• Curriculum Vitae
  • Teaching
  • Appointments
  • Research

Family name, First name: Maretto, Marco
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3281-5437
Nationality: Italian
URL for web site: https://personale.unipr.it/en/ugovdocenti/person/16313 , www.r-a-m.it

2012 – present Associate Professor
University of Parma, Department of Engineering and Architecture_DIA. Italy.
2010 – present Founder and Vice-president, ISUFItaly, International Seminar on Urban Form_Italy. Scientific society.
2014 – present Founder and Co-Director, U+D. Urban form and Design, International review.

2002 Ph.D. in Architecture
Department of Architecture, University of Genoa, Italy.
1998 5-years Degree in Architecture.
Department of Architecture and Urban Design, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy.

2010 – 2012 Researcher/Assistant professor, University of Parma, Italy.
2002 – 2010 Adjunct professor, University of Parma, University of Rome La Sapienza, University of Florence.

2014 – present Council Member of the PhD Program in Architecture at University of Rome La Sapienza.
2014 – present Advisor of 4 Phd students at the University of Rome La Sapienza.
2014 – present Co-Advisor of 1 Phd student at the University of Parma.
2010 – present Advisor of 25 Master thesis in Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Parma.
2002 – 2010 Co-advisor of 15 Master thesis in Architecture at the of Rome La Sapienza.

2002 – 2003 Adjunct professor, Urban Morphology and Building Typology, 5-Year degree, University of Florence, Italy
2002 – 2004 Adjunct professor, Urban Morphology and Building Typology, 5-Year degree, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
2005 – 2007 Adjunct professor, Urban Morphology and Building Typology, 3-Year degree, University of Parma, Italy
2005 Scientific Consultant, Spring Field Studio 2005, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) and University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
2007 – 2009 Adjunct professor, Landscape Architecture, 3-Year degree, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
2007 – 2010 Adjunct professor, Architecture and Urban Design, 3-Year degree, University of Parma, Italy
2010 – 2012 Assistant professor, Architecture and Urban Design, 3-Year degree, University of Parma, Italy
2012 – present Associate professor, Architecture and Urban Design, Master Program in Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design , University of Parma, Italy.

2010 – 2012 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer, International Conference: Saverio Muratori Architetto, University of Venice, University of Rome La Sapienza, National Academy San Luca, Polytechnic of Milan, University of Genova, TU Delft, International Seminar on Urban Form. Appointed with the “High Patronage of the President of the Republic”.

2015 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer, International Design Workshop: Barcelona by Design. Discovering the Value of the Urban Space. University of Parma, University of Barcelona_ETSAB. Barcelona, Spain.

2015 Scientific co-supervisor, co-organizer and Chairman: City as organism, new vision for urban life.
22nd ISUF International Conference. Rome, Italy.

2015 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer International Design Workshop: Water and City.
University of Parma, Polytechnic of Krakow. Krakow, II nd International Seminar on Urban Spaces,

2016 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer International Conference: La città della politica/La ville
de la Politique. Rome-Laval, Canada.

2016 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer, International Design Workshop: Rethinking the Valencia
Waterfront. University of Parma, University of Valencia_UPV. Valencia, Spain.

2018 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer, International Design Workshop: Connecting fabrics.
Proposals for the sustainable renewal of Bouça in Porto, University of Parma, University of
Porto_FEUP. Porto.

2018 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer, International Conference: Retail and Urban Regeneration,
University of Parma, PhD Program in Architecture University of Rome La Sapienza

2019 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer, International Design Workshop: Urban Facade: Istanbul
Waterfront, University of Parma, Ozyegin University. Istanbul, Turkey.

2020 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer, International Conference: Urban Substrata & City
Regeneration, ISUF Italy, Center for American Studies. Rome, Italy.

2020 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer, International Conference: Urban morphology. New
scenarios. From the city of proximity to the city of sharing: shared, smart, recycled, temporary,
sustainable, PhD Program in Architecture University of Rome La Sapienza

2021 Scientific co-supervisor and co-organizer, International Conference: Urban Morphology research in
Italy, tradition and future. ISUFItaly, Università di Roma la Sapienza.

2005 – present Scientific Referee: Urban Morphology, international review.
2012 – present Scientific Referee: Urban Design International, international review.
2016 – present Advisory Editor: “The Urban Book Series”, Springer International Publishing AG.
2019 – present Scientific Referee: Sustainability, international review.
2019 – present Scientific Referee: FAMagazine, international review.
2019 – present Scientific Referee: Building, international review.
2019 – present Scientific Referee: Urban Science, international review.
2019 – present Scientific Referee: City, Territory and Architecture, international review

1999 – present Member of International Seminar on Urban Form_ISUF (www.urbanform.org)
2017 – present Council Member of the International Center for Studies of Urban and Territorial Processes _CISPUT.
2010 – present Founder and Vice-president and Council Member of the International Seminar on Urban Form_Italy. ISUFItaly (www.isufitaly.com)
2010 – 2016 Council Member of the International Seminar on Urban Form_ISUF.
Last funded Research Activity (2018-2022):
Project Title Funding
source Project Cost:
(Euros) Period Role
WelcOming a New Deal in EuRope for the Future of Urban and rural Life. HORIZON-CL2-2022. HERITAGE-01-10. The New European Bauhaus. € 5.945.205,00 Under evaluation Unit/Partner Coordinator
Knowledge Alliance for Evidence-Based Urban Practices_KAEBUP.
Eramus+, Programme, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA203 - Knowledge Alliances, 2021. € 999.961,00 2021-2024
(36 months) Unit/Partner Coordinator
Urban disposal and regeneration: new policies for the project of the city. ISUF. International Seminar on Urban Form. 2021. € 10.000,00
Principal Investigator

Completed research projects:

Project Title Funding
source Project Cost:
(Euros) Period Role
ARCHEA. Architectural European medium-sized city Arrangement. Erasmus+, Programme, KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and
the Exchange of Good Practices, KA203 Strategic Partnerships for higher education, 2018. € 436.960,00

(36 months) Fellow

Research projects not funded

SUSTAINABLE BEAUTY. Considering and assessing beauty as a driver for resilient built communities. ERC-2022-SYG- Synergy Grant
HORIZON Action Grant Budget-
€ 8.945.205,00
(72 months) Principal
SCHOOLS XXI.0: From Educational Environments to Urban Communities. Researching and learning through an interdisciplinary approach. Erasmus+, Programme, KA2
Cooperation for Innovation and
Exchange of Good Practices,
KA203 Strategic Partnerships
for higher education, 2018. € 448.008,00
(36 months) Principal

Scientific Profile

Marco Maretto is Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Parma. Over the years he has taught as Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor at the Universities of Rome La Sapienza and of Florence, coming into direct contact with vibrant scientific environments and a number of research approaches which constitute, together with the numerous international lectures, his main formative background. The work, as a member and as a Team Leader, in research groups characterized by a strong transdisciplinary nature is certainly one of his skills.
Member of I.S.U.F. (International Seminar on Urban Form) since 1999 (www.urbanform.org), Council Member since 2010 to 2016, Founder and Vice-president of I.S.U.F. Italy, the Italian Scientific Society of Urban Morphology (www.isufitaly.com), Marco Maretto focuses his research on the interpretation of the urban form as a basis for urban design: Urban Morphology, Sustainability and Urban Design can be considered the key words of his work.
In an increasingly technological society, where a good part of the daily life can take place in smart mode and where sustainability is a necessity and no longer an option, the theme of the “place” becomes fundamental and purely qualitative. “I can do anything, at any time and in any place” I.C.T seems to tell us, but this place must fully satisfy my psycho-physical well-being. Moreover, in the “hyper-connected” contemporary society the same aesthetic values, to be recognized, must be shared. The theme of Neighborhoods as a place where this sharing takes place, in everyday life, becomes thus central to the definition of a new concept of “Beauty”. A concept that necessarily incorporates the themes of sustainability, as an expression of the new global society, opening important new scenarios. But if, on the one hand, the Sustainable Neighborhoods represent the “form” of the new society of the 21st century, on the other, they constitute the meeting point between Morphology and Urban Design in terms of sustainability.
Since the beginning Marco Maretto has dealt with Urban Morphology investigating the relationship between place, identity and society in the definition of urban spaces. In this context he has developed over time a precise methodology of analysis of which the first publications in international journals are witness. We can remember the following: The European Medium-Sized City: The Characteristics of the Urban Form (Routledge, 2021); From urban nodalities to urban fringe belts. The case-study of Krakow (FrancoAngeli, 2018); Muratorian Urban Morphology: Ahmedabad (Urban Morphology, 2015); Polarities, paths, fabrics (U+D, 2015); Urban morphology as a basis for Urban Design (Urban Morphology, 2005). L’Identità del Paesaggio Antropico nella lettura della Forma Urbana: l’Enclave Veneziana (AION, 2004). Two monographs also witness to this line of research: Il Paesaggio delle defferenze (ETS Edizioni, 2008); London Squares (FrancoAngeli, 2018). This work led Marco Maretto to gain a broad understanding of the city and its transformative processes. In particular, the use of new technologies applied to Urban Traking such as GIS, GPS, Pedestrian Movement Flows, Sniffer WiFi, telephone cells and even laser scanners for 3D urban surveying, has allowed him to start a process of renewal of the discipline of urban analysis.
In these same years (2010-2016) Marco Maretto was elected to the Council of the International Seminar on Urban Form. ISUF is the most important scientific society in the world dealing with Urban Morphology. It gathers more than 600 members from about 50 countries involving numerous disciplinary fields (Geography, Architecture, Urban Design, Landscape, Engineering, History, Sociology etc.).
The second area of research, consequent but complementary to the first, concerns the theme of Urban Design. If Urban Morphology studies the city both from the two-dimensional point of view of urban planning and from the three-dimensional point of view of architecture and society, it lends itself to being an important base for the conscious project of the city. Essays such as: Master planning and Regeneration: Villa 31, Buenos Aires (Wiley & Sons, 2017); All’origine della morfologia urbana: i progetti per le Barene di San Giuliano a Venezia (AION, 2013); Saverio Muratori: towards a Morphological School of Urban Design (Urban Morphology, 2013); London 2012. A model for the XXI Century City? (L’Industria delle costruzioni, 2012) witness to this path of Marco Maretto's research. A path that finds two important moments of synthesis in two monographs as: Saverio Muratori. A Legacy in Urban Design (FrancoAngeli, 2015); WAM 2015. Workshops in Architecture and urban Morphology: Barcelona. Sant Adrià de Besos Waterfront Regeneration Project (RAM Publishing, 2014). The former constitutes the first study on Saverio Muratori, founder of the Italian School of Urban Morphology and Urban Design of which Marco Maretto is one of the main exponents. The second represents the first operative application (followed over time by many others) of the methodological work carried out by the P.I. In 2016 Marco Maretto Becomes member of the U.A.L._Urban and Architectural Laboratory at the University of Parma, a laboratory operating as a consultant for Public Administrations and private stakeholders in the regeneration projects in the Emilian territory. The participatory projects: Casina Collaborator (RE). Open laboratory for the design of a new centrality; Collaboratorio Vetto (RE). The redevelopment of the center; the design workshop Retail & Urban Regeneration. Criticalities, opportunities, strategies; the article Commercio e Rigenerazione Urbana. I centri commerciali delle frange perturbane come nuove “polarità” (U+D, 2019) are some of P.I. tasks as Team leader within the U.A.L.
Since 2014, the two lines of research have agreed to substantiate a third, main, field of study: the Environmental Urban Design. Since these years come several essays published in international volumes and journals such as: Environmental Urban Design. New teaching perspectives between Urban Morphology and Smart living (Cambridge Scholars, 2022); Sustainable neighborhoods. Towards an Analytical and Design Methodology (Sustainability, 2022); On the Thermal Resilience of Venetian Open Spaces (Heritage, 2021); Architecture, Globalization and Information Technology: “Back to the Future?” (U+D, 2020); Teaching Urban Morphology in a Sustainable Perspective (Springer, 2018); Sustainable urbanism: the role of urban morphology (Urban Morphology, 2014). Part of this research has therefore merged into two important monographs such as: Il Progetto Urbano Sostenibile (FrancoAngeli 2020); Ecocities. Il progetto urbano tra morfologia e sostenibilità (FrancoAngeli, 2012). Moreover, in these years he participates as Unit Coordinator in the Erasmus + project “Knowledge Alliance for Evidence-Based Urban Practices_KAEBUP” (2021). The Unit of the University of Parma deals specifically with Environmental Urban Design. In 2020 he received a Research Grant from the International Seminar on Urban Form for a project entitled: “Urban disposal and regeneration: new policies for the project of the city”. In 2018 he participates as a Fellow in the Erasmus + project “ARCHEA. Architectural European medium-sized city Arrangement”. Finally, since 2014 he is Founder and Co-Director of “U+D. Urban form and Design”, the Italian international review devoted to the disciplines of Urban Morphology and Urban Design.
The theme of “Sustainable Neighborhoods” becomes the center of Marco Maretto's work. The skills gained in urban morphological research, their experimentation in research urban projects as: Sant Adrià de Besos Waterfront Regeneration Project. ETSAB_Barcelona, 2015; Project of a sustainable neighborhood in Cracow fringe belts. CUT_Crakow, 2016; Rethinking the Valencia Waterfront. UPV_Valencia, 2017; Connecting fabrics. Proposals for the sustainable renewal of Bouça in Porto. FEUP_Porto, 2018; Sustainable urban regeneration of the ZAC des Rives de L’Ourcq. Paris, 2018; Rehabilitation of the empty spaces in the historical center of Valencia. Valencia, 2017; explain the presence of the P.I. in the project.
Moreover, Marco Maretto attended as Chair, Organizer and Scientific Committee member, to several international conferences and since 2013 he organizes international design workshops (WAM) on the topics of Urban Design, Urban Morphology and Sustainability involving important University partners as ETSAB_ University of Barcelona, UPV University of Valencia, Cracow University of Technology, FEUP_University of Porto, Strathclyde University of Glasgow etc. demonstrating excellent organizational and communication skills as well as Public Engagement.
Finally, he is Scientific Referee for a number of international reviews as: “Sustainability”, “Buildings”, “Urban Morphology”, “Urban Design International”, “The Journal of Public Spaces”, “Urban Science”, “FAMagazine” etc.. Since 2016 he is Springer's Advisor Editor for “The Urban Book Series”.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015




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