Assistant Professor of Dynamic Psychology (M-PSI / 07). National Scientific Habilitation as Full Professor of Dynamic Psychology.

Assistant Professor of Dynamic Psychology (M-PSI / 07). National Scientific Habilitation as Full Professor of Dynamic Psychology.
Alessandro Musetti graduated in Behavioural Sciences and Interpersonal and Social Relations (Bachelor Degree, mark: 110/110 cum laude) and in Developmental Psychology: Educational, Social and Clinical Processes and Contexts (Master Degree, mark: 110/110 cum laude). He is a psychologist, specialising in psychotherapy with a group-analytic orientation (grade: 40/40 cum laude), a PhD in Psychology and a psychoanalyst of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI). Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) Didactic Training Graduate.
He has acquired the National Scientific Qualification as Full and Associate Professor in Dynamic Psychology.
His main research topics currently concern the psychodynamic assessment of problematic internet use and the relationship between trauma, attachment and psychopathology. In 2023, he obtained funding for a PRIN project as principal investigator (PRIN2022LR399B).
He is a Board member and Editor at numerous Italian and international journals.
He has carried out university teaching activities since the academic year 2008/2009 and currently holds the professorships of Fundamentals and Methods of Psychological Intervention, Clinical Dynamic Models of Intervention and Dynamic Psychology (M-PSI/07).
On appointment. Mail to
The remote reception will take place via Skype (a.musetti)
Lecturer of Foundations and Methods of Psychological Intervention (M-PSI / 07)
Borgo Carissimi 10 - 43121 Parma.