
DE RENZI Roberto

Professore di I fascia
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Fisica sperimentale della materia e applicazioni
  • Presentazione
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Orario di ricevimento
  • Insegnamenti
  • Incarichi
  • Ricerca

 ----------- Here are some Resources

The book with Roberto Fieschi for the old course of Struttura della Materia (in Italian)

The MuSR book Steve Blundell, Tom Lancaster, Francis Pratt and I edited together
mulab, a matlab µSR analysis

mujpy a development python µSR analysis program in jupyter format and its documentation
A personal wiki PMWikiFisica

Roberto De Renzi

Born in Pavia (Italy), 25 July 1955, married, two children.
Full Professor of Physics since 2002, Univ. of Parma.
ORCHID 0000-0002-5015-0061

Selected publications
see Google Scholar profile
Author of more than 200 papers in international journals. Coauthor of  an OUP Master Series book and a condensed matter textbook (in Italian).

The book with Roberto Fieschi for the old course of Struttura della Materia (in Italian)
The MuSR book with Steve Blundell, Tom Lancaster, Francis Pratt and I edited together
mulab, a matlab µSR analysis

mujpy a development python µSR analysis program in jupyter format and its documentation
A personal wiki PMWikiFisica

Scientific interests
Superconductivity, magnetism, highly correlated electron systems  including quantum technologies by NMR and MuSR: molecular nanomagnets, pnictides, transition metal oxides, among which notably cuprates, manganites, cobaltites, half metals for spintronic applications.

Development of instruments and facilities
Condensed matter NMR laboratory of the Department of Physics in Parma. Development of polarized muon sources for MuSR at CERN, ISIS, PSI. Design, construction and commissioning of the first ISIS spectrometer (MUSR), now refurbished. Author of MuSR analysis programs (muzen, mulab, mujpy). DInterested  in DFT+Mu, DFT in aid of muon spin spectroscopy.


2014 Yamazaki Prize of the International Society for MuSR Spectroscopy (ISMS).
2013 APS Outstanding Referee.

Competitive Projects

  • Principal Investigator

1997 PRIN Polaroni magnetici e separazione di fase elettronica in perovskiti distorte che presentano magnetoresistenza colossale, 250 kEuro  - 2 years
2000 PRIN Polaroni magnetoelastici, ordine magnetico, orbitale e di carica in perovskiti del manganese e sistemi affini, 332 kEuro - 2 years
2002 INFM-PRA UMBRA Understanding MgB2: Research and Applications 500 kEuro - 2 years
2006 PRIN Ricerca di parametri critici universali per la superconduttivit&agrave ad alta temperatura. 127.8 kEuro - 2 years
2020 UNIPR HYRESPECT-4 Project
2022-25 PNRR Ecosister Spoke 6 Leader,  Ecological transition based on HPC & data technology

  • Local Coordinator

1992 EEC Human Capital and Mobility High Tc cuprate network
2002 WP Microelectronics in  FIRB Magnetic microsystems, PI G. Asti, 7.5MEuro, 6 years
2002 PRIN Effetto dello strain sulla transizione metallo isolante e sulla fase metallica di FILM sottili ed eterostrutture di manganiti, PI L. Maritato, 337 kEuro - 2 years
2005  Nanofaber Regional Project
2006 FP7 STREP OFSPIN  Organic-Ferromagnetic Hybrid Interfaces for Spintronic Applications PI V. Dediu – 1.78 MEuro 3 years
2008 PRIN Alta Tc nei superconduttori a base di Fe: una nuova sfida per la ricerca, PI M. Putti, 139.7 kEuro - 2 anni
2008 Prominer Regional Project
2008  FP7 NMI3 - Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy, PI Helmut Schober, 15.0 MEuro - 4 years
2011 MIST-ER (2011-13) Regional Project
2012 PRIN Uso controllato del disordine per investigare i meccanismi dei superconduttori a base di ferro. PI M. Putti 108.3 kEuro 3 years
2015 H2020 SINE2020 -  Science & Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020 PI Mark Boehm 12 MEuro -  4 years
2019 FESR SUPER - Supercomputing Unified Platform - Emilia-Romagna, 425 000 €
2020 PRIN QT-FLUO, 57000 €, PI José Lorenzana, 3 years
2022-25 Participant in PNRR National Quantum Science and Technology Institute Spoke 5

Teaching and PhD supervision
Electromagnetism and Optics, Mechanical Engineers BA Degree 1992-2002
Physics Lab, Mechanical Engineers Master Degree 2002-2009
Mechanics, Waves and Thermodynamics,  Mechanical Engineers BA Degree 2002-current
Magnetic Resonance Lab, Physics Master Degree 2009-2014
Introduction to Nuclei Particles and Atoms, Physics BA Degree 2015-2017
Magnetic Resonance, PhD course in Physics 2010-2013
Condensed Matter, Physics Master Degree 2018-19
Condensed Matter, Physics Bachelor Degree 2019-20
Supervisor of  13 PhD and Final examiner of 14 PhD across Canada, Europe and Italy 

Services in the University of Parma
2019-          UNIPR Delegate in Associazione Big Data
2017- 2019 Head of Department, Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences;
2012-2016 Head of Department, Physics and Earth Sciences;
2012-2019 Member of the Academic Senate;
2011-2012 Head of Department, Physics;
Deputy Head, Department of Physics, 2009-2011;
Other services
2020 -   Member of the  Molecular & Materials Science Experiments Evaluation Committe, TRIUMF, Vancouver
2018-    International Scientific Board Member, IFW Leibnitz Institute, Dresden;
2017 Panel Member for  DFG TRR project  From Electronic Correlations to Functionality;
2016-2020 SAC Member for EPSRC project Skyrmionics;
2016-204 ISAC Member for the RIKEN-RAL Facility;
2011-           Steering Committee member in I2CAM (NSF);
2009-2012 Selection Panel member for DFG Priority Programme SPP 1458 
2008-         Member of the Muon Selection Panel, J-Parc Facilities, Tokai, Japan; 
2007-10 Member of the FP4 (excitation) neutron selection panel at ISIS;
2005-7 Member of the Scientific Counsel of CNISM (Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario Scienze Fisiche della Materia); 
2005-7 Vice-President of the International Society for Muon Spectroscopy for Europe;
2004-8 Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Neutron Muon Infrastructure NMI3 Initiative (FPVI);
2001-13 Member of the muon selection panel at the Paul Scherrer Institut; 
1997-2000 Chairman of muon ISIS experiment selection panel;
1994-97 Member of the ISIS experiment selection panels.

Referee for  several journals and for many national funding agencies, NSF (USA), Research Councils (UK), DFG (D), Israel Science Foundation, Pazi Foundation (IL), Czech Science Foundation, BSF(USA-IL), GIF (D-IL), CNR (I), Swiss National Science Foundation, FWF (Austria), ESF (Europe), RIKEN (JPN), NSERC (Canada)

International conferences
Chair of MuSR2020 International Conference, Parma 28 August-2 September 2022
Programme Committee member of  six MuSR International Conferences (Sapporo 2017, Grindelwald 2014, Cancun 2010, Tsukuba 2007, Oxford 2004, Les Diablerets 2001) 
Program Committee of FisMat2023, CIMTEC2018, 14th International Ceramics Conference, Perugia and  CIMTEC2014, 12th International Ceramics Conference, Montecatini.
Co-chair of JEMS2012, Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Parma. June 2012

National Conferences
Program Committee member of several Italian SATT Superconductivity Conferences, and FOXE Functional Oxides Conferences.
Chair: SATT14 Superconductivity Conference, Parma (March 2008).
Secretary of the LXXXIX National Congress of the Italian Physical Society, Parma (SIF 2003). 
Chair of the local Organizing Committee of the SATT4 National Conference on High Tc Superconductivity, Parma (1991)

Lunedì, 16:30-18:30

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Docente di riferimento

Altri incarichi

Delegato del Rettore nel consiglio direttivo della Associazione Regionale Big Data

Linee di ricerca

PArma Research on MAgnetism see Highlights Publications




Ubicazione dell'ufficio

Dept. of Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences, Parco delle Scienze 7/a, 43124 Parma, Italy