Academic position: Full Professor of Early Modern History at the University of Parma.
1992-1996 Ph.D in «History of European Society», (University of Torino, tutor: prof. Massimo Firpo)
1991 Graduated with honours in Early Modern History (University of Venice – Ca’ Foscari, tutor: prof. Marino Berengo)
1989 Degree in Archivistic, Diplomatic and Paleography (Archive of State of Venice)
1985 Graduated with honours in Theoretic Philosophy (University of Venice – Ca’ Foscari, tutor: prof. Emanuele Severino)
Teaching Experience:
Since 1998, long-term courses of Early Modern History, History of Europe, History of the Age of the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation, History of the Political Information for postgraduate and doctoral at the University of Parma.
Main area of research:
Renaissance, Reformation and Counter-Reformation; Catholic Church and Roman Inquisition; Papal Diplomacy and Roman Powers in Early Modern Europe; Religious coexistence and conflicts in multi-denominational European societies (XVI-XVIII centuries)
Funded Research Projects:
2017 : Principal Investigator of the Research Project of National Interest (PRIN): The Nuncio's Secret Archives: Papal Diplomacy and European Multi-denominational Societies Before the Thirty Years War - Gli archivi segreti del nunzio: diplomazia papale e società multiconfessionale europea prima della Guerra dei Trent’anni”- ERC Sector SH6, 36 months. NSA website: https://nsa.unipr.it/it/
2008-2011: Member of the International Collaboration Research Project – École française de Rome, Université Paris IV Sorbonne, University of Parma: Hétérodoxies croisées et controverses doctrinales entre France et Italie, XVIe–XVIIe siècles.
2007-2009: Member of the Research Project of National Interest (PRIN): Ecclesiastical Control and Cultures in France, Italy and Spain
2003-2005: Member of the Research Project of National Interest (PRIN): Intolerance, culture and Religious Life in XVII and XVIII Centuries (refinanced).
2001-2003: Member of the Research Project of National Interest (PRIN): Intolerance, Culture and Religious Life in XVII and XVIII Centuries.
1999-2001: Member of the Research Project of National Interest (PRIN): Church, Censorship and Italian vernalcular language in the Counter-reformation period
European Projects -Applications:
Programme HERA JRP call «Uses of the Past»; Project Full Title: Crisis and Cohesion: European Identity and the Uses of the Ancient Greek Past (Project Leader: Neville Morley University of Bristol, UK). Case number 5087-00191° - Total Budget: 1145290 euros. Final Evaluation: 40/45 (Full Proposals Phase, August 2015) (member)
Programme HERA JRP - call «Public Spaces: Culture and Integration in Europe». Project Full Title: Living and Managing Religious Conflicts and Integration in Early Modern EuropePast –LIMAN (Project Leader: Elena Bonora, University of Parma) File number Hera.1.019. Total budget: 920711 euros. (30/11/2017: application eligible) (Project Leader)
Fellowships and Short Visiting Appointments:
Directeur d'études associé, FMSH-Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris (Francia), October – November 2017
Professeur invité, october 2015, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne (UFR d'Histoire)
Short-term Fellowship, 2010, The Bogliasco Foundation, Bogliasco-New York, Liguria Study Center for the Arts and Humanities
Short-term Fellowship, 2008 and 2009, Université de Paris Sorbonne Paris IV, Centre Roland Mousnier, Section 22: Histoire et civilisations:
Short-term Fellowship, 2006, Newberry Library of Chicago
Short-term Fellowship, 2005, University of Madison Wisconsin
Post-doctoral grant, Department of Historical Sciences and Sciences of Historical Documentation, 1997, University of Milano
Short-term Fellowship, 1997, San Miniato, «Centro di studi sulla civiltà del tardo Medioevo»
Prize "Fondo di Studi Parini - Chirio", University of Torino, 1997
Grant by the Fondazione «Luigi Firpo» - Centro di studi sul pensiero politico di Torino, 1996
Member of the Directive Board of the SISEM (Italian Society of Early Modern History) 2009-12.
Member of the Directive Board of «Studi storici», since 2017, and member of the Scientific Advisory Board of «Rivista Storica Italiana», since 2016 (Journals of Modern History, CLASS A).
External Reviewer for the ERC (European Research Council) and for the MIUR (Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca) in the following Programs: Marie Curie COFUND - EU 7th Framework Program (PISCOPIA; BeIPD-COFUND;Fernand Braudel-IFER); Programma per Giovani Ricercatori "Rita Levi Montalcini" 2015; SIR (Scientific Independence of Young Researchers) 2015; PRIN 2015 (Research Project of National Interest).
BONORA E. (1994), Ricerche su Francesco Sansovino imprenditore librario e letterato, Venezia, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 1994, pp. 1-241, ISBN: 9788886166126
BONORA E. (1998), I conflitti della Controriforma. Santità e obbedienza nell'esperienza religiosa dei primi barnabiti, Firenze, Le Lettere, 1998, pp. 1-711, ISBN: 9788871663722
BONORA E. (2001), La Controriforma, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2001, pp. 1-142, ISBN: 9788842062332
BONORA E. (2007), Giudicare i vescovi. La definizione dei poteri nella Chiesa postridentina, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007 pp. 1-345, ISBN: 9788842082606
BONORA E. (2011), Roma 1564. La congiura contro il papa, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2011, pp. 1-228, ISBN: 9788842097686
BONORA E. (2014), Aspettando l'imperatore. Principi italiani tra il papa e Carlo V, Torino, Einaudi, 2014, p. 1-285, ISBN: 9788806217600