VERGA Giovanni

Settore scientifico disciplinare

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2023/2024

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2022/2023

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014



Giovanni Verga and Giuseppe Mastromatteo (2007), “Institutional variables, capital flows and GDP: a causality analysis”, Studi economici, no 91, 2007/1, Carlo Rosa and Giovanni Verga (2007), “On the consistency and effectiveness of central bank communication: Evidence from the ECB”, European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 23, Issue 1, March 2007, Pages 146-175, Carlo Rosa and Giovanni Verga (2008), “The Impact of Central Bank Announcements on Asset Prices in Real Time”, International Journal of Central Banking, vol. 4(2); p. 175-217, ISSN: 1815-4654, Carlo Rosa and Giovanni Verga (2008), “Talking less and moving markets more: Evidence from the ECB and the FED” Central bank communication and monetary policy. A survey of theory and evidence, European Central Bank, Eurosystem, Working papers Series, No 898, May Carlo Rosa and Giovanni Verga (2007), “The Importance of the Wording of the ECB”, London School of Economics, Centre for Economic Performance, Discussion Paper No. 0694, June, 2005. Giovanni Verga, 2011. "ECB Monetary Policy Consistency and Interbank Interest Rates Forecasts," Annals - Economy Series, Constantin Brancusi University, Faculty of Economics, vol. 1, pages 17-28, March. Giovanni Verga, Maria-Gaia Soana (2013). “La politica monetaria della BCE e della FED”. OSSERVATORIO MONETARIO, p. 20-38, ISSN: 1592-5684 Vaciago Giacomo, Verga Giovanni, Soana Maria-Gaia, Hlebik Sviatlana (2014). “La domanda di credito in Italia ed il processo di concentrazione bancaria”. OSSERVATORIO MONETARIO, p. 11-28, ISSN: 1592-5684 Regalli M., Soana M.G., Verga G. (2014). “Bank credit lending to small and medium enterprises: was there a credit crunch in Italy?” in: (a cura di): Giampio Bracchi Donato Masciandaro, Reshaping commercial banking in Italy: new challenges from lending to governance. vol. 19th Report on the Italian Financial System, p. 67-82, ROMA:BANCARIA EDITRICE, ISBN: 9788844905217 Hlebik Sviatlana and Verga Giovanni (2015), “The European Central Bank Quantitative Policy and Its Consistency with the Demand for Liquidity”, Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, 2015, vol. 62, issue 3, 425-451 file:///C:/Users/verga/Downloads/[20688717%20- %20Annals%20of%20the%20Alexandru%20Ioan%20Cuza%20University%20- %20Economics]%20The%20European%20Central%20Bank%20Quantitative%20Policy%20and% 20Its%20Consistency%20with%20the%20Demand%20for%20Liquidity.pdf Maria Gaia Soana; Giovanni Verga; Gino Gandolfi (2017) “A Disequilibrium Model for Estimating Credit Rationing in Private Small and Medium Enterprises: The Role of Size and Ownership Concentration”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, vol. 8 (1), 18 33 Verga Giovanni, Trani Federica and Vasilcovschi Nicoleta (2018). "The Interaction between American and European IRS Interest Rates", Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, vol. 65(1), pages 81-96 file:///C:/Users/verga/Downloads/The_Interaction_between_American_and_European_IRS_.pdf Verga Giovanni and Vasilcovschi Nicoleta (2019) “Romanian Interbank Interest Rates and Central Bank’s Monetary”, Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, vol. 66(4), pages 487- 506 Gaia Soana, Giovanni Verga, Mattia Volpi (2020), “Did index trader and swap dealer activity produce a bubble in the agricultural commodity market?”, African Journal of Business Management, vol.14(1), pp. 9-24 Maria Cristina Arcuri; Gino Gandolfi; Manou Monteux; Giovanni Verga (2020), “What factors influence European corporate bond spread?”, International Journal of Business and Managment, vol.15 (4), 87-97 file:///C:/Users/verga/Downloads/5e6a2f65b28c4.pdf


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