- Curriculum Vitae
- Teaching
- Research
Claudio Consiglieri is researcher at the Department of Economics – Agrifood Unit of the University of Parma, Scientific Sector SECS/P13 “Science of goods’ study”.
Just after the degree in Biology Sciences he was charged, by Prof. Enzo Bianchi holder of the cours in Chemistry and Technology of food at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Parma, as analyst of agri-food products and industrial food processing. At the same time, his has enhanced his knowledge through the participation to the international course in Microbiology of food held at the Pasteur Institute in Lille (France) and to the international course in “Otptimaization des metodes d’analyse et plans d’experience” at INRA, Paris.
He received the post degree in Chemistry and Technology of Food and his was teacher in Sciences of goods courses at the professional courses for sell point managers organized by IFOA, Reggio Emilia on behalf of the most important distribution retail firms. He was teacher at the Superior School of Commerce, Services and Tourism of Milan on the application of DL 26.05.1997 n.155 in the framework of the European project Adapt-Promoretail. He participated as teacher at the course “The Food among territory, production and culture” organized by Parma’s Province and University of Parma (1995/1996).
In February 1990, he won a public competition for technical collaboration at the Institute of Science of goods study of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Parma, where he participated to the research activity and students tutorial.
Since April 1990, he has taught in several courses at the University of Parma. He’s led several thesis works.
In 1998, after having participated to a public competition, he became researcher in Science of Goods’ Study at the University of Parma.
Scientific activity
The research activity started by the collaboration with Prof. Enzo Bianchi, University of Parma. The research led in this period has an empirical character. The most of the studies focused on the analytical, food science and processing issues in agro-food sector. The activity continues at the Faculty of Economics where he considered the following topics:
- studies about the technological characteristics for producing and preserving animal food, with particular emphasis on the ingredients that can affect the characteristics of foods and the processing phases;
- the theme of quality and its evolution inside the agro-food system and in specific food chains;
- studies on statistical optimization of processing variables inside the production of processed food and inside control techniques.
- Market survey on food technologies and their overseas transfer with particular reference to the local mechanical specialized industry.
- Description of added value product market and new food consumer behaviour in relation to the new consume models.
The Scientific activity is continued by the development of security and check control system issues inside the agri-food processing. Those studies led to publish the guidelines for the security systems addressed to commercial and vendor operators. The guidelines was at the core of a course supported by the Superior School of Commerce and Formaper in the framework of the European project named ADAPT-PROMORETAIL.
The research activity was, furthermore, addressed to apply and analyse some possible methods and techniques to treat animal wastes.
One important field of research concerns the development of the “systemic methodology” in order to use it as a tool of Production process technology. Indeed, the systemic methodology, as complex socio-technique system, allows to know the role of each technology components inside a production process and to capture the interaction between the technology subsystems that constitutes a complex production process. This leads to publish the volume “Introduzione all’analisi sistemica della produzione e R&D”.
The scientific activity on May 2001-May 2003 was focused on the study of the normative problems affecting the Dairy sector. This activity continues by the analysis of the milk industrial processing system. In this context, the results achieved have permitted to identify the major technology variables that can influence the firm organization and management.
The previous analysis was, then, extended to investigate the entire firm organization structure and, in particular, the new information system capable to have an incidence on the firm management. More specifically, the global resource management systems, like the ERP and CE systems, were analysed with respect to their contribution to the firm organization.
Since March 2003, he has member of the Agri-food unit of the University of Parma and, in particular, inside the research unit coordinated by Prof. C. Giacomini he participate to analyse the following themes: Agro-food districts, Agro-food districts and rural development, development models in the framework of MIUR 2003 project (coordinated by Prof. EA Arcangeli, University of Verona).
Teaching activity
Academic year 1997/1998: he participated to exam commissions in Technology of production processes. He was tutor of 30 degree thesis.
Academic year 1999/2000: holder of the course in Technology of production processes at the Firm management course. He coordinated 25 degree thesis.
Academic year 2000/2001: he participate at the didactic activity of the Master in Commerce and Logistic of agro-food products organized by the Agro-food Unit of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Parma.
Anno accademico di erogazione: 2019/2020
- Course year: 1 - Second cycle degree - FOOD QUALITY SYSTEMS AND GASTRONOMY MANAGEMENT - A.Y.: 2019/2020
Year: 2016Author/s: Mancini Maria Cecilia, Consiglieri Claudio
Year: 2014Author/s: Consiglieri Claudio
Year: 2011Author/s: Consiglieri Claudio
Year: 2003Author/s: Consiglieri Claudio
Year: 2003Author/s: Consiglieri Claudio, F. Amendola