (2017-)
• Member Regional (Emilia-Romagna) Immunization Technical Advisory Group (2016-)

Communication and negotiation skills

• Ability to communicate efficiently and fluently with the public
• Editor-in-Chief Newsletter Igienisti on-line (2010-) (
• Capacity to take decisions in a complex political environment and emergency situations
• Excellent interpersonal, decision-making, organisational and negotiating skills

Experience gained in a multicultural environment

• Education at Swiss School of Milan (Primary School) and Univ. of London (MSc & PhD)
• Lecturer (2001-2011) at the Int'l Master in Health Management, Economics and Policy (Bocconi University, attended by students from 5 continents)
• Lecturer (2015) at the course in Global Health at the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC)
• Chair 8th European Public Health Conference (Milan, 2015, with 3,000 participants from 58 countries)
• Member, International Conference Council of Eur. Public Health Association (EUPHA)
• Member Hygiene Council and International Forum of Home Hygiene-IFH (members from 5 continents)
• Responsible, as Major and President of the Comunità Montana, of the programme for health and social support of refugees
• Chair, Annual Retreat of Deans and DIrectors of Public Health Schools (ASPHER), (Erice, Sicily, 2019)
• Co-Chair, World Congress of Public Health (WFPHA) (Rome, 2020)
• Recent (3y.) extra-UE journeys to China, India, South Africa, UAE, USA

Driving licence & other licences Cat. A (motorcycles), B (Motor vehicles), C (Vehicles over lb. 7700)
Boat licence, Private Pilot Licence (SE land & sea)

1415 overall, published in Italian and international scientific journals, various papers, communications and posters presented at Italian and international congresses and articles published in the popular press about hygiene, public health, infectious diseases, environmental health and health legislation.

N. 321 Papers on Italian and international scientific journals
N. 50 Book chapters
N. 36 University Textbooks
N. 20 Monographs and Thesis
N. 278 Conference Proceedings abstracts
N. 18 Editor or co-editor of scientific books
N. 37 Forewords of books; reports; speeches published on website
N. 645 Scientific articles on popular press & TV programmes

Main Conferences and Congresses organized
Speaker and co-ordinator in various Italian and International Congresses. In particular:
• General Secretary, 38th National Congress of It. Soc. Hygiene (SItI), 1998
• General Secretary, 40 th National Congress of It. Soc. Hygiene (SItI), 2002
• General Secretary, 9 th Public Health Conference of It. Soc. Hygiene (SItI), 2005
• Vice-President, 47 th National Congress of It. Soc. Hygiene (SItI), 2014
• Chair, 48th National Congress of It. Soc. Hygiene (SItI), 2015
• Chair, 8 th European Public Health Conference (EUPHA), 2015
• Chair, Annual Retreat of Deans and Directors of Public Health Schools (ASPHER), 2019
• Co-Chair, 16 th World Public Health Congress (WFPHA), 2020
• Invited speaker in various Italian and international Conferences

Research Projects
• 01/10/2015–: Research project on implementation of vaccination campaigns in the adults and elderly (Foundation Cariparma, Principal investigator: Carlo Signorelli)
• 17/10/2011–17/10/2013:Evaluation of technological/performance & environmental characteristics of the healthcare structures (Ministry of University, PRIN 2009, Pr. Investigator O. Tronconi)
• 22/09/2008–21/10/2010: Research and development of innovative technological solutions addressed to new performance and management models of health structures including health (Ministry of University, PRIN 2007, Principal investigator R. Del Nord)
• 30/01/2006–27/02/2008: Study on influence of human factors on drive performance and the risk of car accidents (Ministry of University, PRIN, Principal investigator G. Vivoli)
• 20/11/2003–12/12/2005: Costruzione e valutazione della sostenibilità dei progetti (Ministry of University, PRIN, Principal investigator S.A. Miccoli)
• 16/12/2002–18/01/2005: Apporto alimentare di policlorobifenili e di metalli in traccia e relazione col rischio di tumore mammario (Ministry of University, PRIN, Principal investigator G. Vivoli)
• 2002–2003: Study on risks by repeated strain during job activities at a building site. (Ministry of Welfare, Coordinator C. Signorelli)

Boards of Italian and International Journals
• SECTION EDITOR of the Scientific Journal Annali di Igiene (Ann Ig)
• SECTION EDITOR, Acta Bio Medica (Acta Biomed)
• REVIEWER of these Journals: Lung Diseases, PlosOne, BMC Public Health, Cancer Medicine, Vaccine, European Journal of Public Health, Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, Internal and Emergency Medicine, Medicina dello Sport
• EDITOR-IN-CHIEF SItI-Notizie (2001-) and Igienisti On-Line (2010-) (

ACCADEMIA LOMBARDA DI SANITA' PUBBLICA (Founding member and Secretary-Tresaurer)

Honours and awards
▪ PRIX DE LA SANTE’ 2002 (Club de la Santé , Paris, 2002)
▪ MILAN AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME (Municipality of Milan, 2013)
▪ PRIZES FOR BEST SCIENTIFIC ABSTRACT (in various national and international(*) congresses:
▫ Le nuove strategie della prevenzione, Bologna, 14 settembre 2007
▫ Convegno SItI Regionale Emilia-Romagna 2008, Bologna
▫ 5th European Symposium on Aerobiology, Krakow, Poland, 3-7 September 2012*
▫ Fifth International Conference Swimming Pool & Spa, Rome, April 9-12, 2013*
▫ Convegno SItI Castelbrando 6, Cison di Valmarino, TV, 30-31 Maggio 2013 (2 premio)
▫ 24° Congresso Interregionale Siculo-Calabro SItI, PALERMO 21/23 GIUGNO 2013
▫ 47° Congresso Nazionale SItI, Riccione, 1-4 ottobre 2014
▫ 48° Congresso Nazionale SItI - 8 European PH Conference (EUPHA), Milano, 14-17 ottobre 2015*
▫ Convegno Castelbrando SItI 7, Vittorio Veneto, TV, 20-21 Maggio 2015 (1° premio)
▫ Convegno Castelbrando SItI 7, Vittorio Veneto, TV, 20-21 Maggio 2015 (2° premio)

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014
