

Professore di II fascia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Lingua e letteratura greca
  • Curriculum Vitae
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Anika Nicolosi is Associate Professor (PA) in Ancient Greek Language and Literature at the University of Parma (Research Fellow since 2008). She has a 15year experience in the field of Ancient Greek studies. From her Degree MA-Level (2002) and her PhD thesis (2007), she studies ancient Greek poetry in archaic period, with attention to iambography and elegy. In the last years, her studies have also addressed the Hellenistic, Late Antique and Latin period, in particular poetry and its relationship with archaic poetry.

Qualification as Full Professor: ASN 2018-2020/1, SC 10/D2 - “Lingua e Letteratura Greca” (S.S.D. L-FIL-LET/02); ASN 2018-2020/1, SC 10/D4 - “Filologia Classica e Tardoantica”.

She was speaker at national and international conferences on ancient Greek poetry. She also gave seminars on the field at Dep. of Greek and Latin, UCL, London, Grant Erasmus+ STA, a.a. 2015-16 (7-11.03.2016)

She published several papers in national and international scientific journals (fascia A journals) related to the subject, essays in international volumes, and acts of international meeting on the field. She also published 4 monographs on Archilochus’ fragments: Ipponatte, Epodi di Strasburgo. Archiloco, Epodi di Colonia. Con un’appendice su P. Oxy. LXIX 4708, Bologna 2007; Archiloco. Elegie, Bologna 2013; Archiloco. Testimonianze e frammenti, Roma 2017; Levità e robustezza. Gli epigrammi di Edilo di Samo, Roma (Aracne Editrice) 2020.

Her studies - articles, essays, reviews, and volumes - are listed in the main national and international bibliographic lists (e.g. APh, LDAB, MP3). 

In the last years she has carried out studies about ancient Greek and Digital Humanities, user engagement and Digital Edition of classical texts. She established new partnerships in the field. She is member of CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure)-IT, roadmap ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures), project on Ancient Greek and Digital Humanities, in collaboration with the research group Risorse e infrastrutture linguistiche (PI M. Monachini) ILC-CNR (Pisa). Her research in the field has already run to results: articles and conference proceedings on the topic will published. News on the results achieved were given in national and international conferences.

She is member of national and international Institutions and Academies. 

Chairman of Delegazione di Parma, Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica (AICC), from 2019, and Secretary of Delegazione di Parma, Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica (AICC), from 2007 to 2018

- Member of PhD Board (Collegio dei Docenti) for Dottorato di Ricerca in Filologia Greca e Latina (e fortuna dei classici)” (XXIV-XXVIII ciclo), University of Parma, from 2008 to 2012
- Member of PhD Board (Collegio dei Docenti) for Scuola di Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze filologico-letterarie, storico-filosofiche e artistiche (XXXII ciclo-), University of Parma, from 2013-
- Tutor and Co-Tutor of PhD thesis (Greek Language and Literature)
- Member of Board (Comitato Scientifico) of «Eikasmós. Quaderni bolognesi di filologia classica» (fascia A journal), Annual Journal and Studies.

- Anonymous reviewer for essays and scientific papers on classics (Italian fascia A journals)
- Italian reviewers (Albo dei Revisori - REPRISE) for the evaluation of National research programs and projects
- Anonymous referee at evaluation of Italian research quality VQR 2011-2014 and 2015-2019.

- PI Funds FFABR – MIUR Fondo per il Finanziamento delle Attività Base di Ricerca, from 31.12.2017;
- PI Funds FIL 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2009, 2008 (Comitato d’Area 10) University of Parma;
- Participant of national research projects: 1) PRIN 2010/11; 2) PRIN 2008.

- Curricular Courses (since 2008), University of Parma: Ancient Greek grammar, History of ancient Greek language, Classical philology, Ancient Greek literature, Ancient Greek philology, Teaching ancient Greek language and literature;

- Tutor of several University Degree thesis (BA and MA level) on Ancient Greek language and literature;

- Adjunct professor of Teaching acient Greek language and literature for Tirocinio Formativo Attivo (TFA), University of Parma, and Tutor of final thesis, A052 Teaching Greek and Latin at HS, a.a. 2011-12.

Curriculum studiorum:
- MA-Level (110/110L) in Classical Literature, Ancient Greek Literature, University of Parma (03.12.2002);
- PhD (excellent) in Greek and Latin Philology, University of Parma (01.03.2007);
- Master’s degree (I fascia) for Teaching Greek and Latin at HS, S.S.I.S., University of Parma;
- Payrological courses: 1) Seminario Papirologico Fiorentino, by University of Florence, Istituto Papirologico Vitelli, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Accademia Fiorentina di Papirologia (12-22.09.2005); 2) Scuola Estiva di Papirologia, by Centro di Studi Papirologici, University of Lecce (30.06-03.07.2004);
- Diploma of Archivistica, Paleografia e Diplomatica, Archivio di Stato, Parma (14.07.2003);
- Stays of studies at the Universities of Oxford (August 2005), Wuerzburg and Koeln (August-September 2006);
- Cultore della materia, University of Parma (a.a. 2007/08);
- Cooperation Agreements for teaching Ancient Greek language, University of Parma (a.a. 2006/07, 2007/08).

Tuesday from 11.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.

Room 06.01.1028, first floor (str. M. D'Azeglio 85 - 43125 Parma, Italy)

Online (Teams/Skype) by e-mail appointment


From November 05th to December 11th, from 12.30 a.m. to 02.30 p.m.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015


Other appointments

- Member of Commissione Paritetica Docenti Studenti, Dep. ALEF, Parma Univ, from 13.02.2013 to 31.12.2016.

- Member of Board for entrance Test, First cycle degree (DM 270) Humanities, from a.y. 2011-12.

- Tutor of the Course, First cycle degree (DM 270) Humanities, a.y. 2018-19.

Lines of research

Research interest: archaic Greek poetry, the Hellenistic and Imperial epigram, Greek prose of the imperial age, Attic drama (Euripides), history of the Greek language, Greek lexicography. Focus on textual tradition (especially papyrological tradition) and textual criticism. She also studies the reuse of Greek text in Latin literature and the history of classical philology.




- Seminars and meetings c./o. High Schools of Parma and Reggio Emilia (Liceo Classico Maria Luigia, Liceo Classico G.D. Romagnosi Liceo Classico-Scientifico Ariosto-Spallanzani)

- Seminars and meetings in collaboration with Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica - Parma, High Schools of Parma and Reggio Emilia (Liceo Classico Maria Luigia, Liceo Classico G.D. Romagnosi Liceo Classico-Scientifico Ariosto-Spallanzani)


Phone number
Office location


Room 06.01.1028, first floor

v. M. D'Azeglio 85 - 43125 Parma