
D'ALOIA Antonio

Professore di I fascia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Diritto costituzionale e pubblico
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Teaching
  • Appointments
  • Research

Full Professor of Constitutional law,
Department of Law, Politics and International Studies, University of Parma

Law degree, University of Naples “Federico II”

PhD, in Public Law, University of Florence

Researcher in Constitutional Law, University of Naples “Federico II”

Full professor of Constitutional Law, Department of Law, Politics and International Studies, University of Parma

Director of the University Center for Bioetichs (since 2016)

Member of the scientific committee of the Master in “Health, Environment and Food: European Law and Risk Regulation”, University of Parma (2015-2016)

Director of the Department of Legal Sciences, University of Parma (2002-2006)


Scientific Coordinator of Operating Units in some PRIN (Research Projects of National Interest) and FIRB, co-financed by MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research), on these subjects:

- Rights and social policies in European integration process (Cofin 2000-2002);

- Penal justice and Penal Law in European constitutional scale (Cofin 2002/2004);

- Law and intergenerational responsibility. Theories and models of a sustainable development (Cofin 2004/2006).

- Impact of biotechnoogical innovation on the rights of persons. An interdisciplinary and comparative study (Firb 2008/2011)

- The right to water (Prin 2010/2011)



Member of the Steering committee of Biolaw Journal

Member of the Steering committee of "Confronti costituzionali" ( (2013-2015)

Member of the Steering committee of the series “Studi di biodiritto” (ed. by Giappichelli)

Member of the Steering committee of the review «Rassegna di Diritto Pubblico Europeo»

Member of the Steering committee of the review «Diritti regionali»

Member of the Steering committee and of the Committee of Referee of the review «Diritti fondamentali»

Member of the team “Law” of the Editorial board of the Editor “Il Mulino”

Member of the Advisory Committee of the Review “Primera Revista Anual” dell'Associazione "Derecho, Constitución y Economía" (Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas -Laureate International Universities- Lima, Perú).

Membro of the “Comitato dei Garanti” for the series "MARCOPOLO" - Percorsi di diritto pubblico interno e comparato lungo i confini disciplinari.

Referee for PRIN projects.

Referee for the review “Rivista del Gruppo di Pisa” (since 2019)

Referee for the review "Gli stranieri"

Referee for the review "" .

Referee for the series “Sovranità, federalismo, diritti” of the Research Center “Federalismo e autonomie locali” (Naples, Editoriale Scientifica).

Member of the Executive Board of the Italian Section of the Instituto Ibero-Americano de Derecho Constitucional

Member of the Directive Council of the Italian Association of Constitutional Lawyers (AIC) (2015-2018).

Member of the Directive Council of the Association of constitutional studies «Gruppo di Pisa» (2001-2004)

Member of the Global ecological Integrity Group (GEIG)

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Association "Le Case degli Angeli di Daniele - Onlus", for the Premio Internazionale Daniele Po for the defence of Human rights and peace.


Constitutional law, University of Parma (since 2000)

Biolaw, University of Parma (since 2014)

Constitutional Justice, University of Parma (2006-2010)

Italian and european Constitutional law, University of Parma (2000-2005)

Institutes of Public Law, University of Parma (2010-2013)



21/5/2008: Università degli Studi del Molise – Facoltà di Giurisprudenza: “Le generazioni future come nuovo paradigma del diritto costituzionale”.

16-19/9/2009:            X Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho Constitucional (Lima, Perù) – “Constitucion economica, reforma de l’Estado social, intereses de los generaciones futuras”;

11-16/7/2011 : Prague, International Conference “Human Rights and Duties: Supporting Biological Integrity for Public Health” – Speech on “Climate change and Law: A Constitutional Perspective”;

16-20/6/2014 – Oslo: Xth World Congress of the IACL “Constitutional Challenges: Global and Local”. Speech on “Social rights and intergenerational solidarity”;

21-26/6/2014: International Conference GEIG, Rhodes, Greece - "Global Integrity at the Tipping Point: Imminent and Ongoing Threats to the Ecological, Social and Cultural Evolution of the Planet". Speech on “The Right to Water: Interaction Between National and International Law”;

20-21/4/2015 - Salvador de Bahia: Seminário Internacional do Instituto Ibero-Americano de Direito Constitucional e Associação Brasileira dos ConstitucionalistasDemocratas “Constituição, Energia e Sustentabilidade”. Speech on “O direito frente às mudanças climáticas”;

5-6/10/2015 (Roma) e 7-8/10/2015 (Firenze): Convegno internazionale su “Ambiente, Energia, Alimentazione. Modelli giuridici comparati per lo sviluppo sostenibile – Speech on “OGM tra scienza e diritto. Un punto di vista costituzionale”.

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2024/2025

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014




Phone number
Office location
Palazzo Zunti - Palazzina di Giurisprudenza
Via Università, 7
43121 PARMA