Settore scientifico disciplinare

E' stato membro della Commissione ASN per la tornata 2013 del SSD BIO/10

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Orario di ricevimento
  • Insegnamenti
  • Incarichi
  • Ricerca

Dr. Saverio Bettuzzi received a PhD in Biology in 1981, the University Diploma in Marine Biochemistry in 1983 and the Doctorate in Biochemistry in 1990, all from the University of Bologna, Italy. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Biochemistry (1984–1986) at the University of Modena, Italy, and a Research Associate at the Ben May Institute for Cancer Research at the University of Chicago, USA (1987–1989). After returning to Italy, he became a Postdoctoral Fellow in Biochemistry at the University of Modena (1996–2000), Associate Professor of Biochemistry (2001-2005), and Full Professor of Biochemistry (2005-present) at the University of Parma, where he is Vice-Director of COMT. He is Board Member of INBB, Rome, and ESUR (European Section of Urological Research). He leads a research team with several international collaborations, and hosted international meetings. He cloned and identified Clusterin (CLU) as the major over-expressed gene during castration-induced involution of rat prostate in 1989. His research has focused on the understanding of the regulation of expression, and the biological role, of CLU as a tumor suppressor for Prostate, Colon, Ovarian, Lung Cancers and Neuroblastoma. He did original research on the anti-cancer activity of Green Tea Extracts (GTE) and EGCG, and showed that progression of Prostate Cancer can be blocked with GTE in mouse models and humans. He also validated a qPCR method for molecular diagnosis and prognosis of Prostate Cancer in humans. His research team recently discovered and characterized a novel promoter of CLU in humans, called P2. The P2 promoter is epigenetically regulated.

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Anno accademico di erogazione: 2021/2022

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2020/2021

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2018/2019

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2017/2018

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2016/2017

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2015/2016

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2014/2015

Anno accademico di erogazione: 2013/2014

Altri incarichi

Consigliere di Amministrazione dell'Università di Parma dal 2017

Vice Presidente e membro del Consiglio Direttivo di COMT, Centro interdipartimentale di Oncologia Molecolare e Translazionale, Università di Parma (

Membro del Direttivo INBB, Istituto Nazionale Biostrutture e Biosistemi, Roma, per il quale ogni anno organizza il congresso nazionale (

Membro del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Medicina Molecolare

visiting professor

Visiting Professor presso Università di Yangon, Myanmar, marzo 2020

Linee di ricerca

Scientific interests (key words): Clusterin (CLU), Prostate Cancer (PCa), Green Tea, Catechins, Polyphenols, EGCG, Chemoprevention, Biology of Cancer, Prostate, Cell Growth, Metabolism, Androgen Action, Polyamines, Gene expression, Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression. Research achievements: 1989, cloning and identification of CLU as the major over-expressed gene during castration-induced involution of rat prostate gland; 1991, human CLU maps to chromosome 8; 1992-1995, CLU is involved in ageing and atrophy in rat prostate; 1999, CLU is down-regulated during cell-cycle progression; 2000, CLU gene is repressed during PCa progression by Nothern Blot analyses; 2002, CLU controls the growth of immortalized human prostate epithelial cells; 2003, identification of a gene signature for diagnosis and prognosis of human PCa; 2004, down-regulation and tissue localization of CLU in human PCa; 2005, identification of nuclear CLU as a pro-apoptotic factor inducing anoikis-death in prostate cancer cells; CLU is a tumor-suppressor factor for PCa in the TRAMP mice model, and in human colon cancer (p21-dependent); 2006, phase II clinical trial for chemoprevention of PCa progression in HG-PIN volunteers by administration of Green Tea Catechins extract (GTE); validation of a qPCR method for molecular diagnosis and prognosis of PCa in the TRAMP model; 2007, nCLU disrupt cell cytoskeleton by interaction with α-actinin; 2008, follow-up clinical trial for confirmation of effective and durable treatment of PCa early lesions by administration of GTE to HGPIN patients; 2009, generation of the TRAMP-CLU KO and MYCN-CLU KO transgenic models: CLU is a tumor suppressor in PCa and in Neuroblastoma; 2011, CLU is a marker of prostate damage and inflammation caused by endocrine disruptors (Bisphenol A); 2012, differential regulation of soluble and nuclear CLU in PCa cells by mda-7/IL-24; nCLU expression sensitizes ovarian cancer cells to paclitaxel; GTE cause collapse of Golgi apparatus in PCa cells; 2013, high CLU expression linked to favourable prognosis of lung cancer; 2014, GTE induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and kills immortalized PNT1a cells by anoikis, tumorigenic PC3 by necroptosis; 2015, discovery and functional characterization of the novel human P2 promoter of CLU; 2018, GTE improves cardiomycytes functions and calcium dynamics; 2019, CLU silencing induces matrix metalloproteinases and promote carcinogenesis by an NF-kB-dependent mechanism.





Ubicazione dell'ufficio

Plesso Biotecnologico, Sezione Biochimica, Via Volturno 39 - 43100 Parma (PR)