

Professore di II fascia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
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  • Research


Nicola Delmonte
Address:Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, Building n. 4, 43124 Parma (Italy)
Phone: +39 0521906149


January 2018 – today
Associate Professor
Department of Engineering and Architecture – University of Parma, Parma (Italy)
Research activities: Reliability studies on electronic systems and components; Power electronics for renewables; Smart Grids; IoT.
Teaching activity on Electronics, Power Electronics and Power Generation by Renewables topics.

January 2014 – December 2017
Assistant Professor
Research activities: Reliability studies on electronic systems and components; Power electronics for renewables; Smart Grids; IoT.
Teaching activity on Power Electronics and Power Generation by Renewables topics.

January 2011 – December 2013
Association as technologist
National Institute of Nuclear Physisc (INFN), gruop 5, Pavia section, Pavia (Italy)
Research activities: Analysis and thermal characterization of electronic converters for high energy physics experiments and complex systems; Reliability studies on electronic systems and components.

March 2008 – December 2013
Professional Engineer as firm
Energhes Firm of Engineers, Sorbolo (Parma) - Italy
Activities: Consulting, design and energy certification of buildings; Design, examination and expert reporting of power plants.

August 2005 – December 2013
Research fellow
Department of Information Engineering – University of Parma, Parma (Italy)
Research activities: Reliability studies on electronic systems and components; Power electronics for renewables.
Teaching activity on Power Electronics.

March 2005
Research collaboration
Department of Information Engineering – University of Parma, Parma (Italy)
Research activity: Simulations to design “Innovative actuators and converters for automotive applications” (a COFIN 2003 national research project).

March 2004 – September 2004
Research collaboration
National Institute for Matter Physics (INFM), Genova (Italy) – Unit of Parma (Department of Physics – University of Parma)
Research activity: Testing of microelectronic technologies to produce ohmic contacts on hetero-structures GaAs and InP based, for high efficiency photovoltaic cells.

January 2004 –September 2004
Research collaboration
Faculty of Engineering – University of Parma, Parma (Italy)
Research activity: Setup of simple techniques for the characterization of electronic devices and preparation of multimedia learning modules for the Electronic Measurements course as part of the CampusOne project of the University of Parma.

February 2003 – April 2003
Research collaboration
National Institute for Matter Physics (INFM), Genova (Italy) – Unit of Parma (Department of Physics – University of Parma)
Testing of microelectronic technologies for the fabrication of test pattern on samples of InGaP / GaAs.

November 2002 – December 2002
Research collaboration
National Institute for Matter Physics (INFM), Genova (Italy) – Unit of Parma (Department of Physics – University of Parma)
Research activity: Testing of microelectronic technologies for the fabrication of metal contacts on GaAs based photovoltaic cells.

February 1996 – January 1998
Office worker
Municipality of Fornovo di Taro (Parma – Italy)
Activities: Organization of cultural events exhibitions, fairs and conferences; Paperwork and budget administration for the territorial management.

September 1989 – January 1996
Self-employment in Trento (Italy)
Activity: Electrical installations.


1 January 2003 – 31 December 2005
University of Parma
PhD thesis: “Tecnologia, caratterizzazione elettrica e simulazione di componenti attivi e passivi per applicazioni a microonde e di potenza” (Technology, electric characterization and simulation of active and passive microwaves and power devices)

September 1995 – October 24, 2002
Dottore Magistrale in Ingegneria Elettronica (Master Degree in Electronic Engineering)
University of Parma – Faculty of Engineering
Thesis title “PROCESSI TECNOLOGICI PER LA FABBRICAZIONE DI DISPOSITIVI A SEMICONDUTTORI COMPOSTI E CONDENSATORI FERROELETTRICI” (Technological processes to fabricate compound semiconductors devices and ferroelectric capacitors)


Mother tongue: Italian

Other languages: English


Business idea
I worked on an innovative business ideas and high in knowledge granted by Regione Emilia Romagna (call published on BUR-RER Part III n. 6 January 16, 2002), developing the business idea "POWERTEC - Creation of a system of selection of cheeses like parmesan and a wireless system for monitoring of cows during pregnancy".

Business idea
I worked on an innovative business ideas and high in knowledge granted by Regione Emilia Romagna (call published on BUR-RER Part II n. 70, May 6, 2011), as coordinator of the research and working group. During this project I worked on the development of the business idea named "e-pier", i.e. piers capable to produce electricity from sea waves.

Professional engineer
- Today, member (n. 2394) of “Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Parma” (Association of Engineers of the province of Parma - Italy). Before 2007, member of “Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Trento” since March 11, 2003.
- Member of IEEE since 2015.

National Scientific Habilitation for Associate Professor (April 4, 2017)

Reviewer for Microelectronics Reliability, Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability


- Best Poster Award at the conference GE 2012, with the paper: "Converters thermal modelling at device, package, board, and system level".

- 2nd place winner of the International Competition of Ideas entitled "Renewable energy for the smaller islands and marine protected areas" - Issue 2011, promoted by Marevivo, GSE, ENEA, the Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Ministry of Environment and Protection of Territory and Sea, and Citera of University of Rome La Sapienza, with "e-piers: Design idea to build two"electric piers" in Cala del Pozzale - Palmaria Island of Porto Venere (SP), Italy"


- “Sharc25” a Horizon 2020 action on the development of thin film CIGS PV cells, (Supvr. Prof. R. Menozzi), 7 months (sept 2015- mar 2016), Unit Member.
- - FIL 2014 “Development of a DC Nano-Smart-Grid” research project, 8 months, 12 months, Team Leader.
- “Multichamber oscillating water column device for harvesting Ocean Renewable Energy (MORE)”, supported by MARINET (Marine Renewable Infrastructure Network for Emerging Energy Technologies) an EC-funded infrastructure, 18 months, Team Leader.
- INFM 2011: “APOLLO - Alimentatori di POtenza per aLti Livelli di. RadiaziOni (Power supply for high energy experiments)” (Supvr. Dr. A. Lanza) , 36 months, Unit Member.
- “SIER: Laboratorio per Sistemi Ibridi Elettrici Retrofit” an R&D project funded by Regione Emilia Romagna (DGR n. 1631/2009) (Supvr. Prof. G. Franceshini), 24 months, Unit Member.
- Industria 2015 2009/11 project: “PED4PV - Pulsed Electron Deposition for Photovoltaic” (Unit Resp. Prof. R. Menozzi) , 24 months, Unit Member.
- PRIN 2007: “Alimentazione di potenza in ambiente ostile: applicazione ad esperimenti di fisica delle alte energie” (Supvr. Prof. P. Tenti), 24 months, Unit Member.
- PRIN 2004: “Convertitori Integrati DC/DC a Commutazione Risonante per Alimentazione Distribuita” (Supvr. Prof. G. Busatto), 24 months, Unit Member.
- National Research program COFIN 2003: “Attuazioni e conversioni innovative in campo "automotive", (Supvr. Prof. G. Franceschini) 1 month, Unit Member.
- COST action 528: Chemical Solution Deposition of Thin Films (Supvr. B. E. Watts), 24 months, Unit Member.
- ARS/ASI/2001: “Development of InGaP-InGaAs based materials and technologies for advanced space photovoltaic devices” (Supvr. Dr. P. Cova), 9 months, Unit Member.


16 November 2016 – 15 December 2016
Visiting researcher at University of Nottingham (United Kingdom), working on an experimental platform for the high frequency characterisation and parasitic elements extraction of advanced semiconductor power modules, under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Castellazzi of the “Power Electronics, Machines and Control Group”.

On appointement: please contact me by email.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014


Teacher tutor


  • Year: 2024
    Author/s: Santoro Danilo, Spaggiari Davide, Daniele Simone, Cova Paolo, Delmonte Nicola
  • Year: 2024
    Author/s: Hoang Minh Long, Delmonte Nicola
  • Year: 2024
    Author/s: Nkembi Armel Asongu, Simonazzi Marco, Santoro Danilo, Cova Paolo, Delmonte Nicola
  • Year: 2024
    Author/s: Abed Abud A., Abi B., Acciarri R., Acero M. A., Adames M. R., Adamov G., Adamowski M., Adams D., Adinolfi M., Adriano C., Aduszkiewicz A., Aguilar J., Aimard B., Akbar F., Allison K., Alonso Monsalve S., Alrashed M., Alton A., Alvarez R., Alves T., Amar H., Amedo P., Anderson J., Andrade D. A., Andreopoulos C., Andreotti M., Andrews M. P., Andrianala F., Andringa S., Anfimov N., Ankowski A., Antoniassi M., Antonova M., Antoshkin A., Aranda-Fernandez A., Arellano L., Arrieta Diaz E., Arroyave M. A., Asaadi J., Ashkenazi A., Asner D., Asquith L., Atkin E., Auguste D., Aurisano A., Aushev V., Autiero D., Azfar F., Back A., Back H., Back J. J., Bagaturia I., Bagby L., Balashov N., Balasubramanian S., Baldi P., Baldini W., Baldonedo J., Baller B., Bambah B., Banerjee R., Barao F., Barenboim G., Barham Alzás P., Barker G. J., Barkhouse W., Barr G., Barranco Monarca J., Barros A., Barros N., Barrow D., Barrow J. L., Basharina-Freshville A., Bashyal A., Basque V., Batchelor C., Bathe-Peters L., Battat J. B. R., Battisti F., Bay F., Bazetto M. C. Q., Bazo Alba J. L. L., Beacom J. F., Bechetoille E., Behera B., Belchior E., Bell G., Bellantoni L., Bellettini G., Bellini V., Beltramello O., Benekos N., Benitez Montiel C., Benjamin D., Bento Neves F., Berger J., Berkman S., Bernal J., Bernardini P., Bersani A., Bertolucci S., Betancourt M., Betancur Rodríguez A., Bevan A., Bezawada Y., Bezerra A. T., Bezerra T. J., Bhat A., Bhatnagar V., Bhatt J., Bhattacharjee M., Bhattacharya M., Bhuller S., Bhuyan B., Biagi S., Bian J., Biery K., Bilki B., Bishai M., Bitadze A., Blake A., Blaszczyk F. D., Blazey G. C., Blucher E., Bogenschuetz J., Boissevain J., Bolognesi S., Bolton T., Bomben L., Bonesini M., Bonilla-Diaz C., Bonini F., Booth A., Boran F., Bordoni S., Borges Merlo R., Borkum A., Bostan N., Bouet R., Bracinik J., Brahma B., Brailsford D., Bramati F., Branca A., Brandt A., Bremer J., Brew C., Brice S. J., Brio V., Brizzolari C., Bromberg C., Brooke J., Bross A., Brunetti G., Brunetti M., Buchanan N., Budd H., Buergi J., Burgardt D., Butchart S., V. G. Caceres, Cagnoli I., Cai T., Calabrese R., Calcutt J., Calin M., Calivers L., Calvo E., Caminata A., Camino A. F., Campanelli W., Campani A., Campos Benitez A., Canci N., Capó J., Caracas I., Caratelli D., Carber D., Carceller J. M., Carini G., Carlus B., Carneiro M. F., Carniti P., Caro Terrazas I., Carranza H., Carrara N., Carroll L., Carroll T., Carter A., Casarejos E., Casazza D., Castaño Forero J. F., Castaño F. A., Castillo A., Castromonte C., Catano-Mur E., Cattadori C., Cavalier F., Cavanna F., Centro S., Cerati G., Cerna C., Cervelli A., Cervera Villanueva A., Chakraborty K., Chakraborty S., Chalifour M., Chappell A., Charitonidis N., Chatterjee A., Chen H., Chen M., Chen W. C., Chen Y., Chen-Wishart Z., Cherdack D., Chi C., Chiapponi F., Chirco R., Chitirasreemadam N., Cho K., Choate S., Chokheli D., Chong P. S., Chowdhury B., Christian D., Chukanov A., Chung M., Church E., Cicala M. F., Cicerchia M., Cicero V., Ciolini R., Clarke P., Cline G., Coan T. E., Cocco A. G., Coelho J. A. B., Cohen A., Collazo J., Collot J., Conley E., Conrad J. M., Convery M., Copello S., Cova P., Cox C., Cremaldi L., Cremonesi L., Crespo-Anadón J. I., Crisler M., Cristaldo E., Crnkovic J., Crone G., Cross R., Cudd A., Cuesta C., Cui Y., Curciarello F., Cussans D., Dai J., Dalager O., Dallavalle R., Dallaway W., da Motta H., Dar Z. A., Darby R., Da Silva Peres L., David Q., Davies G. S., Davini S., Dawson J., De Aguiar R., De Almeida P., Debbins P., De Bonis I., Decowski M. P., de Gouvêa A., De Holanda P. C., De Icaza Astiz I. L., De Jong P., Del Amo Sanchez P., De la Torre A., De Lauretis G., Delbart A., Delepine D., Delgado M., Dell'Acqua A., Delle Monache G., Delmonte N., De Lurgio P., Demario R., De Matteis G., de Mello Neto J. R. T., Demuth D. M., Dennis S., Densham C., Denton P., Deptuch G. W., De Roeck A., De Romeri V., Detje J. P., Devine J., Dharmapalan R., Dias M., Diaz A., Díaz J. S., Díaz F., Di Capua F., Di Domenico A., Di Domizio S., Di Falco S., Di Giulio L., Ding P., Di Noto L., Diociaiuti E., Distefano C., Diurba R., Diwan M., Djurcic Z., Doering D., Dolan S., Dolek F., Dolinski M. J., Domenici D., Domine L., Donati S., Donon Y., Doran S., Douglas D., Doyle T. A., Dragone A., Drielsma F., Duarte L., Duchesneau D., Duffy K., Dugas K., Dunne P., Dutta B., Duyang H., Dwyer D. A., Dyshkant A. S., Dytman S., Eads M., Earle A., Edayath S., Edmunds D., Eisch J., Englezos P., Ereditato A., Erjavec T., Escobar C. O., Evans J. J., Ewart E., Ezeribe A. C., Fahey K., Fajt L., Falcone A., Fani' M., Farnese C., Farrell S., Farzan Y., Fedoseev D., Felix J., Feng Y., Fernandez-Martinez E., Ferry G., Fialova E., Fields L., Filip P., Filkins A., Filthaut F., Fine R., Fiorillo G., Fiorini M., Fogarty S., Foreman W., Fowler J., Franc J., Francis K., Franco D., Franklin J., Freeman J., Fried J., Friedland A., Fuess S., Furic I. K., Furman K., Furmanski A. P., Gaba R., Gabrielli A., Gago A. M., Galizzi F., Gallagher H., Gallice N., Galymov V., Gamberini E., Gamble T., Ganacim F., Gandhi R., Ganguly S., Gao F., Gao S., Garcia-Gamez D., García-Peris M. Á., Gardim F., Gardiner S., Gastler D., Gauch A., Gauvreau J., Gauzzi P., Gazzana S., Ge G., Geffroy N., Gelli B., Gent S., Gerlach L., Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z., Giammaria T., Gibin D., Gil-Botella I., Gilligan S., Gioiosa A., Giovannella S., Girerd C., Giri A. K., Giugliano C., Giusti V., Gnani D., Gogota O., Gollapinni S., Gollwitzer K., Gomes R. A., Gomez Bermeo L. V., Gomez Fajardo L. S., Gonnella F., Gonzalez-Diaz D., Gonzalez-Lopez M., Goodman M. C., Goswami S., Gotti C., Goudeau J., Goudzovski E., Grace C., Gramellini E., Gran R., Granados E., Granger P., Grant C., Gratieri D. R., Grauso G., Green P., Greenberg S., Greer J., Griffith W. C., Groetschla F. T., Grzelak K., Gu L., Gu W., Guarino V., Guarise M., Guenette R., Guerzoni M., Guffanti D., Guglielmi A., Guo B., Guo Y., Gupta A., Gupta V., Gurung G., Gutierrez D., Guzowski P., Guzzo M. M., Gwon S., Habig A., Hadavand H., Haegel L., Haenni R., Hagaman L., Hahn A., Haiston J., Hakenmueller J., Hamernik T., Hamilton P., Hancock J., Happacher F., Harris D. A., Hartnell J., Hartnett T., Harton J., Hasegawa T., Hasnip C., Hatcher R., Hayrapetyan K., Hays J., Hazen E., He M., Heavey A., Heeger K. M., Heise J., Hellmuth P., Henry S., Hernandez Morquecho M. A., Herner K., Hewes V., Higuera A., Hilgenberg C., Hillier S. J., Himmel A., Hinkle E., Hirsch L. R., Ho J., Hoff J., Holin A., Holvey T., Hoppe E., Horiuchi S., Horton-Smith G. A., Hostert M., Houdy T., Howard B., Howell R., Hristova I., Hronek M. S., Huang J., Huang R. G., Hulcher Z., Ibrahim M., Iles G., Ilic N., Iliescu A. M., Illingworth R., Ingratta G., Ioannisian A., Irwin B., Isenhower L., Ismerio Oliveira M., Itay R., Jackson C. M., Jain V., James E., Jang W., Jargowsky B., Jena D., Jentz I., Ji X., Jiang C., Jiang J., Jiang L., Jipa A., Joaquim F. R., Johnson W., Jollet C., Jones B., Jones R., Jovancevic N., Judah M., Jung C. K., Junk T., Jwa Y., Kabirnezhad M., Kaboth A. C., Kadenko I., Kakorin I., Kalitkina A., Kalra D., Kandemir M., Kaplan D. M., Karagiorgi G., Karaman G., Karcher A., Karyotakis Y., Kasai S., Kasetti S. P., Kashur L., Katsioulas I., Kauther A., Kazaryan N., Ke L., Kearns E., Keener P. T., Kelly K. J., Kemp E., Kemularia O., Kermaidic Y., Ketchum W., Kettell S. H., Khabibullin M., Khan N., Khotjantsev A., Khvedelidze A., Kim D., Kim J., Kim M. J., King B., Kirby B., Kirby M., Kish A., Klein J., Kleykamp J., Klustova A., Kobilarcik T., Koch L., Koehler K., Koerner L. W., Koh D. H., Kolupaeva L., Korablev D., Kordosky M., Kosc T., Kose U., Kostelecký V. A., Kothekar K., Kotler I., Kovalcuk M., Kozhukalov V., Krah W., Kralik R., Kramer M., Kreczko L., Krennrich F., Kreslo I., Kroupova T., Kubota S., Kubu M., Kudenko Y., Kudryavtsev V. A., Kufatty G., Kuhlmann S., Kulagin S., Kumar J., Kumar P., Kumaran S., Kunze P., Kunzmann J., Kuravi R., Kurita N., Kuruppu C., Kus V., Kutter T., Kvasnicka J., Labree T., Lackey T., Lambert A., Land B. J., Lane C. E., Lane N., Lang K., Langford T., Langstaff M., Lanni F., Lantwin O., Larkin J., Lasorak P., Last D., Laudrain A., Laundrie A., Laurenti G., Lavaut E., Lawrence A., Laycock P., Lazanu I., Lazzaroni M., Le T., Leardini S., Learned J., Lecompte T., Legin V., Lehmann Miotto G., Lehnert R., Leigui de Oliveira M. A., Leitner M., Leon Silverio D., Lepin L. M., Li J. -Y., Li S. W., Li Y., Liao H., Lin C. S., Lindebaum D., Linden S., Lineros R. A., Lister A., Littlejohn B. R., Liu H., Liu J., Liu Y., Lockwitz S., Lokajicek M., Lomidze I., Long K., Lopes T. V., Lopez J., López de Rego I., López-March N., Lord T., Losecco J. M., Louis W. C., Lozano Sanchez A., Lu X. -G., Luk K. B., Lunday B., Luo X., Luppi E., Macfarlane D., Machado A. A., Machado P., Macias C. T., Macier J. R., Macmahon M., Maddalena A., Madera A., Madigan P., Magill S., Magueur C., Mahn K., Maio A., Major A., Majumdar K., Man M., Mandujano R. C., Maneira J., Manly S., Mann A., Manolopoulos K., Manrique Plata M., Manthey Corchado S., Manyam V. N., Marchan M., Marchionni A., Marciano W., Marfatia D., Mariani C., Maricic J., Marinho F., Marino A. D., Markiewicz T., Das Chagas Marques F., Marquet C., Marsden D., Marshak M., Marshall C. M., Marshall J., Martina L., Martín-Albo J., Martinez N., Martinez Caicedo D. A., Martínez López F., Martínez Miravé P., Martynenko S., Mascagna V., Massari C., Mastbaum A., Matichard F., Matsuno S., Matteucci G., Matthews J., Mauger C., Mauri N., Mavrokoridis K., Mawby I., Mazza R., Mazzacane A., Mcaskill T., Mcconkey N., Mcfarland K. S., Mcgrew C., Mcnab A., Meazza L., Meddage V. C. N., Mefodiev A., Mehta B., Mehta P., Melas P., Mena O., Mendez H., Mendez P., Méndez D. P., Menegolli A., Meng G., Mercuri A. C. E. A., Meregaglia A., Messier M. D., Metallo S., Metcalf W., Mewes M., Meyer H., Miao T., Micallef J., Miccoli A., Michna G., Mikola V., Milincic R., Miller F., Miller G., Miller W., Mineev O., Minotti A., Miralles L., Miranda O. G., Mironov C., Miryala S., Miscetti S., Mishra C. S., Mishra S. R., Mislivec A., Mitchell M., Mladenov D., Mocioiu I., Mogan A., Moggi N., Mohanta R., Mohayai T. A., Mokhov N., Molina J., Molina Bueno L., Montagna E., Montanari A., Montanari C., Montanari D., Montanino D., Montaño Zetina L. M., Mooney M., Moor A. F., Moore Z., Moreno D., Moreno-Palacios O., Morescalchi L., Moretti D., Moretti R., Morris C., Mossey C., Mote M., Moura C. A., Mouster G., Mu W., Mualem L., Mueller J., Muether M., Muheim F., Muir A., Mulhearn M., Munford D., Munteanu L. J., Muramatsu H., Muraz J., Murphy M., Murphy T., Muse J., Mytilinaki A., Nachtman J., Nagai Y., Nagu S., Nandakumar R., Naples D., Narita S., Nath A., Navrer-Agasson A., Nayak N., Nebot-Guinot M., Nehm A., Nelson J. K., Neogi O., Nesbit J., Nessi M., Newbold D., Newcomer M., Nichol R., Nicolas-Arnaldos F., Nikolica A., Nikolov J., Niner E., Nishimura K., Norman A., Norrick A., Novella P., Nowak A., Nowak J. A., Oberling M., Ochoa-Ricoux J. P., Oh S., Oh S. B., Olivier A., Olshevskiy A., Olson T., Onel Y., Onishchuk Y., Oranday A., Osbiston M., Osorio Vélez J. A., O'Sullivan L., Otiniano Ormachea L., Ott J., Pagani L., Palacio G., Palamara O., Palestini S., Paley J. M., Pallavicini M., Palomares C., Pan S., Panda P., Panduro Vazquez W., Pantic E., Paolone V., Papaleo R., Papanestis A., Papoulias D., Paramesvaran S., Paris A., Parke S., Parozzi E., Parsa S., Parsa Z., Parveen S., Parvu M., Pasciuto D., Pascoli S., Pasqualini L., Pasternak J., Patrick C., Patrizii L., Patterson R. B., Patzak T., Paudel A., Paulucci L., Pavlovic Z., Pawloski G., Payne D., Pec V., Pedreschi E., Peeters S. J. M., Pellico W., Pena Perez A., Pennacchio E., Penzo A., Peres O. L. G., Perez Gonzalez Y. F., Pérez-Molina L., Pernas C., Perry J., Pershey D., Pessina G., Petrillo G., Petta C., Petti R., Pfaff M., Pia V., Pickering L., Pietropaolo F., Pimentel V. L., Pinaroli G., Pinchault J., Pitts K., Plows K., Pollack C., Pollman T., Pompa F., Pons X., Poonthottathil N., Popov V., Poppi F., Porter J., Potekhin M., Potenza R., Pozimski J., Pozzato M., Prakash T., Pratt C., Prest M., Psihas F., Pugnere D., Qian X., Queen J., Raaf J. L., Radeka V., Rademacker J., Radics B., Rafique A., Raguzin E., Rai M., Rajagopalan S., Rajaoalisoa M., Rakhno I., Rakotondravohitra L., Ralte L., Ramirez Delgado M. A., Ramson B., Rappoldi A., Raselli G., Ratoff P., Ray R., Razafinime H., Rea E. M., Real J. S., Rebel B., Rechenmacher R., Reggiani-Guzzo M., Reichenbacher J., Reitzner S. D., Rejeb Sfar H., Renner E., Renshaw A., Rescia S., Resnati F., Restrepo Diego, Reynolds C., Ribas M., Riboldi S., Riccio C., Riccobene G., Ricol J. S., Rigan M., Rincón E. V., Ritchie-Yates A., Ritter S., Rivera D., Rivera R., Robert A., Rocabado Rocha J. L., Rochester L., Roda M., Rodrigues P., Rodriguez Alonso M. J., Rodriguez Rondon J., Rosauro-Alcaraz S., Rosier P., Ross D., Rossella M., Rossi M., Ross-Lonergan M., Roy N., Roy P., Rubbia C., Ruggeri A., Ruiz Ferreira G., Russell B., Ruterbories D., Rybnikov A., Saakyan R., Sacerdoti S., Sahoo S. K., Sahu N., Sala P., Samios N., Samoylov O., Sanchez M. C., Sánchez Bravo A., Sanchez-Lucas P., Sandberg V., Sanders D. A., Sanfilippo S., Sankey D., Santoro D., Saoulidou N., Sapienza P., Sarasty C., Sarcevic I., Sarra I., Savage G., Savinov V., Scanavini G., Scaramelli A., Scarff A., Schefke T., Schellman H., Schifano S., Schlabach P., Schmitz D., Schneider A. W., Scholberg K., Schukraft A., Schuld B., Segade A., Segreto E., Selyunin A., Senise C. R., Sensenig J., Shaevitz M. H., Shanahan P., Sharma P., Kumar R., Shaw K., Shaw T., Shchablo K., Shen J., Shepherd-Themistocleous C., Sheshukov A., Shi W., Shin S., Shivakoti S., Shoemaker I., Shooltz D., Shrock R., Siddi B., Siden M., Silber J., Simard L., Sinclair J., Sinev G., Singh Jaydip, Singh J., Singh L., Singh P., Singh V., Singh Chauhan S., Sipos R., Sironneau C., Sirri G., Siyeon K., Skarpaas K., Smedley J., Smith E., Smith J., Smith P., Smolik J., Smy M., Snape M., Snider E. L., Snopok P., Snowden-Ifft D., Soares Nunes M., Sobel H., Soderberg M., Sokolov S., Solano Salinas C. J., Söldner-Rembold S., Soleti S. R., Solomey N., Solovov V., Sondheim W. E., Sorel M., Sotnikov A., Soto-Oton J., Sousa A., Soustruznik K., Spinella F., Spitz J., Spooner N. J. C., Spurgeon K., Stalder D., Stancari M., Stanco L., Steenis J., Stein R., Steiner H. M., Steklain Lisbôa A. F., Stepanova A., Stewart J., Stillwell B., Stock J., Stocker F., Stokes T., Strait M., Strauss T., Strigari L., Stuart A., Suarez J. G., Subash J., Surdo A., Suter L., Sutera C. M., Sutton K., Suvorov Y., Svoboda R., Swain S. K., Szczerbinska B., Szelc A. M., Sztuc A., Taffara A., Talukdar N., Tamara J., Tanaka H. A., Tang S., Taniuchi N., Tapia Casanova A. M., Tapia Oregui B., Tapper A., Tariq S., Tarpara E., Tatar E., Tayloe R., Tedeschi D., Teklu A. M., Tena Vidal J., Tennessen P., Tenti M., Terao K., Terranova F., Testera G., Thakore T., Thea A., Thomas S., Thompson A., Thorn C., Timm S. C., Tiras E., Tishchenko V., Todorović N., Tomassetti L., Tonazzo A., Torbunov D., Torti M., Tortola M., Tortorici F., Tosi N., Totani D., Toups M., Touramanis C., Tran D., Travaglini R., Trevor J., Triller E., Trilov S., Truchon J., Truncali D., Trzaska W. H., Tsai Y., Tsai Y. -T., Tsamalaidze Z., Tsang K. V., Tsverava N., Tu S. Z., Tufanli S., Tunnell C., Turner J., Tuzi M., Tyler J., Tyley E., Tzanov M., Uchida M. A., Ureña González J., Urheim J., Usher T., Utaegbulam H., Uzunyan S., Vagins M. R., Vahle P., Valder S., Valdiviesso G. A., Valencia E., Valentim R., Vallari Z., Vallazza E., Valle J. W. F., Van Berg R., Van de Water R. G., Forero D. V., Vannozzi A., Van Nuland-Troost M., Varanini F., Vargas Oliva D., Vasina S., Vaughan N., Vaziri K., Vázquez-Ramos A., Vega J., Ventura S., Verdugo A., Vergani S., Verzocchi M., Vetter K., Vicenzi M., Vieira de Souza H., Vignoli C., Vilela C., Villa E., Viola S., Viren B., Vizcaya-Hernandez A., Vuong Q., Waldron A. V., Wallbank M., Walsh J., Walton T., Wang H., Wang J., Wang L., Wang M. H. L. S., Wang X., Wang Y., Warburton K., Warner D., Warsame L., Wascko M. O., Waters D., Watson A., Wawrowska K., Weber A., Weber C. M., Weber M., Wei H., Weinstein A., Wenzel H., Westerdale S., Wetstein M., Whalen K., Whilhelmi J., White A., White A., Whitehead L. H., Whittington D., Wilking M. J., Wilkinson A., Wilkinson C., Wilson F., Wilson R. J., Winter P., Wisniewski W., Wolcott J., Wolfs J., Wongjirad T., Wood A., Wood K., Worcester E., Worcester M., Wospakrik M., Wresilo K., Wret C., Wu S., Wu W., Wu W., Wurm M., Wyenberg J., Xiao Y., Xiotidis I., Yaeggy B., Yahlali N., Yandel E., Yang K., Yang T., Yankelevich A., Yershov N., Yonehara K., Young T., Yu B., Yu H., Yu J., Yu Y., Yuan W., Zaki R., Zalesak J., Zambelli L., Zamorano B., Zani A., Zapata O., Zazueta L., Zeller G. P., Zennamo J., Zeug K., Zhang C., Zhang S., Zhao M., Zhivun E., Zimmerman E. D., Zucchelli S., Zuklin J., Zutshi V., Zwaska R., Null Null
  • Year: 2024
    Author/s: Nkembi Armel Asongu, Ahmad Fawad, Kortabarria Iñigo, Cova Paolo, Delmonte Nicola, Santoro Danilo, Sacchi Emilio


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43124 PARMA